The Choice I Regret

By shininggoldstar

151K 3.7K 483

Finn and Rachel are meant to be, but when Finn is married to someone else and Rachel is playing hard to get... More

The Choice I Regret
Rachel's Life
Nice Try
Familiar Faces
Life Without You
Letting The Feelings Go
Good Luck Eventually Wears Off
Everything Used To Be Perfect
All You Need Is A Push
Dinner With A Twist
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Pink Little Hearts
Sleep Tight
A Little Party Never kills Nobody
To Good To Be True
Trying Your Best
Starting Fresh
Just Friends?
Taking It Slow
My Hero
Nothing Lasts Forever
That's What Friends Are For
The Good and Bad News
It Will Never Be The Same
Holding onto Secrets
The Plan
Out in the open
To Find You
Midnight Train
Just Making Sure
If Only A Dream Was Reality
Trust Your Instincts
Wigs & Wine
Don't Let Go
Team Work
Don't Do This Again!
Dance To You Drop
Friendship & Tears
Flowers & Jelly
What Next?
Going Down
New Me
Love Hurts
Everybody Hurts
Starting Over?
Authors Note
Leap of Faith

Hello Gorgeous

2K 77 13
By shininggoldstar

i just want to say how thankful i am for all your kind Comments and Votes, it really means a lot to me!

Here you go guys enjoy!!

Rachel’s POV

I have to blink twice, I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t prepared for this. I feel my whole body freeze, my hands starting to shake. What do I do? What do I say? I’ve found him. And now I am never letting go of him.

“Finn” I whisper

“Hello gorgeous” he says with a slight smirk on his face. After all these years he still remembers my favourite line from my favourite movie.

“How?…..where?…….when?” I couldn’t speak, I didn’t know what to say. You know those moments when you plan something and when your there in the moment you forget everything you planned? well it's happening to me right now. I look behind and I see that the door to Santana’s friend’s bedroom was open and then I found the missing piece to the puzzle. Santana’s friend was Finn. But why were they hiding him from me? Didn’t they want us to work things out?

“You want to talk?” he tilts his head to the side and directs his hand to the open room he must have been living in during his time here. I nod and he gives me a grateful smile, like he was glad that I wanted to talk to him. Walking in the room I realise that it’s incredibly neat. I have to say I’m surprised I mean it is Finn I’m talking about. I look towards the far corner and see a desk with what looked like a photo album. I made my way towards it and see that it was a book full of pictures of the summer the glee club spent at Quinn’s parent’s lake house. I swallow hard when I realise that the book was opened at a page where there were photos of the two of us. Did he miss me?

(Photo album page is the picture)

I hear movement behind me and turn around to see him making himself comfortable on his bed he taps the space next to him for me to sit. I look at him unsure but he nods slightly to signal that it was ok.

“So…….” He starts off. He starts to fumble with something in his hands. I become curious so I reach my hand over his to stop his fumbling and turn his hands over to see what he was holding. Once I turn it over I see a chain that I knew all too well. It was my 'Finn' necklace. I slowly look up into his eyes and I can slightly see the tears appear in his eyes. I remember the day when Finn gave that to me and the day that I gave it back to him because I could no longer stand the heartache from just looking at it.

“You kept it?” I ask in disbelief, I practically threw it in his face the day I went to his house to give it back to him. I remember leaving in tears.

“I knew one day you would want it again” he says so sure of himself

“Finn I have something to ask you…why did you leave?” I decided that it’s best to just get straight to the point.

“Well it was a lot to take in but when I had some time to myself I soon realised everything you would have had to go through and I wasn’t even there to help you. Then I thought a little more and then I came to a conclusion. I’m responsible for the death of our child” he looks down disappointed in himself

I sat there in utter shock, unable to say anything “what makes you think that?”

“Well, if I wasn’t with Quinn or ignored you then you wouldn’t be under stress, i mean that's what would of caused you to loose it and you had to handle everything by yourself.” He shakes his head tohimself

“You didn’t know what was happening, how could you?” I ask trying to make him feel a little bit better

“Because I know you!!! When we dated I could read you like a book, I knew what you were feeling, what you were thinking about, and I knew when something wasn’t quite right. So how come I didn’t know when you needed me the most” I could see the tears rolling down his cheek and I can’t help myself wipe them away with my thumb

“It’s ok” I whisper

“No it’s not, I left New York because I figured your life would be better if I was just out of your hair” I shake my head at him as if to say that that wasn’t true

“Then I saw you in the auto shop with that blonde wig and I just froze in shock, I didn’t know what to do.” He looked at me and I felt the instant connection between us that I haven’t felt since high school

“How did you know it was me?” I ask a question that has been playing on my mind for a while.

“You’re really asking me that question? It’s you Rach, like I said before I could never forget your beauty. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen” now my eyes started to tear up but there’s on thing playing on my mind

“What about Quinn she’s beautiful?” he shakes his head in response

“No one can compare to you Rach” he says leaning in towards me. So many things are rushing through my head right now and I can’t figure out what’s happening. As he gets closer feel myself pull away from his body.

Finn’s POV

As I feel her pull away from me my heart breaks a little. I see her face and she looks like she regrets pulling away, which gives me a little hope. I stare at her for a moment. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her; I can’t believe she came here all alone to LA to find me. How did she know I was here?”

“I see you were looking through an old photo album” I hear her voice a little cheerier then before.

“Yea I would stare at that page for hours. I just wish we could go back in time, where everything was perfect…………..between us” she nods in agreement

“So how did you know where I was anyway?” she looks up at the ceiling and sighs

“Well it was a rollercoaster but I did some thinking and I connected some dots and here I am” she shrugs

“Spoken like a true detective!!” I laugh and I see a genuine smile plastered on her face “plus I really like connect the dots…there so easy”

“That’s not what I meant” I give her a ‘I’m not that stupid’ look and she laughs

“I miss you laugh” I say without thinking. In this moment I feel that it’s the right time to try to kiss her again. As I start to lean over I hear a faint voice

“Rach you up here?” who the hell was that? That wasn’t Puck and it defiantly wasn’t Santana. It kind of sounded like Sam

“Who’s that?” I ask her

“It’s Sam, he came to LA with me……..obviously but he said that he didn’t want me to go by myself so he came with me” Whoa since when did Sam pop into the picture. Are they an item?

“He’s a really sweet guy, he’s exactly what I needed” ouch! I feel my heart sink and pure hurt overtakes my body

“Wow Rachel!” I say standing up from my bed. She gave me a confused look and then she stands up and reaches for me finally realising how that sounded. Now I’m the one to pull away from her.

“Finn, honestly nothing is going on between us. I promise you” I shake my head refusing to listen to her

“You need to leave. And never come back, go be with Sam, Have a happy life Rachel” she tries to say something else but I turn away from her until I hear my door close

I take a seat on my bed and place my head in my hands, replaying what just happened. I don’t know what came over me. It was silent in my room and the only thing I could hear was the sound of Rachel crying downstairs.

After a couple of minutes of thinking things through I realised that i completely overreacted. I sit up straight and sprint downstairs to talk to Rachel. Once I get downstairs I see Santana clearing the dinner table.

 “She’s gone Finn” Crap!

Don't worry Finchel are endgame remember

Heaps more drama ahead!

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