Shattered Pieces (Annie Leon...

By ElitDavian

229K 4K 1.2K

During "The thousand-year war" a soldier encountered his people's greatest enemy the Dark-God of the Quawers... More

Chronos Sector
Unknown World
Wall Maria
Annie Leonhardt
A Titan-Shifter Among Us
The Military Police
The Day
A Shield
A Long Night
The Female titan
Endless suffering
Scars of the past
The trial
The choice of one
Wall Rose
The stars
Cold night
In the woods
Smoke Signal
Location of The Counterattacks
Diamond Blue Eyes
Shiganshina District
Wedding part one
Wedding part two
Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Mission Objectives
Cruel World
Final Visit
The Lion's Heavy Heart
A New Life
Segen Leonhardt
On the beach
A Promise
Visitors from Hizuru
March 22nd
The Owl
One singular soul
Friendship amidst war

Trost District

7.5K 154 36
By ElitDavian

You came back from your visit to the training field. It was a sunny day, only a few clouds can be seen in the sky. The streets were lively as ever. Children were playing around, their cheers and laughter can be heard. As for the adults were attending their mundane routines. Your apartment can be seen from a distance as you were walking down the street. You stood right in front your apartment, took out your key and entered into your flat. You immediately took off your shoes and dropped the keys on a table. And then went to the kitchen to grab some water. And there he was, Phoenix, the deserter. Recharging himself from the sunlight.

"Phoenix! Are you done consuming your precious energy?" You raised your voice and questioned.

"Good morning sir ? I do not understand why you're furious or mad. Have I done something which has offended you?" Phoenix replied.

"5 days ago, you went to the King's mansion, I directly told you to come back before night, didn't I and yet you disobeyed my orders." You stated while sipping from your water.

"Sir, it was a necessary thing to do and by doing it I've found some critical information about the king, history of these people (Eldians) and the secrets of the wall that surrounds us. This is a big leap for our cause."

"But what would have happened if you were caught? Hmm? Maybe I should have went to the mansion myself and asked guards "Hey lads? Have you guys seen a ball shaped little flying metal around here." Alright! This little argument of ours isn't going anywhere. So tell me what did you find? I hope it was for disobeying my orders."

Phoenix : During our last visit, inside the mansion we found out about who really was King Ymir, The Eldians, the origin of the titans and titan-shifters but only names and no other information about them.

"Yes and it was a very risky move."

"Well about the information I found. Nearly 100 years ago King Fritz fled to this very island with his people. He ordered his giant titans to crystallise themselves into the walls."

"So that explains how these giant walls came to be. And then what?"

Phoenix : After that he erased the memories of his subjects. I don't know why but according to the speculations he wanted his people to live peacefully inside the walls without any contact from the outside. Also I found out about that there are 9 Titan-shifters, they all originated from Ymir's daughters. The 3 walls are named after them. The names of their titans are; The Colossal titan, The Armored titan, The Attack titan, The Jaw titan, The Female titan, The Warhammer titan, The Beast titan, The Quadrupedal ( Cart ) and the Founding titan.

"So you are saying that the Colossal and Armored titan's attack which was planned. And the Titan-shifters are behind it?!" You were surprised hear about it, you placed the mug on the table and sat down.

Phoenix : Indeed, A few hours after the attack, The founding titan was killed and there is more. I think you're going to like it, there are other nations on the mainland surrounding this island. But I got only one name, Marley. Before King Fritz retreated to this island, a civil  war occurred between the Eldians. One side led the royalist and other side was led by the Warhammer Titan and backed by the Marleyans.

"This just keeps getting better and better! The more you seek answers the more questions it gives. Well, I heard what I needed to know and good job, I guess. But I still cannot have your actions go unpunished ! You should be court martialed."

You stood up from the chair and went to the bathroom. Washed your face with cold water and stared into the mirror. Thinking about your talk with Nameless.

"So, what do you want me to do? Sacrifice some innocent people? Do some weird rituals and stuff? Or perhaps entertain you by dancing?"

