Forever And Always Wolfstar F...

By SiriuslyLupinn

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Here are my fluffy wolfstar one shots. Some of them are really sucky, this was my first attempt at fan ficti... More

Bad Days
Harry gets caught.
when we fight
wolfstar wedding
Quitttitch jerseys and jumpers
I Missed You!
Some Preferences
DADA Class: Werewolves
Relax Baby
Your Perfect Imperfections
Please Stay With Me Baby
Waiting For You
Damn Snakes
With You Here Everthing's Perfect
Talent Show
If He Got The Trial He Deserved
Love Bites
Hope Lyra
Pet Names
Hospital Wing
New Year, New Relationship
Our Cub
20 Questions
DAMN IT JAMES, but thanks
Severus Snake
Damn Love Potion
When Padfoot's In A Bad Mood
Kissing In The Snow
Mary McDonald
murauders stick together. no matter what.
Road Trip
Boyfriend Tag
Outed By Another
Silver Spoons
Thoughts and Cuddles
Bad Days (remake)
Telling The Bros
Sickness Sucks (like a youre sick remake)
The Hunt
I Want You, Not Her
Summer Nights
Storms (Remake)
Without You
Jily Wedding (oh just wait for the wolfstar!)
Detentions Will Haunt Us (Harry Gets Caught Remake)
Kiss or Dare
Manipulative Moony
Instagram 2
Our First Time
Sleepynes leads to French speakingness
The Afterlife
Our Cub (Remake)
I've Got You
Ive Been Tagged. (AN at the end)
Single Dads
Untitled Part 93
What Did You Do?!
It's always normal, until it isn't.
Treasure Hunt
We Love you, Rem!
Untitled Part 101
... 'Happy' Birthday...
How Could You?
I missed you
Emotionless.. Right?
Wow... Emotions.
Getting older
Untitled Part 116
Lying Low
The Musician
Offer pt. 2
Offer Pt. 3
Offer pt. 4
Hurt: 12 Years Later
Happy new year
My Secret Valentine
Long Day
Late Night Ramblings
First Christmas


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By SiriuslyLupinn

~Sirius POV~
I wake up to Remus, shaking in my arms. I tighten my grip around his waist and run one hand through his hair.

"Shh, baby it's okay. I got you" I whisper soothingly in his ear. He wakes up with a jolt. I stroke his hair gently.

"Shh, you're okay sweetheart, it's okay" I reassure the shaking boy in my arms. Remus eventually calms down, relaxing into my gentle embrace. I plant a lingering kiss on his forehead.

"I love you" I murmur softly against his forehead.

"I love you too" Remus whispers shakily. I pet his hair out of his honey brown eyes. His eyes that are usually filled with quiet sarcasm and laughter are tired and dull. He's in pain and I can tell. I just pull the taller boy closer, humming softly. He sighs, laying his head against my chest again.

"Babe, class" Remus whispers.

"Do we have to? You're clearly in pain" I mumble, tightening my grip around his waist.

"We have tests in transfiguration and History of Magic today, so yes. Also, yeah, I'm in pain but whatever, the full is tomorrow, not today. You can coop me up in here all day tomorrow, not that I'm complaining but I'm going to be restless if you keep me here for two days" Remus explains, sitting up. A small whine escapes my throat. I sit up behind the werewolf and wrap my arms tightly around his waist.

"I'm not cooping you up here, you need sleep and you definitely don't need the stress of tests on you right now. You can come to classes today, but I'm taking care of you tomorrow. Don't even try to protest" I murmur, sweetly kissing the side of his neck a few times before letting him go. Remus stands up and walks to his own bed.

We both quickly get dressed for classes. He hands me my bag, which I almost forgot. I peck him on the lips.

"Thanks, love" I say before walking out, Remus closely behind. Once we're in the hall I grab his hand, rubbing circles on it reassuringly.

Once to transfiguration, moony and I sit next to each other, right behind James and Peter. I grab my boyfriend's hand under the table. He's right handed and I'm left handed, so we can hold hands and do work at the same time. As professor McGonagall is passing out the tests, she hands us ours last on purpose. I see her crouch down beside Remus, laying a hand on his back. I'm close enough to hear their quiet conversation.

"Remus, you can take today off if you need to"

"I'm okay, professor"

"Okay, but don't even think about classes tomorrow"

"Sirius already made that point clear" Remus chuckles, begining his test. McGonagall straightens and looks at me.

"You're off tomorrow too, Sirius" She says quietly. Then she mouths four words to me. Take care of him. Her hand still rests on my boyfriend's back. I look back at her and mouth: I always do. She takes her hand off of his back and walks to her desk, sitting down an looking over some essays. I go back to my test, still rubbing Remus' wrist with gentle strokes.

After transfiguration is potions. Damn.

During potions Remus looks like he's going to be sick, he's even more pale than this morning and he hasn't spoken all class. I grab his hand under our desk.

"Baby what's wrong?" I whisper. We sit in the way back so no one can hear us.

"Sense of smell is getting to me" Is all Remus has to say for me to understand. The potion ingredients are overpowering. I just rub the back of his hand, scooting as close as possible to him. I move our intertwined hands to his lap, hoping that bit of affection can motivate him a bit.

"We can leave if we need to, Re" I whisper.

