hyperdimension neptunia gener...

By CrimsonWolfMC

3.8K 100 71

hi this is my first fanfic and im not good at this type of stuff so if you have any tips please share that wo... More

On the road to planeptune part.1
on to road to planeptune part.2
on the road to planeptune part.3
On road to planeptune part.4
Home sweet home part.1
Home sweet home part.2
Home sweet home part.3
Home sweet home part.4
Home sweet home part.5
Home sweet home part.6
peace is not forever part.1
peace is not forever Part.2
peace is not forever part.3
Peace is not forever part.4
Peace is not forever part.5
Peace is not forever part.6
piece by piece part.1
Piece by piece part.2
piece by piece part.3
piece by piece part.4
Piece by piece part.5
True spirit Part.1
True spirit part.2
True spirit Part.3
True spirit part.4
True spirit Part.5
True spirit Part.6
legends or dreams Part.1
Legends or Dreams part.2
Legends or Dreams Part.3
Legends or Dreams Part.4
Legends or Dreams Part.5
Legends or Dreams Part.6
Old friends Part.1
Old Friends Part.2
Old Friends Part.3
Merry Christmas/X mas
Old Friends Part.5
Old friends Part.6
The awakening Part.1
The Awakening Part.2
The Awakening Part.3
The Awakening Part.4
The Awakening Part.5
The Awakening Part.6
Finding a path:1
Finding A Path Part.2
Finding A Path Part. 3
Finding a path part.4
Finding a path Part:5
Welcome to UltraDimesnion Part.1
Welcome to UltraDimension part:2
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 3
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 4
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 5
Welcome To UltraDimension Part: 6
History Repeating Part: 1
History Repeating Part: 2
History Repeating Part: 3
History Repeating Part:4
History Repeating Part: 5

Old friends Part.4

22 1 0
By CrimsonWolfMC

Warning: Lemon in this part do i even need to tell you anymore.

It was the next morning and when Wolf woke up Leo was still asleep so Wolf decided to get dressed In here Black Hoodie and black skirt with her purple and Black stockings and her boots when she went out side it was a little cold.

Wolf: I Guess its that time but i love it maybe i should work on my bike i need to fix some of the parts to it or maybe add some to make it faster but i dont have the parts to do that.

Wolf left to go to the cafe to get some coffee and when she got there she was stopped by a boy with Blond Short hair one green eye and one yellow and wolf ears and a tail he was wearing A black under shirt with A green hoodie and he was looking at Wolf like he knew her.

Wolf: Um why are you looking at me like that im feel uncomfortable.

Xicor: Oh sorry but are you Wolf by any chance at all.

Wolf: Yeah thats me why do you ask.

Xicor: *Hugs Wolf* Im your big brother Xicor i been looking for you forever hows CC it took longer because Yami never told me where to go so it took me a while to get here.

Wolf: Oh so your my brother *Thinks no why did he have to pull me in now his smell is getting to me*  yeah she can do that a lot *Puts her head into Xicor's chest and smells his shirt*

Xicor: Um little Sis are you ok here lets go to your place.

Wolf: *Pulls her head out of Xicor's chest* S-Sure sorry about that i got a little off track.

Xicor: No no its fine its just i did not think our first time meeting would go like this.

Wolf: Ok.

Wolf and Xicor went back to Planeptune and when they got there they had a shock on a note that Uni left at Planeptunes Basilicom the note says *The CPU's and Nepgear are being held in the game gameindustri graveyard and i dont think we can help sorry*

Wolf: No need to say that because im more then what we need to save them hey big brother dont bother helping me i should be fine *Takes off her Skirt and puts her baggy black pants on* i need my sword as well *Grabs void breaker and runs out the door*

Xicor: well i guess i will have to tell her when she gets back.

Wolf made her way outside Planeptune two hours later she ran into someone that was Seal but was not she charged at Wolf striking Wolfs void breaker making a hole around them Wolf noticed something odd it was the tattoos on her.

