hyperdimension neptunia gener...

By CrimsonWolfMC

3.8K 100 71

hi this is my first fanfic and im not good at this type of stuff so if you have any tips please share that wo... More

On the road to planeptune part.1
on to road to planeptune part.2
on the road to planeptune part.3
On road to planeptune part.4
Home sweet home part.1
Home sweet home part.2
Home sweet home part.3
Home sweet home part.4
Home sweet home part.5
Home sweet home part.6
peace is not forever part.1
peace is not forever Part.2
peace is not forever part.3
Peace is not forever part.4
Peace is not forever part.5
Peace is not forever part.6
piece by piece part.1
Piece by piece part.2
piece by piece part.3
piece by piece part.4
Piece by piece part.5
True spirit Part.1
True spirit part.2
True spirit Part.3
True spirit part.4
True spirit Part.5
True spirit Part.6
legends or dreams Part.1
Legends or Dreams part.2
Legends or Dreams Part.3
Legends or Dreams Part.4
Legends or Dreams Part.5
Legends or Dreams Part.6
Old friends Part.1
Old Friends Part.2
Old Friends Part.3
Old friends Part.4
Merry Christmas/X mas
Old Friends Part.5
The awakening Part.1
The Awakening Part.2
The Awakening Part.3
The Awakening Part.4
The Awakening Part.5
The Awakening Part.6
Finding a path:1
Finding A Path Part.2
Finding A Path Part. 3
Finding a path part.4
Finding a path Part:5
Welcome to UltraDimesnion Part.1
Welcome to UltraDimension part:2
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 3
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 4
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 5
Welcome To UltraDimension Part: 6
History Repeating Part: 1
History Repeating Part: 2
History Repeating Part: 3
History Repeating Part:4
History Repeating Part: 5

Old friends Part.6

51 1 2
By CrimsonWolfMC

Wolf and The other's Started making there way to the Lowee Basilicom but when they were getting closer to it Wolf and Delta started feeling energy close to Lowee.

Wolf: Delta do you feel that?

Delta: Yeah what about it its huge i think i know who it is.

Wolf: *Thinks Winter* Yeah i do.

Xicor: *Laughs and Thinks so she decided to show her face again she took heavens Demon from me but i think i can take her even if she has both*

Wolf and the others got to the basilicom and CC was at the window looking out to where the energy was when he heard the door open he looked at Wolf.

CC: W-What is that energy pressure its to heavy i can barely breath with it out there.

Wolf: Damn it shes here i got to lead her to a forest far from here.

Wolf Went HDD and flew to a forest far from Lowee and Winter flowed her there.

Xicor: Damn it shes being to reckless i got to go after her delta Leo make sure my little brother is ok.

Delta: Yeah sure be careful.

Xicor: Yeah.

Xicor was gone in a flash and was after Wolf and winter when they landed Wolf went back to her normal form and pulled out her New moon blade and eclipse blade winter came down with a grin and Xicor was hiding his energy behind a tree.

Wolf: Your here again but who are you after this time.

Winter: Im after you Little twin and you got in my way again so remember what i told you get in my way or fathers again and i would kill you.

Wolf: *Thinks Damn it im no match but i have to try or CC is going to be gone no i can win i just got to try* Fine im right here try and kill me.

Winter Ok.

Winter Showed up right in Wolf's face Wolf tried to swing but before she could she looked down to Winters sword in her gut.

Winter: Your still weak know your place.

She pulled it out and Wolf fell to the ground passed out.

Xicor: Damn it i need to help her or shes going to die fine i got to.

Xicor Came out behind the tree With zangetsu over his shoulder and walked in front Of winter.

Winter:Oh your here to so have you decided to get in my way to.

Xicor: Im only here to save my little sister but before that i got two things to do you want to know why im the older brother.

Winter: *Laughs* Ok go for it why.

Xicor pointed Zangetsu at winter with one arm and put his hand on the arm with zangetsu.

Xicor: So i can protect the younger ones Bankai!

A white flash came of Xicor and as the light went away Winter saw Xicor holding A a white Zangetsu.

Winter: What is this.

Xicor: This is my Bankai but i dont think you know what it is its called Tensa Zangetsu and im here to fight you.

Winter: This is new but i dont think it can beat me.

Xicor: We wont know until we try.

Winter: Well then how about you try.

Xicor: Sure Lets do this.

Xicor flashed in front of Winter and she tried to hit him but before she Could Xicor flashed behind her and cut her back a little pushing her back.

Winter: What was that move how did you cut me your the first in a while that was able to hurt me bad but how about you fill me in a little on what that was.

Xicor: Sure i know you wont be able to use it but its called Flash step I don't think you can keep up so how about you get your ass out of here?

Winter: Fine but remember I'm not done yet?

Xicor: Ok i get it get out of here *Thinks damn it i cant sit here and wait i have to get Wolf out of here i can feel her energy getting weaker* leave now.

Winter: Fine.