"M'fine babe. Shh" Remus snaps gently. I chuckle, almost in audibly. Remus always does that when I talk to him in class. At least he has the energy to snap at me.

After Potions is lunch. Remus and I walk to the great hall, even joking a bit here and there.

We walk to the Gryffindor table, still hand in hand. Once we sit down, I move my hand from my boyfriend's and wrap my arm around his waist. He kisses the top of my head.

When we are done eating we have a free period.

"Do you want to go to the dorms or go outside?" I ask, rubbing Re's side to get his attention.

"Dorms" He replys, leaning into me.

~In the dorms~
We make it to the dorms and Remus basically just lays on my bed, instantly going to sleep. I chuckle fondly at him before slipping in bed behind him. I don't want to wake him but I have to. I shake him gently, so I don't startle him.

"Babe" I murmur, kissing the side of his neck. He opens one eye.


"Sleeping in jeans sucks, you need to put some sweatpants on sweetheart" Remus "mph"s in reply, sitting up. We both change and lay back down.

"Promise you'll wake me up before class?" Remus questions, cuddling closer to me. I chuckle and kiss the top of his head.

"Yes, now go to sleep, my prince" I murmur, stroking his hair to calm him. It works. His breath evens and I can tell he's asleep. Even if I wanted to move right now, I couldn't. Remus has one arm around my waist and he leg is over both of mine. Why would I want to move though? I have the love of my life wrapped in my arms, his warmth rubbing off on me. I set an alarm on my watch before laying my head on top of my boyfriend's, letting myself slowly fall asleep.

~an hour and a half later~
My watch startles me awake. I gently shake Remus.

"Re, baby wake up" I murmur, kissing the top of his head. His eyes flutter open, still looking somewhat dull, but not as bad as this morning.

"Do you still want to go to classes?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair. Remus nods.

"We have a test in history of magic, babe" He sits up, temporarily holding his head in his hands. I sit up behind him and rub his back.

"Headache?" I ask in a knowing tone. Remus nods slightly, rubbing his eyes and lifting his head. I reach over and open my bedside table, grabbing a bottle of muggle ibuprofen. I take two out of the bottle and hand them to Remus. He looks at me curiously.

"It's a pill, muggle pain reliever. Helps with fever too, which you are also struggling with at the moment" I hand him and glass of water. "Don't chew them, just swallow"

"I know how to take a pill, Siri" Remus snorts, downing the whole glass of water while taking the pills.
"I'm not six, I'm sixteen. I just wanted to know what it was" I shrug.

"Well, I didn't know that. Let's go"

We both change back into our robes and head to History of Magic.

We sit into the middlle of the room in this class, so I can't exactly talk to Remus. I can tell he doesn't feel good, and that makes me mad because I cant comfort him. I just focus on our intertwined hands, softly sneezing to reassure him. He squeezes back and that make me smile. That's how he tell me he's okay.

After History of Magic is Divination. Remus and I sit in two bean bags next to each other. Remus is leaning on me, I'm pretty sure he's sleeping. I wrap one arm around his waist and he cuddles closer to me.

"I love you, you can go to sleep hun" I whisper. Remus nods his head. He lays his head down on my shoulder. After a couple minutes his breath evens, hes out. I rub his side calmingly.

I look over to James, locking eyes with him. He's only a few feet away from me.

"I'll take extra notes, you just worry about moony" He murmurs, turning back to his notes. I turn my gaze back to Remus. His mouth is part way open, his knees halfway to his chest. I smile at my sleepy boyfriend. Damn he's cute. I kiss the top of his head.

"Sweet dreams" I whisper, not wanting to wake him up. He just shifts closer to me, whining quietly. I tighten my grip around his waist slightly

After class I gently shake the still asleep Remus.

"Re, Remus baby wake up" I whisper, kissing the top of his head. He stirs, opening his eyes.


"Class is over sweetheart, you need to get up" I murmur. Remus moves off of me and I stand up, helping him up as well.

We make our way down to dinner, still hand in hand. A voice breaks our peaceful silence.

"SIRI" Regulus. I let go of my boyfriend's hand and kiss his cheek.

"Go ahead without me, I'll be right there" I murmur into his ear. He keeps walking and I turn around to face my little brother. I gasp when I see he has a busted lip and a healing cut on his cheek. I put my hands on his cheeks to further inspect him.

"Who the fuck did this?" I growl. Reg shakes his head at me.

"Meet me at our spot later?" He asks.

"Eleven sound good?" I ask. Reg nods his head. I pull him into me for a moment.

"Stay safe, buddy" I whisper, kissing the top of his head.

"I always do bubu, see you later" He walks off. I lean against the wall for a moment, trying to dissipate my anger. Remus will smell it and I don't want him worried about me.

After a few minutes I make my way to the great hall, taking a seat beside my boyfriend. He looks at me, his eyes curious.

"What's wrong?" He asks, putting his arm around my waist. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"M' fine" I murmur.

"Bullshit" Remus kisses the top of my head. "I can fucking smell it, don't lie to me" He whispers.

"Someone hurt Reg" I mumble.

"Who did it?" Remus growls. I chuckle at him.

"He won't tell me, he told me to meet him at our spot later" I say. "Don't worry about him, he's tough" I reassure Remus, who is seething.

"Just try and figure out who did it, I can see him now and that looks bad" Remus says.

