The Vampire

By HiiPower_333

21K 312 29

Jessy Volkov is the girl next door, the nice girl that everybody likes but one day everything changes. Everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Author's Note

Chapter 22

379 6 0
By HiiPower_333


Boyce Avenue cover- Creed

Picture of Jessy.


"I don't think this is a good idea" Annabel stopped walking looking hesitant before she takes another step.

"You're fine here I need you to be safe and this is the place"

"Full of vampires" She spat disgustingly still not fond of vampires.

"Yes and please don't hurt them" I chuckled opening the door. "You can trust me they won't do anything you wouldn't want to do okay?"

"For years my kind has been running away from yours and now I'm going to live with them" She rolled her eyes. "My grandma would be so disappointed" She said sarcastically.

"I think you'll make it up to her when you kill Lincoln" I winked she even cracked a smile rolling her eyes at me.

The minute we stepped in the house all different pairs of heads poped up like curious cats. Their eyes widen at the sight of Annabel. I told me them she was coming today and I told them to be cool. They absolutely forgot what I said because they are looking at her like an alien that has landed infront of them. 

Thankfully Michael appeared and gave a welcoming smile not giving at wide eyed look like the rest of them. He walked up to Annabel and thrust his hand towards her.

"Welcome I'm Michael it very nice to meet you Annabel and I hope you will be comfortable here while you stay" He smiled taking her hand.

"Thank you" Annabel is not much of a talker or maybe just to vampires?

Michael notices her body language the she didn't want to have a few chit chat.

"Why won't you show Annabel where she will stay" He looked over at me.

"Sure, let's go" I nodded and walked towards the stairs.

"Jessy!" Alex ran up to me and gave me her sweet smile. "Can I see daddy now?"

"Oh...Alex not yet but I promise soon alright?" I kneel down infront of her.

"But he must be so scared down there because I know I was" She frown not completely understanding why he needs to be isolated from everyone.

"Michael is there checking up on him so-

"I've never seen a kid vampire in years" Annabel interrupted fascinated by Alex that she kneeled down beside me to get a better view.

"Hello" Alex smiled looking up at her in her doll like eyes.

"Hi" Annabel looked at her in awe an opposite expression she gave to the other vampires. "It's very rare to have a child vampire"

"Why?" My eyebrows came together curiously.

"Because they never succed the transformation their body would be too little and weak to handle it. Eventually they would get themselves killed. I met a little boy in Norway he was around the same age as Alex and I realized something. He wasn't just an ordinary vampire there was something special about him. He told me stories about how he was turned in the 17's and how he was seven years old when they turned him. When I asked if he's sad about always being a seven year old kid he just gave a smile and said 'People are never meant to live forever and stay young eventually time runs out.' I didn't understand him until one day a few years went by I got a post card. A picture of not a small little boy I met but a 14 year old boy." She looked down at Alex with a smile. "They all age it could take years or decades and decades but they age until they are old."

"They age? What how?" My mouth fell open. I was shock then anyone can describe.

When vampires is changed on that age they were in they will be forever be that age. No wrinkle or white hair would be a worry for vampires being forever young could be either be a gift or a worst nightmare to them.

"I have no idea, they will live a very very long life but they would die the same humans die naturally. I met that little boy when I was 10 and now he is 16 years old" She smiled. "He is the most amazing person I have ever met and I still picture that small little boy in Norway."

My mind try to process what this is meant for Alex. I felt moisture hit my eyes picturing Alex growing into a young women, becoming a more of a beautiful person with a beautiful mind. Creating new exciting dreams and chasing every one of them. The one thing I've always hated myself for taking it away from her is to find someone, one person she can fall in love with, one person that can give her love that I can't.

My eyes snapped to Michael who looked as lost and curious as I am.

"Is that even possible?" I whispered.

"I've never heard about it but it's not impossible and if Annabel said it's true then you my lovely girl will grow up" Michael crouch down and gave Alex a high five.

"Really?!" Alex grinned up to me. "I can be tall?"

I smiled at her words and tuck her hair behind her ear showing me her big brown eyes that looks up at me with so much hope that all I want to do is give her everything she wants.

"Yes one day you'll find yourself changing, you'll find yourself growing like the flowers you grow in your palms. You will become tall and beautiful and everybody would admire you. It may take years but like you said 'Childhood is the best part of life' and that's your gift" I smiled hoping that innocence in her eyes would always be there.

