hyperdimension neptunia gener...

By CrimsonWolfMC

3.8K 100 71

hi this is my first fanfic and im not good at this type of stuff so if you have any tips please share that wo... More

On the road to planeptune part.1
on to road to planeptune part.2
on the road to planeptune part.3
On road to planeptune part.4
Home sweet home part.1
Home sweet home part.2
Home sweet home part.3
Home sweet home part.4
Home sweet home part.5
Home sweet home part.6
peace is not forever part.1
peace is not forever Part.2
peace is not forever part.3
Peace is not forever part.4
Peace is not forever part.5
Peace is not forever part.6
piece by piece part.1
Piece by piece part.2
piece by piece part.3
piece by piece part.4
Piece by piece part.5
True spirit Part.1
True spirit part.2
True spirit Part.3
True spirit part.4
True spirit Part.5
True spirit Part.6
legends or dreams Part.1
Legends or Dreams part.2
Legends or Dreams Part.3
Legends or Dreams Part.4
Legends or Dreams Part.5
Legends or Dreams Part.6
Old Friends Part.2
Old Friends Part.3
Old friends Part.4
Merry Christmas/X mas
Old Friends Part.5
Old friends Part.6
The awakening Part.1
The Awakening Part.2
The Awakening Part.3
The Awakening Part.4
The Awakening Part.5
The Awakening Part.6
Finding a path:1
Finding A Path Part.2
Finding A Path Part. 3
Finding a path part.4
Finding a path Part:5
Welcome to UltraDimesnion Part.1
Welcome to UltraDimension part:2
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 3
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 4
Welcome To Ultradimension Part: 5
Welcome To UltraDimension Part: 6
History Repeating Part: 1
History Repeating Part: 2
History Repeating Part: 3
History Repeating Part:4
History Repeating Part: 5

Old friends Part.1

18 1 0
By CrimsonWolfMC

Warning: Really dont need to tell you anymore but lemon and some wolf having fun with her self.

Wolf and the others started to make there way to Lowee but a few minutes later when they were close to Lowee Wolf heard gunshots close by knowing those gunshots would be for her soon.

Wolf: Hey Leo can you get everyone in Lowee for me im going to go see what those gunshots are about i dont have a good feeling about them.

Leo: Sure just dont get hurt ok.

Wolf: *Blushes* Dont worry about me worry about getting Wolfy and Vix to Lowee im not sure who it is there energy is compressed so i cant sense it right.

Leo: Sure.

Wolf started to run to the place where she heard the gun shots when she got there water was around the place.

Wolf: What the hell *Thinks water but theirs no lakes or anything like that near but the water clan is my best guess wait this is a binding trap so now im in here i cant get out damn it and even if i called Leo his fire would be useless here and i dont have the energy right now to make a shadow shit im not getting out of this.

???: Well look who i got here cant believe you fell for it you used to be smarter then this.

Wolf: That voice i know it but where.

???: You dont remember wow thats a little harsh to forget someone like me but whats worse is that you forgot us from the water clan can bend and turn into water.

Wolf turned around when she did she heard a gunshot coming behind her but was able to dodge it and jump back to make some rage between them wolf grabbed her dagger from her back pocket but did not pull it out.

Wolf: Water clan that voice i think i get it you after me but tell me who sent you anyway the water clan is like mine but not as bad your clan was wiped out almost your clan has more people then mine well not anymore because its not the same peaceful clan i once knew but still.

???: Shut up! No one sent me im doing this on my own you left me there for months with out you i was scared and alone why did you leave me its me Reki!

Wolf: *Flash back: Reki you want to go with me when im 16 and leave here* Oh no i did leave you thats right back a year before i left home i did leave you it never went to me i was trying to save CC and it just went over my head you were going with us but shoot me if you want *Laughs* I deserve it.

Reki Lowered her gun and got on her knees and started to cry.

Reki: You never ment to leave me but why did you go you could of came and got me.

Wolf: Im sorry i should of came back its just he was hurt and i had to go as fast as i could but did Void do anything to you hurt you or anything *Hugs Reki* Oh also welcome home Reki i know you like me like me so how about we start off with a good thing and date i love you.

Reki started to cry more putting her head in Wolfs chest.

Wolf: *Rubs Reki's head* Dont worry i missed you a lot one of my best friends i feel really bad about forgetting you.

Reki: Its fine all i ever wanted was your love.

Wolf: Well you got it im sorry.

Wolf and Reki went to Lowee and met the others Wolf never told them what happened to keep her from looking like a enemy.