After dinner we head outside. Remus sits down and I sit down sideways in his lap, burying my head in his neck.

"You know anyone can see us out here right?" Remus asks, running his hand through my hair. I'm secretly happy that he's being normal, he was a lot worse this morning. I smile against his neck.

"Who cares?" I ask, kissing the side of his neck sweetly. Remus wraps his arms around my waist protectively. I suck on a spot on his neck, marking him as mine. I pull away and lick over the scarlet red mark, just resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you" I whisper into his ear.

"I love you too baby" Remus murmurs. I move my head and look into his eyes. They are still dull, not too bad. He's still in pain. I push his hair out of his face, leaning up to kiss his forehead. He moves his head up, capturing my lips in his own.

"Sneaky bastard" I whisper after we
break apart, our foreheads resting against each other. Remus hums in reply. I lean down and kiss him again, more passionately. After a minute or two I hear the soft thudding of footsteps. I just put my hand on the back of Re's neck, not letting him pull away.

"I could've went my whole life without seeing that" A voice that I identify as my baby brother says.

"Buzz of, kid" I say, finally breaking apart from Remus. Regulus puts a look of mock hurt in his face.

"I love you too, Siri" He murmurs. I look over his face again. There is a small cut on his forehead. I climb off of Remus and sit next to my brother. I run the tip of my finger over the cut, earning a small yelp in response.

"Dickhead" He hisses.

"Regulus that is new, I can tell. Who is hurting you?" Regulus looks down at his lap.

"No one, I'm fine Sirius" Regulus murmurs, shifting under my gaze. I lay my arm across his shoulders.

"Reg, it's my job to protect you. I can't do that if you won't tell me what's wrong" I murmur. Regulus leans into me, sighing audibly.

"I'll tell you tonight, but I have something I need to ask you"

"Hmm?" I hum.

"Is Remus a werewolf?" He asks. I freeze and hear Remus chuckling behind me.

"Good job kid" He says.

"I take that as a yes then?" I nod my head.

"Keep your mouth shut, you know what I'm capable of" I growl in his ear.

"There's no point in being quiet, heightened senses over here" Remus says, laughing quietly.

"I wouldn't tell anyone, Remus is part of the family. I'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out. Honestly, the signs we're all there. Pale, sleepy, not eating. And all around the full" Regulus explains, moving off of me. I mess up his hair, earning a distressed cry.

"Go on kiddo, see you later" I lean closer to him. "If anyone tries to touch you, use the defense moves I taught you. I'll vouch for you if you get caught" I murmur, my hand on his back. Regulus nods, getting up.

"Love you" He says.

"Love you too bud, stay safe"

"I always do bubu" He flashes a smile before walking off, joining a small group of Slytherins. I climb back into my boyfriend's lap, tucking my head under his chin. His arms instinctively go around my waist.

"You alright?" I ask, leaning up to look at him. Remus kisses my cheek, smiling slightly.

"I'm okay enough for you to shut up and kiss me" Remus whispers. I gladly do as he asks, my hands locking around his neck. He moves one of his hands to my hair, lightly tugging. I moan, letting Remus slip his tongue in my mouth. We fight for dominance, he eventually wins, his tongue pushing past mine. After a minutes I huff through my nose, annoyed. Remus let's me explore the familiar grounds of his mouth with my tongue. He tastes like chocolate and mint, just like always. After a minute we pull apart to breathe. Remus lightly kisses down my neck, looking for a spot to mark. He hits a sweet spot and I mewl. He gently sucks on the spot. Soft, loving, caring. He licks over that spot one more time before moving his head up and kissing the top of my head. I lay my head against his chest, curling in to a ball.

"I love you" I murmur.

"I love you too, don't go to sleep"

"M' not" I murmur, snuggling closer to Remus. "How the fuck can someone be so warm?" I wrap my arms around his waist.

"How the fuck can someone be so cold?" Remus mimics my question, flip flopping it.

"I'm always cold, Lupin"

"I happen to think you're very hot but whatever you say, Black" I lift my head and smirk at him.

"Oh is lil Remmy trying to flirt?" I tease. Remus turns red.

"We don't need to acknowledge that I suck at flirting, I already have you wrapped around my pinky finger" Remus smirks.

"That's how I like it" I murmur, laying my head back down.

"You know, so many people said we would never make it past six months because we're so different" Remus chuckles.

"You're more of a marauder than you let on, my love" I snort. Remus stands up and picks me up in one fluid motion. I swat at his arm playfully.

"Put me down! You're gonna hurt yourself!" I say. Remus puts me down gently. I look around to make sure no one is here before turning into padfoot and running ahead of my boyfriend. Remus chases me, I can head his footsteps thump against the ground. Eventually I stop, flopping over in the grass. Remus lays down behind me, absentmindedly stroking the fur on my side. I do this when it's wolf time because it calms his nerves. I don't really know why, but it does.

"Pads?" Remus asks. I whine what?

"How the fuck did your brother find out I'm a werewolf?" At this question I sigh, turning back into my human form.

"In a way, reg is a lot like you. He loves to learn, he's very independent in learning. He must have been studying werewolves. When he was younger you would never see him without a book, and when you try to interrupt him when he's studying. O Merlin you only make that mistake once. The only time he actually asks for help is when he's not how do I put this, mentally okay. If our parents get to him he always just comes into my room and basically lays in my arms. I just tell him it's okay, those are the nights that he sleeps in my room"

"You're rambling" Remus murmurs. I smile knowingly. I ramble a lot around the full just to keep his attention off of the pain.

