Shattered Pieces (Annie Leon...

By ElitDavian

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During "The thousand-year war" a soldier encountered his people's greatest enemy the Dark-God of the Quawers... More

Chronos Sector
Unknown World
Wall Maria
Annie Leonhardt
Trost District
A Titan-Shifter Among Us
The Military Police
The Day
A Shield
A Long Night
The Female titan
Endless suffering
Scars of the past
The trial
The choice of one
Wall Rose
The stars
Cold night
In the woods
Smoke Signal
Location of The Counterattacks
Diamond Blue Eyes
Shiganshina District
Wedding part one
Wedding part two
Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Mission Objectives
Cruel World
Final Visit
The Lion's Heavy Heart
A New Life
Segen Leonhardt
On the beach
A Promise
Visitors from Hizuru
March 22nd
The Owl
One singular soul
Friendship amidst war


3.4K 61 8
By ElitDavian

United Empire's capital planet Tulon
Capital City Valedor

[Year 11258]

"I've discussed this topic countless times, my son." Your father said in his rough voice.

"You just want me to die on a battlefield, grandfather was a great man but I'm not following his footsteps or my uncle's!?"

"You will !" He demanded.

"All you care about is Family Pride and you don't even give a damn about what I think. This is the United Empire where everyone gets to choose who they want to be."

"I've served the United Empire for more than 24 years, long before you were born. Your opinion doesn't matter to me, you'll join the Elite order or the Majoris order. At least one son of the each Noble household is expected to join the Imperial army. And you're living under my roof and I'm the one who made you who you are today, so you will do as I say." He sternly said.

"Fine if you really want your eldest son to die on another planet for that honor of your Family Pride. Then I will join this your bloody Imperial army of yours !!"

"Y/N wait-" Your mother said.

Right before you were about leave the living room. "You think I wanted to be a politician ? A member of the High council ? I wanted to join the Elite order. Many descendants of the A/N bloodline did so and most of them succeeded, A/N household produced 17 Emperor's Knights. I wanted to follow your grandfather's footsteps but he told 'My son, I want you to have a normal life. Live like an ordinary imperial citizen. Your brother has already joined the order so the requirement is fulfilled and life of an Elite is dangerous you know what I mean.' and that's what he told. After that talk he transferred me from Elite order to Politicus."

"At least he cared about you."

You left the living room and went to straight your room, threw yourself on the bed. Your father is a powerful man, he's the head of the Imperial Order party and he's one of the five chairmen of "High Council." So there is nothing you can do about it but still you hated your family. Not your family but particularly your father.

-Next day-

You woke up and looked at the time it's was 8:46AM. You headed to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. There were your younger siblings and your mother.

"Where is dad, mom?"

"He left early in the morning." Your mother replied.

"Huh ..... "

Younger brother : Are you really gonna join the military ?

Y/N : Yeah I guess so.

Younger brother : Cool.

"What's so cool about that ?"

"You know like fighting against monsters and protecting people like in the cartoons." He said excitedly while trying to imitate one of his favorite characters. It made you chuckle.

Mother : Now eat your breakfast, children.

When your younger siblings left for their school. You packed your things and prepared yourself to head out. And yourmother called you. "Head to the Military HQ, your father will be waiting for you there. And be careful my son."

"Mom, are you with dad on this ? I mean do you want me to join the army ?"

"Many young men volunteer to join the army every year. In order to defend their homes, the empire and her people. Even our forefathers and the sons of the Lord Emperor gave their precious lives to safeguard the existence of our species. Your grandfather would be proud of you, my son."

"Understood, mom. Well see you til then."

"Like I said be careful, my child." She kissed you on your forehead while crying.

-Military HQ of Valedor-

You took the public transport tram and arrived at Military HQ after 10 minutes ride. When you entered the recruiting station you saw your father talking with one of the officers. You sat down one of the seats and then your father came to you.

"May I sit here ?"

"Of course, You may."

Father : It looks like you are not the one who is joining the Elite Order.

Y/N : Wait, you want me to join the Elite order ? I thought I was going to join the Majoris order.

Father : No, there're enough Majoris soldiers out there. And I want you to continue our household's success. Well anyway do you see that tall boy ?

Y/N : Wait our household's success ? What Lord Elitan's household ? They should be the rightful ones to carry the title of Emperor's Knight.

