Fans Of Alabama

By MirandaBrown9

1.6K 85 19

Jason's on a search for the new Alabama CD that just hit stores. Who knew he'd find something more than a CD. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Awards Baby
A Baby
Dinner At The Aldean House
A Diagnosis
Not Ugly
A Break
Tight Knit
An Injury, A Picture, And A Family Reunion
Lots Of Waiting
A Grave Warning
Kind Souls
A Waiting Game
Sorry It's So Short
I Love You

The Results Came In

40 3 0
By MirandaBrown9

Miranda's pov

They drew some blood to run tests and said we would get the results back in a couple days. We head home, the car ride silent. "Mama?" Todd says smiling. I force a smile but inside I'm terrified. He sits beside me when I sit on the couch. Jason and dad go in the kitchen to talk. "Is Kate asleep?" Todd nods and hugs me. "I love you mama." I fight back the tears and hold him tight. "I love you too, sweet boy."

Jason's pov

"We'll get results in two days." I say, worriedly. "I can't believe she might have cancer." He shakily whispers sitting at the table with his head in his hands. "Now we don't know that. It could be nothing." "Or it could be cancer!" He says, looking up at me. I sigh sadly and sit beside him. "I hope and pray it ain't." I shakily say.

*the next day*

I wake up hearing Brad Paisley on the radio. I walked downstairs and Miranda was curled up on the couch with Todd. They were both asleep. I turn the radio off and make breakfast. "Babe? Breakfast is ready!" Todd runs in and I put a plate on the table for him. I look out there. She's still asleep. I sit beside her. "Honey, breakfast is ready." She groggily wakes up. "Oh. Thanks, Jay." We walk to the kitchen and I can't take my eyes off her. I'm just so scared right now.

*a few hours later*

I get a phone call from the doctor. "Her test results came back." My heart almost stops. "Well what is it?" "You should come here to the hospital to discuss it." That doesn't sound good at all. I look over at my wife and son playing operation, laughing, having a good time. I don't wanna end that good time! I take a deep breath. "I'll see you soon then." I hang up the phone and nervously walk over. "King me, mom!" I bite my lip and put a hand on her shoulder. She looks up, caught off guard. "Jason.... What's wrong?" She mumbles, fear in her eyes. "The.... The d-doctor called." I shakily say. "H-He says he want to d-discuss your test results at the hospital and... N-Not over the phone." Tim walks out of the kitchen. "I've got the kids." He says, hugging Miranda. She starts to cry and Todd is confused. "Dad what's going on?" "We're not sure, bud." I say worriedly watching the two. "Why is mama crying?" I sigh. "We've gotta go baby." I say, not wanting to answer that question. We get in my truck. "I'm scared, Jason." She whimpers. I hold her hand. "Me too, baby. Me too."

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