The Story Of Dance || J.B ||

Autorstwa twerkinontheirish

289K 4.8K 464

Jessica Blackburn is from Melbourne, Australia, she moved to San Francisco to pursue her dancing career with... Więcej

The Story Of Dance - Justin Bieber Love Story
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five -
Happy Anniversary Justin! "Kidrauhl"
Chapter Six -
Chapter Seven -
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine -
Chapter ten -
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Please read! A/N
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter - Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty - Six
Chapter Twenty - Seven
Chapter Twenty - Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter - Thirty
Chapter - Thirty One
Chapter Thirty - Two
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter thirty - six
Chapter Thirty - Seven
Chapter Thirty - Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Bonus Chapter- Happy Ending?
The Final - Part One.
The Final- Part two.

The Final - Part Three.

4.8K 87 15
Autorstwa twerkinontheirish

Song - Never Grow Up, Taylor Swift.


I huffed as i sat down on my bed.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked walking into my room.

"I can't clip my shoes." I frowned.

She rolled her eyes before sinking down in front of me and clipping my sandal's together.

"There ya go fatass." she smiled as she helped me up from the bed.

I frowned and rolled my eyes.


I am eight and a half months pregnant, and I feel like a balloon that could pop at any moment.

Well, technically i am, but that's beside the point.

"I need food." i grunted.

"When don't you?" she retorted.

I hit her arm and she smirked before making her way toward the door, "Let's go to Chipotle."

I nodded before following behind her, rather slowly.

Julian was in the living room watching 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' but turned it off once he saw us.

"Hello my gorgeous fat lady." he beamed, making me laugh.

I was dressed in a black floor length sundress with white daisee's sprayed across it. (I wore black a lot these days, so my bump wouldn't be promiment. I wasn't ashamed of my body, i was just shy and didn't want to be the talk of the media more than i already was.)

World War III started when Justin told everyone. It was the talk for more than two months. It died down mostly but it didn't stop the paparazzi from hounding us whenever we went out. It also didnt stop the fans from sending rude comments my way. We could deal with both (and have before) but not to this extent.

Every single tweet, Instagram picture anything i put up was under the spotlight. Especially Instagram. I was the type to post 'outfit's of the day' and i have been for a while. They weren't going to stop me from doing so now that i was pregnant and under the close microscope.

Justin liked to also post pictures of me and my pregnant self so that for sure made them even crazier.

Justin had been crazy protective over the past few months and i don't blame him. It does get repetitive at times, but i understand where he's coming from.

He had to go to the studio today so he called Emily and Julian to come and keep me company.

I was planning on just spending the day at the house doing nothing and eating junk food but he wasn't too keen on me be being alone while i was so close to my due date (which was two weeks from today), so he called her and she came right over.

We would have invited Sadie too, but her and Ryan were on vacation in Australia, so that was a no go.

We walked out of the house and into the garage where Emily parked her car. Julian opened the passenger door and helped me get in, before he closed it back and climbed into the backseat. Emily popped in beside me and started the car before backing out of the garage.

We drove a while before finally parking into the 'Chipotle' parking lot. Julian helped me out again and we all walked toward the entrance.

"Fuck." Julian grunted.

I looked at him and saw him looking at the paps that were crowded on the sidewalk beside the restaurant.

Emily rose her hand but i quickly grabbed her. I knew her and what she was going to do (and what finger she would use) and that wouldn't help anything.

We walked in and Julian quickly told the hostess that we would need a table in the back and she nodded, leading us toward the back.

We sat down - me being more than thankful, It felt like my feet were going to fall off at any moment.

We quickly got some drinks and looked for something to eat.

I wanted pancakes.

. . . . .

"I'm so tired!" I whined sitting down on my couch.

"Me too." Julian whined sitting down on the other couch, flipping on my tv when he got comfy.

"You're both pathetic." Emily pointed at us accusingly.

"I have a reason to be. He does not." I said looking toward Julian who seemed to be halfway asleep already.

"I'm going to go lay down, you guys can stay I don't care." I said with a shrug.

