My Childhood Player

By _WickedCity_

386K 10.5K 1.6K

Introducing, Alexandra Fox, a bad girl Let's meet Colton Crawford, a player. Let's take a stroll down memory... More

My Childhood Player
Chapter 2. The 'talk' with daddy
Chapter 3. So much for leaving my mark
Chapter 4. I'm the 'new girl'
Chapter 5. Always pay attention to your surroundings!
Chapter 6. I makout with anyone! Even in a closet!
Chapter 7. First impressions are everything!
Chapter 8. Meeting Hayley..
Chapter 9. Where's the beer!
Chapter 10. Learning to live with Colton
Chapter 11. Living with Colton
Chapter 13. You've got more skills than Magic Mike himself..
Chapter 14. "You owe me now"
Chapter 15. Daddy Dearest..
Chapter 16. Kiss away from being Colton's whore.
Chapter 17. Don't get me wrong, I'm practically pooing my pants..
Chapter 18. Peer pressure. It truly is a bitch.
Chapter 19. It poured out faster and messier than a girl on her period.
Chapter 20. Death by falling out of a tree..
Chapter 21. Serena
Chapter 22. Be my bitch boy
Chapter 23. It's Shark Week
Chapter 24. Fatal Flaws
Chapter 25. Fixing things.
Chapter 26. Not very oblivious.
Chapter 27. Flashback. Flashbacks.
Chapter 28. "Nothing like extremely deathly bad you know?"
Chapter 29. You defiant little shit
Chapter 30. Home
Chapter 31. Birthday Celebrations and Awkward Situations
Chapter 32. Assignments and Akwardness

Chapter 12. We are Royally fucked..

14.5K 374 9
By _WickedCity_

It's almost four o'clock in the morning and I was locked inside a bar with Colton.

"Could you move." I snapped.

Colton took a pretzel and flung it at me, hitting me on my forehead.

"Real mature." I hissed.

"I know." He smirked proudly pouring himself a shot of Jack Daniels.

I snatched the Jack Daniels from his hands and took a gulp straight from the bottle.

So let me tell you how we got trapped here.

5 hours earlier

I drove to Hayley's house and found myself struggling to focus.

I wish I could say it was because I wasn't feeling well or because I was nervous the for the party but I know it was because of my moment with Colton earlier if you could even call it that because from what I've seen and heard, Colton is a little man whore. Therefore he's probably had tons of 'Moments' with plenty of girl.

Not that I was jealous or anything.. Was I?

No. No I was just feeling homesick.. Yes! There we go, That's my excuse.

"Alex." Hayley's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Yeah?" I blinked trying to find my head was at.

"What do you think?" She did a quick turn in her gold and black tight fitted dress with a low stoop showing off cleavage and black pumps that actually matched perfectly with the dress, the colors mixed really well.

"You look really hot." I nodded approvingly.

She winked, "Thanks sweets. Now go change." I chuckled but none the less walked into her closet and began changing into my black dress that reached just an inch above mid thigh and the sleeves reached to my elbows and every inch of the dress was covered in holes so I wore a black bra to prevent flashing the goods. I finished off the look with black heeled ankle boots.

I looked myself in her full length mirror. My belly button length hair was currently straightened to perfection and I had black eyeshadow to make my blue eyes pop.

All in all, I looked good.

I walked out of Hayley's closet and found her texting on her bed while she had a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Texting Xavier are we?" I raised a brow smirking at her wiggling my eyebrow.

Her head snapped to me and she blushed even more.

Aw, she's like a bunny.

"Wow." She said as she took me in "You look great." she complimented.

"I know." I smirked.

She shook her head chuckling as she got up and checked the time. "Lets go, it's ten already."

I followed Hayley to her car as she began to drive.

Guess I'll just have to pick up my car later.

We arrived at Colton's house -Mansion- to find couples making out on his circular driveway and trash everywhere and music booming throughout the mansion.

"Xavier!" Hayley cried as she skipped over to him and a group of friends he was with.

"Hey babe." He replied planting a kiss on her lips while I walked over to them.

