Coffee Shop (Camila/You)

بواسطة camrenkordied

893K 28.7K 11.4K

Based on the one shot/Imagine, Coffee Shop (G!P) In which Camila starts working in a nearby coffee shop on th... المزيد

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- Prologue -

36.9K 659 374
بواسطة camrenkordied

"I never knew just what it was, about this old coffee shop I love so much, all of the while I never knew." I listened to the soft voice of Landon Pigg as my parents drove through downtown Portland, Oregon.

I smiled to myself, my heart feeling full and my stomach fluttering with happiness and excitement. I was officially starting my own life today and I breathed in happily. I glanced towards my mother who directed my father around in their native tongue. Soon enough they both started to get frustrated when the GPS back tracked and tried to redirect us. Nothing could've ruined my attitude though, I was so happy to just be here.

I was from the other side of the country, all the way from Miami, Florida. I was here, in a whole other environment and I was damn proud that I got here. I mean, it wasn't like PSU was my first college I wanted to attend to. I just didn't get into any school in New York or Miami so at least Portland accepted me. I had a good feeling when I searched up the school and examined the area.

Now I was here.

"Dios mio, Alejandro- you just missed the exit." My mom, Sinu, huffed through her thick Cuban accent.

"Well! I don't know these things!" They started to bicker a bit and I chuckled as I turned down my music before taking one of my ear buds out.

"Why can't they just look at the signs?" I heard my little sister sigh as she sat next to me with a look full of boredom.

I snorted as I leaned my body into the middle to look at the GPS and then saw we were on the highway again.

"Just get off right here and get back on the other way." I leaned against my dad's seat and my mom looked at me with a look.

"Just go back to listening to your music, mija." She sighed and sat back as she opened up the schools brochure.

I leaned back in my seat not wanting to get into any kind of trouble. Not when I was excited for my life to start then I heard Sofia sigh again. I looked over at her as she watched our parents somewhat argue in Spanish.

"Kill me." She groaned to herself as she stretched her legs and I giggled to myself.

She pulled out her Nintendo DS to continue playing her Mario Kart considering that's the only thing my parents could afford for right now. She concentrated on the game while I went right back to my music. I looked down at my phone to see my small group chat of friends messaging me.

Marielle😈: Baby milaaa i miss u so much :(

Sandra💘: right, rude ass miami didn't accept this little child 😭

Mariana🤗: KARLA! Are you in Portland yet? If so, any hotties?

Milaa🤘🏼: I am in portland now.. im like 2 min away 😭❤️ but no i haven't seen any yet

Francis😏: There's so many beautiful ppl in New York I think I'm in love

Milaa🤘🏼: u fall in love with the first cute girl u see france..

Sandra💘: true 😂😂

Francis😏: Exactly cutie😉

Milaa🤘🏼: oh why don't u look at that... I suddenly have 2 go


Marielle😈: Stop being a fuckboy franchise

Sandra💘: 💀💀💀 franchise

Francis😏: I've heard better comebacks girls.. get better at it smh 💀

Milaa🤘🏼: like french fry? cuz u're hung like one

Marielle😈: OOOH DAMN

Francis😏: wow.. I'm-

Sandra💘: don't act like u didn't want that french fry at one point karla 😭😂

Marielle😈: 🤢🤢🤢I remember

Francis😏: oop 👀☕️

Milaa🤘🏼: eh yeah before I actually met him.. then when I did I had no idea what I was thinking 💀💀💀

Marielle😈: Now you're gay 😂

Sandra💘: ✂️✂️✂️

Francis😏: LOL

Milaa🤘🏼: I'm pansexual guys.. omg💀

Sandra💘: you still ✂️✂️

Milaa🤘🏼: u bet I do 👅

Francis😏: OMG G2G💀😂

"Ale!" I heard my mom gasp and we abruptly stopped causing my neck to almost get cut off from the seatbelt locking.

I hissed and Sofia laughed at how nearby people looked at us and I looked at my parents, "Well, you kept trying to show me the map, Sinu." My dad sighed deeply and clicked his seatbelt causing me to quickly look out my window.

I looked up happily and saw I was in the university then looked at the Montgomery Service area. I squealed in the safety of the rental car and my mom looked back at me with a laugh.

