Pokemon Truth or Dare

By Pyro_Maniac

161K 3.5K 6K

Craziness! Randomness! Drunk ninja Mankeys and other random stuff rest omitted are contained inside this book... More

Pokemon Truth or Dare
More Fun Tortures!Muwahahaha!
More Dares!
Many More Tortures ;)
Can't Think of a Title -_-
Really Evil!And.....Random!!!
Congratulations,Sora!Happy Birthday,Takeo!
Many Tortures!
What Went On???? O_O
Happily Ever After? -3-
My Memory?????
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG!Ahhh!It's Slender!
Pink Fluffy Unicorns!Lost Silver!Many More Things!!!
More Randomness!XD
Random Chaotic Stuff!Woohoo!
1.26K OMG!!!
Sora Strikes Again -_- Without Even Knowing
Prank Wars!Sora Vs. Drew!
Author's Note:
Author's Note 2:
Sora and the Seven Dolts (A Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Parody)
Battles & Vocaloids!And.....Secrets.....
More Craziness!
A Thanks to All Readers
Masamune-sama!!!! ^///^
I'm Awesome and I Know It!
Vacation Time!^-^
The Manor of Sleep
Embarrassing Memories
Final Chapter!Farewell Wattpad! :'(
Holy Miltank! 6,000+ Reads!!!!!!!
Happy Days
Legend of Zelda?Screw that!LEGEND OF LINK!!!!
Sugar Rush!!!!
OMG!!!100+ FOLLOWERS AND 1,000+ VOTES!!!
Lavender Town
I'm Grounded -_-
Farewell,Koei Warriors!!!!(^Δ^)/
Author's Note
I Need Help -_-
Too. . . Much. . . . EPICNESS!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Sora! ^_^
Sonic World!!!
Sorry XP
Attack on Poképeriod and Corpse Party with A Grammar Nazi
*Head Explodes*
IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ, EVERYONE!!!! Please, this is very important!
Idiot Pageants!!!!
An Important Announcement
Well That Was Fast
Pyro's Guide On How To Become a Ninja and an Amazing Stalker;)
Pyro's Guide On How To Become a Ninja and an Amazing Stalker;) Part 2
Pokémon on Chat
Chatroom 2
In the World of Attack on Titan
A Special Chapter
Pyro's Guide On How To Become a Ninja and an Amazing Stalker;) Part 3
Arigattou! ^_^
Poor Rafe!
Stuff That Science Can't Explain
10 Pyro-ish, Crazy, Random and Funny Things to Do
What Girls Feel
I Can't Put A Title
:') Arigattou
I Apologize
Awkward Moments
( ._.) Wow.
:') Thank You All So Much
@Trainer_Taylor, You Better Read this Before I could Strangle Myself -.-
Dates?! O_O
95th Chapter Special
Honest Summaries About Why me? and Why you?
My Own Version of Epic Rap Battles of History"!!!
\( ._.)/ Ayeeeeee
Quick! While I'm Still Here While My Parents are Gone!
Holy Sh*t!!!!
What Happens If Pyro Meets a Character
Information About New T or D And More!
Since Some of You Still Don't Know
Everyone (Even Those Who Don't Read All Chapters) PLEASE READ! I NEED YOUR HELP!

(TT^TT) Nuuuuuuuu!!!!

1.4K 29 117
By Pyro_Maniac

Fun Factos of the Day:

1. Do you know I receive about 10+ votes a day? My most votes received in one day must have been up to 20+ because I posted a lot of chappies XD

2. Do you know I receive up to 30+ dares every chapter? XD

All those never would've happened without you! ^_^ Luv ya all!

Pyro: *Was sobbing in a corner*

Sora: Pyro, what's wrong?

Pyro: *Sobs, then shows her her new water powers* DX *Sobs harder and crawls under table*

Sora: Oh. *Sweatdrops* SMG dared Pyro to remove her fire powers and turn it to water. She can kill Hiro, but she hates water.

Pyro: WHY?!?! Why?!?!?! *Sobs more and hugs knees, rocking*

May: Since she now has water powers, lets call her Agua!

Agua: *Cries even more*

Rafe: Anyways, lets welcome Robert!

