Lost It All (Sequel To Lost I...

By RaisedByWuuves

1.5M 23.8K 9.1K

Sequel to Lost In Stereo! In this story, you follow Camryn, Brandon's thirteen year old daughter through life... More

Lost It All (Sequel To Lost In Stereo)
Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Band Practice
Chapter 3: What Happened To You?
Chapter 4: Hunter and Annabelle
Chapter 5: You What?
Chapter 6: You Broke Your Father
Chapter 7: Talk To Me
Chapter 8: Attack
Chapter 9: Chris
Chapter 10: I Ruled The World
Chapter 11: With These Hands I Shook The Heavens To The Ground.
Chapter 12: I Laid The Gods To Rest
Chapter 13: I Don't Feel Good
Chapter 14: I Held The Key To The Kingdom
Chapter 15: Lions Guarding Castle Walls
Chapter 16: Camryn's Birthday
Chapter 17: He Did It First!
Chapter 18: Hail The King Of Death
Chapter 19: Then I Lost It All
Chapter 20: Just Do It
Chapter 21: Dead And Broken
Chapter 22: What Is This?
Chapter 23: Let's Tell Them
Chapter 24: What Are You Doing
Chapter 25: Danielle!
Chapter 26: I Want To Change
Chapter 27: Hannah
Chapter 28: Telling Chris
Chapter 29: Therapy
Chapter 30: Dinner
Chapter 31: First Session
Chapter 32: My Back's Against The Wall
Chapter 33: What Is Wrong With You?
Chapter 34: Why Are You Doing This?
Chapter 35: Two Choices
Chapter 36: Danielle's First Session
Chapter 37: Ethan
Chapter 38: Job Offer
Chapter 39: Texas
Chapter 40: Decision
Chapter 41: Blade
Chapter 42: Cut Me Open
Chapter 43: Three Months
Chapter 44: Telling The Boys
Chapter 45: Telling The Family
Chapter 46: I'm Just Trying To Breathe
Chapter 47: Yours To Hold
Chapter 48: The Baby Is Kicking
Chapter 49: Public Displays Of Affection
Chapter 50: First Look For The Boys
Chapter 51: Warped Tour
Chapter 52: First Day At Warped
Chapter 53: Oliver
Chapter 54: Jealous
Chapter 55: Sleepover Gone Wrong
Chapter 56: I've Got It
Chapter 57: Just Trying To Figure It Out
Chapter 58: Dakota Melissa Jones
Chapter 59: Because I Built These Walls To Watch Them Crumbling Down
Chapter 60: Taking It Easy
Chapter 62: I Said, "Then I Lost It All."
Chapter 63: Harper
Chapter 64: Breathe
Chapter 65: And Who Can Save Me Now
Chapter 66: I Stood Above
Chapter 67: Another War
Chapter 68: Grounded
Chapter 69: Another Jewel Upon The Crown
Chapter 70: Secret Admirer
Chapter 71: I Was The Fear Of Men
Chapter 72: I Have A Boyfriend
Chapter 73: Cheating
Chapter 74: But I Was Blind
Chapter 75: I Couldn't See The World There Right In Front Of Me
Chapter 76: But Now I Can
Chapter 77: Cause I Lost It All
Chapter 78: Creeper
Chapter 79: I Believe That We All Fall Down Sometimes
Chapter 80: Skyler
Chapter 81: Just Friends
Chapter 82: Winter Formal
Chapter 83: Suggestions
Chapter 84: Shopping
Chapter 85: Blonde
Chapter 86: I'm My Own Person
Chapter 87: I'm Not Hungry
Chapter 88: Parties Are A Bad Idea
Chapter 89: Can't You See That We All Fall Down Sometimes
Chapter 90: Stupid Boy
Chapter 91: Back To School
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Bowling
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105: Italy
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112: Football
Chapter 113: Prom
Chapter 114: Graduation
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117: Moving
Chapter 118
Chapter 119: Baby Shower
Chapter 120: Colton Brice Longsworth
Chapter 121: Home
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129: Christmas
Chapter 130: Wedding Dress Shopping
Chapter 131: Wedding
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134: Funeral
Chapter 135: Sydney
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143: Heart Attack
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146: Dating?
Chapter 147: Andy's Date
Chapter 148
Chapter 149: Jessica
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158: Danielle's Wedding
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164: Names
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172: Erin Gabrielle Adams
Chapter 173: Caitlyn Audrey Longsworth
Chapter 174: Eli and Eddie's Graduation
Chapter 175: Popping The Question
Chapter 176: Off To College
Chapter 177: Andy's Wedding
Chapter 178: Elizabeth
Chapter 179: Eddie's Graduation
Chapter 180: Eli's Graduation
Chapter 181: Eli's Wedding
Chapter 182: Eddie's Wedding (END)

Chapter 61: Anniversary

11.4K 127 91
By RaisedByWuuves

Chapter 61


*One Month Later*

"Babe." Alex said, sitting down next to me on the couch.