"Yes, they should be the ones but things have changed. They decided to give other households a chance to prove themselves as for them they started acting as the head of the Elite order and the Alpha unit as a whole. And now do you see that tall boy."

"Yes and what's with him ?" You asked.

Father : He is from Lancashire family.

"So what ? He's from a noble family just like us." You answered.

Father : Hah, noble ? No Lancashire isn't considered as a noble family. But its close enough, the patriarch of their family indeed supported the Emperor but he was a merchant you learnt that at school right ?

"Of course, dad ! Everyone knows it and their countless sons gave their lives for humanity."

"Indeed, like I said close enough and my son I'm truly overjoyed that you're joining the military. "

"Yeah..... you forced me to join." You grunted

Recruiting officer : Alright, those who are chosen for the Elite Order, follow me.

Father : Be careful kiddo.

You stepped inside the military transport ship along with 35 other recruits from Valedor and 78 thousand others from Tulon. The flight took nearly 2 days to get to Mackan.

- Planet Mackan -

-Elite Academy of Carcas-

Drill sergeant : Alright men, starting from today I will be your instructor ! You may call me drill sergeant or sergeant Andrew. Do you have any questions ? No, well then welcome to Carcas Elite Academy future knights of the Emperor.

"Sir, yes sir !!"

After the Drill sergeant left the room atmosphere became more lively.

Charles : Hey, easy up a little, it's not like we're being sent into a battlefield.

"Yeah, I'm just........ just kinda nervous, you know. But yeah." You replied.

"Yeah, the same goes for me too. And I'm Charles, Charles Martinez." Charles said as he offered his hand, you wasted no time and shook his hand.

"F/N L/N."

"Oh really ? I never thought I'd meet with someone you like. And nice to meet you." He smiled. Who would have thought that this would be the initial start of your friendship.

And from that day 7 months of hell began. Every day schedule was to wake up 5:40 AM in the morning and go out for a 5 mile run. And those two were the simplest things of the training program. Daily routine after breakfast is a total hell for example:

Harsh environment training,
Battlefield training,
All sorts of military mechanical training,
Close-combat training,
Underwater and Night operation training,
Strategic military educational training.

You once asked your instructor Andrew " Are these training exercises really necessary?!" Soon after that you found out that the Elite order was far too different than you thought. Its a covert group within the military's best , trained to operate deep behind enemy lines even in those brutal conditions. Missions were undocumented only briefed. Orders from high command. And unquestioning obedience demands. And you're one of them now.

Training was hard but the resistance training for interrogation was even more harder. They said " It's for not to lose any key strategic plannings or classified information to enemy." And then 2nd stage of our training began. A few commanders from above came to the Carcas Elite Academy with an unexpected test.

Sergeant Andrew : High ranking Elite soldiers came here to choose 3 cadets from each group and unfortunately due to the war raging in outer sector. The Falconet High Command decided to take only 45-50 thousand cadets this year. As for the those chosen cadets will be enlisted into Royal Elite Guards. And will continue their training on different planets depending on where and which mentor they are assigned to.

Falconet guard

Falconet Commander

[Royal Elite Guards A.K.A Falconets, they are very much similar to the military police.]

Elitan the founder of Elite Order created a special Command unit called the Falconets. Falconets were chosen from the ranks of Elite Order. These warriors have stood in the presence of the Lord Emperor Santis since before the time of the Great Exploration wars. For five thousand years and more, the Falconets have stood watch over their lord and master, serving as the Emperor's personal heralds and loyal bodyguards. During the beginning of "The thousand year war" these resplendent warriors guarded the Lord Emperor Santis wherever He went and swore to give their lives to protect His. After His disappearance they have taken a far more greater role in the United Empire. They protect every sacred palaces, churches, cathedrals and Redemption temples of the Lord Emperor, throughout the galaxy. But most of the Falconet bastions are garrisoned at planet Tulon and Luton. Nearly 2 million on Tulon and 3.6 million on Luton, on planet Luton they defend the sacred grave of the All-loving Mother, One and true Empress of humanity, first and last wife of the Lord Emperor Santis, Goddess of Love and Mercy, Ashe Luton. A Holy planet where the bodies of our Princes rests next to their mother's.