She jump into my arms catching me off guard her small arms tightening around my waist.

"You're my gift" She whispered into my ear that only I could hear.

A grin stretched across my lips always finding a new thing to love about Alex.


The smell of iron and blood reached my nose making my mouth water wondering where that smell is coming from. The darkness guide my way into more darkness everything felt damp and cold. I look down at my hands stained with blood making me gasp. My eyes snapped to the trail of blood, no pool of blood all over the floor.

My eyes widen realizing that not only was the floor covered in blood but my clothes, hands and hair.

My heart clenched tightly, my heart pounding desperately trying to catch my breath. The first thing I could thing of is to run.

Run like hell.

So I did I ran blindly into the darkness of the woods, tripping and banging onto woods but I kept going. I collapse beside the lake my lungs aching for air. I cup my hands and scoop water into it as I was about to drink I froze staring at my reflection.

My eyes pitch black wild and crazy, it was no longer my blue orbes but blackness in my eyes. My face dripping with blood and my fangs grew more and sharper then ever. I gasp stumbling back afraid of my reflection. My back hit the cold wet dirt making that was flooded with more blood making me scream.

"There she is!" A voice shouted through the night.

My eyes snapped at the dark figures with fire torch guiding through the darkness.

I don't know what is happening but I'm sure I'm the one they are looking for.

"Get her!" One man screamed an order.

My survival mode kicked in and I ran for it but I could run fast enough they were catching up to me. I speed through the wet forrest dirt dodging all the fallen logs. I look over my shoulder seeing them a few yards away.

"Jessy" A voice sang so familiar, so hypnotic that it made stop on my tracks. "Jessy my dear why are you running?"

That voice, that deep voice that was too familiar was something I couldn't turn away from. A figure infront of me appear causing me to back away in a safe distance.

"Look what you've done you silly girl" He tsked stepping forward into the light.

"Dad?" My voice shook in despair seeing him standing infront of me.

"Sweetie I told you" He shook his head. "I told you you are a monster but you didn't listen. You thought you could stop it from happening but you are wrong. Look around you and see how much of a monster you are" He raised his arms gesturing to our surroundings.

My eyes skim around the place and seeing what I didn't saw before making me gasp in horror. Bodies, pile of bodie ripped a apart and torn into pices around the place. Blood that once made my tongue water now made my stomach twist crunching into a tight ball painfully.

"You did this! You killed everyone" He shouted.

"No" I shook my head weakly tears spilling over my eyes.

"Now you see what I see you as. A monster that needs to be stopped." He looked at me with no love in there anymore.

"No" I squeezed my eyes shut trying to erase the image of men, women and children dead all over the place.

Their eyes wide open staring into me like a soulless hole, blood spilling out of them and their body bent in the most unnatural way.

"No" I put my hands over my ears trying to block the pain, trying to escape the guilt. "No, no, no" I whiepered over and over that maybe if I keep saying no all this won't come true.

"You are a killer and you need to be punished for your crimes. Just let me help you and you will be forgiven for everything" My dad thrust his hand towards me waiting for me to hold on.

My instinct told me to run away from him because he is not trusted but I felt my will power against him slowly crumbling as I walk towards him. My mind felt like it floated away watching me from a far and I couldn't do anything but watch.

Our palms touched his warm big hands covered my whole hand tugging me closer. He gave me a smile that he use to give me, a smile like I did matter to his life. All I want is to be a family again, I just want to be accepted.

"I can make you better you'll see" He smiled down at me.

A warm liquid poured down my head making me stumble back my foot losing balance. For a second I thought it was water but the strong scent of gasoline. I should've ran my fastest away from him before he do anything else but all I did was crumble to the ground as he continue to pour it down on me. I could've fought, I would've won but I didn't want to anymore.

Maybe I did deserve this, maybe I did derseve to die like this.

All my strength and ability is not in me anymore and I wanted all of it to end. I want the pain to end.

My tears were washed away from the gasoline I looked up at the man that I will always love. The man that created me and taught me how to be a strong person. The man that told me I could be whatever I wanted to be. The man that would tell me how much he loves me every night and every morning he would tell me the same. 

I look at him right in the eye telling him I was ready to die because he was right. I am a monster.

"It's okay sweetie it will end soon" He smiled grabbing my hand to pull me up.