Wolf: *Jumps back away from Seal* Ok your not seal your power is to high and those tattoos i know she has none so tell me who you are.

Chaos Seal: Oh come On Wolfe are you trying to play games just like the dog you are fine my name is chaos Seal and i am a version of her made from every one of her memories and cells but im stronger then her and now im going to kill you.

Wolf: I'm not going to die not yet.

Chaos Seal: Well we will wait and see after im done.

She charged at Wolf and started swinging her sword at her Wolf was able to dodge them but she noticed something.

Wolf: *Thinks her attacks are getting faster i think shes trying to learn where to swing her sword next damn it if this keeps up she could find a way to hit me I need to think fast.

Chaos Seal: Oh come on all bark no bite come on fight or your going to die.

Chaos Seal put energy in her sword and hit Wolfs Void Breaker when she hit it Wolf went flying back Into some rocks when the smoke cleared up from when she hit the hit the rocks she looked at Chaos Seal with a glowing Red eye but the white was being taking by black.

Chaos Seal: Whats this *Grins at Wolf*

Wolfs Fkasback

Nepgear and Neptune: Yes we Love you we want you to stay with us forever.

Wolf: *Laughs* I'm not going to die yet i have people who i need to protect and love.

Wolf picked up Void Breaker they both started clashing the more they clashed the more Wolf smiled.

Chaos Seal: What are you smiling about im trying to kill you.

Wolf: Thats it i never had a fight like this in a while i forgot how much fun it was to fight someone that could kill you is so fun im back to my normal self.

Chaps Seal: Your one crazy girl i like that.

Wolf hit her sword disarming her and then sliced her chest in a cross like shape.

Chaos Seal: You know that was fun for a while but now im about to die here well i got something to tell you.

Wolf: Sorry it had to end like this but what is it,

Chaos Seal: Well the real me is back and the CPU's are close by you can go get them and go home when you get there they should be free.

Wolf: One more thing When the real Seal wakes up will she remember any of this.

Chaos Seal: Yeah she will we share the same Memories so when you see her again she will say sorry.

Wolf: That's fine but rest now you know maybe i can bring you back in the future because i think Seal would love to hang out with you.

Chaos Seal: *Laughs* yeah maybe but you have fun.

Chaos Seal turned into Dust and Wolf ran to find the others When she got there they were out like a light so Wolf set up camp The first one to get up was Nepgear When she got up she was shocked by the blood on Wolf face coming from her head she ran over to Wolf to see if she was ok.

Nepgear: Wolf! are you ok your head is bleeding do i need to get someone to help you please dont pass out.

Wolf: *Pulls Nepgear in and hugs her* no im fine im more worried about what happened to you and the other CPU's i just had to fight someone to get to you and the others so your safe now.

Noire and Neptune both got up and ran over to Wolf and hugged her and Nepgear Noire had some tears in her eyes.

Wolf: Hey Noire dont cry im not hurt to bad so dont worry i just had to fight someone before i got here so this is nothing but it does hurt a bit.

Noire: *Wipes her eyes* Ok just dont scare us like that.

Wolf: I wont i promise but we should go home my older brother is waiting at home.

Nepgear: You have a older brother.

Noire: Whats he like.

Wolf: Hes like me but more nice i guess but he colors are mostly Green and Yellow but he smells nice like mint.

Nepgear: Oh well what else does he have.

Wolf: I dont know to much about him yet so i need to talk to him when we get back to Planeptune but right now i need to find out about this chaos forms of Aqua and Seal its off to take all four of you at once but still this dies not fit well with me there has to be more to it.

Blanc: Now that i think about even with all four of us we had no chance of beating chaos seal.

Wolf: No somethings not right.

Nepgear: Wolf what is it.