Reki: So wolf your brother he lives here in Lowee right.

Wolf: Yeah and he dates one of the goddess here i date a few but thats because i cant say no and im just to nice but still how is the water clan i never met them but i know your power is something really cool i remember a long time ago you scared me when we were at the lake .

Reki: Yeah thats was really fun your face was funny.

Wolf: Yeah but how long has it been a year but it feels longer.

Reki: Yeah over a year of my goal was to hunt you down and hurt you but now i just want to stay here by your side your dad is becoming a creep in ways i dont really want to explain its some perv stuff.

Wolf: *Sighs* Great now i dont even want to see no less fight him i want to kill him but if hes like that and with this body who knows what he would do even if im his kid or not.

Reki: Yeah your dad is a fucked up man.

Wolf: Yeah but hey you guys go on im going to look for a new outfit.

Reki: Ok dont take to long.

Wolf: Yeah.

Wolf went into the shop looking at some new clothes when she found something shes been wanting to try on for a while now.

Wolf: *Thinks Well i been wanting to wear this for a while i have the black and purple striped stockings Plutia made for me that are like Neptune's but is it to short no i think i will be fine its cute my girly side does not come out often i guess i will try a skirt.

Wolf went to try it on and when she did she liked it a short gray skirt and decided to wear it for the day when she went to go look for the others when she found them everyone was shocked at what they were seeing.

Wolf: *Blushes* Well what do you think is it cute *Smiles*

Leo: *Blushes* Yeah you look really cute but i never seen you wear something like that ever but it looks great on you.

Vix: Yeah you look great but are you not worried about it being a little to short.

Wolf: No i love it being able to feel the snow drop on my leg is great i love the cold so this is nothing also i been wanting to try this for a while and i feel cute.

Reki: *Thinks this is whole new side to her but you know if shes happy then i dont see a point to not like it*

Vix: *Thinks for being older then me she can forget all the bad thing and focus on the good shes something but still when we were kids she was strong and dont get me wrong shes stronger then ever but she has so much more room to grow as a person and power.

Wolf: Lets go see CC i pretty sure mom told him already so i think he knows i hope he does so i dont have to explain it all to him.

Wolf and the others went to the Basilicom to see CC and Blanc when they got there CC was shocked from what happened to Wolf.

CC: Wolf what happened to you why cant you go back.

Wolf: This was how i was born our damn father put a spell making me male sense i lost cortex it also broke the spell putting me here where i am this is me my real self im your sister now not brother!

CC: Give me a second so your telling me we both been lied to yeah i get that but if im right your female does that mean you go in heat now because if you do dont come to me im not in the whole insest stuff.

Wolf: Yes i go in heat now and i never planed to come to you that would be really weird.

Vix: Hey Leo how much longer do you think there going to fight for i say a few more minutes or a hour.

Leo: Yeah same so there are 5 of you well not if theirs one hiding but still its funny to see them fight is it always like this with them.

Vix: Yeah for as long as i can remember they always been like this but deep down they really love each other but they always do this all the dang time they fight but its really funny seeing them like this.

Leo: Yeah your right just seeing them is the best thing Hey Wolfy do you have a sister.

Wolfy: Yeah MC shes the female CC me and Wolf i guess you can say were almost the same person just different DNA so im a different dimension her really is the best way to put it.

A few minutes later Blanc came to see wolf and the others with Rom and Ram following behind her.

Blanc: Welcome back wolf how have you been.

Wolf: Good it turns out im a girl and i was under a spell that made me a guy and a lot has happened but i got my HDD Shadow Heart i can show you to if you want.

Blanc: No its fine we will both see it sooner or later but the outfit you have on is really cute but are you not worried about the skirt.

Wolf: No not really why.

Blanc: Well dont you think its a little short.

Wolf: No not really its perfect but anyway i came to talk to CC a little but i have some spare time so we can talk if you want.

Blanc: Im sorry but i got work to do but maybe next time.

right after Blanc was done they said bye but wolf started to feel something.

Wolf: *Thinks that energy i dont even need to try i can tell its a shadow clan member but who really could it be dad would not attack now.

Vix: Hey wolf did you feel that its a clan member from the shadows but who could that really be.

Wolf: I dont know but do me a favor and get the others out of here our clan is powerful so who knows who it is.

Vix: Ok got it lets go.

Wolf went HDD and went over to the place where she felt that energy but to her surprise it was a member that worked with Void her father she landed and turned of HDD and pulled out her long sword.

Wolf: Who the hell are you i can tell you work with my dad one your logo on the back of your jacket.