"I know, you love it though"

"Yeah, I do" Remus says, wrapping one arm around my waist. I look at the setting sun, admiring its beauty.

"Sun sets are pretty, but in my opinion you're beautiful" I whisper. I can practically feel Remus blush. A cold wind hits us and I shiver slightly, shifting closer to the warmth surrounding me. Remus kisses the top of my head.

"Ready to go inside?" He asks. I nod my head. I look into his eyes again. They are still dull, but a bit light as well. We both get up and I wrap my arm around Re's waist. He drapes ons arm over my shoulders.

We make our way up to the dorms, by the time we're there it's 9: 30. Remus and I both changed into pajamas, climbing into bed. Remus lays his head down on my chest. I run my finger through his hair, planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"Go to sleep" I whisper.

"Working on it" Remus murmurs, burrowing closer to me. He's really I dunno, touchy when it's wolf time. After I can tell he's asleep I check my watch, 10: 30. I need to get to our spot. I gently untangle myself from Remus. He stirs, opening his eyes. I kiss his forehead.

"Go back to sleep baby, I have to go meet Reg" I explain. Remus nods his head, curlng into a ball. I walk over to James and Peter.

"Make sure he stays asleep?" I ask, gesturing to my boyfriend. James nods his head.

"Gotta go meet reg?" He asks. I nod, and head out.

Once I'm out the portrait hole I turn into padfoot. I make my way down the long hallways, to the astronamy tower. Once I'm there I turn back into a human and sit in a windosill.

After a while, I grow a bit worried. Reg is 10 minutes late. He's never late.

Regulus walks in a minute later, his bag still over his shoulder. I jump down off of the window and walk over to him. He backs up into the shadows so I can't see him.

"Reg?" I ask. He doesn't answer. I move cautiously towards him, I don't want to scare him. I lay a tentative hand on his shoulder. Reg jumps.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" I whisper. Regulus inches closer to me. I pull him closer, holding him in my arms.

"Buddy what's wrong?" Regulus just buries his head in my neck. I can feel him crying. I just rub his back, letting him cry on me.

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe" I soothe. After a few minutes he calms down. I pull away from him slightly, putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Reggie, what happened?" I ask in a gentle tone. Reg just looks down. He looks like a kicked puppy. I move one of my hands and grab my wand out of my pocket.

"Lumos" I whisper. I set my wand on the ground so it's lighting up the space we're in. I put two fingers under my brother's chin, lifting his head to look at me. I gasp quietly at his appearance, anger boiling in my veins. He has a black eye and he looks like his nose just stopped bleeding. I wipe the dried blood from under his nose.

"They got you good bud" I whisper. After cleaning him up a bit better we walk back over to the windowsill and sit down. I put my arm around Reg's shoulders. He leans into me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Reggie, you need to tell me who is hurting you. You can't just keep doing this. They are obviously bigger than you or else they wouldn't stand a chance"

"Lucius" Regulus whispers. I smile, hearing him speak. Then the anger takes over again.


"No, the other Lucius in the world" Reg jokes. A low growl escapes my throat.

"Why the fuck would a seventh year attack a fourth year?" I growl, pulling Regulus closer to me. He cuddles up to me.

"It's also Bella, they don't like that I still talk to you. Crabbe and Goyle hold me back, that's why I can't fight back. Bella just hexes, Malfoy is physical" I rub his back.

"That's why you were late" I murmur

"They cornered me outside our portrait. Wanted to know where I was going, when I didn't tell them, this happened" He gestures to his eye.

"I'm gonna walk you back to the dungeons, I don't want you hurt again. Regulus you mean the world to me, it hurts me to see you hurt" I murmur, kissing the top of his head. Reg nods against my shoulder.

"Just be careful, bubu, I don't want you hurt either" Regulus says softly, cudling closer to me.

After a while of just murmuring to each other I can tell Reg is tired. I stand up and help him up, resting an arm around his shoulders. I grab his bag and sling it over my other arm.

We walk down the the dungeons silently, I would rather not get caught right now. Once were to the Slytherin portrait I turn and put my hands on my brother's shoulders.

"Stay safe okay?" I murmur, kissing the top of his head. "I love you"

"I love you too Siri, I'll be okay" He hugs me tight one last time before disappearing behind his portrait.

"Well, who do we have here?" A shrill voice asks.

"Son of a bitch" I growl under music breath. I spin around to see Crabbe, goyle, Bellatrix, and Lucius.

"Hurting my baby brother as a way to get to me huh Malfoy? Not your best work"

"Your brother is an easy target, I know how to push your buttons" Lucius sneers.

"You're right. But, you forget that I have to deal with my family and I know how to fight you stupid bastard" I spit. I lunge at him, my fist colliding with his nose. He screams, clutching his nose in his hand. Crabbe lunges for me and I kick him in the nuts. He falls to the ground. Goyle manages to get me from behind, pinning me to the ground. I wriggle and get my arms free. He punches me in the face, I can feel warm blood gushing out of my nose. I throw him off of me and climb on top of him, pummeling his face and ribs with my fists. I climb off of him and he scrambles up, running away. The portrait hole opens and Regulus pops his head out.