Wolf: Get back to Planeptune i will explain there *Thinks Damn it i should of know the more i sensed that energy get closer to us its a part of the void clan but wait no also light clan but how me and the other 5 are the only one with this kind of power somethings up* go now. 

Wolf pulled Void breaker of of her bag and waited.

Wolf: *Thinks this power is huge but how can someone be that powerful delta was right the more we fight the more powerful the enemy's will become but this is insane * Come out you close to me. 

Winter: Oh your one to watch out for my name is winter and im here to kill you.

The energy Winter was giving off was strong Wolf backed up a little.

Wolf: *Thinks no way i cant beat her but how that power what is she.

Wolf: Who the hell are you your not human.

Winter: Yeah your right im not im better im a goddes im a mix of past some of the past gods.

Wolf: Damn it how did you do that.

Winter rushed at Wolf and tried to hit her with her spear but Wolf blocked it with her Void breaker when she did she got pushed back and hit a tree blood came out of her mouth.

Winter: Really is that all you got your father told me you had a lot of power did he lie to me or are you holding back if you are after im done with you maybe i will go kill your beloved whats her name oh Nepgear yes how does that sound.

Wolf picked up her head with her eyes glowing with rage.

Wolf: No your not because i wont let you im going to kill you where you stand.

Wolf rushed at Winter when she did he hit her forcing her to hit a rock and fall to the ground.

Winter: What was that you were going to kill me you said did i hear you right maybe i should kill them.

Wolfs Flashback.

Nepgear: if you need me say something im always here for you.

Neptune: You know Nepgear really got a score with you treat her right me to we both love you a lot.

Noire: Yeah you got me im in love with you you know your the first i ever said that to.

Xicor: You know being a older brother was so boring but now that i met you im having the best time of my life.

Vix: Im a little bit of a perv but that does not mean i cant love most just do it me i do it for the love that's why when i fist met you i did it with you so i love you.

Yami: I love all 5 of you my family.

Plutia: Wolfy is really cute when shes blushing.

Uzume: I never really fell in love before but you know im love it your the best.

Kurome: You saved both me and Uzume from being destroyed i cant really ask for more we love you for that and who you are.

Teff: Your not going to die i still have more to do with you.

Reki: I missed you my whole life why quit now.

CC: We may fight a lot but hell you know i would do anything for you in return you protect me and the others.

Nepgear and Neptune: We love you dont die on us.

Leo: You know being weak hurt but me and you were stronger as one and i dont want this to end i love you.

back to where Winter and Wolf were.

Winter: I guess i killed her but she was weaker then he said well im going to kill the others.

Wolf: No your not i said im going to kill you and i met it so get ready for this i feel power coming back to me.

A bright white and gold light was coming off Wolf her hair started to tun a little gold her clothes became white and on her eyes were gold the other purple.

Winter: What is this a new form but how you should be dead.

Wolf: Im not yet so first tell me your power its close to mine your a part of my family so who are you your my sister.

Winter: I will tell you after i do im leaving im the oldest of 7 kids and i have both Hells Angel and Heavens Demon im the strongest of all of you dont get in my way and fathers i will kill you if you do. 

Wolf: Well then no point in fighting you i know i will lose if i do so lets just both leave.

Winter: Fine but next time i will kill you and thats it.

Winter turned into dust and gone home Wolf undid the form and went home when she got there she fell on the ground and passed out.

Nepgear: Wolf! are you ok speak to me say something *Starts to cry*

Delta: Nepgear dont worry shes fine she just over did it a little she will be up in a day or two she had to fight to get you and the others away from there.

Nepgear: *Wipes her eyes* ok when she gets up tell me.

Delta: Sure.

Nepgear left the room and Leo walked over to Delta.

Leo: What was that power Winter had it was huge bigger then huge.

Delta: She controls both Hells Angel and Heavens Demon this is bad she has to much she could kill us all right now if she wanted. 

well part 37 is out im in a shelter and will be back 15 of December so look forward to that

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