There were 400 groups in Carcas academy each containing more than 600 or 700 cadets and The planet, Mackan had 30 Elite Academies throughout the planet. So that gets you roughly 7.8 million Elite cadets. And there are 648 cadets in your group, 54 cadet squads each contained 12 members and only the best 3 will be chosen. And then 3 men came in and gave Drill sergeant a signal.

Sergeant Andrew : Let me introduce Captain Rufus, Second lieutenant Edmund and Braxton of the INI.

{ INI - Imperial Naval Intelligence is the intelligence service branch of the Imperial Navy. Its formal name is the United Empire Grand Army Military Intelligence Division. Although it is under the jurisdiction of the Navy, it holds unmeasurable power in the Army."

Apollo Laker Elitan

Captain General Apollo Laker Elitan of The Falconets was the Commander-in-Chief of INI and Captain General of both Elite order and Alpha unit until his mysterious disappearance in 11255 }

UE'S Phase-22 Elite Suit.

Then they began duel between cadets, duration of a single match was 3 minutes. And you took down 2 cadets including Wilcox but right before your 4th duel someone came in, his suit looked very different than the other Officers who were spectating you. Right after seeing him the high ranking officer quickly stood up saluted him.

Cadet 1 : It's him

Cadet 2 : Really ? What is he doing here ?

Cadet 3 : Maybe he is here to pick his successor.

Cadet 4 : Nonsense, haven't you heard that he doesn't take any apprentice.

You rubbed your shoulder and asked " What's going on ?"

"Haven't you heard about him ?" William responded dumbfounded by your question.

Y/N : Who ?

William : That is the Emperor's Knight Legendary Commander McBragg.  Ah c'mon, man ! Your grandfather was his mentor. He's your grandfather's successor.

"Yes, I did hear and see him on TV, even during the Parades but he looks different somehow."

Emperor's Knight McBragg

Sergeant Andrew : Y/N and Henry

At the first 30 seconds things were fine but Henry was on a different level than you. Henry was fast and he took you out in only 1 minute 47 seconds. You fell on the ground and Henry offered to help saying " Good match, Y/N"

Y/N : Yeah and good luck, Henry.

After your defeat you joined Charles, William and the others in the spectator seat to spectate Henry, Ruiter, Reagan and Langley.

Sergeant Andrew : The top 3 cadets : Ezra Lancashire, Bernard Taylor and Samuel Nidon

Charles : All 3 of them are from noble families.

William : Yeah I know.

Korolov : Samuel is good ! Very good.

You pat on Henry's shoulder and said " How is that Lancashire?"

Henry : He is a beast compared to me like his movements were unpredictable.

After the announcement Commander McBragg stood up and pointed his finger at you.

Commander McBragg : F/N L/N stand up, I will be training you personally.

Y/N : What ?

Everyone were dumbfounded and their noise of their chatter filled the stage quickly.

Sergeant Andrew : Sir but it's against the rules and if you were to choose you could have chosen from the best 3.

Commander McBragg : You said I can choose anyone.

Charles : Holy sea, Emperor's Knight is gonna be your mentor !! Like your Grandfather was his mentor when he was young.

William : Way to go brother.

Henry : Keep it cool, Y/N.

Reagan : Am I dreaming ?

Commander McBragg : Follow me.

Then you followed him in long the hall of Academy.

Y/N : Sir, why did you choose me ?

Commander McBragg : I asked the same question from your Grandfather.

Y/N : But I'm not that good-

Commander McBragg : Enough questions and take the things you need.

Y/N : For what ?

Commander McBragg : Your training starts from now on.

-Inside Instructor Andrew's office-

"It was totally unexpected action from you, sir Knight." Andrew said.

"It was necessary and can you bring me the personal information of F/N L/N."

Sergeant Andrew : His expectional skill with guns and unarmed combat earned him 2nd rank, good at sword fighting not the best and a good team leader but he prefers to work alone.

"A lone wolf ?" Commander Mcbragg asked.

"Yes, indeed"

In the next 7 months of your training, he taught you everything he knew and learnt from his experience.

Thanks to Commander McBragg you met with the famous Imperial Hunter [inquisitor]  Drogon and some other specialists. And knew some dark secrets about the things that should not reveal it to public.

Drogon Longbow

Ace Titan Pilot (Richmond) of the Imperial Grand Army.