"Need a hand?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Go to bed, Reg. Don't want you hurt worse" I say, wiping the blood under my nose.

"WATCH OUT!" reg yells. I spin around. Lucius is standing behind me. I jump on him and knock him down. I climb on top of him.

"You fucking touch one hair on his head again and I'll make you fucking regret it" I spit through gritted teeth. Lucius tries to throw me off and I punch him, square I the nose. A satisfying crack can be heard. He's out cold. I climb off of him and wipe my bloody hands on my black hoodie. I walk over to Regulus and kiss the top of his head.

"I love you, now go to bed"

"Thanks, bubu"

"It's what big brothers are for buddy. He tries to hurt you again, I want you to come strait to me" I squeeze him close to me one more time before straitening and walking off.

Once I'm to the dorms I quickly change into one of moony's jumpers and walk to the bathroom. I wipe the blood under my still bleeding nose and tilt my head back a bit. It's not broken, good sign I guess. My eye is blackening. After my nose stops bleeding I wipe the blood one last time.

After exiting the bathroom I walk to my bed and make sure my boyfriend is still asleep. He is, his face is peaceful. I open the window by my bed and climb out, sitting on the window sill. After a few moments someone else climbs out beside me. An arm wraps around my waist, moony.

"Go back to bed baby" I whisper.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm fine"

"Bullshit" I lay my head on Remus' shoulder and sigh.

"Lucius malfoy has been beating up my little brother" I murmur, playing with a loose thred on the bottom of his jumper.

"Okay, what happened? I can smell the anger, and I can tell you're hurt" Remus says, kissing the top of my head. Why the fuck is he so observant?

"I walked reg down to the dungeons and Lucius, Crabbe, goyle, and Bellatrix cornered me. Believe me, they are a lot worse. Bella ran away, goyle should be nursing a bloody nose, and Lucius is probably still passed out with a broken nose. And crabbe may never have children. No one messes with my little brother"

"Remind me not to get on your bad side. Let me see you" Remus tilts my head so he can look at me. He's always the one who takes care of me after I get into a fight.

"It's not that bad moons, I had a bloody nose and a black eye but that's it" I whisper.

"Then why don't you come to bed? You really think I can sleep without you?"

"Didn't want you to smell the anger, needed time to think" I answer, moving my head back to his shoulder. I yawn quietly, snuggling closer to him. Remus tightens his grip around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"Let's go to bed hun" He whispers. I nod my head. I climb back though the window and help Remus back through. I climb in bed and Remus climbs in behind me, his arm snaking around my waist. He puts his leg over mine and rests his head on top of mine.

"I love you" I whisper, wriggling around to face him. Remus smiles, I can see it in the dark.

"I love you too" Remus pushes a piece of hair out of my eyes and kisses my forehead. "So much"

I lay my head down on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. I hear his breath even, he's out like a light. I let myself relax in his arms and go to sleep.

"Sweet dreams" I whisper before drifting off myself.

~The next morning, still Sirius POV~

I wake up still wrapped in my boyfriend's arms. I snuggle closed to the warmth surrounding me. Remus stirs, his eyes fluttering open. He makes a small noise of disapproval at being woke up.

"Shh, go back to sleep baby" I whisper, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Remus hums and his eyes close again. He goes back to sleep and I gently untangle my limbs from his. I kiss his forehead softly before slipping out of bed and walking over to James, who is sitting on his bed, his knees halfway up to his chest. A book rests in his lap, yes, James Potter does read despite popular belief. He pats the space next to him, he must have heard me get up. I sit down next to him.

"Takes notes for me?" I ask. James nods his head.

"Take care of our dear moony for us?"

"You know it mate" I say, smiling softly at the bed next to James'.

"You really love him, don't you?"

"Yeah, I really do. He's different Jay.. A good different from the others" I murmur dreamily. A hand on my shoulder breaks me out of my trance.

"Go back to him, pads. Take care of your love" James says. I get up and walk back to my bed, crawling in behind Remus.

"You the big spoon now babe?" Remus mumbles.

"Shh, as much as I love being the little spoon, you need it" I murmur, running my fingers through his brown blonde hair. Remus hums in reply, cuddling closer to me. I press a small kiss against his forehead. He's burning up.

"Oh, baby" I coo softly, getting out of bed again. I walk to the bathroom and grab a washcloth, running it under cool water. I walk back to Remus and lay down next to him, laying the cloth across his forehead. He yelps, jumping slightly.

"No warning? Damn" Remus breathes. I lay all the way down again, putting my arm carefully around his hips. I kiss the side of his neck sweetly.

"Go back to sleep, love" I whisper. Remus relaxes. I can see he's shaking lightly. Side effect. I bury my head in my boyfriend's neck, cuddling close to him. Remus sighs in content, his breath evening. I hum quietly, rubbing his side. Remus eventually falls asleep, his lips parted slightly. I smile at how soft he looks, so peaceful. I run my fingers through his hair, propping myself up on my elbow. He's in so much pain, but he is still so loving and caring. Like last night, he was worried about me when I know he was in pain.

~A few hours lataaar~ get the Spongebob reference?

Remus stirs in his sleep, jolting me awake. I instantly go into protective padfoot mode, pulling him close to me, whispering in his ear.

