The English badgirl and the A...

By Dinosaurstar

3.7M 87.1K 16.2K

Ember's a badgirl. She got her self into some serious issues back in England, so when Ember's parents get a p... More

Saying good bye
How beautiful
Stupid parents
The mall
First day of school part 1
First day of school part 2
First day of school part 3
First day of school part 4
My house
20 questions
Hunters Pov
Shit they found me
what just happened?
Embers plans part 1
Embers plans part 2
Embers plans part 3
what the hell?
Finding Ember
Meeting the gang
authors note
Handing the gun over
another authors note
Back to school and a new gun
authors notee... again
The little guy and the shooting range
Reminders of England
kissing, food and blood
naughtiness and being followed
authors note
Look out
Axe you better watch out
authors note
England here we come!
Back to England
authors note
What did you say Lucy?
The beach
Tour de Brighton
Burn bitches
Hey California
Da faq?
Axe and James you are dead to me
authors note!!!!
a/n.. yeah another
the newww cover!

truth or dare?

59.5K 1.5K 120
By Dinosaurstar

woooooo okay so here is another part to my storyyy

thank you for over 800 views... but i would like more :3 also thanks for the 89 votes makes me super happy!!

so wattpad is under maintence so i had to update on my phone so sorry for anymistakes

We pulled down into a street that looked fairly quite and at the end of it was a huge house and in the back garden was in fact a massive hall thing. No wonder they hold the meetings here “when you said it was big I didn't think it would be that big” I said to Hunter, he just chuckled and pulled up in front of the house. Many cars were parked behind us and they were all pretty fancy, I wonder how much people get paid?. I should ask some of the guys.

I pushed open the door and swiftly got out of the car waiting for Hunter to take me to this 'hall' thing in this guys back garden. Hunter got out of the car and chucked me my car keys which I slid into my back pocket. I walked round to the front of my car and stood next to Hunter, “you ready for your first meeting?” Hunter said with a smirk. Something about his smirk tells me there is more to this meeting then he is telling me. “ ready as ever, now hurry up you lump” he glared at me jokingly and pushed me by the small of my back towards this large house.

Hunter walked round the house towards the back gate to the house, Hunter stretched his arm up and put his arm over the gate and fiddled round a bit before the gate opened.  Hunter held the gate open and let me walk through the gate first, I waited for him to to close the gate and walk me to the hall/shed thing.  Hunter and I walked across the recently cut grass... I could smell it, Hunter walked up to the door and opened it “you ready?” he said with another smirk, what ever goes on in this meeting is really freaking me out “hell yeah!” I said ecstatic, he just smirked at me again and walked in through the door. I walked in behind him suddenly one of they guys shouted “HEY HUNTER WE HAVE BEEN WAITING AN HOUR WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH EMBER!?” all the guys burst into hysterics and started to wolf whistle, now I know why Hunter was smirking I am in a meeting with all guys.... this is going to be fun, note the sarcasm.

Hunter had calmed all of the guys down and told them to sit down, he wasn't lying when he said the guy got poker cards out. I was sat at a table with they guys that tried to 'train' me the other day, Hunter was stood at the front getting ready to talk to everyone about gang stuff. “ right everyone we are going to discuss Embers all gang today” Hunter said in a loud and confident voice. I didn't notice but everyone had there eyes on me “ please I know I'm beautiful but please stop staring” I said in a loud voice, all the guys quickly looked away and went back to looking at Hunter. “ as you all know Ember was once in England’s strongest and most powerful gang and the only girl”  I sighed “ that gang is now after Ember as she left the gang without telling them. They want to kill her” a lot of the guys gasped which I found funny and some just rolled there eyes. I caught Hunters eyes and smiled at him he smiled back and went back to talking “ so we are going to take this gang down with the help of Ember” oh okay cool...WHAT DID HE JUST SAY. “ did you just say what I think you said?” I shouted across the room to Hunter, he nodded and carried on speaking “ you Ember are our only way of getting them, you are an ex member of the gang” I sighed, yeah I guess I am and that’s helpful for other gangs.

