The Story Of Dance || J.B ||

By twerkinontheirish

289K 4.8K 464

Jessica Blackburn is from Melbourne, Australia, she moved to San Francisco to pursue her dancing career with... More

The Story Of Dance - Justin Bieber Love Story
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five -
Happy Anniversary Justin! "Kidrauhl"
Chapter Six -
Chapter Seven -
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine -
Chapter ten -
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Please read! A/N
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter - Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty - Six
Chapter Twenty - Seven
Chapter Twenty - Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter - Thirty
Chapter - Thirty One
Chapter Thirty - Two
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter thirty - six
Chapter Thirty - Seven
Chapter Thirty - Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Bonus Chapter- Happy Ending?
The Final- Part two.
The Final - Part Three.

The Final - Part One.

4.1K 80 30
By twerkinontheirish

Song - Tattooed Heart, Ariana Grande.


3 years today.

Justin and I have been together for three years, today being the exact anniversary. We moved in with each other 11 months ago and things were going amazing.

I woke up seeing Justin wasn't beside me in the bed like he was last night.

I got up and saw it was 9:30 in the morning so I got up from the warmness of my bed before going to the bathroom. After I peed I brushed my hair and put it in a bun and brushed my teeth before leaving the bathroom and going down the stairs toward the smell of bacon.

I walked into the kitchen seeing shirtless Justin over the stove cooking bacon in the wok.

Why is he using a wok for bacon?

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked making him jump and look up.

"Good morning, baby." he said sending me a big smile.

"Morning." I mumbled looking around the messy kitchen that was defiantly not this messy last night.

"What have you done?" I asked with a laugh.

"I'm cooking my baby an anniversary breakfast." he smiled scratching his nose, leaving a trail of flour behind.

"I'm making pancakes and bacon." he told me.

"I can see that.." I said walking over to him and wiping his nose.

He turned around and grabbed my waist, before kissing me on the lips quickly and pulling back when we heard the pan sizzle loudly.

"Shit, I burnt it." he mumbled to himself.

"Do you need help, babe?" I asked him with a small smile.

"Uh, no. You go take a bath and drink some wine or something, I got this. I'll call you when it's done." He said pushing me away slightly.

"It's like 9 in the morning though.." I mumbled.

"Just go." He whined.

I rose my hands in surrender and left the kitchen going up the stairs.

I need a shower anyways.

I walked into the bedroom grabbing a towel and walked into the bathroom, phone in hand.

I checked my phone seeing a text from Sandie and Emily.

From Sandie 💜: happy anniversary you cuties :) ily both have a nice day boo. Ryan and I may stop by later make sure your clothed heehee 😜.

I laughed at her message and shook my head. Yes her and Ryan ended up getting together a few months ago, after years of non stop flirting and not so secret feelings they finally got together, after Ryan grew a pair and asked her out, that is.

Their super cute and I was more than happy for them.

I checked Emily's next.

From Emily 😊: hey boo happy 3 year anniversary to you and J I hate you both for being happy bye. 👋👎👊

Emily had been dating someone for almost a year named Jared but he ended up being a complete dick and was cheating on her for half of their relationship.

He completely broke her and she vowed to never date anyone ever again.

But, we were shopping a few months ago and we ran into an old friend of hers from high school named Parker. He flirted with her non stop and they exchanged numbers and they have been texting non stop but she doesn't think she's ready to date anyone right now even though she knows - everyone knows - she likes him back.

Stubborn bitch.

Julian on the other hand.

He is still single. He's dated here and there but nothing to serious. Emily and him have moved in together and they were just kind of acting their age and living life.

YOLO as Julian puts it.

God, I hate that term.

After I showered I got out wrapping a towel around my chest and in my hair to dry.

I walked toward the closet and pulled out a white strapless peplum top with small pink flowers scattered over it and white skinny jeans with a pair of lace flats.

I undid the towel around my hair and brushed through it before blow drying it am putting it up in a bun. I would bother with it later.

I rubbed my makeup less face and made my way down the stairs.

"ITS READY!" Justin screamed just as I entered.

I winced and he gave me a 'sorry' look and grabbed my arm leading me toward the counter that had plates of pancakes and bacon on it.

"Smells good." I smiled and he patted himself on the back.

I laughed and he grabbed my waist from behind putting his chin on my shoulder.

"You look pretty." he said kissing my neck.

I smiled, "You do too." I smirked referring to him wearing no shirt and sweatpants.

"I know right." he joked back.

"Okay, let's eat." he said pushing me toward the counter and pulling out a stool for me and making me sit down, a plate laid out in front of me.

As started to eat Justin spoke back up, "I have something planned for today." he told me.

