The Choice I Regret

By shininggoldstar

151K 3.7K 483

Finn and Rachel are meant to be, but when Finn is married to someone else and Rachel is playing hard to get... More

The Choice I Regret
Rachel's Life
Nice Try
Familiar Faces
Life Without You
Letting The Feelings Go
Good Luck Eventually Wears Off
Everything Used To Be Perfect
All You Need Is A Push
Dinner With A Twist
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Pink Little Hearts
Sleep Tight
A Little Party Never kills Nobody
To Good To Be True
Trying Your Best
Starting Fresh
Just Friends?
Taking It Slow
My Hero
Nothing Lasts Forever
That's What Friends Are For
The Good and Bad News
It Will Never Be The Same
Holding onto Secrets
The Plan
Out in the open
To Find You
Midnight Train
Just Making Sure
If Only A Dream Was Reality
Trust Your Instincts
Wigs & Wine
Hello Gorgeous
Don't Let Go
Team Work
Don't Do This Again!
Dance To You Drop
Friendship & Tears
Flowers & Jelly
What Next?
Going Down
New Me
Love Hurts
Everybody Hurts
Starting Over?
Authors Note
Leap of Faith


2.4K 60 11
By shininggoldstar

Here it is, again sorry for the wait. Hope you like it :) 

Rachel’s Pov

It’s been two weeks since I last heard or even saw Finn. Was he avoiding me? Why wouldn’t he? I just feel so bad, I was the one who had to take care of the baby, my responsibility was to make sure that baby was healthy and I ruined everything. How did I get here? before Finn came I was completely fine, I was living my dream, I forgot about the past and I was living in the future. But once I saw him that night all the memories came flooding back. He should’ve stayed with Quinn, that way he could have a proper family with no complications.

As drag my feet against the floor boards of my apartment to make my way to my bedroom I think of the ‘what if's’. What if I didn’t lose the baby? What if Finn never left? What if I was still with Finn and there was no Quinn?

I walk up to my closet and see a box on the top shelf that I haven’t dared to open in years, but i think it’s time, I stand on my tip toes and I’m able to just reach it and pull it down. I take it over to my bed and I open the lid. As soon as I saw the first object I was brought to tears. It was little baby booties, which had little gold stars on them, I hugged them to my chest and sob. Once I pulled myself together I pulled the next item out of the box. It was a scrapbook that I would write in all my feelings, ideas and dreams, I flip through some of the pages and smile at all the photos of my small but visible baby bump. I was about to flip the page once more, when I hear my phone ring, I reach over to my night stand careful not to drop the pretty pink scrap book that was on my lap.

“Hello” I answer


“Spence I don’t think I’m coming today…..” I begin

“No, the cast has been waiting for you all week enough of this ‘my life is shit” crap.”

“……..I’ll be the in 20 minutes” I say

“You better” she hangs up and I sigh, that girl has a very unique way of persuading people to do things, but she means well.

 I get up and I get dressed. Looking out the window I can tell it’s a cold day today so I walk to my work desk and pick up the jacket that was hanging on the back on the chair. I slide my arms into the sleeves, grab my car keys and duffle bag and head outside to my car. I curse as I make myself onto the main road. Of course there has to be traffic on the one day I’m in a rush. I grab my phone out of my bag and see if I have any missed messages or calls, maybe from Finn. My hopes were dashed when I saw that it was only from my dad’s, I open the text and read it.

Hey sweetie

Guess what?  We’re in town!!!! Call us as soon as possible.

I can’t help the shrill of excitement that I suddenly feel; I really miss my dad’s. They were always there for me when the baby drama happened and they didn’t ‘disown’ me, which I’m incredibly grateful for. I look up and see that the traffic isn’t any better so I won’t be going anywhere soon so I decide to call them. Of course I’m not on the phone while I’m driving I have this Bluetooth thingy spencer got me, at first I thought it was weird because  people who drive by think that you’re talking to yourself, but when I saw some girl getting fined because she was talking on the phone while driving I was thankful for the gadget. I dial my daddy’s phone number and wait for them to reply   


“Hi daddy, it’s me I just got you message, I’m so glad you’re here. Where are you staying?”

“Well you know how we’ve always wanted to live here………we bought a house here and we want you to come see it!!”

“Well I can’t now I’m trying to get to rehearsal; the traffic is insane even for New York!”

“Well come over tonight and bring a friend we want to meet a friend of yours, maybe a certain guy perhaps”

“Well I can bring a friend but not a guy, there hasn’t been one since-“



“How is it going with him?”