"Hey Xavier." I smiled and he nodded and slung an arm over Hayley.

"Hey Alex." I turned my head to the right and found a guy whose name I think was Josh from the football team put an arm over my shoulders as well.

"Hey." I smirked.

He was hot. Not going to lie, He was very good looking.

"Want me to use a cheesy pick up line or get right to it?" He smirked mischievously as he ran his hand down my back.

"How about neither?" I pulled away from him.

Xavier laughed. "Rejected." and I smirked.

"Whatever." Josh grumbled pouting as I laughed and pinched his cheek.

"Aw, your so cute." I told him.

He raised a brow playfully, "Cute? I prefer unbelievably sexy."

My smirk grew a little more as I leaned up to his ear, "Your so unbelievably.. Cute." I finished seductively and pulled back to see his frown and pout back again.


I winked at him while everyone chuckled while Hayley took Xavier's hand and took him to dance while Josh grabbed my wrist and brought me to dance with him as well.

Our bodies were smushed together as we began to move our hips to the beat of the song and I turned around so my back was pressed against his chest and put my arms above my head still dancing.

I looked around and my eyes landed on Colton locking lips with a girl on his lap.

I rolled my eyes at this not really feeling all that bothered I mean it's not like she means anything to him.. Not that I would care if she did.

I turned back to face Josh to find him grinning down at me wiggling his eyebrows at me.. Almost knowingly.

"What?" I snapped.

"Wow you seriously don't remember me do you?" His grin widened as we continued dancing and his hands moved to my hips.

"What?" My brows furrowed.

What Is he talking about? I've never met Josh before?

"I used to hang with Colton when you guys were best friends back when we were all younger." He explained and my mouth dropped to an 'O' as realization dawned me.

"Your were one of Colton's football buddies way back in the day." I confirmed and he nodded his head at me still grinning.

He nodded. "What happened to you by the way?" He asked and my eyes narrowed a little.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, defensively.

He motion his head to our dancing. "This and the fact that your a little tease now, The Alex that Colton used to talk about was all shy and nerdy."

It was like a force holding me back from snapping or saying anything rude to Josh because right now he was seriously getting on my nerves.

So instead I had to remain calm. I had to throw up my expressionless face and pretend that nothing was wrong, That I wasn't bothered.

But the truth was, I am bothered. I don't like who I used to be, The girl that was too shy to stand up for herself, who always needed someone to come to her rescue.

"Well I was 13 then and I'm 17 now and after almost 5 whole years people change." I shrugged and pulled away from him as was about to walk away.

He shrugged and said, "Guess so" Before turning and pulling another girl towards him as they danced together and I rolled my eyes and went to get a drink.

I glanced over at the couch where Colton and the girl were sucking face only to find it empty aside from a few other people but Colton wasn't there.

I turned back around and bumped into a wall.

No wait. Not a wall. A chest. A very muscular chest.

"Looking for me babe?" I looked up to find none other than Colton flashing me his infamous smirk.


"No." I said and pushed past him to grab a beer.

Colton seemed to not have cared because he went straight back to the same girl he was with earlier and she began to kiss him, Not that it bothered him.

I rolled my eyes again, Something I seem to be doing often ever since I've arrived in Florida.

I downed my beer in gulps now down to half the bottle.

I turned back around to find them gone.

I shrugged and walked upstairs into the room that had the indoor swimming pool to find it packed as well with people in the pool and people lounging around outside the pool.

I found Xavier and Hayley talking to their friends and I honestly didn't want to bother them while they were trying hang out with their friends.

I looked around and sent a glare towards a small group of people looking at me and talking amongst themselves and they immediately turned away intimidated by my glare.

I smirked. There goes that feeling again, The feeling of satisfactory knowing that people are intimidated by me.

"Well aren't you the little badass." I turned around and found someone I haven't seen since I was around 10.

My smirk widened. "Jackson Crawford."

He gestured to himself proudly, wide smirk on his face as well, "The one and only."