I nodded not even going to ask why, it's not like he would tell me.

After we ate he got in the shower after we both did the dishes.

"Knock Knock! Can we come in? Too late, we already are! Clothe yourselves!" Someone shouted from the front of the house.

I put my phone on the counter and got up making my way toward the familiar male voice.

"Hello lovebirds." I singsonged looking at the hand in hand couple; Ryan and Sadie.

"We should be saying that to you lot!" Sadie teased kissing my cheek and giving me a tight hug, followed by Ryan.

"Where is the other half?" Ryan asked me.


He smirked before going in the kitchen grabbing something - I don't know what - and bolting up the stairs.

This cannot be good.

"Oh lord." Sadie muttered sitting down on the couch with small smile, me in tow.

Seconds later we heard a muffled scream that belonged to Justin, something along the lines of, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

I giggled, slightly scared as to what Ryan had done to him.

"They're a damn mess.." Sadie muttered, me nodding along.

"So, what do you think he has planned for today?" She asked sending me a wink.

"I'm not sure, but I'm slightly nervous. Knowing Justin he would probably put us on a plane to Africa or something exotically crazy." I giggled.

"He so would!" Sandie buzzed, our laughter ringing throughout the house.

We both turned around as we heard footsteps descending down the stairs. Ryan walked in smirking, Justin behind him looking quite grumpy.

"What did you do?" Sadie asked Ryan trying to hide her amusement.

"He poured whipped cream all over me!" Justin shouted throwing a pillow from the couch at Ryan's laughing face. Ryan blocked it and threw it back at Justin who was now laughing along.

A sudden wave of nausea passed over me so I stood up and ran up the steps not wanting to use the bathroom downstairs. I didn't want anyone to hear me throw up my breakfast.

I was fine minutes ago, what was wrong with me?

I stumbled into the bedroom closing the door behind me and barreling into the bathroom. I was barley hovering over the toilet when I wretched into the toilet, my breakfast out of me and into the toilet in no time. I caught site of whipped cream on the floor and it only made me throw up again.

I heard footsteps and a click of the bedroom door.

"Are you okay, hun?" Sadie asked walking into the bathroom.

I nodded standing up, my legs shaking.

"Oh my God, did you throw up?" She asked helping me up.

I nodded and she gave me a look of despair.

"Did you eat something bad?" She asked me as I whipped away the steam from Justin's shower off of the mirror making my very pale face come into view.

I shook my head, "No I ate everything Justin has in the last day and he's fine!" I exclaimed pulling the mouthwash from the cabinet. I put a cap full of mouthwash into my mouth trying my best to get the terrible smell of vomit away.

She suddenly gasped making me jump and look at her. I spat into the sink giving her a look full of confusion.

"Okay, don't speak until I'm finished, but.. Is there a chance you could be pregnant?" She asked.

I immediately started shaking my head but stopped.

Is there?

I could feel my body start shaking but for a different reason this time. There was a time last month when we weren't safe like we had always been.

Oh my God.

I closed the toilet lid and sat down, putting my head in my hands.

I'm only 20 I couldn't possibly be pregnant, much less be a mother!

Justin. He's only 20 himself and he's Justin Bieber! The media would hound him even harder and he does not need that on his plate right now. Beliebers would hate me, they've been through enough and now this?!

I was having a full on panic attack at this point and I didn't notice until now that Sadie was on her knees in front of me trying to catch my attention.

Once she saw I was now looking at her she gave me grave look. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" She asked.

I didn't answer.

"Jess!" I heard Justin yell which made me jump and hop up and straighten out my clothes.

"Don't say a word, okay?" I whispered to Sadie and she nodded just as Justin entered the bathroom, giving us a weird look.

"Everything okay in here?" He asked us.

We both nodded, "All good!" We both yelped making him nod slowly.

"Uh, okay then.. Jess we have to get going." He said and only then did I notice he was fully dressed in jeans, white muscle shirt, and a red bandana over his head.

"Yeah okay, I'll be down in a second." I said giving him a smile and he left.

"Okay listen. I'm going to go to the pharmacy and get a few tests and bring them back here. I'm going to hide them under the cabinet in here, so you can take them when you get home." Sadie said giving me a hug, "Keep the backdoor unlocked so I can get in."

I nodded and numbly hugged her back.

"Don't let this bother you and have fun, alright?" She told me more than ask.

I nodded feeling numb as ever.

She gave me one last hug and kiss on the cheek before exiting the bathroom and going downstairs.

I felt a few tears escape and run down my cheeks but I quickly whipped them away and went over to mirror applying a bit more eyeliner and mascara - leaving the tears a secret.

