Always Yours (King Series #2)

By heyitsmaiii

268K 7.3K 764

They both swayed to the music seeming as they were lost in their own universe, they smiled at each other and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Thank You

Chapter 15

6.2K 180 32
By heyitsmaiii




We walked towards his office in an awkward silence, he walked in front of me, and I took my time to study his muscular back that looked tense whenever he walked. His shoulders were sent back and he walked with so much confidence, authority and aura that I almost cowered back.

As we walked to reach our destination I couldn't help but think, what would he tell me? Would he punish me? Would he lock me in the cells for making such a stupid mistake? Would he be like my other Masters? Cruel and merciless?

I winced at the thought. I hope he wouldn't though, we had shared something last night, something that held affection, even though it lasted for a few seconds. I knew that he felt it too, I know that he feels something for me.

What am I thinking? Surely I mustn't have developed feelings for my Master have I?

I bumped into the King's strong and muscular back and I almost cursed but I thought about last night and I held my tongue as I blushed, recalling our kiss.

I bowed my head and I heard a door open and I entered and just as I entered the room I was pushed against a wall once more.

I groaned, the impact hitting my head.

I opened my eyes to stare back at the King's beautiful and intriguing ones but I was shocked to see an unknown emotion present in his eyes. He stared hard at me before his eyes glazed lower than my eyes and I noticed that he was staring at my chest, my eyes widened and my cheeks were set into a deep red color.

He growled, as if he was restraining himself as he buried his head in my neck and I felt déjà vu happening once again.

"Pourquoi devez-vous être si tentant?" he growled out and I embarrassingly let out a soft moan, hearing him speak in a different language seemed to drive me mad. (Why do you have to be so tempting?)

He growled again and this time it was louder, as if he was going to blow up in any second.

I felt something hard poking my stomach and I again let out an indistinct sound from the back of my throat.

Freaking hell! What was happening to me?

He chuckled, his voice husky, soft and delectable. I desperately wanted the wall to swallow me whole.

He growled, "Ai-je vous s'il vous plait? Dis-moi, est-ce que je t'ai allumê?" he whispered into my ear and again in foreign language, I shivered as I unconsciously nodded my head while closing my eyes, enjoying hearing him talk in a foreign language. (Did I please you? Tell me, did I turn you on?)

"Do you want me to make you feel good? Camarade?" he said as he licked my earlobe, I moaned as I nodded my head. If it wasn't him who would have asked this question I would have shivered in disgust or fear, but I don't know why I fell so submissive, like I was some god dog who was obeying his master. (Mate)

He chuckled once more before he peppered my neck with his kisses, thank God my neck doesn't have any fresh bruises. He begins kissing my jaw and I almost wince; now that has a bruise plastered on it, he didn't seem to care, and so did I because I was too busy enjoying the moment. My arms found his back as I clutched unto the fabric of his expensive suit, encouraging him to pleasure me more.

I knew that I shouldn't be doing this. I should stop myself and pull away from him because this is wrong. What we are doing is wrong and improper. Imagine what the people would say. But these thoughts seem to evaporate as my mind turned mush against his advances.

He kissed my jaw then he kissed his way until he found a spot which caused me to let out a sound out loud. He seems to have found a spot that made me experience out of this world emotions. I could feel him smirk as he kissed that spot, he nibbled on my skin and I gasped out, my body was filled with tingles and sparks, my stomach was filled with rampaging animals. He sucked and grinded his teeth on my skin and I moaned.

"Y-our Ma-jesty" I tremblingly spoke out and that seemed to snap him out of whatever he was doing as he pulled away and pushed me harder into the wall, my head painfully bumped into the hard wall causing me to wince in pain.

The King ran a hand through his hair; he shook his head before he looked at me, again with those hard and cold eyes.

"You are such a slut" he spat out and I widened my eyes in shock, he called me a...slut. Tears threatened to fall off my eyes but I am stubborn refusing for them to be released, he had called me with a heartbreaking name, a title that was unconsciously given to me.

He chuckled darkly as he smirked at me as he gazed at my neck, proud of the mark that he had given me. I almost wanted to bang my head, I knew that this was going to happen again, yet I did it anyways, I became vulnerable and looked what had happened, I get hurt in the end like I always do.

"Don't call me that" I said, as I hung my head low, my chest filled with pain and hurt. What could have I assumed? That he was different from everyone? Every person is the same, they just have different physiques and appearances, I shouldn't hope too much, it will hurt.

"Don't call you what?" he said as he clicked his tongue, he put both of his hands inside his pockets. Despite the fact that I am infuriated with him it didn't deter that he still looks strikingly handsome as he stands in front of me.