Robert: Yo! *Enters room and gives Pyro - I mean Agua a confused look*

After we Arrived in Da Creepypasta mansion or known as Slender Mansion

Agua: *Sobs even more and curls up in a ball*

Glitchy Red: *Pats her back*

Dark Link: (-_-;;) *Tries to cheer her up*

BEN: You can borrow my video games! :D (A/N: I'm. . . I'M DREAMING!!!! ^\\\^)

Wendy: (^_^;;) Lets start! These are from Shaden990!

I dare Kiko and Abby to go against a whole army of zombie pigs!

Abby and Tsukiko: Bring it! *grabs weapons and charges to Zombie Pigmen army, soon emerging victorious*

I dare everyone to make a pig race!


What. . . Da. . . Fuq?! JEFF WON!!! <(0o0)>

Jeff: *was done torturing the pig* I'm way too beautiful to lose! ;D

Sora: Yep! (^_^;;)

Other Creepypastas: (/__-)

I can't find them so I'll put new ones, okay? I dare Kiko and Emma to kill Cyrus (Kiko uses a katana)

Days of Torturing Cyrus *Cough cough Miley cough Fcking cough Cyrus cough twerker*

Emma: Woo! *Drops Sora's sword*

I also dare you and Kiko to plan Drew and May's wedding!

Agua: Kiko can go on without me! *Tries to burn something, but ends up putting it out with water* Waaaa!!! *Curls up I'm a ball and cries* I'm nothing without FIYAH!!! DX

Erza: . . . . . Next is from Taylor.

(Thank god no one dares me to do thing and spark is gonna like this dare ) I dare wolf and spark to go on a romantic date (now don't let him read this part) but at the end of it *evil laugh* he has to propose to her XD

I don't wanna describe it cuz I hate romance *Throws up*

Mirajane: Next are from Spark!

I dare everyone to have a one on one fight with Herobrine XD

Herobrine: *Nods and grabs diamond sword* Dieeeee. . . .


Wendy: *Revives all the dead people*

Agua: *Was still in emo corner*

PPG10: This is boring without FIYAH! DX

I dare everyone to have a war against the creepy pastas

Everyone: Crap.

Creepypastas: *Glances at Sora* We're screwed.


Sora: *Helps revive everyone* ^_^

Mirajane: Next are from Amy!

Make laughing Jack give the most hated candy.

Laughing Jack: *Glares at Nyx and Hiro* Sora is like a sister to me, so you shall pay! *Grabs knife, cuts their stomachs and throats and stuffs his candy in them*

Creepypasta battle with all of us!

History Repeats Itself -.-

Emma,do you like Red?

Emma: 0///0 U - u - u - uh. . .   Yes. v\\\\v

Red: >\\\>

Make Budder eat 50 gallons of butter.

Budder: YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! *Jumps into a pool of BUDDER!!!!*

Slenderman do ya like someone?

Slenderman: No. Not yet. I still haven't found that special girl.

Sora: Awww! 3: Now I don't have anything to blackmail you with! -3-

Silver, are you a sadist?

Silver: *Shrugs* A little. *Laughs darkly as he watches Budder explode from too much butter inside of him*

Make the creepers and the creepypastas fight!

Sora: YESSSS! *Releases Agua's new drunk  rainbow Creepers on drugs and uses Agua's author powers to create a pasta tornado*

Everyone: Crap! *Runs*

Jeff: GO TO SLEEP! *Stabs Hiro*

Jane: *Chases Jeff with ninja blades and throws it at him, but keeps missing*

Slenderman: My mansion!

Sally: Tea party! \(^0^)/

Everyone: HELL NO!!! *Runs*

Masky: *Watches while eating cheesecake*

Sora: *Was accidentally hit on the back by Jane's blade*

Everyone: 0_0 Crap! *Runs as Sora turns to Lost Guardian*

Takeo: *Screams when Unhappy Refrain starts playing*


Everyone Was Revived by Dradian

Dradian: *Sighs and flies off*

Everyone: 0_0

Make the Complete Idiots fight the creepypastas.


Boys: X.X *Was revived*

Sora, teach me fighting so we can kill Nyx and the others.

Sora: Okay! ^_^

Wendy: Next is from Pokemon_TrainerRiley!

I dare Sora to play a horror game on the Oculus Rift.

Sora: Sure! *Plays the game and beats it, not looking scared at all* I faced more scarier stuff.