"I was thinking we should get out of the house for a night for our anniversary this year."

"I don't know Alex."

"Come on, we go out to dinner and come right back home every year. Let's drop the kids off with someone and go out to dinner then go to a hotel? Come on, let's do something different this year, it's our fifteenth."

"I know, but who are we going to drop our kids off with?"

"Well, Eli and Eddie can go with Bailey and Onyx." Alex suggested.

"But what about the girls? I don't want to drop all of our kids with Bailey cause I don't want her to get overwhelmed. I don't wan to drop them off with Blade and Gabe because they don't need two extra kids when they already have two and a baby. I don't want to drop them off with my parents because I don't want them to stress out and have too much work to do and such."

"Brandonm you're over thinking this. It's one night. I agree with you on not giving them to Blade, but why can't we drop them off at your parent's?"

"Alex, you don't understand how worried I am about them. My dad doesn't need anymore stress, his heart doesn't need it."

"Well, what about my parents?"

"I guess."

"Alright, then it's settled." She smiled, kissing my lips.

"I'll make the reservations." I said.

"I'll call Bailey and my parents." She sia dand I nodded.


"Why can't we stay with Aunt Blade and Uncle Gabe?" Camryn asked as we pulled into Bailey and Onyx's driveway.

"Because I'm not going to make them take care of the two of you, plus Christian, Blake and Dakota." I siad as I got out of he car. "Eli, Eddie, we're here." I said and they unbuckled their seatbelts, climbing ou of the car.

I walked them up to the door and knocked. Bailey opened with a smile and hugged the three of us.

"Why don't you guys go up to Lukas, he's in his toy room." Bailey said and they nodded, running past her and up the stairs.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"No problem, Lukas loves them."

"I'll pick them up in the morning." I said and she nodded.

"Oh, happy anniversary by the way."


"How long?"

"Fifteen years."

"Wow, that's a long time."

"I know. How long have you and Onyx been married?"

"Going on twelve years." She smiled.

"Wow, well thank you again. We've got to head over to Ella and Jake's to drop off the girs."

"Ah okay, no problem Brandon, see you tomorrow."

"Bye." I said going back to he car. I got in and drove over to Jake and Ella's house, Alex walking them up to the door while I stayaed in the car.


"This is going to be so boring!" Danielle whined.

"Oh be quiet and be nice. Maybe you can convince grandma and grandpa to let Blake and Christian come over. Besides, it's only for one night and we'll be back to pick you up in the morning." I said as I knocked on the door. My mom opened the door and pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey Alex, hey girls." My mom said, hugging the girls.

"Hi Grandma." They said.

"Well, you know where your rooms are, go ahead and go on up." She said and they nodded, going into the house and up the stairs.

"Thank you so much for doing this."

"No problem, your dad and I love them. Happy anniversary by the way."


"How long has it been?"

"FIfteen years."

"Wow, fifteen." She said and I nodded.

"Anyway, I'l pick them up in the morning, thanks again."

"No problem, see you tomorrow, love you."

"I love you too mom, bye." I said, going back to the car. I got in and kissed Brandon's cheek, grabbing his hand.


"Reservation for Biersack." I said to the host as the restraunt Alex and I were eating at.

"Aha, right this way Mr. Biersack." He said, grabibng two menus and leading us to a table set for two with a candle in the middle. Alex sat down and I pushed her chair in for her, going around to the other side of the table and sitting down.

"This restraunt is beautiful Brandon." Alex said, looking around before opening her menu.

"Almost as beautiful as you." I smiled.

"Awwh, you're so sweet." She said, looking down at her menu.


"This food is so good." Alex said, taking a bite of her food.

"I know." I said with a smile. We finished up our food and I grabbed Alex's hands.

"I have a present for you." I said.

"Oh Brandon, you didn't have to."

"Oh but I did." I said, grabbing the box out of my pocket and handing it to her. She chewed on her lip and let go of my hands, opening the box. She gasped once she saw what was inside.

"Brandon! It's beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"You like it? I figured crystal because that's the symbol for a fifteen year wedding anniversary."

"I love it." She smiled. It was a necklace with a gold chain and ten cubes of crystal dangling off of it. "Can you put it on for me?"

"Of course." I said, standing up and going behind her. I grabbed the necklace and moved her hair, clasping it around her neck. She fixed her hair and positioned the necklace to where it was comfortable.

"Oh Brandon, I love it. Thank you so much." She said as I grabbed her hands.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She said as I leaned in and kissed her lips.

"Alex, you are the love of my life. Everyday I wake up, I am so happy I married you. We have four beautiful children together and I couldn't ask for a better woman to be the mother of my children. Sure, we've been through ups and downs, but we made it through together. We've been together for fifteen years, let's hope another fifteen follows."