He leads me to a big bonfire already made for my death humans surround the area with guns in their hands waiting for my death. The little satisfaction in their eyes made me flinch away.

"You're going to be okay now you'll see Jessy"

I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream or be angry anymore most of my feelings are dead and they are gone and Lincoln caused it. My dad guide me onto the burning fire setting my insides on fire to make me feel something. To make me pay for everything.

I didn't scream I couldn't all I could do was weapt feeling the burning flames trying to melt me like butter. I can feel my heart pounding, my skin sizzling and poping, my throat aching. I squeezed my eyes shut tilting my head back to look up one last time in the night sky. I let my cry echo through the night air.

I cried not because of the pain or my dad I let my tears fall because now I accept who I am. I accept it and now I'm paying for it.

I will burn like a moster that I am.

I gasp as the flames began to suffocate me into the dark smoke.

"Jessy!" A voice echoed through the air like wind. Coming and going so quick. "Jessy!"

I know that voice any where the way he said my name in such worry and urgency made my heart pound against me painfully.

"Dominic?" I gasp seeing him step into the flames.

He never looked so good his face filled with horror and worry as he stare at me burning. I frown not understanding why he's not burning. My mind try to process things but it gave up and all I want to do is sleep and never wake up.  

"You came to watch me die" My eyes falling shut but all I wanted to do is capture this last few moments with him.

"Jessy wake up!!" He grab hold of my shoulder shaking me. "Wake up!"

"I can't" I mumbled feeling myself finally giving up.

"Wake up Jessy!" He growled angrily.

"I want to die" I felt so tired and it was a relief knowing I would die.

"God damn it wake the fuck up you are dreaming!" I can feel him yelling inches away from my face.

I blindly search for his face and when I caught it I couldn't help but smile because this seem like the perfect way to die with him beside me.

"I'm glad....I get to see you one last time...I get to touch you" I smiled tracing my fingers along his jaw then his long long lashes.

"Wake up please" He plead.

Then I felt it, his lips pressed against mine, his warm lips touching mine. The kiss seem to jolt all my emotions back to life making my heart beat faster then ever. My eyes snapped open finding Dominic so close to me his hands bracing the nape of my neck. I closed my eyes feeling the sweetness and tenderness with the way he held me. The desperation to pull back to reality. He press small kisses on my lips taking my breath away. I didn't know what to feel at this moment all I want to do is to keep as still as I can scared that if I moved he will vanish infront of me. His soft gentle touch would disappear leaving me in pain once again.

"Wake up" He whispered rubbing his nose against mine. "Wake up"

I breathe in his scent feeling myself being drawn closer to him the pain I had in me went away the moment he stepped into the flames. All my senses came back and all I want to do is fight back against my dad.

I snapped my eyes open finding myself not in the burning flames heating my insides but my room with Dominic hovering above me with his faces inches away. I looked into his blue eyes my breath coming uneven. I can feel my body heating up coated with sweat trying to cool my body down but it seem so impossible with him so close to me.

"Are you okay?" He frowned searching my face for any signs of pain and I didn't have to look to know it's all over my face.

I blink realizing all of that was a dream and Dominic some how got inside my dream and saved me from the pain of the flames. He saved me by kissing me.

"It was a dream?" I whispered feeling in shock.

"Yes, I can smell your blood that's why I came" He took my hands seeing the confusion in my face.

He held my hands that formed a fist as I unclenched my fingers felt strained and it took a while to unclenched my fist. Blood spread on my palms where my nails dug onto my skin and now it's healing.

"If I hadn't woken you I think you would've done a lot of damage to yourself mentally and physically" He pulled me up to a sitting position.

My head felt light head making me feel dizzy flashes of my dad's face entered my mind. I automatically put my hands over my head clenching my head as if doing that would erace every bit of memory. I crouch down the memory burning into my mind perminant.

Tears sprung into my eyes wether I wanted it there or not I couldn't help but let the tears fall. I felt weak all over again because even while I sleep they are all trying to tare me a part until there is nothing left of me. A warm hand covered mine the way it did in the dream but there was something different.

His hand felt more comforting, more softer, more gentle as he pry my hands away from my head. Slowly his hands reached to my wet face making me look up. Then he saw it, he saw all the pain and the sadness the way he never saw before. He saw me slowly crumbling infront of him.