???: The name is Kugeki and smart girl Void was right about you your really smart for being only 16 but your not going to live long to tell people.

Right when he said that he showed up right in fount of her and kicked her into a tree hurting her pretty bad to where she cant move.

Kugeki: Wow i expected you to be stronger i guess blood lines dont matter with power your weak like all the grunts but still im board so how about i kill you.

Wolf: *Thinks this guy hes not normal he has to be one of the strongest besides all the ones that work beside my dad this guy us just a elite member.

Kugeki walked over to wolf with a energy blast in his hand pointing it at wolf Before he could Leo came and kicked Kugeki while in the air and made a portal and went home.

Wolf: Hi good timing i cant move that hurt like hell.

Leo: I knew something was up when your power started to drop a little but really dont make me worry like that who was that guy.

Wolf: he was a elite fighter of my clan but im going to sleep *passes out*

Leo: Damn it wake up Wolf shes out *Thinks why do i feel so weird im more worried about her then i should be am i in love with her to but she lost so much power i hope shes ok maybe when she wakes up i cant tell her how i feel about her.

Leo and the others took Wolf home when they got there Compa look at wolf to see if anything was broke but she was all right Nepgear stayed next to her in bed all the time holding her hand the next morning Wolf got up and no one was home but Nepgear and when wolf got up and got dressed with her dark purple Tank top and her underwear also got her purple a black stockings and went to the other room where Nepgear was cooking some food.

Nepgear: Wolf your ok thank goodness *Runs over to wolf and hugs her*

Wolf: Yeah im ok just still a little off after that but you may want to worry about the food we dont need a fire *Giggles*

Nepgear: Oh ok just give me a second and it should be done soon but you should sit down i dont think you should be up walking around yet.

Wolf: i think i should be fine to move but i cant train right now i failed to fight a simple guy but he was not normal one kick sent me flying into a tree which hurt Really bad but anyway where is everyone today no one is home but me and you right.

Nepgear: Yeah the others went to do work and needed someone to watch and take care of you so i stayed back but can you tell me you seem more warm then normal.

Wolf: Am i really weird it can be that im in heat but if i am then thats ok i guess im going to get a bath join me if you want to.

Nepgear: Ok i may after im done here.

Wolf: Sounds great ok im going now.

Wolf went to the bathroom and got undressed at turned on the warm water and got undressed and got in the bath and sat there and was thinking about somethings as she was thinking she was running her finger down her leg getting closer and closer to her crotch but when she did this she moaned a little.

Wolf: *Thinks im still very sensitive i guess i wont grow out of it but it feels great.

She put her hand Further down and started to rub her pussy making her moan  louder.

Wolf: *Thinks why am i doing this its wrong but its feels to good i cant stop now it would be wrong to quit what im doing  now.

Wolf kept going rubbing it until she decided to out her fingers in it and started to moan louder she covered her mouth so Nepgear would not hear her but she started to move her fingers faster 10 minutes later she was about to cum.

Wolf: *Thinks im about to cum this feels great but im about cum i guess let it happen.

3 minutes later.

Wolf: Im Cumming!

After that wolf sat there in the bath breathing heavy she washed herself off and got dried off and went to sleep she woke up in the middle of the night and it was still Her and Nepgear she was on top oF Wolf with her head on Wolfs chest with a smile.   

Wolf: *Smiles and thinks the more i think about it the more i cant stand it but she was the first girl that likes me for me but the more enemy's i fight they keep getting stronger to levels i cant keep up and if the guy was just  a elite  who knows how much power my dad has so what if all this ends what if i dont have the power to protect her and everyone else no i do i just need to train but my body still needs to relax but deep down im scared of losing the life i have and had to fight for but the worse feeling is just the image of Nepgear what would she do *Starts to cry* i will keep fighting and im not going to quit now.

Leo came into the room and seen Wolf and smiled at he.

Leo: Good to see your doing good but how are you feeling anyway.

Wolf: Good but could be better that kick hurt like hell but thanks for worrying about me *Thinks does he like me if he does i do to but what are the chances of that.

Leo: Well i wanted to ask you about something but first i think im in love with you so i wanted to know if you think the same if you do we can date if you want to.

Wolf: *Thinks never mind* Yeah sure but sleeping in the same bed may take longer so im going to stay here with Nepgear if thats fine.

Leo: I get it take your time and also dont let that small stuff get you your a lot stronger then you know.

Well part 34 is out here you go hope you enjoy and also a little update i will be making another book with a whole new OC and maybe wolf will return but for now thats all i will give thanks

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