"Let's go see your room, kaki." I heard Sofia gasp excitedly and we immediately hopped out.

My mom and dad took their time as usual causing me to bring Sofia into me. I patted her head as I stuffed my phone into my back pocket. The weather was different compared to Miami, it was still a little muggy but it felt so refreshing. But I was probably just trying to convince myself there wasn't anything wrong with the city I was in. It'd come sooner or later, I was just in awe at the moment.

"Okay.." My dad sighed deeply when he exited the car we rented from the airport.

I happily smiled at him as I gazed aimlessly seeing teenagers looking around and getting checked in. A lot of friendly smiles from the Resident Assistants. My family and I walked in the office to get assistance and waited in the line.

"You excited?" My dad asked and I shrugged playing it off causing them to roll their eyes.

"Eh it's all good-"

"Kaki literally just squealed like a mouse." Sofia giggled to herself as she slid her DS into my moms purse.

"Shut up." I whined lowly and they laughed with me as we waited patiently.

When we stepped up to one of the women for assistance she smiled happily up at us.

"First year? New?" She asked already knowing and we all nodded with a small laugh.

"Identification please." The girl sang and I pulled my wallet out to show her.

"Okay, name.." She mumbled looking at my ID before she went to her computer and tried typing again.

"Karla Cabello." I spoke before spelling out my name and she nodded as she quickly typed in my words.

"Ondine Hall?" She quickly looked up for confirmation and I nodded.


"Okay, here's what you gotta do." She chuckled and took a stack of papers then stapled them together.

"Let's start this off first, this packet is all the rules and answers to your future questions. It's a guide for your new home and it may be a bit of a process but it's policy." She spoke clearly with a smile and showed me each step.

"Before you do anything and go straight to your dorm building you need a PSU ID card which is an access badge to the building. I'll circle it for you- and you can get that at in the ID Services in Neuberger Hall." She clearly and politely guided us through it while she pointed behind her.

"And that is actually behind us right across the park blocks, I'll have someone direct you there if you need it." She spoke and stood up as she gave me another brochure where it showed me where to go from her markings.

"Danny! They need to go to the Neuberger Hall- and when you guys get back I'll have your keys ready. Okay?" She smiled cutely and I hummed with a thankful smile.

"Okay, thank you." My mom spoke as we all started to back up to leave.

"No problem guys, see yah later." She waved as she sat back down waiting for the next person.

The young man named Danny introduced himself to us very energetically. He then guided us down the street where I saw even more kids and some of their parents. I unashamedly held my moms hand as we walked to the building. Then once we were inside I was surprised at how fast we were brought up to the desk.

I was brought into a small but spacious room and was sat down on the chair. I fixed my hair knowing this was gonna by my college ID. When they took the picture we had to walk back to the desk and give out some more private information. After a long moment of waiting I had gotten my ID card. I yawned to myself when we started walking back to the Montgomery Service Desk to get my keys.

My parents panted not used to all the moving around making me let out a laugh. Then once we arrived back in the building the woman jingled the keys.

"And here you go, Ms. Cabello- but also, when you go to your building, in the lobby will be your mailbox. You need to write your name in your mailbox because we don't have access to it. So if your name is not written in your mailbox then the United States Postal Service will not deliver mail to the box."

"So just grab a piece of tape and write your name down, that sorta thing." She clicked her pen and I nodded carefully causing my little sister to pull on my jean loops.

"Thank you."

"You're oh so very welcome." She joked with a small laugh and waved cutely at my sister.

"Finally, now we can go look at your dorm." My dad groaned causing me to chuckle as we entered the car again.


"Aw look at the puppy." Sofia cooed loudly and went to reach for the dog but I grabbed her.

"Shit, sorry, sorry." I apologized to the young woman walking the service dog.

"Sofi, you can't touch them, they're working." I mumbled towards my sister and the woman nervously chuckled as she continued walking.

"Sorry." She looked down sadly and I rubbed her head before kissing it.

"Okay.." My dad sighed as he got out of the car with keys in hand.