"You saw my dream?" I whispered hopping he didn't see how weak I was to give in to my dad.

"Not all of it just the bit when you were in the flames." His thumb brush against my cheeks and for a minute I wanted to lean forward and touch his lips the way he did in the dream but instead I pulled away.

He dropped his hands to the side examing my move as if I'm a ticking time bomb ready to explode. I got up from the bed feeling every muscle in my body sore. I walked over to the mirror and was afraid of what I saw. Would I see the soulless girl with pitch black eyes or the girl who is fighting not to be that monster but slowly she's falling a part anyway.

My face completely pale against the red rims that formed around my eyes that is red and glassy. My blue eyes looked back at me noticing how much I changed. The way I look, the way I dressed myself, the way I stand and walk. I changed everything about myself without even knowing it.

"What are you thinking?" Dominic spoke still hasn't moved from the spot.

"I'm thinking....I want to know what it feels like to wake up and not feel sad." My voice shook full of vulnerability. "I want to learn to move on with my life but there is something holding me back."

My eyes warmed with tears began to rise and fall from my eyes. I watch the girl infront of me let her guard down. I watch the umbeliveable sadness formed in her eyes that I didn't know she could hold.

"You're not alone" Dominic stood behind me.

His hand rest on my shoulders spinning me around to face him I look up at him while he stared down at me. His eyes searched mine closely and I did the same with his studying every swirls, lines and colours in his eyes.

"You're not alone" He said slowly trying to get his words through to me. "When are you going to realized that Jessy?" He moved my hair away from my face.

I wanted to relply but I didn't trust my voice to speak. I didn't trust myself to move closer to him without wanting to touch him. I didn't trust myself looking into his eyes and not get lost in the colours. I didn't trust myself to be with him to not let my emotions go because whenever he is with me I always seem to be crying all over the place. I didn't trust myself to feel what I do because I don't understand.

He drop his hands from me and straighten is back and moved back from me.

"How about we go and do something normal?" He suggest giving me a smile.


"Yeah why not" He shrugged.

"What normal things?" I look at him interested.

He thought for a moment he looked up and grinned at me finally deciding what to do.

"So?" I asked.

"It's a surprise let's go. You can wear your clothes like that"

I look down at my grey track pants and black tank top I was about to protest but he grab hold of my wrist. He began to drag me out making stumble at his fast stride when he walks.

"Dominic" I hissed trying tug my wrist free. "It's one in the morning."

"A perfect time to be out" He winked at me.

"Well at least tell me where we are going." I jog next to him trying not to get dragged completely.

"It's a surprised."

There was no point in arguing with him when I know it's pointless so I just went along with it. Finally he came to a stop infront of a movie theatre. I look at him in curiousity wondering what he was thinking when he decided to go here.

"It's closed we're going in there?" I look around the deserted area.

"Yeah, we can watch in the cinema like normal people" He hopped out of the car.

"No" I chuckled hopping out. "Normal people would wait until it's open not breaking in because we can"

"Well where is the fun in that?" He shot me a grin.

I walk after him watching closely as he easily broke the alarm and block the security camera not caring if the police will come any second. We enter the place that smells of butter popcorn making me smile. I didn't realize how much I miss doing 'normal' things.

He flipped the lights on the place with red carpet and black walls, mirrors are on the other side with black couches, a counter filled with any kind candy you want and behind the counter popcorn and icecream machines stood there like a beautiful piece of invention.

"Let's make our food first" A massive grin stretched across his face like I haven't seen before making me chuckle.

We walked over to the counter trying to figure out how to start it, I let him prepare for all the things while I sat back on the counter. The aroma or hot popcorn filled the air made my mouth water. I haven't eaten a lot of things since I turned. I miss all the food and most of all I miss strawberry cheesecake that my mom would make in my birthday. I miss a lot of things I just try to deny it as much as I can.

My train of thoughts stopped when I watch Dominic pour chocolate syrip ontop of the popcorn.

"What are you doing?" I look at him in disgust.

"What?" He look at me curiosly.

"That is for icecream" My eyebrows came together.

"You haven't tried these beautiful chocolate popcorn then baby you haven't lived" He chuckled shoving a handful in his mouth.

"No and I don't really want to" I shook my head my lips curling in disgust.

"Come on try it" He walked towards me. "Try it" He took one piece of popcorn drizzled with chocolate.