"Brandon, I fall more and more in love with you each and everyday. You are an amazing father to our children and you have such a kind and loving heart, always thinking about others before yourself. These last fifteen years have been the best of my life, getting to spend every single day with you. I love you so much and I can't wait to see what happens in the next fifteen." She said and I smiled, kissing her.

I payed for the food and then we left, driving to the hotel.

"You'll get your present at home." She said.

"Oh you didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh yes I did, especially after you got me this necklace."

We parked in the parking lot and checked in, going up to our room. Alex pinned me to the door and started unbuttoning my shirt, roughly kissing my lips. I smiled and put my hands under her thighs, lifting her up and causing her to wrap her legs aroud my waist.


"Im driving." Alex said as we got out to the parking lot.

"Okay." I said, getitng into the passenger seat.

"We're going to make a few stops before we get the kids." She said.

"Should i be scared?"

"No, this is your anniversary present." She said, stopping the car and quickly blindfolding me.

"Okay, now I'm scared."

"You'll be fine, I promise." She said as she continued to drive. We drove for about ten minutes before she turned off the car. She helped me out of the car and led me a few steps before taking my blindfold off and leading me into a building.

"What is this?" I asked, looking around.

"Hi, we're here to look at dogs."

"Oh my god." I said quietly.

"Right this way." The lady said, leading us to where the dogs were kept.

"We're getting a dog?"

"I know how you've always wanted one."

"I love you so much." I said, wrapping my arms around her and swinging her around.

"I love you too, now go pick out a dog." SHe siad and I ran all aound the room, looking at all of the dogs.

"Ooh! I want this one!" I exclaimed. It was a black and white Miniature Schnauzer puppy.

"Awwh, that's cute. Let's get it." She said and we told the lady that we wanted that one. She got him out of the cage and handed him to me, walking us back out to the front. ALex payed and we got back into the car, driving to Petsmart.

"What are you going to name it?" Alex asked.

"Buddy." I said with a smirk.

"That's the most generic name ever." Alex laughed. "But if you like it, let's go with it." She said, parking the car. We went to Petsmart and got a collar, a nametag, a food/water dish, food, toys, treats and a leash. We got a few more things we would need and went to go pick up the kids.

We picked up the girls first and Alex went to go get them while I stayed in the car.


I knocked on the door and my mom opened it.

"Hi, did you have a good time last night?"

"The best. Brandon got me the most beautiful crystal necklace ever."

"Awhh, he's so sweet." She said and I nodded.

"Camryn! Danielle! Your mom is here!" She called. The girls came downstairs and hugged my mom before hugging me.

"Okay girls, let's get home." I said. "Bye mom, thank you."

"Bye, love you." She said as we walked back to the car. He girls got in and I got back into the driver's seat.


"Girls, we have a surprise for you." I said as Alex started driving to go pick up the boys.

"What?" They asked.

"We have a new addition to the family." I said, showing them he dog.

"Oh my god! He's is so fucking cute!" Camryn exclaimed, taking him from my hand.

"His name is Buddy." The girls kept obsessing over him as we drove to Bailey's house. Alex parked in the driveway and I turned around to the girls.

"Okay girls, give me the dog. I want to surprise Eli and Eddie." They gave me the dog and I handed him to Alex before getting out and walking up to Bailey's door. I knocked on the door and Bailey opened it.

"Hey Brandon, I'll get your kids." SHe siad. "ELI! EDDIE! Youre dad is here!" Bailey called up the stairs.

"How was your night?" She asked.

"Amazing." I said and she smiled.

"I'm glad, yout boys were perfect angels." She said as they came down the stairs.

"Well that's good, did you boys have a good time?" I asked as I crouched down and hugged them.

"LUKAS HAS BATMAN LEGOS!" Eli exclaimed.

"Can we get Batman legos?"

"We'll see, Christmas is coming up." I said and they nodded. "Okay, go out to the car." I said and they nodded, running off.

"Bye Bailey, thank you so much." I said, hugging her.

"No problem."

"If you ever need anyone to watch Lukas, we'll be there."

"Alright, bye Brandon."

"Bye." I said, walking to the car. I got in and turned around to look at the boys.

"Boys, we've got a surprise." I said, handing them the dog.

"Puppy!" Eddie exclaimed as they reached out and started petting him.

"His name is Buddy."

"Buddy." Eli smiled.

"You guys can play with him when we get home." I said, placing the dog on my lap, Alex driving home. We got home and the six of us walked into the house.

"Daddy, can we play with the dog."

"Okay, but be careful with him." I said, placing him in the backyard and letting the kids run around with it.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." Alex said, kissing my lips.


Necklace --->

Dog ---------> (external)

Listening to Umbrella~ Rihanna


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