“Not so, good I told him”


“Umm yea everything”

“Well how about we talk about this tonight?”

“Ok bye” I hang up once he hangs up

A couple minutes later I finally make it to the theatre. As I’m running though the double doors I see Roxy making her way to the exit

“Roxy I’m so sorry I’m late”

“Look I don’t care if you’re late because at the end of the day you’ll be fired and then I can actually direct and actual star,someone who wants this. Just because you’ve stuffed your life up doesn’t mean you have to waste everybody else’s precious rehearsal time. Now, I’m going to go get a coffee and bagel and take today off. If you can do it so can I right?”

Now I’m pissed

“What did I ever do to you Roxy? Yes I’m not In good place right now, and I’m sorry that I waisted your time but the truth is I wasn’t really wasting your time because all you do is sit in a chair that makes you look important but really it just makes you lazy. I’m not in every scene you know, so you could have rehearsed the acts that I’m not In. Use that so called brain of use.”  I start to walk away but come back once more for my final say

“Oh, and do yourself a favour don’t  get a bagel…….you don’t need it."

As I walk away from her I look back at her and see that she’s just staring at me dumfounded.

That should teach her.

I walk into the stage area and I hear spencer calling my name.

“Why are you smiling?” she asks me

“I just gave Roxy a piece of my mind!” I say jumping up and down

“Well I’m happy to see you smiling again”

I didn’t even realise I was smiling and that I completely forgot about the baby drama and the pink little scrap book still lying on my bed.

“Yea it really is, so anyway what are you doing tonight?” I ask

“Nothing mum and dad have a date night and Blaine is going somewhere, I don’t know, why?”

“Because my dads are in town and they want me to bring a friend to dinner”

“Oh well in that case I would love to come”


*That night*

“Do you even know where you’re going Rach?” Spencer asks me

“Yes……….. I think”  I whisper the last bit to myself

“Look can you just shut up so I can concentrate?” I hiss

“Rachel you and I both know I can’t” I shrug my shoulders she does have a point

“Look we’re here!!!!”

“Finally” I hear her whisper

I get out of my car and lock it, while walking to the front door I can’t help but feel excited I really miss my dad’s.

I knock on the door and within seconds the door flings open and I’m brought into my daddy’s embrace soon after I see my dad come from the corner and run up to him like a little girl, I jump up into his arms and can’t help the tears that fall from my eyes.

“Where is he?” my dad asks

I look at them confused, worried that they forgot or misunderstood that I said that a guy isn’t coming and certainly not Finn

“Who’s he?” I ask

“Well you text me that spencer’s coming….so where is he?”

I can’t help but giggle and laugh even harder when spencer joins me.

“Sorry Mr Berry’s but I’m a girl…….well I’m pretty sure I am…….i get a monthly reminder”

 I look up at my dad’s and sigh in relief when i hear them laugh, glad that they found that funny.

“My Apologies, please dinner is already ready so take a seat at the table”

Spencer and I walk into the dining room while my dads are walking back and forth putting food on the table. Soon after we all take our seats and dig in to the amazing food.

“Daddy’s this house is amazing, I really love the colour scheme and the deck outside is am-“

“Rachel stop we all know why we really invited you here to dinner. You sounded heartbroken”

“She really was” spencer cuts in and winces when I kick her leg under the table, telling her to shut up once again. But of course she’s spencer and ignores everything.

“Finn is so senseless, I mean he left her and now he’s disappeared like Alison from pretty little liars……..have you ever seen that show, well it’s amazing. But back to Finn, I never liked him that’s why I always have my scissors around” she rambles on

“Ok spencer, how about you pick a movie for us to watch later on, and don’t pick pretty little liars” I say

“Oh sweetie we don’t have that show” my dad says

“No, but she does” I reply 

Spencer soon walks away and my dad’s turn to me “wow she’s-“

“Yea she’s……….you can say......unique” I interrupt

“So how are you really?” he asks

“I’m……….not so good actually”

“Look I know it’s tough but your Rachel Berry you can do anything, and no boy is going to change that. But it's good to finally see that beautiful smile of yours”

“Thanks dads, you know I really thin-“I get interrupted by my phone buzzing I look at the screen and I see I have message from Kurt I sigh and open it. As soon as I read it my heart stops.

 “Finn’s gone”

There it is another chapter, Tell me what you think!!!

What was your favourite part?

What do you think happened to Finn?

Please comment & vote:):):)

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