"I don't want-

Before I could even finish my sentence he shove the piece in my mouth. I was about to shout at him when the delicious taste of sweet and salty mixed in my mouth and enough crunch that made you want more. He saw the look in my face grinning I compose my face trying to look like I didn't enjoy it.

"You like it don't you?" He grinned making him look more appealing and more handsome then ever.

" was alright" I lied.

"You little liar" He laughed tossing a popcorn in his mouth. "Just admit it you love it"

"I don't love it it's alright-

"Just say it" He sighed. "You love everything I do" He smirk teasingly.

"You are so cocky" I rolled my eyes trying to hide the smile on my lips. "You're self esteem is overloading and I think somebody needs to tip if all off"

 "Wow" He try to look hurt and offended. "I can't believe you didn't even try to deny it" He grinned walking over to the snacks to end the conversation of him winning. "You so love me"

"Shut up" I mumbled.

He heard me and gave out a laugh making me chuckle with him. I helped him out getting what we wanted and head to a theatre.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked walking towards the door beside the screen.

"Anything good" I shrugged.

I watch him walk behind the door to pick a movie while I snack on the heavenly popcorn. He came back as the movie turned on with big letters saying '12 year slave'. I felt captivated by the screen infront of with the moving pictures that told a true story. It felt like I was seven again the first time I went to movie theatre. I remembering feeling so amazed by the sound and pictures like everything was happening right infront of me. It was like I was living their life by watching it.

There was a line in the movie that brought tears in my eyes. He said in such a broken way but in such a strong way that only he had 'I don't want to survive, I want to live' I began to admire everything about him and the courage he has.

"You got that look" Dominic spoke.

I glance over at him surprise to see him looking at me with such curiousity.

"What look?"

"A look that someone I once knew does" A small smile lingered in his face. "Like it's the first time you've seen the sunset. The first time you saw stars. The first time you saw fireworks. A look that is so rare that you can't help but stare at the person because you never know when you get to see that look again" He whispered.

We both stare at each other without a word our eyes glued together and all I could do is look at him.

"Who was the other person?" I asked.

He broke contact and look over at the screen even though I couldn't see his face properly I can tell the sadness that replaced over him.

"Her name was Emilia" He spoke softly. "We met in the 70's. She loves dancing, she loves music and she loved the movies. She appreciated everything that everyone takes advantage of really." He smiled. "That's because she grew from slavery"

My eyes widen slightly  but soon my shock was replace by curiousity because of the look in his face. The way the edge of his lips would give a small smile that is neither happy and sad just a bit of both. I began to wonder what sort of relationship they had. What stories they shared. What happened to them, what happened to her.

"Tell me about her" I full face my body towards him leaning my head on the soft cushion of the chair.

He did the same and fold his legs underneath him and we both completely forgot about the movie.

"Back then I was probably the most richest person there and they all knew my name and some humans even knew I was a vampire. Every month I would host one of the biggest party that would last three days and then I saw her. She stood out from the crowd because she didn't have a gown, she didn't have her hair done, she didn't wear any jewellery she just wore a plain grey shirt and and pale trousers. She had deep black hair and she had this face that screamed innocence that you just want to protect" He smiled. 

 I munch on the popcorn finding his story more entertaining then any movie.

"She was small and boney all over the place that one step it looked like her legs would give in under her weight. It was obvious she's one of the slaves I don't why I was so fascinated with her. When I approached her she was so sacred of being caught talking and I didn't understand until I saw a man who had gold rings and gems with each finger came and slap her to the ground. He was screaming about not getting his drinks. I told him that I was buying her and you should've seen the horror on her face" He chuckled at the memory making me smile.

"We grew closer I try to break that wall she had built up but I couldn't" He snatch the bucket of popcorn from me making me frown.

"Maybe it's not about breaking the wall it's about understanding it"

Something flash in his eyes too fast for me to understand he nodded and smiled.

"Maybe you're right, I'll remember that next time" He nodded.

"So what else happened?"

"I started to fall in love with her. A vampire falling in love with a human how fucked up is that?" He chuckled.

"Like Edward and Bella?" I couldn't help myself but tease him about it even though hearing him say he loved another women brought a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach.

His face twisted into disgust at my comparison he shot me a playful glare making me laugh.