"Why come with such hostility? I believe that I didn't inflict any harm on you or threaten you. And no, I avoid those sort of things. I see them as taboo! I see that you're eager to go back then I'll tell you what you need to do. There is a special creature on this planet. It has lived here for a long time." He explained.

"A creature? Are you talking about a demon? Or a monster? And you want it dead. Okay."

"I don't even know what it is. It's hard to say for sure but it's magical presence is immense, more than enough to open a portal. And of course I want it alive."

"I'm no specialized imperial hunter but it will take years or perhaps even decades to find that thing. On a planet like this and all alone. It's not easy."

"Yes, I'm quite aware of it. So I'll give you some hints. This creature has separated itself into 9 pieces. Find and bring them in one place."

"9 things? Is that all? Are these 9 things alive or just lifeless objects?"

"You'll find it out in time. And it's time for your depart." Nameless snapped his fingers and you were pulled back from your dream.

"9 things, 9 Titan shifters, a magical creature. It's all coming together. Finally, got my lead but the problem is where to find them." You mumbled


It was early in the morning and the air was cold, there were not that many people. Most of them were still asleep in warm beds. You walked down the street in the direction of the market, or rather black market.

"In two years many things have changed. Nameless taught me how to use my abilities properly and taught me some interesting abilities for example detecting lies and truths, erasing or reliving other people's memories. Well at least, these abilities are useful for my cause." You thought and arrived at the entrance of the Grand Market. You walked between the market stalls and arrived in front of a certain door. Knocked on the door and waited. After a few minutes a shady looking man opened the door.

"Ah, it's you, Y/N! Early as ever."

"Even enough with the chitchat, Munchen! Have they arrived yet? Are they ready?"

"Yes, and do you have the money?"

"You know me." You grinned as you took out a bag full of coins.

"It's always a pleasure to do business with you, Mr.L/N." He replied.

Munchen and you didn't meet each other under normal circumstances. During your first year as a Military Police, you investigated a case which seemed like an average smuggling case. But nonetheless you went after it, and caught Munchen at the midst of loading crates. You immediately arrested him and demanded to know what was inside the crates.

"What were you smuggling? How long have you been doing this? You can face up to 20 years for this, you know! For exploiting the system. Maybe you might never even seen sunlight as a free man."

He was stubbornly persistent but eventually he opened after threatening him with some serious threats.

"There are golds, silvers, steel and other precious metals inside of them. But please I'm just a middle man. I only do the bribing and transporting part. And I only get a small amount for that. Please I've 3 children and a wife. I can't get into jail." He cried as he begged. Munchen was indeed a middle man. The precious metals directly came from state owned mines. The Military police and the supervisors of the mines sell them to Mobs or to some criminal organizations and people like Munchen would do the smuggling part. And the bigs guys would sell them to rich clients through their jewelry shops in Wall Sina at high prices. It is another proof of how corrupted the Military Police actually is.

"*Sighs* Alright! Alright! Enough with the crying! I'll cover your ass but under one condition. Are you listening to me?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"What's your name? And where do you live?"

"Munchen, Trost district."

"Alright, here's the catch. You'll give me some specific precious metals whenever I need it and in return, I'll overlook this incident as if nothing happened and I'll cover your back from future investigations."

"But they will ask more for bribes, I cannot cover that up. It might even take away my whole share."

"Of course, I will pay you for the bribe and also for your service. But just keep it low, okay? Nobody must know about it." You asked once again before uncuffing him.

-Year 850-

Peter Muller : Sir, is there anything else?

"No, nothing at all." You replied.

"Ooh yes before I forget about it, sir. I'm being transferred to Wall Sina and you will have to choose your new assistant from the new military police recruits. They will be arriving here, next week. Also thank you for having me as your subordinate, I learnt a lot from you, sir."

"Thank you too for being a good subordinate and best of all luck. Become a good Military Police." You smiled and nodded at him.

10 months had already passed, there wasn't a day that you thought about her. Annie Leonhardt, a name which rang a sweet melody to your ears. And now she will come here next week. It would be a shame you didn't welcome her to the HQ yourself.