Winter left and Xicor went over to Wolf to see what he could do for her but decided to take her to delta and let him heal her when he got back to the basilicom in Lowee and placed her on a bed so delta could try to help.

Delta: What happened to her how did she get hurt that bad was winter really that strong.

Xicor: Yeah but i scared her away can you heal the hole she left i know she strong but i dont think this one will heal to fast even with her being able to recover i guess i will watch her i need to do a better job of protecting my little sisters and brothers.

Delta: Hey man dont worry about it she was stronger and wolf was reckless she got what was going to happen.

Xicor: Got what was going to happen! How could you say that in a time where the girl you raised as your own kid is slowly bleeding out and all you can say is that and you would say that in front of her twin and her older brother.

Xicor walked out of the basilicom out of anger and went to go sit under a tree when CC and Blanc came out to talk a little.

CC: Hey big bro you ok.

Xicor: No im pissed at Delta he should of never said that in front of you im sorry.

CC: What is there to be sorry about you did your best im not mad and i dont think Wolf is mad ether.

Blanc: dont let it bother you i dont think he met it.

Xicor: Yeah but still it was kind of rude to say that in front of me and you two i think even Leo was pretty mad to but yeah im just going to sleep out here for now.

CC: Ok sleep well and try not to let Delta get to you he cares but shows it in the wrong way.

Xicor: Ok yeah sure night man.

CC: You to.

After CC and Blanc went back inside Xicor stayed up until it was night and he went back inside to sleep he looked at Wolf and smiled.

Xicor: *Thinks your so cute when your sleeping i know what i want to do and i will protect you i will do it*

Xicor laid down next to wolf and pulled her close and got under the blanket and fell asleep the next morning Xicor got up and wolf was outside drinking some coffee by a table out side he went out to go check on her.

Xicor: Hey are you sure you Should be up i feel like im dreaming.

Wolf: Well your not I'm still alive I thought it's was over but you scared her off what was that bankai thing you were talking about and how do I unlock it.

Xicor: Well you can unlock it but it may be a little harder on you.

Wolf: yeah your right i guess *Sighs* this sucks while you guys get stronger im stuck having to recover i need to get stronger but i cant right now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Xicor: So what are you do for now you cant really do much.                                                                        

Wolf: Well the only thing i can do really is rest and im not in to that really but i need to get home think you can help me get there maybe and i need to tell Nepgear im going home.

Xicor: So your going Home yeah i can help you get home and i will go tell Nepgear before you we go i guess she may stay a bit so she can hang out with Rom and Rom And after that i guess you and Neptune will be home alone.

Wolf: Yeah i guess *Thinks i feel bad im not telling him what i really am going to do i guess its better if he knows im not going to see Alpha and get her to train me i never thought i would have to ask her* Ok see you later big brother.

Xicor: Ok see you later have a safe trip back.

Wolf went HDD and twitched from her wound that she got from winter.

Shadow Heart: *Thinks damn it she did a number when i get home maybe i should rest before i try Alpha. 

Later on after wolf left to go to Planeptune and in the forest close to Planeptune  was a guy in a white cloak with a black rose on i with a black sword on his back and a pistol with a cross down the barrel  and a rose shape on the handle around him were a few dead vampires.

???: Damn it they found me already i just got here well i need to move then.

he left to make the rest of his way to Planeptune when he got there  he put his hood up and on his way to the basilicom he passed by Blizzard and Flood as He went by they looked at him like they knew something.

Blizzard: Hey Flood do you know that symbol on his cloak i think that symbol is one of the most wanted vampire family's out there do you think hes here to start trouble? 

Flood: No i dont think so he would of tried to start something and besides if he does i dont think Shadow Heart would take that shes about as worse as iris heart but maybe we should keep a eye on him just in case.

Blizzard: Yeah i think your right he is a vampire so we need to watch out.

The boy made his way to the basilicom when he got there he was greeted but Histoire.

Histoire: Hello young man is there anyway i can help you.

???:Lets stat with Names im Kuro a vampire that came a long way to find help and to meet Neptune Wolf or Nepgear.

Histoire: Im sorry Kuro but the only one here is Neptune and shes not much for work i got to force her somehow.

Wolf came inside the Basilicom and Looked at Kuro.

Wolf: Hey Histy We have a visitor how can i help you Um.

Kuro: My name is Juro and your Wolf my Best guess is i heard about you your a big deal when it comes to Goddess and i hear you also made friends with them and also Kuro the help may need to wait *lifts up her shirt* I need to relax this wound hurts like hell so after i heal a little i will ok.

  Kuro: Ok thats fine i need to check somethings out a bit  

Kuro left the basilicom and went to look around Planeptune and Wolf and Histore taled a little bit before Wolf went up and Got undressed  and laid Down in Bed softly and fell asleep.

Ok first im so sorry this one is so late two i will try to get back a do more as fast as i can and i hope you enjoy bye and have a nice day/night

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