I grabbed my bag and made my way out and down the steps slowly seeing Justin in the living room sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

He heard my footsteps and hopped up putting his phone into his front pocket.

"Let's go shall we?" He asked.

I nodded and followed behind him and toward the garage where his range rover was.

He opened my door for me and I sat down with a sigh.

'I can do this' was what I was chanting to myself internally.

He got in and pressed the button above making the garage doors open.

"You okay?" He asked giving me a side glance.

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine, just curious as to where you're taking me." I tried to joke.

"You're just going to have to wait and see then." He winked and put the car into reverse, backing out.

"Fucking hell." He muttered and I looked at him, clenching his jaw anger taking away his features immediately.


Which would only get worse if I am indeed pregnant.

I mentally thought; I really need to stop thinking about this.

We finally got by them and Justin's demeanor changed back to happy; thankfully.

We drove for longer then I thought we would and he pulled over to the side of the road putting the car in park and grabbing something from the backseat.

"No freaking way!" I hissed once I saw what he had grabbed.

A blindfold.

"Oh come on baby! You'll only have to wear it for a few minutes." He pouted.

I eventually gave in and he wrapped it around my head, making my view go all black.

"I hate you." I muttered.

"Love you too." I heard him say as I felt him kiss my lips quickly.

I heard a click and a giggle come from Bieber himself and I knew what he had done.

He took a picture.

"Delete it!" I shouted.

"Its cute! No!" He shouted and I gave up.

There was no use.

We finally pulled off and drove for a few minutes before we stopped.

"Alright I'm going to help you out, one second."

I felt my door open and Justin grab my hand helping me out.

"Just walk straight ahead, I got you." Justin said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, as I felt his breath on my ear.

"Okay.. Open!" He shouted happily.

I opened my eyes and gasped.

We were at Disneyland.

"Oh my God, Justin!" I yelped turning around and jumping on him.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist kissing his face all over.

"I may surprise you more if I get this treatment each time." He joked.

I had always wanted to come to Disneyland ever since I was a kid. Now that I actually live in California I'm always saying how I want to go and being two hours away from Anaheim killed me and made me want to come even more but I've never had the chance.

I noticed there were a few bodyguards lingering around us which made me feel a bit at ease that Justin wouldn't have to worry about being pounced on - which has happen before.

"Let's go!" I shouted grabbing his hand and literally dragging him through the entrance.

We got our armbands and went to Alice in Wonderland first.

We went to Chip N' Dales amusement, Disneyland Monorail, Donalds boat, Dumbo the flying elephant, The finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, and so much more.

At some point Justin had grabbed a bag from one of the security guards that held our bathing suits.

How he snuck that past me? I'm not quite sure.. But we slipped them on, at some point.

We had just left "Its a small world after all" that had water slides and swimming pools which was tons of fun.

We got hungry at some point and ate at 'Redd Rockett's Pizza Port' and then went to 'Clarabelle's Frozen Yogurt' for desert.

"You're amazing, you know that?" I said to Justin as we headed toward the east wing of the amusement park hand in hand.

"I've been told a few times." He joked making me hit his side with a giggle.

"But, I'm not as amazing as you, you know." He said.

I put my head on his shoulder shaking my head. "That's a definite lie." I said.

He shook his head, "I love you." He said kissing my head.

"I love you too."

... ...

"Welcome to Space Mountain everyone!"

The words I've always wanted to hear.

Justin and I and other people stood in the line listening to the staff member take us through some 'ground rules'.

"We ask you to please keep your hands and feet inside the tram at all time and please do not come onto this ride if you have heart problems, prone to seizures, or are possibly pregnant." The women told everyone.

My smiled immediately dropped along with my stomach which was now in my ass.

"Uh - Justin I don't really want to go on this anymore." I said stupidly.

Of course I wanted to I just couldn't take such a risk even if I didn't know for sure if I was with child or not.

"Uh, what?" He asked obviously dumbfounded by my words.

"I'm too scared." I blurted out.


"Are you serious?" He asked stepping out of the line and toward me.

"Yeah." I nodded, "But you can still go on, I'll wait." I told him.

"Hell no! I was only going on this death trap because of you." He said relief obvious in his voice and face.

I laughed and he grabbed my hand leading me toward another feature.

"Oh my God, its Minnie and Mickey!" I shouted happily running toward the mouse couple.

They waved, and I waved back.

Justin caught up and Minnie started jumping up and down putting her (paw?) over her mouth in shock.

We laughed when Mickey mocked jealous.

We stood in between them and one of the on site photographers took my phone and slipped a pictures of all 4 of us.