Imperial Assassin ( Reynold Hawkins ) of the IGAAB ( Imperial Grand Army Assassin Branch )

[Year 11259, Planet Hadys
July 2nd]

Harper fell onto his knees "What have I done ?"

Y/N : What ? This wasn't suppose to happen !

"I destroyed my own home planet !" Harper said as he took out his pistol

Y/N : Wait Harper ! Let's talk about thi-


-At the Flag ship "Diana"-

Imperial fleet Arrow Flag Ship "Diana"

Commander McBragg sat next to you.

McBragg : You are one of us now.

Y/N : Does it require 5 billion souls to become a soldier.

McBragg : You were just simply following your orders. And you know we're trained to follow orders without questioning. Total obedience

Y/N : I joined the Elite Order to protect the weak and the innocent, not to slaughter them. Not like this ! They lied to us !

McBragg : The infestation had already spread far too much. Containment was impossible. There were no other choice it was destroy a planet or risk losing all the close by planets. Everything in the Empire has it's own purpose and ours is to follow orders. And we aren't the ones who killed them it was the people who gave the order.

Y/N : But they are not ones to take their lives. We could've evacuated the survivors. Don't you think so ?

McBragg : Some of our generals are too cautious. They were afraid about their evacuation teams getting infected. But listen to me everyone has their own immortal burdens to carry on their shoulders.

Y/N : But still-

McBragg patted on your shoulder "We can't bring the dead back to life so leave it in the past and look up to your future. And wait until the day you punish those who gave orders to kill billions or just wait until your punishment comes for you !"

You clenched your hand and replied "Understood, sir !"

[ Year 11259, Planet Lima
December 15th ]

Y/N : Sir we can make it !

McBragg : No Y/N, I will only slow you down.

Y/N : Sir I can kill more of those bastards who are coming for us.

McBragg : NO ! Y/N look at me and what do you see.

Y/N : The Emperor's Knight, sir!

McBragg : No son in your eyes, you can only see a man without legs and an arm. A crippled old man and nothing more. So listen to me I don't want to live rest of my life on a wheelchair.

Y/N : SIR, they can implant mechanical limbs.

Commander McBragg opened his pocket with his remaining one arm and handed you a chip.

McBragg : Take this chip to the Flag ship.

47 other elites, 47 good comrades of yours died for this little chip.

Y/N : Sir you can give it to the admiral by yourself.

McBragg : *cough* TAKE THE DAMNED CHIP RIGHT NOW ! And Y/N will you hear my last wish.

Y/N : Sir, stop talking nonsense-


Y/N : Sir !

"End my suffering right here. Y/N, you have to do it now !" A badly injured man leaning against the cold metal wall told you.

Y/N : But sir we can make it.

"That's an order, Y/N"

Then you took out your pistol and tried to pull the trigger but you couldn't because something in your body hesitated. After seeing this McBragg had no other choice but to interfere.

"Huh..... *cough* and I thought that I had already prepared you mentally" he said angrily.

Y/N : Sir, you indeed prepared me mentally and physically in both ways but-

"Then prove it here and don't look away !!" McBragg grabbed the head pistol and placed it on his chest.

You looked into his eyes, it was empty hollow already accepted the truth. He wasn't even scared or worried about dying, he was welcoming death itself. Ready to be taken.

"See you at the other side, kid." His very last words were those words. You pulled the trigger without even blinking.


Then you closed his eyes and installed the chip into your helmet. And headed to the extraction zone.

Phoenix : Multiple quawers incoming from behind, sir.

Y/N : Alpha 7-5-6 , this is retrieval team, requesting for immediate extraction over ?!

Alpha 7-5-6 : This is Alpha 7-5-6 ! We copy you retrieval team, ETA 7 minutes.

-At the flag ship-

Admiral Yorick of Mackan (Your Admiral)

Admiral Yorick : Only you survived ?

Y/N : Yes sir.

You handed him the chip, instead of taking the chip Admiral Yorick patted on your shoulder saying " You did well ! To obtain this information many of our good men sacrificed their lives without care. I promise you that their sacrifices will not be in vain. Their names will never be forgotten."

The news about the death Emperor's Knight reached INI only in a few seconds. INI promoted you to a Sergeant Major and chose you as his successor. When they sent a team to retrieve commander McBragg's body it was gone nowhere to be found.

/INI- Imperial Naval Intelligence/

End of chapter 19

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