"Muller, prepare my horse, I need to go somewhere urgently."

"Yes sir." He replied


You were certain that she'd be graduating tonight in Trost District because most of the training corps' graduations usually take place there. You hurried to the graduation ceremony and it was already night. And fortunately for you the ceremony was just getting started.

There were multiple high ranking officers standing next to their instructor or commandant Keith Sadies. The blonde haired officer stepped forward and began his announcement.

"Offer your lives! From this day forth, all of you who have graduated from being trainees have three options. Firstly the Garrison, which is responsible for wall fortification and defending the towns. Secondly the Survey Corps, which resolutely ventures outside the wall into Titan territory. And lastly the Military Police Brigade, which governs the citizen and maintains order under orders from his Royal Majesty. Of course only those that we previously announced to be ranked amongst the top ten trainees can be select the third option! Those who are eligible for the Military Police Brigade have already been named and the rest of you take a look! These are the top 10 of your corps." The blonde haired officer finished his statement. And those top 10 trainees were Mikasa Ackermann, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Annie Leonhardt, Eren Jäger, Jean Kirschtein, Marco Bodt, Conny Springer, Sasha Braus and lastly Christa Lenz."

You silently watched from afar. Some of the trainees were happy about their situation. They now only had 2 options either join Survey corps or the Garrison. Both of them are dangerous compared to the MPB. You tried looking for Annie but she was nowhere to be found. It was clear that she had already left.

-On the next day-

You were reviewing a report; a murder scene report which took place in the back alley. A body was found around 9 o'clock in the morning, stabbed to 11 times in the gut. A handy work of a robber. When you finished reviewing the report, you put it in a folder and leaned back on your seat. Closed your eyes and rubbed your temple. Bureaucratic job was indeed a stressful one. And then the news came in that the Colossal Titan has been spotted outside Trost district, it has attacked again. Made another hole in the wall and disappeared, as for the Armored Titan was no sign of it.

"So it begins what are those titan-shifters trying to achieve? Trying to finish their unfinished civil war? Or something else?"

If Trost district is under attack that meant Munchen is in danger now. You quickly grabbed your jacket and you hurried to the armory to pick your 3DMG but the guard wouldn't let you in. You tried to reason with him but the bastard didn't even acknowledge my request.

"Sir, I cannot let you enter into the Armory without any permission from the Commander." The guard said as he blocked the door.

"Listen here, you fuck! People are dying out there. I, as a soldier, cannot allow such things to happen. And you should be helping me instead of stopping me. Now step aside and let me in."

"Like I said, you cannot enter."

"If you don't want to lose your job then fucking step away. I can turn in a report about you and none of the other districts' Military Police Brigade HQs will take in. Am I clear, soldier?" You threatened him.

"Sir, yes sir!"

-Trost district-

When you arrived at Trost district it was total chaos there was no order to contain the people who were running for their lives. The presence of the district's MP was nonexistent. You wasted no time and hurried to Munchen's house and right after you landed in front of his house. You saw a 5m tall titan which was about to eat him, you quickly sliced off it's neck and grabbed your Munchen.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yes, thank you."

"Where are your children and wife?"

"They're safe, they're in Karanes District. No need to worry about them."

You picked him up and headed to a safe zone. When arrived at the safe zone. You quickly dropped him on the ground. "You *panting* are heavier than you look. Also I saved your bloody *panting* ass right there. So you better show me your gratitude in the future, Munchen!?"

Munchen : Of course I will ! I will ! trust me I thought I was done for but thank you ! Thank you again !

"Now go to somewhere safe because the armored titan might show up."

Munchen nodded and joined the fleeing people. After he had left it started raining, You used your 3DMG to get on top of the wall. The situation was way worse than you expected.

-On top of the wall -

"Soldier, tell me how many of your men are fighting down there?"

"Most of the Garrison forces and former cadets of the 104th corps." After hearing the 104th corps you froze, your face turned pale.

Soldier : Sir, are you okay ? You don't seem to be looking good.

"I'm fine ! I just need to get down there."

Soldier : But sir!

End of chapter 5

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