"A slut?" he asked smugly and I winced at the word but he seemed to find it amusing, watching someone get hurt, he too feeds from the pain of others.

"I am not a slut" I tried to come off strong but my voice just strained at the end, my tears are falling, my heart is breaking and my mind is beginning to explode. The least that I could do is pathetically defend my dignity.

"Rose Thompson, don't think I know about who you were in the past. Who you were within the past. What you've been doing all these years makes me disgusted" he spat harshly, his eyes turning black and I flinched at his tone, it hurts. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I don't know what he was talking about.

"Don't act all innocent when not a long time ago you were enjoying what I was doing to you" he scoffed at me and I bit my lip wanting to protect myself but I couldn't voice out words.

He placed his index finger and thumb on my chin as he tilted my tear filled face to meet his own, he smirked at my face.

"Pathetic" he repeated once more before he harshly let go of my chin. My heart felt a strong tug, shards of glass were constantly pricking my heart, slowly and surely leaving a scar on my heart.

"Get out" he said in a hard tone and I managed to nodded my head before I walked out of his office. I began to walk away, constantly sobbing here and there, how could I manage to stay strong all those years of physical pain and abuse yet I couldn't even withstand a rejection? How could I cry about some petty thing? How come I feel such a strong feeling for the King?

I bumped into a hard body and I groaned, why do I always get stuck in this kind of situations?

"Hey, you okay there?" a familiar, cheery tone asked me as I rubbed my head and nodded before I excused myself and bowed.


I was making dinner when I heard one of the kitchen stools being pulled, the scraping sound of its heels echoed throughout the whole kitchen, I peered up from what I was doing which was cutting vegetables to see the familiar green eyes staring at me.

He smiled at me and I was tempted to look behind me but then again I would look stupid because there was no one here other than the kitchen wares.

He had a strong jawline but not as strong and sharp as the King's, he also had blonde hair that was sticking all over the place but it looked good on him, he also had a cute dimple as he smiled at me, he was handsome but not as attractive as the King.

There I go again thinking about the King.

I cleared my throat and he raised his eyebrows in amusement as he grinned mischievously at me.

"So...." He drawled out as he smiled at me again, gosh I am feeling overwhelmed at the moment, it was a long time since someone had smiled at me, and this time not because I looked stupid and ridiculous or not because they were insulting me or bullying me or when they would have their ways with me, no it was because I was just being me, and it was a nice feeling.

"What are you doing?" I smiled at Max, he is such a cheery and bubbly person, I would have expected him to be one of those guys who are serious all the time but Max wasn't one of them. I also noticed that he was looking at my face curiously, I know that he was curious of my bruises, I wonder how the King even wanted to kiss someone who had such a bruised up face. I thought with a cringe, my heart twisted in a painful tug.

"Just chopping vegetables" I said softly, carefully choosing my words.

"So, I never got the name of the girl who fell on top of me three times" he chuckled and I blushed in embarrassment.

"My name is Av- I mean Rose, my name is Rose" that was a close one, I almost gave my real name, his happy-go-lucky attitude was making me feel guilty about lying to me but he didn't even feel suspicion as he smiled at me, showing his pearly white teeth. I almost burned my eyes from seeing something so shiny.

"Well, Rose, my name is Max, nice to meet you" he offered his hand for me to shake and I stopped cutting the vegetables as I put down the knife and took his hand as we both shook our hands.

"So, Rose, why are you all alone? Where are the other servants? Surely you are not supposed to do all this task alone?" I was taken aback from his question or more like from his concern, it was something that was not given to me from a long time and I almost cried in joy, but I just smiled at him and shook my head.

"I was assigned to be the one to prepare dinner, I think the others are preparing for dinner, but it's actually fine by me, at least I get to work in peace, you know?" I chuckled nervously before I walked away to grab the pots for cooking but then I groaned internally when I realized that it was located in the high cupboards, I know that I am short but do they really have to rub it in my face?

I turned my head to look at the cupboards, I reached my arms to reach them. I jumped trying to reach them again, ignoring my body's protest, my huge cut in my abdomen was opening if I continue to jump around, I winced as I clutched my abdomen, I grinded my teeth from pain.

"Hey, you need help in there?" I was surprised that Max was still here, sitting on the stool, I expected that he would have left me alone but again he didn't, wow, this day is full of surprises...and pain and heartbreak. I sighed.

Thank God he was still here, and thank God he was tall, I smiled back at him before I asked him to get the pots that I needed, he laughed at my weak attempts at succeeding before he helped me.

This feels nice, having someone to help you, and not just to laugh at you but with you.

Hola! I have updated once more, so tell me what you think of this chapter, leave comments and votes, don't forget to follow me!
◑ 3◐

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