Emily nodded as she helped me up and then plopped down where I had been lying.

I rolled my eyes and made my way toward the staircase. I eventually made it up before going to my room and closing the door. I slipped my dress off and laid down in my bed, not bothering with clothing. There was no need for it.

A sharp pinch of pain shot across my back and i dropped the hanger i was holding.

"Ouch!" I hissed.

It happened again and gasped out, holding onto my stomach. A gush of warm liquid wet my legs the floor beneath me and i cursed under my breathe.

"Emily! Julian!" I screamed, loudly, "Help me!" i whimpered out, though I'm sure they didn't hear.

The door burst open but it wasn't Julian or Emily. It was Justin.

I sighed in relief but gasped out in pain almost immediatly after.

"Help me." i cried out as he was frozen in his spot in the doorway.

He got the idea and ran over but stopped when he saw the puddle.

"Your water broke? Shit!" he yelped grabbing my hand and helping me sit down.

He ran over toward the closet and came out with black loose dress in hand. I had it folded it and put it ontop of the dresser in there so it would be there for when this happen. He of course had to get me another pair of underwear as my amniotic fluids got on the others so i changed into a fresh pair and he helped me into the dress.

"Let's go!" he almost yelled as he practically picked me up.

"Justin." I said, almost laughing.

"What?" he asked, running his hands over his face and through his hair.

"I need the hospital bag and her bag." I reminded him and he ran back into the closet coming about with my black bag packed with my clothes and higene care, and another with diapers and clothing for our unborn baby girl.

"Now lets go!" he said grabbing my hand.

I nodded and we left the room, slowly going down the steps.

"Where did Julian and Em go?" I asked.

"I don't know. They were walking out as i was walking in. They said something about ice cream." he shrugged.

"Get the carseat." i pointed to the dining room table where the carrier sat.

He nodded and grabbed it. I opened the garage door and slowly approached the range rover. He threw the bags and carseat in the back and helped me in the front seat. He quickly reached over and buckled me up before running around and getting in the drivers seat. He started the car and we were out of the garage and driveway in two seconds.

It only took us five minutes to get to the hosptial. There was thankfully no traffic, which was odd for it being LA and 12:00 in the afternoon.

He took the keys out of the ignition and we were ready to go in.

He was fixing to get out when i grabbed his arm.

"You ready for this?" I asked.

He smiled, "More than ready. Let's go meet our baby, eh?"

I nodded, "Let's do this."


I would never forget the sound of her cries when she came into this world officially, almost five hours later. It was the best sound a person could here. Justin had his eyes glued to her the second she was born and the look of pure adoration on his face was unforgetable.

"You did great, baby." he said kissing my sweaty forehead.

His nose was red and his eyes were wet as he looked at me.

I barely got to touch her as they laid her on my chest. They suctioned her nose and picked her up immediatly to weigh her and clean her up.

They cleaned me up and let me get into a fresher bed as they took the other one away. This is one was more comfortable and cleaner. They changed my medicines out and gave me a new IV before they brought me my baby. She was swaddled in a blanket with a pink beanie on her head. She was fast asleep as they gave her to me.

"She's gorgeous." I sniffed.

I looked up to see Justin beaming with excitment.

"Wanna hold her?" I asked.

He looked at me, "Am i allowed?" He asked, looking toward the nurse who was cleaning up the cleaning station and back at me.

I giggled, "Why couldn't you? She's your baby. They can't forbid it."

He nodded in sudden realasation before nodding. He carefully and slowly picked her up from my arms before slowly sitting down in the recliner behind him.

I admired the two for awhile and came to the realisation that we were parents. Justin was a father and i was a mother.

I sighed and leaned back into the bed and pulling the covers tighter toward me. My eyes were unbelievably heavy and i felt like my body weighed a ton. My eyes closed before i could stop them and i was asleep in no time.


I slowly opened my eyes to see my best friends in the corner of the room, fawning over my new baby girl quietly. I giggled softly as i saw Emily and Julian smiling big, and shockingly enough Sadie and Ryan were here too.