Hunter called me up to the front I slowly rose from my chair and headed towards the front of the hall and stood by Hunter. Hunter turned and whispered “ tell them what your old gang was like they want to know, also some want to know about your training so tell them” I sighed and nodded. This gang is so nosey. “as you all know my old gang is the best in England and was very powerful, they were very strict when it came to certain things such as training. I joined as I was forced by the leader of the gang, a young boy died because of me” many gasped, this gang is so funny. “ one day when I was jogging I got lost and stumbled across this guy he said he would take me home and being the stupid child I was I followed him.” the guys were all deeply engrossed in what I was saying. “ the guy took me to the warehouse and waiting there was this boy and he started to attack me, I faught back and he ended up on the ground in pain and I was fine. The gang leader said I had to join or I would be killed he also said he was impressed with my fighting.” I sighed “ I joined but not because they would kill me if I didn't but because I wanted to”. I sighed and rubbed my hands down my face “ the kid was killed for being weak and thrown in a ditch, I soon was doing drug deals and fighting in the streets with other gangs, yes I have killed many people even some people from this gang” some guys eyes bulged out of there heads some already knew I killed from this gang so they were not effected by me saying this. “ I would train everyday after school, when I went most of the time I would skip and just spend my days training learning how to use a gun and knife and learn how to kill someone if one stab or with one punch” I hate telling this story.

“yes I am highly trained and could kill pretty much all of you guys if you ever tried to hurt me, I didn’t go through intense training for nothing” many of the guys looked taken aback from what I just had said “ that gang will not be easy to take down but I know where there weak spots are, I will help you guys because you guys are like my family now.” I stopped speaking and looked over at Hunter he had a smile on his face “ so guys this is Ember and she is our new member as you know and there is her story about her ex gang” I laughed and walked back to my seat.

Hunter told the guys that him and I would be doing the next look out and the guys all started cheering and wolf whistling again, how immature but I laughed with them. They were really like my extended family.  Hunter had finished what he wanted to say and walked back up to the table I was sat on and sat down, the guys around us were playing poker people will be taking home a lot of money tonight...

The guys on my table said that they didn't want to play poker but truth or dare, I started laughing “truth or dare... really are we 10 again” the guy grunted and said “ no strip truth or dare, if you don't do the dare you have to take an item of clothing off” ohhh that truth or dare “ okay then lets play”. Hunter gave me that look like what are you doing but I was really up for it. I smiled at him “let's play” then other guys on the table had smirks on there faces and were looking at me.  Ty was up first and he was dared to go up to the owner of the hall thing to kiss his wife,  Ty got up and ran out of the hall, we waited for 10 minuets and he hadn't got back. We all assumed that he was doing more that kissing and carried on playing. It was now my turn and Blake had an evil glint in his eye, this wasn't going to be good. “ so English girl you ready for your dare?” I laughed “ as ready as I will ever be” he smirked “ I dare you to get in your bra and underwear and run around this hall and outside” I smirked I could either turn this dare down and take an item of clothing off or I could show that I wasn't scared and do it.... lets do it. I stood up from my chair and bent down pulling my shoes off I put them on the table and then started with the rest of my clothes first my leather jacket then the cardigan. I reached and un did the popper to my trousers and the zip-per pulling them down . I folded the trousers up and placed them on the table, all the guys on the table had there mouths hanging open... maybe it wasn't such a good idea to wear matching black lacy underwear today. I smirked at them and went to my top, I grabbed the bottom of my top and pulled it up and over my head. I folded the shirt up and looked up at the guys by now the whole hall had noticed that I had taken all my clothes off and all had there mouths hanging open at the sight.

I laughed and started to run around the hall everywhere I ran the guys had there eyes attached to me following my every move. Once I had finished running around the inside I went to the outside of course all the guys followed me outside and watched me run around in my underwear laughing. At the top of my lungs I screamed “truth or fucking dare sucks dick” the guys started laughing and I carried on laughing my ass off.  I started to dance around the grass and sing at the top of my lungs to Jason durelo trumpets. All they guys were laughing at me danceing and singing around the grass I stopped singing and turned to Blake “ is my dare over yet?” I asked he laughed “ it was over ages ago we just wanted to see you sing and dance in your underwear and we got it all on film” I shrugged “enjoy watching the video please send it to me” they all looked shocked that I didn’t freak out.

I walked up to the massive group of guys and walked straight up to Hunter, I wrapped my arms around his neck and lent into his ear and whispered “ do you think I could be a stripper” he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up and through me over his shoulder and smacked my ass “ yes you could be a stripper, but my stripper” I laughed and slapped his ass. All the guys were laughing at me, this must look so funny a half naked girl on Hunters shoulder “someone please get a picture of this” I screamed. The guys all cheered and whistled some shouted yeah at me and then I saw all the flashes and laughed. “ lets go back to my house Hunter” I whispered into his ear and he didn't wait. He ran back into the hall with me still on his shoulder and grabbed all my belongings and run back out towards my car. The guys were all still cheering and I found it so funny.

Hunter quickly placed me in the car and got into the drivers seat and drove back to my house.... speeding.

thanks for reading this chapter :D

vote please


message me if you have any questions i will reply :D

p.s i'm still winning the competition so its all good


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