He walked towards the trunk and lifted up the latch just to pull my suitcase out. I only had a limited amount of clothing and items since we took a plane ride here. I grabbed a taped up box from my dads arms and he closed the trunk. My mom grabbed one of my suitcases while I squinted my eyes at the sun glaring down at us.

I guided them inside as I kept Sofia in front of me so she wouldn't be trampled by anyone else. Then once I followed orders and taped my name inside my mailbox we all went upstairs. Third floor right in the middle of the hall and I was dying for a nap already.

"And here we aree." I groaned to myself as I unlocked the door and opened it.

My dad walked in before me to rest my suitcases down and I walked in immediately noticing someone sliding their suitcase underneath their bed.

"Oh hey." The tall boy smiled cutely and I immediately checked him out.

"Heyy." I awkwardly smiled and rested my box on the floor.

"I'm Shawn." He smiled before running his hand through his curly hair.

"How're you guys?" He asked shaking my families hands causing me to chuckle.

"I'm Camila." I introduced myself while my dad stood confused with a deep frown.

"So.. you're sharing a room.. with a boy?" He suddenly spoke causing us to look at him.

"" I mumbled lowly and Shawn smiled softly.

"Oh no, it won't be like that at all. Trust me, I actually have manners rather than some of these guys around here." He rubbed his hands together and shifted on his feet.

"And I have a girlfriend so, yeah, you don't have to worry about anything, sir." He was super polite and I raised my eyebrows at him happy I was blessed with a nice man around.

I didn't have to like, fight him off cause he wanted a piece of ass so I was counting my lucky stars he wasn't one of them. I then peeked over to his side by the window and noticed a guitar.

"Oh? You play?" I asked him and he turned his head to the instrument.

"Yeah!" He smiled happily, "I also play some piano too." He gave me a tight goofy smile causing me to laugh.

I knew I was gonna enjoy his presence, "I've always wanted to learn guitar." I pouted and looked over at my parents who opened up the super small bathroom.

"Its small, mija.." My mom crinkled her nose in disapproval causing Sofia to snort.

"Yep, definitely not worth paying almost seven hundred a month." Shawn shoved his hands into his pockets with a happy smile.

Then I sighed closing my eyes when my family looked at me with a knowing smirk, "Aw, guess who's getting a job?" I heard my sister tease me and I opened my eyes to see my dad giving her a high five.

"Don't. What? No, you can't give her a high five, don't praise her for that." I playfully got defensive causing Shawn and my family to laugh.

"So.. where're you from Shawn? Here?" My father asked in his very thick Hispanic accent that Shawn almost didn't quite recognize the words.

"Oh! I'm actually from Canada." He laughed off his confusion and I suddenly frowned puzzled as to why he would come all this way.

"Why would you go all this way to go to school?" I chuckled as I shifted on my feet since they were starting to hurt from all the walking.

"Uh well the closer I get to LA is the best way. I had to like apply and get all my documents two years prior. It was stressful but I needed to get away if that makes sense." He explained softly without a care in the world and my dad nodded humming.

"I also had gotten a full scholarship here, so yeah, I'm here." Shawn smiled cutely and I looked down at my boxes.

"I'm hungry." I heard my sister groan and we all looked down at her.

"Same." I replied to ease her sudden anxiety from everyone looking at her.

"We get free food until the last semester?" Shawn suggested and I smirked.

"Oh I'm loving this place already." I chuckled and he smiled at us before scratching his head.

"I've already examined the place yesterday, you wanna head there now?" He asked my family and my mom was already inching towards the door.

"That's a yes." I laughed causing all of us to giggle while we started to walk out.

I still had an endless pit of butterflies from the constant reminder of me being here. I'm in college, like holy shit. That's all my parents wanted from me, was to have a better life, go to college. It would be stressful but they made me feel like I could do anything.

I wouldn't fuck anything up, I just had to put my head up and follow my heart. I knew I could do whatever I wanted to, I was happy, I was starting my life.


Ugh this shit is so cheesy rn but idc we as fanfic readers need a fanfic where there's not much drama and ima try to do that... but y'all know I'm a whore when it comes to making ppl cry or angry 💀💀

Hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't I hope you find Jesus

(^ btw guys, i gotta be nice at the beginning of my stories)

Have a great day or night beautifuls x

- Maddie


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