I looked over to my left and saw Justin cuddled up into the recliner fast asleep. I smiled and sat up, my rustles making the group around.

Sadie and Emily practically ran at me and hugged me tightly.

Sadie was already crying and Emily's eyes were flooding.

"I can't believe your a mummy." Sadie weeped, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

I smiled and almost started crying myself, "Me neither." I giggled.

"This is crazy." Emily sniffed, grabbing my hand, Sadie grabbing the other, and then they grabbed eachothers hands.

Love fests are great.

"She's beautiful, Jess." Sadie sniffed, and Emily nodded her head in agreement.

Ryan and Julian joined us a few minutes later.

"I'm going to kidnap her, i swear. She's so adorable." Julian gushed, kissing my cheek.

I giggled and Ryan nodded, "She's pretty cute." he laughed, kissing my cheek as well.

"Well, thank you."

"Where is the baby daddy?" Ryan asked with a smirk.

I pointed to the recliner and he leaned over the bed to look before heading over there.

"Ryan don-" it was too late.

He had already hit Justin in the crotch with a pillow.

Justin darted up and looked around alarmed before he glared up at Ryan, "Man, what are you doing here?" he asked, completley forgetting that he had just hit him in the balls with a very hard pillow.

"Well we got in about two hours ago and when i got our text about Jess we came here right from the airport." he explained.

I smiled, thinking about how lucky we were to have such great friends.

"Thanks man." He said hugging Ryan, "Means a lot."

"Knock, Knock." someone said walking in.


"Mama!" Justin beamed running toward his mother and hugging her tight.

Pattie turned to me after she hugged Justin for a bit and ran toward me.

She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheeks over and over.

"How are you, baby?" she asked putting her hands on my cheeks.

"I'm good." i giggled, "Just sore and tired."

"As expected." she giggled.

She heard a small sneeze from my our baby girl and she gasped, turning around.

She darted across the room and immediatly started crying.

She looked toward Justin and I, "May i?" she asked.

We both nodded and she delicatly picked her up.

"She is gorgeous." she gushed holding her close. She sat down in the rocking chair next to the small bed the baby was just in.

"What's her name?" Emily asked.

Justin and I looked at eachother and i nodded at him to go on, "Avery Calista Bieber."

"That's such a cute name!"

"It fits her."

"Where did you think of it?"

"I've always liked the name Avery and Justin has always liked the name Calista. So we put them together and found that was the best way to put it." I explained.

"It's lovely." Pattie smiled, kissing our daughters forehead.

There was another knock and Scooter and Yael walked in, smiles on their faces.

"Where's our God daughter?" Scooter joked making everyone laugh.

I gave Justin a look and he winked.

Truth is, we already made the decision to make Scooter and Yael the God parents. We were just waiting for the right time to tell them that.

We all visited for a bit, passed around our kid and before we knew it visiting hours were over and everyone was heading out.

We held Yael and Scooter longer after bidding everyone else farewell.

"We actually want to tell you guys something." Justin coughed sending me a look to go on.

"We wanted to ask you guys if you would be the official God parents of Avery." I spoke.

They smiled and Yael nodded frantically has Scooter said, "Yes! Of course!"

They each gave us hugs and we talked for a bit longer before they left.

Justin looked at me and smiled, "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm sore." i pouted.

He pouted, "I'm sorry." he frowned walking toward me.

"Will you help me change out of this stupid gown?" I asked.

He laughed and nodded before helping me stand up.

He grabbed the pajamas i had packed before helping me out of the gown.

I put on the pink flannel shorts and white tank top before sitting back down on the bed.

We both jumped when the baby started scream crying.

"What's happening?" He asked looking at me.

"I don't know! She may be hungry." I said.

"Can you grab her for me?" I asked.

He nodded and walked over. He picked her up and her cries softened but then she started up again.

He handed her to me and i tried the whole 'breastfeeding' thing. A nurse came in earlier in the day and taught me how and this was my first time doing it with no help.

I was relieved when it worked and she started eating.

"Weird." Justin muttered.