I had this huge obsession with the mouse couple when I was ten so this was a monumental moment for me.

We left them, the smile on my face evident.

"You literally just fangirled for Mickey and Minnie mouse." Justin laughed.

"Shut up!" I yelped hitting his back with my hand.

"Its the Buzz light year exhibit! Lets go!" He jumped up and down dragging me toward the green and purple action figure.

We got in and played some sort of lazer tag game, which turned out to be quite fun.

We got a picture with 'Buzz Light Year' which made Justin happy.

We exited the tent and kept on walking when I gasped (again). There was this 'castle' with 'snow' falling around the area and I knew what it was when I saw the little snowman figure and the two girls.

Olof, Elsa, and Ana from Frozen!

"Oh my God! Lets go!" I said dragging him toward the castle.

We got pictures with Elsa and Ana, Olof included.

We left the castle and made our way toward some other features.

This day was amazing because our inner kids are coming back out and it felt amazing!

Hours later we were in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle for the 'World of Color' show. There would be this huge light show and a firework show.

Justin had gotten these mouse ears that lit up tons of different colors and put them on our heads.

Justin pulled his phone out taking a selfie of us for 'Shots' - his latest obsession.

'Lights.' was the caption he put on it.


There was a sudden very loud bang making us jump and look at the multi colored fireworks that were released into the sky.

.... ....

We were In the car on the way back home, it being around 12 midnight, so we were exhausted.

"Did you have fun?" Justin asked, grabbing my hand that was resting on my thigh.

I smiled with a nod, "A blast. Thank you for taking me. You're amazing." I smiled at him.

"Happy Anniversary, baby." He said bringing my hand up to his lips, placing a kiss on my palm.

"Happy Anniversary to you too." I said leaning over, kissing his cheek.

We eventually pulled into the driveway of the house, pulling into the gate and garage.

We got out and walked to the door, me unlocking it.

He looked at his watch and ran toward the media room, "Yes! I didn't miss the recap on the game." He cheered making me laugh.

I shook my head walking toward the upstairs.

"I'm going to go take a shower!" I yelled and I heard him say something like "Okay." so I kept walking.

I waited until I was halfway up when I started full out running to the bathroom. I closed the bedroom door and went to the bathroom closing and locking that door before looking under the sink in the bathroom.

There were 4 pregnancy test; all different brands.

I pulled one out and was thankful I had a lot to drink and hadn't gone to the bathroom once, so I could hopefully pee on them all for the results.

I turned the shower on for less suspicion and sat down opening the box, my hands shaking.

I peed on one, then two, then three, then all four of them before laying them in a row on the counter.

It said I had to wait 6 minutes for the results so I went ahead and got into the shower.

In a way I wanted to put off the results as much as possible because the possible outcome terrified me.

I wasn't ready to be a mom and I know Justin wasn't.

My options were obvious. If I were to be pregnant I would keep it no doubt. But the questions that were haunting me the most were; would Justin want to keep it? Will he leave? Will he be happy? I don't even know and the questions and anticipation were giving me a headache.

After I took a probably too long of a shower I got out wrapping a towel around my chest and hair I sat on the closed toilet and looked at the counter, biting my lip nervously.

I slowly reached over grabbing one of the sticks. I slowly turned it over my hands shaking.

+ pregnant

I gasped dropping the stick into the sink.

I grabbed the other one.

+ pregnant

the next one

+ pregnant

the last one

+ pregnant

Oh my God.

I'm pregnant.

I put my head in my hands my face becoming wet with tears.

I'm pregnant.


I'm going to have a baby.

How was I going to tell Justin? My friends? Justin's fans? Justin's family?

I grabbed all the boxes and shoved them to the bottom of the trash can along with the tests.

I sighed and got up drying and cleaning my tear stained face.

I slowly emerged from the bathroom seeing the door was still closed and the room was still empty.

I went to my dresser pulling my shorts and tank top out.

I dressed myself and put on a sweatshirt before taking my hair down and brushing it. I braided it to the side and put some body mist on before making my way downstairs.

I walked into the media room seeing Justin on the couch watching some sort of game recap on ESPN.

"Oh hey." he said tapping the seat beside him. I sat down next to him and he smiled, "Oh I have something for you!" he said leaning forward and grabbing a blue bag.

Tiffany blue to be exact.

He handed it to me and I grabbed it with a smile.

Opening it I saw a long box with the words;

Tiffany & Co. 💙

I gasped pulling it out.

I had always had this small obsession with Tiffany's, the color, breakfast at Tiffany's, and Audrey Hepburn to be exact.

I slowly slid the box open, seeing a bright silver charm bracelet. Charms already on it.