(Damn. I'm having a headache keeping track of characters! @_@)

Erza: Next is from Lian!

I Dare all the idiots to battle with the creepy pastas ^_^ I'm so nice

Idiots: -_- We hate you. *Gets attacked by CPs*

Mirajane: Next are from Scott! ^_^

I dare myself to kill all supporters of Mentalshipping and then nyx and Hiro go outside and they cannot play Xbox

Tortures Later Since EVERYONE supports Mentalshipping -_-

Erza: Next!

also soren has to go against whoever Emma likes

Soren: *Grabs chainsaw and glares at Redypoo*

also Sapphire has to do 7MIH with Hiro

Sapphire: -_____- *Was shoved in a closet with a sobbing Hiro*

*Insert Screams Here*

Wendy: (^_^;) Next is from Skyla!

I don't know what Creepypasta is, so...I'm just gonna dare all the boys to turn into them and go after their crushes/girlfriends

Ash - Strangling Red

Drew - Bloody Grass XD (I ran out of ideas)

Paul - Cold Heart

Takeo - Dark Moon ( I can see what he's gonna look like *Squeals* )

Rafe - Fallen Dragon

Chase - Blue Flame

Austin - Bloody Len (Try imagining Len in a black outfit with blood splattered on his face and has a psychotic grin)

Soren - Masked Thief (Aweshum! I can see his Creepypasta form! ^\\^)

Seth - Crimson Night

(I forgot le others ._. Too much characters! DX )


Girls: *Screams at sight and faints*

Boys: *Laughs*

Agua: *Was still sobbing in a corner* *Sniff*

Mirajane: *Revives everyone* Next are from Emma_o! ^_^

W.D. (Wrong direction) has to be gay with each other or else you have to be gay with. . . J.B. *dun dun dunnnn*

W.D: What?! o_e

Erza: *Cracks knuckles*

W.D: *Starts acting gay to each other*

I'm gonna Censore Thish

Sora: 0_0 Wha - wha - wha - *Turns blue and faints*

Nikki: Look away! Fcking look away! *Everyone looks away*

Ash: I'm scarred for life! DX

Misty: 0_0

Mirajane: Lets distract ourselves! Next are from Budder's Kitty! ^_^

Hiro go take Laughing Jack's candy

Hiro: Already did a long time ago. *Eats one, then dies of stupidity and poison*

Gold aren't you Lost Silver dead?

Budder: Yea. *Nods* It's pretty awkward.

Lost Silver: Y - y - y - yea. . . .

Sora turn into The Lost Guardian and go scare the guys

Sora: With pleasure! ;D *Grabs Jeff's knife and stabs self*

Guys: Crap. 0_0

Lost Guardian: *Giggles and grabs chainsaw*

Boys: *some peed their pants, some fainted while some were frozen*

Mirajane: XD Next are from PPG10!

v_v You know what, I dare Eren and Mikasa to do smih. Hey Soren and T.K. I'll join you in your forever alone corner now!

Mikasa: 0\\\\0 *Was shoved in the closet with Eren*

Soren, T.K and PPG10: *Does the Forever Alone secret (not) handshake and crawls to Forever Alone Corner* \( ._.)/

I dare Leah and Takeo to have a fighting match.

Takeo: *Grabs spear* It's on! >:)

Leah: *Puts on knuckle guards*

After An Epic Battle, Leah Won Cuz Takeo is a -

Nikki: MUTHAFCKER GENTLEMAN!!!! *Dances to Gentleman*

Jeff: *Runs as Jane chases him with blades*

Dark Link: *Hugs a sobbing Agua, patting her back comfortingly*

L.S: *Hides behind Glitchy Red*

Abby: WOOHOOO!!!! *Grabs chainsaw and chases Kohaku*

SMG: *Chases Hiro and Miley Cyrus with Fluffiness*

JB: *Pops out of nowhere* I will never say never.

Scott: *Kills JB with Happiness* DIE!!!!

Drunk rainbow Creepers on Drugs: *Starts exploding, leaving rainbow - y effects*

Prinnies: Doooooooooooooodddddd!!!!!! *Throws pies everywhere while raising up frozen tunas*

Agua: I can't join the chaos. . . DX Because I'm nothing without FIYAH!!! How can you create chaos with watah! *Sobs*

Erza: (-_-;;) Next.