I laughed and he helped me lean back into the pillows. He covered my legs up and kissed my head.

"You're a natural." he smiled.


Two days later we were heading home. It felt like weeks and we were more than ready to get our baby girl home.

Justin put the baby carrier on the bed and i carefully laid her in it. I strapped her in and put a blanket over her.

"The paps are outside. There'sabout ten of em." Mike, Justin's gaurd said as he walked into the room.

Justin sighed in obvious anger but nodded.

"I don't want them getting a picture of her. Can we put a blanket over the carrier so they can't try?" he asked.

I nodded and pulled an extra blanket out from the bag i packed for her. I put the blanket over the handle where you couldn't see any part of her and smiled.

I was wearing a black laced short romper and black sandals. I didn't want to look like complete shit while leaving the hospital. I had my hair into a simple high ponytal; no makeup. I did afterall just have a baby.

"Let's get home." Justin smiled grabbing the carrier with one hand and my hand with the other.

I smiled and we headed out of the room and toward the elevator.

They asked if i wanted a wheelchair but i denied not wanting to be constrained in the uncomfortable chair.

We walked off the elevator an toward the exit.

"Ya'll ready?" Mark asked.

We both nodded and he led the way.

There were about twenty paps and i thought i would cry right then and there. It was overwhelming and i thought i would pass out at any moment.

They were being held back by gaurds and a few barriers, a few fans were here too and i was shocked to see the fans calmer then the paps. Justin quickly opened the back car door of the waiting vehicle. He carefully placed the the carseat into the holder. It clicked in and he helped me into the car next. I sat in the back next to her as he closed the door and ran around, hopping into the drivers seat and quickly driving off. I saw a few vans follow us and i sighed. They couldn't even give us a small break, could they?

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"I was thinking we keep her out of the spotlight." he suggested.


"We just not show her face. We don't want it on Instragram, twitter, or magazines. I just don't like the idea of our daughters face being shown everwhere. At least not right now." he said.

"I like that idea. We just have to be careful." I said.

He nodded and sent me a smile through the mirror.


A few minutes later we pulled into the gates of the house. Justin immediatly closed them and we pulled into the garage, closing those doors as well.

Justin got out and walked around, opening my door. He grabbed my hand and helped me out, carefully as i was still in a huge amount of pain.

We eventually made it inside as he laid the carrier on the couch. I sat down slowly, with a sigh of exhaustion and anxiousness. I was honestly shitting myself with nerves of how we were going to raise a kid. We were still fairly young, him being famous and me, being, well, me. I knew half of her childhood would be him not being home and me being the main parent. And, i just hoped i could handle that.

"She's gorgeous." Justin mumbled sitting next to me.

"She gets it from her daddy." I smirked, looking at him.

He shook his head, "She looks like you, hence the gorgeousness." he said, sending me a wink.

I rolled my eyes before laying down, my head on his lap. A whimper cut us off from our calmed silence making us both jump. Justin pulled the carseat closer as he carefully unbuckled her, pulling her out. I leant up and watched as he calmed her down by humming quietly. I smiled at the interaction as she dozed off slightly.

We both leant back again, already overly tired from the past days events.

We jumped when she started to cry again and i leant up, reaching for her and he gave her to me. I started to feed her.

After she finished, i burped her before standing up.

"Let's go lay her in her room?" I suggested.

He nodded and stood, up following me down the hall and up the steps. His hands rested on my back, making sure i was stable going up the steps.

Avery was cradled into my arms, cooing, her arms and legs moving about, making me smile.

We walked into her room that was just across the hall from ours. We had painted it a deep pink, with light pink and white flower decals around it, black butterflies littered around them. She had a white crib in the middle and a white chair sat next to it, with her light pink blanket over that. We worked hard on this room and we couldn't have been happier with the finished product.

I laid the now sleeping angel down in her crib before Justin came over, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We made that." he giggled.

I laughed, "We sure did."


That tis the end.

I just wanted to thank everyone for the votes, comments, and adds to your library. Thank you all so, so, so, so, much, i am forever grateful... Goodbye everyone. It was a great time.


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