"No please don't mention that horrible movie" He shook his head. "Slowly she fell in love with me too but when I realized my feelings I freaked out. I didn't want her involve with a vampire because I don't think she could take it so I left her."

"You just left?" I asked curiously.

"I gave her my house and money and I left. I never got the chance to understand the wall she built up." He shrugged trying to act like it didn't matter anymore but I can tell it did.

Something bothered him maybe he even regret leaving her. I wanted to ask that, I wanted to know what he fell in love with but my throat tightened whenever I would decide to ask.

"So you don't know what had happened to her?" Instead I asked.

"No and I would never know" I can almost hear the sadness in his voice. "I abandoned her I gave her pain and neglect."

"You free her from slavery you gave her more then she ever dreamed" I look forward towards the screen. "You gave her a life" I whispered stealing a glance at him.

We watched more movies until the theatre began to open. We told more stories and shared our thoughts. We laughed together and teased each other. We ate and ate and ate. I never want to leave this dark room that made me see a little light of happiness.

I wanted to clean up and erace any evidence we were here but Dominic was already dragging me out.

"What's your favourite colour?" He asked randomly as he bagan to drive on the road.


"What's your favourite colour?" He repeat. "I don't really know you after all we've been through I think we should get to know each other"

"Gold what's your's?"


"What sort of blue?"

"A very clear blue almost like the colour of a sky but there is a hint of green" He looked at me intensely. "Like your eyes it would have a line of green and mix of hazel in the light but at times it would be a clear blue just like the cloudless sky."

My heart pounded never realizing how much he notice even the little details of my eyes. He has no idea I notice the things he does and use to do I just pretended I didn't. Like the way he use to wonder around at night maybe because he hates being in his room at night or he gets bored? Instead he would sit outside and just stare out into the woods or sometimes he would just close his eyes. I remember thinking how beautiful he looks right then. He never looked so peaceful with no trace of worry or thoughts.

"What's the favourite place you have been in?" I asked changing the subject.

"New Zealand. I like their mountains and the stars there shine brighter" He smiled. "What is something you hate?"

"I hate a lot of things" I mumbled playing with my fingers.

I can feel him staring at my face but I didn't want to look at him and seen me vulnerable again.

"List them"

I look over the window watching as trees pass by in a blur.

"I hate that I can't go home. I hate the way my dad looks at me. I hate the way they all make me feel. I hate having to feel this fear in me that makes me paralyze in the spot. I hate that my mind would completely go blank at times and I would just sit there and doing nothing for the rest of the day. I hate that all my happy memories just brings pain. I hate remembering the way my parents loved me. I hate missing the people in my old life. I hate that I hate everything because I was never like this. I was never negative I would always find something I love with each person." I look down at my hands a formed a tight fist.

"Do you know what I hate?" He sighed tiredly making me look up at him.

He stared at me with such deep emotions that it made my chest clenched wanting to remember every detail of his  expression.

"I hate that people become so broken that they use to be the light in the darkness and darkness is nothing but in time darkness becomes everything and that's all they can see."

His words surprised me he had so much meaning so much deeper emotions not a lot of people can put into words but he did. He had a gift for words that if he wanted to he can move the nation with his words without using his powers to make them do what he wanted.

"And you think I'm broken?"

"You are not exactly in one piece"

He flash me a smile, a true smile, a smile that gives me a reassuring feeling like it's okay to be broken at times because at some point somebody or something will accept that broken piece of us.

I look ahead feeling my lips form a smile. A smile that I've only made when I'm with him. A twist feeling erupt in my stomach that I couldn't understand. I look at him from the corner of my eyes examining him. There's no hint of imperfection on him, a light stubble grew on his face making him more handsome with it. His muscles flex with every move he made under that sweat shirt.

His scent became intoxicating around me making me want to just inhale deeply but I didn't want to look like a creep. A warm blush crawled on my cheeks remembering the kiss he gave me. The sweet slow kiss that made my heart felt like it restarted in my chest. A kiss that I will never forget.

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❝𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭.❞ ♤ 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐢...
1.4K 133 13
Hey guys, what up? This is just some book I thought you might like. tell me what you think and so on. Hope you like it...
37.2K 1.3K 22
⚠️THIS BOOK HAS LOTS OF TYPEOS IN MISTAKES READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ⚠️ ~Zoey is the neighborhoods good girl she's loved by many hated by some she's nev...