Overwatch x Reader [One-Shots...

By JesseMcReaper

267K 5.3K 1.7K

REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Just a bunch of one-shots and preferences written by a girl with too much free time! Rules... More

[Preference] His Favorite Nickname for You
[Preference] His Favorite Thing About You
[Preference] When You're Hurt
[Song Fic] Hanzo x Depressed!Reader : Just Add Water
[Song Fic] Depressed!Reaper x Reader : Green
Genji x Reader : He's Dead
Blackwatch!Genji x Reader : Coming to Terms
Young!Genji x Abused!Child!Reader : Brave
Genji x Elf!Reader : Monster
Genji x Reader : Illusions
Hanzo x Blind!Reader : Honor
Hanzo x Reader : Night Terrors
Okami!Hanzo x Reader : Mate
Young!Hanzo x Reader : Arcade
Merman!Hanzo x Reader : Happy Place
Hanzo x Reader : Under The Weather
Junkrat x Reader : Princess
Lucio x Artist!Reader : Patches
McCree x Reader : Hold Onto Me
McCree x Abused!Reader : Take The Pain Away
McCree x Reader : Jealousy
McCree x Suicidal!Reader : Unavoidable
McCree x Blind!Reader : Comfort
McCree x Reader : Rest
Reaper x Anorexic! Reader : Perfection
Reaper x Anxious!Reader : Panicked
Blackwatch!Reaper x Abused!Reader : Fear
Blackwatch!Reaper x Reader : Rescue
Young!Soldier:76 x Abused!Reader : Escape
Young!Soldier:76 x Injured!Reader : Battle Scars
Young!Soldier:76 x Mute!Reader : Voice
{Author's Note}
[Summer Games] Genji x Shy!Reader : Heroes
[Summer Games] Hanzo x Reader : Lessons
[Summer Games] Junkrat x Reader : Team
[Summer Games] McCree x Reader : Poolside
[Summer Games] Reaper x Reader : Ride
[Summer Games] Soldier:76 x Reader : Cookout
[Non-Romantic] Sombra x Reader : Sisters
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{Authors Note}

Young!Genji x Cyborg!Reader : Human

6.5K 157 22
By JesseMcReaper

Requested by: @_artemizja_

As you wandered down the streets of Hanamura, you couldn't help but be captivated by the way the Shimada castle seemed to shimmer and shine under the luminescent stars in the night sky. It was a peaceful sight, but you knew what kind of dastardly secrets lay beyond the walls. The Shimada clan was famous for being rich and powerful but no one dared question where their money and power came from.

Of course, that excluded you. After years of digging and extensive research, you knew that the Shimada clan had their rise to power through illegal drug and weapon trades. The leader, Sojiro Shimada, was nothing more than a con man who hid his true intentions from his sons. The eldest, Hanzo, was a shining star of what the clan wanted to lead them. The younger of the two boys, Genji, was nothing more than a typical teenager, taking life for a joyride.

However, tonight was the night you had been planning endlessly for months on end. Everyday you would walk by the Shimada castle, observing guard patterns and trying to find the internal layout. There were a few times where you even scaled the roofs of buildings inside to get a better knowledge of the castle.

Your plan was nothing surpassing simple, in fact you had only brought along a pistol. It was all you needed to pair with the enhancements to your cyborg limbs. The plan? Get in, end Sojiro's pathetic life, and get out.

As the night drew on, you witnessed the guards in the front of the castle retreating, signaling that their shifts were over and the protection of the castle would left to another set of men. Now was your chance. As quick as your cyborg body would allow you, you scaled the walls of the Shimada castle and found yourself on the roof of the main training hall. With a stealth unlike anything the world had seen before, you snuck across the roofs until you found yourself above what you believed to be Sojiro's room. You quietly scaled down the side of the building, away from the prying eyes of the guards, and made your way inside through a window someone had foolishly left open.

It was dark, almost darker than the night sky but luckily your helmet provided night vision goggles. As you made your way through the rather messy space, you found a young boy, around your age and embarrassment flooded you as you realized you had planted yourself directly in the center of Genji Shimada's room. Shame flowed through you as you thought about how disappointed you were with yourself for screwing up so majorly.

When you attempted to leave the room through the window you came from, the lights flicked on and a voice jarred you into a fear ridden stillness.

"Who are you?" Genji's voice was soft, tired. Much different from the way Sojiro sounded hard and calloused. "Why are you in my room?" Adrenaline pumped into your veins and you made a decision you later deemed as ridiculous. You unsheathed a knife which resided in a compartment in your arm and spun around, holding the knife to Genji's throat.

"I was never here," your voice came out a little more shaky than you had hoped, but you stood your ground regardless. Before you could even comprehend, the knife was gone from your hand and the cool metal was now against your throat.

"I'll ask again," Genji hissed through gritted teeth. He didn't want to hurt you, but you started a battle he intended to finish. "Who are you?" Defeated, a sigh escaped from your lips and you met his eyes.

"My name is (Y/N) and I am here to seek vengeance on the man who made me the way I am today," the anger was audible in your voice and Genji took a half step back, taking in your cyborg body. Both legs, both arms and most of your lower torso had become nothing more than a robotic display of someone else's intelligence.

"Who did this to you?" His voice reverted to its calm state as he tried to regain his composure. "Why would anyone do this to someone?" The second question was more to himself but you sought to answer both regardless.

"Your father, Sojiro," the name rolled off your tongue with stinging venom. "Deals in illegal trades of weapons and drugs. This clan is nothing more than an over glorified mafia. The weapons he deals in were traded to an organization who's intents were far beyond sinful and thus my home was destroyed with me and my family in it. I am lucky to have survived.

"So I am here, seeking revenge on the man who ruined my life. Who took away all that I cared about and who made me some evil hybrid between omnic and man." Your eyes stayed trained on his, refusing to back down. He seemed to be the defeated one now, however. Confusion swept across his features before anger and then sorrow.

"Hanzo and my father always did keep the family business a secret from me," he met your eyes once more. "But you cannot continue on this path of a rage fueled agenda. In the end, it will only hurt you more."

"How could you understand?" You shook your head. "You are only human."

"Yes, but you are still human as well," his words made you freeze. Since you had become a cyborg, no one saw you as human, only as an abomination that should not exist. You made a lot of anti-omnic people angry and thusly so had more people than you could count after your head. "The heart of a human still beats within you and until one day it stops, you will always be a human."

His words struck cords in your heart you didn't even know were there and so, you turned your back to him. You couldn't let him see your weakness. You had to be strong. But your facade of strength crumbled into dust as the first few tears streaked your cheeks. He genuinely believed you were still human, despite what your body was composed of.

Arms slowly wrapped around your small robotic frame and you turned your head slightly to see Genji hugging you against his chest. His eyes were closed, his mouth forming a small smile and in that moment peace found its way into your heart. This man had calmed the storm raging within you and suddenly you could no longer imagine wanting to kill Sojiro.

"Leave. Before the guards find you. Take haste and make your escape before anyone finds out that this even happened. Leave my father alone, he hasn't much time left regardless," Genji kept his eyes closed before slowly releasing you from his hold. Almost without thought, you placed a soft kiss against his cheek.

"May we meet again, Genji Shimada," and with those parting words, you vanished into the night.

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