"Re, sweetie wake up. You're safe. It's okay love" I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. Remus jerks awake, gasping. I rub his stomach gently.

"Shh, sh, sh, it's okay sweetheart" I soothe. Remus calms down, relaxing into my arms again. I kiss the back of his neck, his tickle spot. Remus giggles, scooting away from me.

"Quit it" He whines. I pull him into me again, peppering kisses all over the back of his neck. Remus giggles more, louder.

"Sirius!" He whines, struggling to get free. We both know he can get away, but he doesn't want to hurt me. I kiss that spot one more time before pulling back and nuzzling his shoulderblade. He turns around and crawls on top of me.

"Remus John Lupin don't you da-!" Remus tickles my ribcage. I screech, a high pitched sound that I'm not proud of, and wriggle underneath him. Remus straddles my hips, holding me down at he continues tickling me with no mercy. The door to the dorm room opens.

"What is going on here?!" James Potter's worried voice shouts. "Someone screamed!"

I gesture to my boyfriend, still sitting in me.

"He tickled me"

"That was you?! " James laughs. "Okay then, continue, Remus" He says before walking out and shutting the door.


"LOVE YOU TOO PADFOOT!" James yells back. I look up at Remus, who is smirking. That scares me.

"I love you?" I say softly, running the back of my hand against his cheek. I can see Remus having an eternal argument, eventually his eyes turn soft again, still a bit dull with pain.

"You're lucky you're cute" Remus says, poking my nose. I lean up to kiss him and he just rolls off of me. I cross my arms over my chest, huffing through my nose.


"Don't you pout at me" Remus sasses. I turn over and pout at him, my bottom lip out and everything. Remus kisses me softly, then lays back down. I cuddle into his side, gently rubbing his stomach. He is still shaking lightly. I lean up and kiss the side of his neck, leaving a small mark.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too, Padfoot" Remus answers, kissing the top of my head.

~Another few hours~
Remus is now sleeping again, and it's time to go down to the shack. I gently prod my sleeping boyfriend.

"Remus, sweetheart wake up" I whisper. Remus groans and puts his arm over his eyes. I kiss the side of his neck sweetly, trying to rouse him.

"Come on baby, it's an hour to sunset" I whisper. That rouses him a bit more. He sits up, resting his head in his hands for a moment. I rub his back to calm him.

"Take it slow" I murmur. Remus slowly stands up. I stand up beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist to steady him.

"Alright?" I ask. Remus nods.

We walk out to the whomping Willow and a small pop sounds. Where Peter was just standing is a small rat. He darts under the branches and presses the knot on the trunk of the tree. The rest of us climb through and exit in the shrieking shack. We walk up the stairs. James turns into his animagus, a small stag. None of our animagus forms are fully grown yet, mine is just a small puppy. He lays down in the corner. Peter curls up in between his front hooves. Remus and I walk to the bed in the middle of the room. I sit down and Remus lays down with his head in my lap. I card my fingers through his hair.

After a half an hour I can see Remus shaking more violently. I rub his side reassuringly, bending down to kiss right under his ear. He grabs one of my hands in his. I cover his hand with both of mine. Remus turns so he's on his back. I look into his usually golden honey eyes. They're so dull, full of pain. But there's another emotion there. Love.

~Remus POV~
My body aches to the point of shaking. I squeeze sirius' hand like a lifeline. Feeling him cover my hand with both of his makes my heart swell with love and joy. I turn over on my back and gaze into my boyfriend's eyes. They are clouded with worry, but there's another emotion, almost overpowering it. Love.

~Sirius POV~

I put my free hand on Remus' cheek, stroking it softly with my thumb. I bend down and kiss his forehead.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too" Remus whispers back, his voice shaking with pain.

"Shh, you don't have to answer. I know" I murmur, stroking his hair lovingly. Remus snuggles closer to me, kissing my thigh. I giggle fondly and kiss his cheek.

After a few minutes, Remus groans in pain. He climbs off of my lap and walks to the middle of the room, crouching down. It's easier for him if he crouches, because his arms and legs dont have to bend as much. I quickly transform into my animagus, padfoot.

Remus' screams and half-howls fill the air, making my doggy eyes fill with tears. After a minute or so, where Remus was a moment ago is a grey wolf. Not too much bigger than padfoot, but he is bigger. Moony isn't fully grown either.

Here we go again I think to myself. Moony looks over at me.

What do you mean again? A voice says in my head. It's remus' voice, but a bit rougher.

You can hear me? I think, completely baffled.

Of course I can, you're talking to me

Do you know who I am, moony? I ask, trying to wrap my mind around this situation.

Yes, padfoot. You're my human boyfriend the voice says. I trot over to moony and lick his ear affectionately. He starts scratching his own leg and I growl at him.

What's wrong moony? I ask, nuzzling the wolf's neck.

There are others here, threats. I need to protect you. The voice says as a low growl comes from moony. I whine softly at him.

No, moony. They are our friends. They aren't threats. Trust me. I say, sorta, and lovingly lick the wound on his leg.

Do you want to go hunting? You seem to be getting restless. I ask.

Yes, small one, I am.

Just because I'm not fully grown does not mean you can call me small! I huff. I look over at James and whine, barking softly. Let's go, prongs.

Who is prongs? Moony asks.

He's our best friend, the stag. The rat is wormtail. You cannot hurt them, understand?