I dare horse face and Eren to make Cleo cry then face Leah's wrath.

Jean and Eren: -_- *Kicks Cleo and starts making fun of her like children*

Leah: o.e *Puts on Knuckle Guards*

*Insert Screams of Pain Here*

Sora: Next!

I dare Lady A to become a complete monster and DESTROY!!! That's all from meh! ^_^

Sora: *Uses Agua's author powers and turns Lady A into a Titan*

Titan: *Grabs Nyx, breaks her in two and eats her*

Ash: 0_0

Drew: *Tries to calm down May who is going crazy over skittles*

Zalgo: *Eyes widen* Such chaos.

Team Crafted: BUDDER!!!! *Throws budder everywhere*

Hetalia characters: Wha - here again?!

SMG: *Sends out Shiny Mew* ATTACK!!!!!!

Days of Chaos without FIYAH Later DX

Erza: Next. -_- This is from Robert.

I dare T.k to admit his love for Sora.

SoraXT.K Ship

Takeo: 0///0 Thank Arceus Sora's not here to hear this - Imeanwut?

Rafe: o.e *Grabs sword, but was knocked out by Skyla and a fluffy pillow*

Skyla: ^_^ Continue?~

Takeo: *Sighs and tries to find Sora*,


Takeo: *Pants* Finally found her in this confusing mansion. SORA!!!

Sora: *stops what she's doing* What is it?

After A Love Confession *Throws up*

(A/N: Sorry. I just got home from an amusement park and rode 9 different roller coasters that made my heart, kidneys, and intestines switch places, ate two ice creams, one pizza, a bar of chocolate, a few candies, rode on a very wild ride that spins people while swinging, a Wave Surfer and after A few hours of sugar rush, decided to write and I just threw up on my phone -.-)

Sora: 0///0 U - u - u -

Takeo: >\\> I understand if -

Soren: *Pops out of nowhere in overprotective brother mode* DYNAMIC ENTRY!!! *Knocks Takeo out with a frying pan* (A/N: Gotta love him! XD)

Takeo: @_@

Sora: Soren! >:(

Soren: *Shrugs*


Sora: *Shakes Takeo* T.K wake up!

Takeo: *Sits up* What the he -

Rayquaza: DIE!!! *Grabs a gattling gun and shoots at Takeo*

Sora: (/_-)

Lucario: *Runs as Takeo's Bisharp starts chasing him* BISHARP LIKES GARDEVOIR!!!!

Bisharp: *tackles him to the ground*

Gardevoir: 0__0

Latios: *Screams as he tries to run from Latias*

Mirajane: (^_^;;) Next are from Angel!

In the creepypasta mansion L.S is MINE okay? Okay.

Angel can have L.S, Nikki can have Glitchy and I have Dark Link! <3

I dare Sora and Jeff to have an epic battle!!!

Jeff: *Grins and takes out knife* Thoughts: Sh¡t! I'm screwed. Pretend that it's easy!

Sora: *Smirks* My own version of Go To Sleep is. . . *Takes out her giant blade and charges at Jeff* BOW DOWN BEFORE THE DRAGONESS! >:)

Jeff: SSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! *Tries to block with knife, but ends up getting crushed by her sword*

Creepypastas: We'll prepare his funeral.

Jeff: *Groans in pain* My face. . . My beautiful face. . .

Sora: *Hands a mirror*

Jeff: *Smiles* Still beautiful. *Loses conscious*

Agua: My fire. . . . *Tries to burn a picture of JB, but ends up wetting it* (TT^TT)

Wendy: (^_^) Next are from SMG!

SMG: \(^_^)/ *Hugs Silver*

First things first Emma and Paige cannot be killed by Creepypastas

Creepypastas: And what are you going to do about it? We already did!

SMG: *Takes Fluffy*

Sora: *Grabs a few shurikens and says with a threatening glare* Who wants to bow down before the Dragoness?

Creepypastas: (O_O;;) *Gulps and shakes head*

Sora: *Hides blades* ^_^ Good.

Random people have to drop dead for the whole chapter and know one knows why and all of there crushes/ admirers/ boy friends/girlfriends have to go ballistic.