Jackson Crawford is Colton's older brother, Only by two years, We all used to hang out when we were kids but then Jackson moved in with another family relative of theirs and to this day I still don't know why.

Jackson pulled me into a tight hug, Something I hadn't had since I've arrived in Florida and it felt nice he reminded me of my childhood.

After pulling away I looked Jackson up and down and smiled, "Looking good."

Jackson was in a white V-neck, Black leather jacket and dark jeans.

He looked me up and down as well, "Same to you. You've changed."

And there it is again ladies and gentlemen the word 'Change' Yes people change, But that's completely normal. Change is life. Some people have to understand that sometimes Change is good.

"I've always been this way, It just took me a while to let people see it." I explain and he nodded.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I tend to visit Colton every once in a while." He stated and I nodded.

"So how are you and Colton?" He asked pointedly and I shrugged.

"Never been better."

"Sure." He dragged out.

"Whatever." I muttered and turned to walk away as he laughed.

"Can't run away from your problems Alex." He said and I turned around throwing up a non-caring expression.

"I can damn well try."

With that I walked away and deciding I really wasn't up to this I walked back into my room and immediately I regretted it.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed as I saw Colton and some brunette wrapped up in my bed fucking each others brains out.

Immediately the girl shrieked and Colton turned to look at me wide eyed.

Apparently they were both at a loss for words because they obviously couldn't form words to explain as to why they are shagging in MY. ROOM.

I turned around and slammed my door shut as I quickly made my way downstairs shoving people out of my way as I made my way to the front double doors and slammed them open as I just kept walking and walking and walking.

And no I couldn't take my car because I had left it at Hayleys house.

So thanks a fucking lot to Hayley.

After walking blindly for a few minutes I looked around at my surroundings and found myself near the bar I was at earlier.

I quickly walked over to it and was greeted by locked doors.

Fucking fantastic.

Well me being me means that I feel bad about having to ruin this establishment but then again me being me means that I don't really care.

So instead of going back to the party I pulled a bobby pin I had in my hair and stuck it into the lock twisting a little and the brown door successfully clicked open.

I smirked proudly to myself as I stepped inside closing the door behind me and clicked on the lights and after analyzing all my options I took a bottle and poured myself a shot of Jack Daniels.

This was nice, Being alone for a while an clearing my head while getting wasted with a bottle of Jack Daniels but it's also been about an hour since I've been in this bar so I decided it was time to go.

As I walked over to the door ready to leave it opened by itself and I found myself facing Colton.

"See your done shagging whores." I crossed my arms.

Why is he here? How did he find me?

His victorious smirk made its way to his face. "Which brings us back to the jealousy thing." He taunted and I snorted.

"What are you doing here?" I asked raising a brow.

His eyes softened just a little, "I saw you bailed and I came looking for you."

That.. Kind of warmed my heart.. But only a little.

"After you finished up the STD case in my room?" I sneered.

I said it warmed my heart only a little.

He rolled his eyes and reached for the door but when he pushed nothing happened.

He pushed again. And again And again. Nothing.

At this point Colton was hitting the door with his shoulder and kicking it with his foot and still nothing.

I sighed and made my way over to the bar and sat back down.

Guess we are going to be here for a while.


Colton flicked another pretzel my way.

"Will you stop?" I growled.

"Nope." Another pretzel came my way.

That's it.

I took the bowl of pretzels and flung them all his way -excluding the bowl because that would be just mean-

"Bitch." Colton muttered as I giggled to myself victoriously.

"Asshole." I shot back.

"How are we going to get out of here?" He asked ignoring my remark and I shrugged.

"Beats me. Call someone." I suggested and he patted his pockets and his face paled a little.

"Left my phone back at my house. Where's your phone?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Probably at Hayley's house."

"Well looks like we are royally fucked then." He said nonchalantly.

I nodded. "Looks like we are."


It was pretty fucking hard to write this chapter.

But nonetheless I wrote it just for you guys! thanks for all the support! And I'm already working on the next update so expect it soon ;)

Anyways please remember to..




Love you guys! Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

~Sexy corn flake ;)

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