Okay, small one. I think I heard a bit of Remus' usual sassyness in that comment. I nip Moony's ear playfully, trotting out the now open door. Moony runs after me.

You'll never catch me! I sing in my head.

You do know I'm bigger than you right? I'm only not catching you right now because I feel great affection towards you and I don't understand it. Moony responds, confused. I stop and turn to him.

That great affection is love, my moon. I don't exactly understand all of this either, I'll have to ask Remus. But I do know what that affection is. That's love. And I have so much of that for you it almost hurts. I think softly, nuzzling the Wolf's neck. Moony licks my ear. He picks my up by the scruff of my neck.

Is this really necessary? I huff.

Hush. Let me protect you. moony says.

You know, being carried like this is scary. I think, my tone growing slightly worried.

Shh, don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you, padfoot. Moony's tone softened, he sounds just like Remus. I relax at the soothing words, letting myself be carried. Once we're outside moony sets me down. Prongs looks over to me. I trot to him and nuzzle his ear. It's okay prongs. Is what that means. A small growl sounds from behind me. I turn around and walk back to moony.

I was just reassuring prongs, moony.

Don't let him get too close. Moony growls. I run at him and knock him over, nipping at his ear.

Play time? (Not like that you perverted little monsters) I ask, licking Moony's snout. Moony growls playfully and rolls us over in response.

I don't want to hurt you. He whines, worried. I lean up and lick his ear.

It's okay to play rough, moony. I'll be okay. I reassure, nipping at his ear.

But I'm bigger than you, I could hurt you!

Moony, I'll be fine. I say, pushing moony off of me and tackling him again. He nips at my shoulder, not actually breaking skin. I growl playfully, nipping at him. We tustle for a while then I flop over on my side. Moony nuzzles my stomach, urging me to get up.

I'm so sorry, did I hurt you? Moony asks, almost frantic. I sit up and lick his ear.

I'm okay, moony, just tired. Need a moment, then we can go run. I reassure the worried wolf. He lays down behind me, curling around my smaller body. I rest my head on his paws for a moment before standing up.

C'mon moony! Moony stands up and I start running. I can hear Prongs and Moony both chasing me. I run into the forest. After a few minutes I hear a growl, not Moony's growl. I stop dead in my tracks, whining nervously. Moony steps up next to me.

What's wrong, small one? Moony asks, bending down slightly to lick my ear. I press my body against his side. I hear another growl. A wolf steps out into the clearing, barring it's teeth dangerously.

Hide, padfoot. Moony instructs, growling lowly at the other creature. He bares his teeth.

Moony, no, don't get yourself hurt! I say, worried about Remus.

Sirius, go! That sounded just like Remus, not moony. I move back so I'm next to James, pressed up against him. Wormtail climbs off of his spot in Prongs' antlers and sits on top of my head. I watch as Moony and The other werewolf circle each other, teeth bared. I can see the hairs on the back of moony's neck standing up. The other werewolf I have gathered, is female. She is a bit bigger than Moony, so I'm assuming she's older. The female lunges first, her claws tearing at moonys side. A broken whimper escapes my throat. Wormtail pets behind my ear with his snout. Moony throws the female off of him and claws at her exposed underbelly. The female tries to claw his throat and moony bites her paw, earning a sharp bark of pain. I look away for a moment, not being able to see my baby like that. When I look back, moony is on his back, the female on top of him. She slices his hip with her claws. Moony howls in pain, pushing the female off of him. He scratches her, three long cuts down her belly. The female goes limp. Moony shakes himself and starts limping towards us. I meet him in the middle, pressing against his side that isn't injured.

Moony? Talk to me! I think frantically. Moony bends down and licks my ears.

I'm okay, small one. he thinks, his calm tone relaxing my nerves. I move away from him.

Let me look you over, don't move. I murmur in my head. Moony stands where he is. I walk around him, inspecting his shoulder first. He has two small gases there, bleeding. I lick the wound, earning a small yelp in protest.

I know moony, calm down. I'm not trying to hurt you. I reassure. I move to his side next. There is a bite mark, pretty deep.

Will it hurt me if I lick a bite mark? I ask.

No, only if you get bit. moony answers. I carefully lick the wound. Moony whines in pain. I nuzzle his side before moving to his hip. There are three jagged cuts going down his leg. That must be why he's limping. I gently lick the wounds. Moony barks in pain.

Shh, I'm sorry moony. I whisper reassuringly.

I finish licking the wounds clean.

My mouth tastes like blood. I say, shaking myself. Moony chuckles in my head and licks my ear.

Considering you just licked my blood, that is normal.

Let's go back to the shack, you need to rest. I tell moony, nuzzling his neck.

Okay, small one, let's go

Take it easy moony.

Okay, padfoot. I press my body close to moony, trotting in sync with him at a slow pace.

Once we're back to the shack, we climb the stairs, side by side. Moony climbs up on the bed and curls up in a ball. I sit in the edge of the bed.

Pad? Come to bed, time to sleep. Moonys soft voice says in my head.

Moony, James and I are going to turn into our human form to speak. You cant attack us okay? We're still the same.

It's okay, padfoot, I'll recognize your scent.

I'll come to bed after I talk to James.

Okay. I walk over to moony and lick his ears before hopping off of the bed. I walk over to James and turn back into my human form with a small pop. Moony lifts his head from on the bed.