Agua: *Drops dead*

Dark Link: *Does the same*

Chase and Austin: *Drops dead* (A/N: Please dare the other OC's)

Others: *Goes ballistic even though our author doesn't know what it means and Google isn't helping*


Soren: Next! *pants*

Everyone has to dance to Gangam Style including Creepypastas


Everyone: *Dances to Gangnam style. Some suck, some are professionals and whatever*

Ash: Yay! *Dances like crazy*

Misty: (0_0;;)

Erza: *Sighs* Moving on.

And all dexholders have to ask someone out one a date ^_^ p.s. red you have to choose Emma ^-^ or I'll kill ya

Dates after Kidnapping All De Dexholders

Green and Blue

Red and Emma

Gold and Kitty

Silver and SMG

Sapphire2 and Ruby

That's all I can kidnap. ( ._.) Sorry. There's too many people here.

Mirajane: Next!

And I dare Pyro's fire powers to be turned into water powers for the whole chapter.

Agua: *Nods and continues to cry*

Dark Link: -_- *Hugs, a bit disappointed he can't flirt with me*

Scott: *Activate overprotective bro mode* <_<

Mirajane: Next!

Agua: *wipes tears and manages to calm self*

And I dare every reader to check out my books ^_^

Agua: I'm sorry SMG. That can't happen.

SMG: Why?

Agua: I don't want to sound mean or anything, but that's wrong. Really wrong. I'm starting to feel as if you're using me to gain more readers or something. ( ._.) I already gave you a lot of shoutouts, isn't that enough? Just wait. Readers increase as time passes. And all readers have different types of likes, some might like your book while some don't, it depends on their taste. Don't worry! ^_^ But again, I feel upset. . . ( ._.) I feel as if you don't seem satisfied with the shoutouts I gave you. I already told them to check out your books about three times. (A/N: Seriously, I'm upset. I tried everything to help you, SMG. What more could you want? ._. )

Erza: Moving on. Next are from Nikki!

I dare all the girls with boyfriends to wear VERY revealing clothes just so the guys faint from nosebleed!

Sora: Oh crap! *Tries to run, but was grabbed by Misty*


Boys: *Nosebleed*

Then I dare Abby to cosplay as Kokone and sing ERROR

Abby: *Dresses up as Kokone*

Sings Error

Then I dare Kohaku to cosplay as Len .O.

Kohaku: -_- *Was forced in a Len costume*

Abby: OMG!!!! *Hugs Kohaku* You chu adowable! :3

I'm bored, so have Rayquaza date Rafe. And Rafe has to act exactly how he acts when he takes Sora on a date.Afterwards Rayquaza can do anything to Rafe

Hours of Torture Later

Rayquaza: *Kills Rafe*

Sora: -3-

Rafe: *Was revived*

I dare you to revive Abby's brother Garrett for five chapters so Abby can see her brother again (He did grow up in heaven so he's currently 25)

Garrett: Huh? What the -

Abby: Brother! *Cries and hugs him*

After an Emotional Reunion

Then have Abby explain everything Kohaku's done to her and Garrett can do anything to Kohaku


Garrett: o.e *Grabs Inuyasha's Tetsuiga or whatever it's spelled*

Kohaku: Sh¡t! *Tries to run, but was impaled when Garrett borrowed Sango's giant boomerang*

Since I'm nice Sora can have her mom revived for one chapter

After a Happy Reunion


Tortures and Squeals Later

Erza: Next are from Payton.

I dare myself to. . . . . . Mmhh *starts to think* oh I know fangirl over a poster shown to me with Bradley Steven Perry on it then faint lol

Payton: *Fangirls over a poster of Bradley Steven Perry, then faints*

Erza: Next are from pokemon123789!

I dare for rayquaza to go into poke-periods, and attack everyone


Rayquaza: *Mega Evolves and uses Super Seiyan/Outrage/Musuo attack*

Wendy: *Ignores screams in the background* Next!

Hehehe, Gardevoir has to rob a bank, while Blaziken and Lance get her caught and she goes to jail, but busts out and Lance and Blaziken continue to bicker over her! Hehehehe. . . . . . . . . .MUAHAHAHAHA!

After That

Lance and Blaziken: *Continues arguing*

Gardevoir: -___-'

Agua: *Sighs* The end. Please comment a dare, and if I forgot your dare, please repost it because my Gmail is having issues. I still feel upset, SMG. I can't cause chaos and the last dare. . . Anyways, bye!~ (^0^)/

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