I slid the bracelet around looking at each charm, one with a microphone, one with a kangaroo, one with a supra, one with a dancing girl, one with a music note and one with a heart with the initials, j&j.

Each charm meant something.

Justin's singing.

The Australian symbol.

Our shoes.


Justin's music.

Our love.

I smiled at him before wrapping my arms around his waist.

"It's amazing. Thank you." I said trying to hold back the tears.

He hugged me back, "I was afraid it would be too cheesy." he said with a smile.

"Never." I winked.

I then got up and ran toward the kitchen where I had out his present under the cabinet. Grabbing it I ran back to him.

"Here!" I smiled handing the black bag to him.

He smiled and dug into the bag digging around and bringing out a black box with the words 'Rolex' on it.

"No way." he whispered opening the box.

The new 2015 Rolex watch that hadn't even come out in stores yet (that I had to practically sell my soul for).

Justin had seen pictures and loved it but couldn't find it anywhere so I did some digging and found it from some guy in Swedan who sold it to me for a pretty penny but it was worth it.

"No freaking way!" he yelled standing up.

He grabbed my hand pulling me up and putting me toward his chest, "I love it." he smiled kissing my lips.

"I'm so glad."

After we sat down (admiring each others gifts) we decided to head to bed, him having to carry half of my weight.

I was exhausted.

You try waking up, throwing up, going to an amusement park, and finding out your pregnant all in the same day.

Quite tiring.

I plopped into the bed and felt Justin lay beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we both fell asleep quickly


"Jess. Jessica." I felt someone shake me, jolting me awake.

I looked up seeing Justin looking at me.

"Huh? What is it?" I grunted looking up.

I looked at the clock next to me and it was.. 2:39 am?

"Are you okay?" I asked sitting up.

"I'm fine." he nodded but he looked like he just saw a ghost.

"No you're not, what is it?" I asked.

"We need to talk." he stated simply standing up from the bed and walking toward the bathroom.

I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"So yeah, can you tell me something?" he asked me coming back a bag in hand.

I nodded still confused as to what he was doing, "Uh, yeah sure." I stammered standing up from the bed.

He pulled the bag out and pulled out something that made my stomach churn and face pale.

The test box and test.

"Mind telling me who's this is?" he asked.

"Uh --" I muttered to myself not really knowing or wanting to say anything.

"Are these yours?" he asked his voice dark.

I stood there frozen for a second before nodding slightly.

He shook his head dropping the box making a clattering sound.

"When did you find out?" He asked me.


"Why didn't you tell me right away?" he asked obviously angry.

"I was scared." I muttered.

He was quiet for a second and I was crying at this point.

I took my chance and walked out of the room, and down the stairs.

"Jess!" I heard him yell.

"I don't understand why you're angry!" I screamed as I heard him follow behind me.

"Because you didn't tell me right away and lied the whole day! You weren't scared of that ride and you lied when I asked you if you were alright!" he screamed

Of course I'm not okay! I'm having a child with Justin Bieber as the father!" I screamed, tears rushing down my face.

"Oh, so it's me? I'm the problem?" he lowered his voice alarmingly so.

"I mean as in you're one of the biggest names in the world and the media already hounds you enough!" I sobbed,

"I'm scared." I whimpered sitting on the couch and putting my head in my hands.

I felt Justin sit beside me and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Why are you so scared?" he asked kissing my neck.

"I'm 20 years old and having a baby with Justin Bieber. The media will have a field day with this and your fans will hate me even more." I sobbed putting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm going to stick by your side this whole time. I will not leave you or this baby. I promise." he said kissing my cheek and wiping away my tears.

"Do we really want to bring a child into this craziness that is our life?" I asked him.

"No. But we can and will and it will be fine because we are going to protect this baby with everything we have." he promised.

I nodded and sat up.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him nervously biting my lip.

"Yes. I'm 100% positive." he assured me kissing my lips quickly.

"We're going to be okay." he assured and I nodded hoping he was right.

We sat in silence for a bit.

"I hope it's a boy." Justin spoke up.


"I've always wanted one, so I can show him to play basketball and how to drum and sing." He said.

"I want a girl." I smiled.


"So I can go shopping with her, dress her up, and teach her how to dance." I said.

He smiled, "I'd be happy either way."

He actually seemed happy and that made me happy.

"Let's go to bed, baby mama." he joked standing up and walking ahead. I hit his ass as he was me making him turn around and glare at me.

We got upstairs and laid in the bed and cuddled up together.

"I love you." he whispered wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you too." I smiled before we both drifted off to sleep.

... ... ... ... ...

That was part one of the final.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it 💖

Until next time - Brooke.

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