"Shh, moony it's just padfoot" I reassure. Moony lays his head back down on his paws. James turns into his human form. I pick wormtail up and put him on James' shoulder.

"Why isn't he attacking us?" James asks quietly.

"Because I told him not to" I say quietly.

"What do you mean you told him?"

"I don't know James! When I'm in padfoot I can talk to him in my mind! We were conversing"

"That is so weird"

"I know, I'll ask Remus later. You guys can go back, I'll stay with moony"

"Okay pads, see you in a few hours" James says. I side hug him and pet wormtail on the head. James hides wormtail in his hoodie pocket and leaves the room. I quickly change back into padfoot and hop up on the bed. I crawl over to Moony and curl up in a ball against him. He curls around my smaller frame, letting me rest my head on his paws. Moony rests his snout on my neck.

Goodnight, small one. Remus' soothing voice whispers in my ear.

Goodnight, my ray of moonshine I whisper back, letting myself fall asleep.

I wake up to Remus beside me. I'm still in padfoot, curled into his side. There is a blanket over us, Remus must have been cold. There is an arm over me, stroking my ears. I look up to see Remus already awake. I lean up and lick his cheek. Moony. Remus leans down and kisses the top of my head.

"Padfoot" He responds. I shift into my human form.

"How the hell did you get so close to moony, padfoot?" Remus asks, pushing my dark hair out of my face. He still looks a bit weak and tired, but not as bad as last night.

"Remus, I can talk to you when you're moony" I say. Remus looks taken aback for a moment.

"Holy shit" Remus breathes.

"What, baby? Do you understand this? Why can I talk to you but James and Peter cant?"

"Because you're my mate. Once werewolves developed very strong feelings for another person, they can sense the smell of their lover. Moony can tell its you, so he trusts you. He accepts you as part of his pack and sees you ask someone to protect. Once moony trusts James and Peter, all of us should be able to converse. I'm assuming moony was not as aggressive last night?"

"Yeah, I told moony not to attack James and Pete and he listened to me"

"Padfoot is also smaller than moony so he might-"

"Carry me by my scruff, yeah, that already happened" I chuckle, laying my head back against my boyfriend's arm.

"I wasn't as aggressive, but I feel even more achey than usual"

"There was another werewolf, Moony had to protect me. I cleaned most of the blood up" I say. I sit up and look at remus' shoulder. There is two scratches, going from his neck to his shoulder. I gently run the tip of my finger over the wound. Remus hisses under his breath.

"Sorry sweetheart" I whisper. I sit up and look down at his side. He must have slipped into some sweatpants when he woke up. I look at the bite mark.

"That looks like it hurts" I murmur.

"It feels like it hurts" Remus murmurs back. I lay back down and curl into my boyfriend. Remus curls around me, I can tell it hurts him.

"Take it easy, babe" I murmur, burying my head in my boyfriends chest.

"Shh, go to sleep" I close my eyes, then relize something. Remus isn't moving his other arm. I sit up again taking Remus' arm in my hands. There are three small scratches running from his wrist, halfway up his arm.

"Oh, sweetie" I coo. Remus groans in pain. I kiss the back of his hand, laying his arm back down against his stomach.

"Nothing too bad, I know your hip hurts. Those scratches were deep"

"I looked at them earlier, you did well cleaning them. I vaguely remember last night, things are clearing up a bit. Usually I don't remember anything, so being able to talk to you must help me keep my head" Remus says thoughtfully. I lean up and plant a small kiss on his forehead.

"It's probably about an hour until Madame Pomfrey will get here, get some more rest" I say. Remus moves his arm and brushes his finger over his ear.

"Can you explain why my ear hurts?" Remus asks. I turn into padfoot and lick his ear.

"Now I get it" Remus sighs. I turn back and curl into my boyfriend, letting myself drown in his scent. Chocolate, the woods, wolf.

~Later, In The Dorms~

I'm laying in between Re's legs, my back against his chest. My knees are halfway up to my chest, my arms surrounding them. Remus places his hands on my hips, absentmimdedly pulling me closer to him.

"Can one of you explain why Sirius can talk to moony?" James finally says, after town minutes of silence.

"Sirius is my mate, so moony recognises his scent. He knows that he has to trust padfoot, so they can talk. Moony will be very protective over Sirius, and once he knows to trust you two then we will all be able to converse. Basically, because Sirius is my mate we can talk to each other telepathically" Remus explains, laying his head on top of mine.

"So you're saying, because you two fucked, you can talk to each other telepathically?" James asks. My breath hitches in my throat and moony turns redder than lily's hair.

"No you total asshole. Because moony can regonize padfoot's scent, he trusts him, welcomes him into his pack" Remus says slowly. James and Peter nod their heads.

"Does it work when you're not a wolf?" Peter asks.

"I dunno" Remus shrugs. "We can try"
I close my eyes and think a sentence to say to Remus

We can agree that James is an ass, right? I ask, smirking to myself.

You got that right, love. remus' voice says in my head, a soft chuckle evident in his words.

"Yes" Remus and I chorus together. I lay my head back on his chest and sigh.

"I love you" I murmur, turning so I'm sideways, curling in a ball. Remus runs his fingers through my hair, humming quietly. He lays down and I crawl off of him, curling into his side.

"I love you too, baby" Remus murmurs.



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