Nobody's Business (Urban) Boo...

By omgchele

2.7M 62.9K 22.6K

Follow the trials and tribulations of the infamous couple of Sincere and Effrin, who had their troubling time... More

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2
Answering Your Questions
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
The End?
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Book 3 (Anticipation)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The End? Book 3

Chapter 21

50.9K 1.2K 670
By omgchele


"Thanks for the ride," I told Jason

After me and Effrin's little show a the trap house he decided to step in, taking the initiative to get me out of there so that the two of us could calm down and get our minds back on what's truly important, finding out who's behind this mystery box even though it's pretty obvious it's Antoine's crazy ass.

"No problem. Y'all do that often?" he asked as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"We used to, don't worry about me. I'll be fine," I said, getting out of his car. I grabbed my purse, closed the door and walked up to Dawn's house.

"Tell Dawn I said hey!" Jason yelled out of the car window before pulling off.

I sighed and knocked on her door.

The door swung open and Charmaine stood in front of me. "What's up girl? What happened to your face?" he asked, letting me in.

"I got into a fight," I mumbled, collapsing on the couch next to Dawn. "Jason said hey, Dawn."

She nodded her head and kept looking at her phone.

"Who'd you get into a fight with?" Charmaine asked sitting down in the chair across from me.

"Stupid ass King."

"That nigga put his hands on you?!" Dawn yelled.

I nodded my head, yes. "It ain't even that big of a deal, it always happens," I replied.

"Damn Sin, I know you beat his ass too," Char said.

"Hell yeah I beat his ass. Next time I see him I'm gonna fucking piss on that nigga."

They both looked at me disgusted. "You nasty, bitch," Charmaine said, waving me off.

I shrugged my shoulders. "The nigga spit on me."

"Oh hell no! That's foul as fuck!" Char yelled.

"I spit on him too, 'cause he's a nasty ass bastard but I need one of y'all to take me back over his house later."

"For what? Are you in insane?" Dawn asked shocked that I said that.

"No I'm not insane. Y'all, honestly, I need some dick in my life."

Charmaine smacked his lips. "We all do but you don't need none from that nigga. When was the last time?"

"Fucking five months!"

"Damn," they both mumbled.

"I know. I need to get over there soon."

"He's gonna beat your ass though Sin," Dawn said.

"The nigga ain't gonna beat my ass, especially if I come in there acting all sad and apologizing. The nigga won't be able to control himself after all of that," I said, slightly smiling.

"Bitch you crazy, what you need to do is dump is old woman beating ass and come out to the club with me to get you a new man," Char replied.

"No man wants a pregnant, single mother, with no got damn job. The only reason King keeps coming back is because he's the reason I'm like this."

"Nah the nigga loves you. I see him constantly going through bitches but always coming back to you. He loves you Sin," Dawn replied.

I shrugged my shoulders. "So, what? I know he loves me but he doesn't show it."

"Look at that damn Rover you driving around in, or that clean ass Bentley you had last year, or all of those just-because shopping trips with his money, or that big ass house I know y'all living in or the baby y'all got. None of the rest of these broads that he got pregnant are still walking around with a baby and a baby Daddy that cares, but you do. If that's not love then I don't know what is. Bitch I'm jealous of you," Charmaine said.

After spending hours with Dawn and Charmaine, I finally persuaded them to take me over Effrin's house.

"Damn this nigga got a nice ass house. What's the code for the gate?" Dawn asked, rolling down the window on her car.

I leaned over and punched in the code as the gates opened up, letting us come inside. Dawn slowly rolled into Effrin's driveway. "Damn, can we come inside?" Char asked, grabbing his purse like he was about to get out.

"Sure but don't touch nothing," I said, getting out of Dawn's car. I walked up the porch steps and pulled the key out of my purse. "Y'all be quiet," I whispered, kicking my shoes off at the door. I dropped my purse down at the door and walked through the house calling his name.

Marlon came from up the stairs. "Oh you're back gorgeous?" he asked, pulling me into a hug.

I sighed and nodded my head, yes. "Yeah."

"Yo mans told me about what happened today at the trap house."

I shrugged my shoulders. "So what? Is he here?"

He nodded his head, yes. "Yeah he's upstairs in his room. Who's this?" he asked, looking at Dawn and Charmaine.

"My friend's Dawn and Charmaine, this is Marlon, King's cousin. But I'm gonna need y'all to get the hell out."

Charmaine rolled his eyes. "Whatever bitch, just call us if that nigga hits you again. You know I'll give him them hands."

I laughed. "Alright bye guys." I hugged them and walked them to the door. "Is he upset?" I asked Marlon as I walked into the kitchen.

"Of course he's upset. The nigga been up there throwing shit around, with his busted ass lip," he said, trying not to laugh.

I smacked my lips. "That's not funny."

"You punched him in the face?"

"Yeah because he was acting like a little bastard."

He shook his head and tried to refrain from laughing. "Man y'all need to stop that shit. It ain't doing nothing but pulling the two of y'all apart and that spitting and pissing on each other is beyond trifling. I don't know why y'all sit up talking about y'all so in love but y'all doing shit to each other that I'd do to the person I hate the most," he replied.

"Why are you preaching this shit to me when I'm not the only one doing this?"

"I told him the exact same thing Sincere. Y'all was beating on each other before but y'all grown now and about to start a family, don't you think it's time that the two of y'all should grow up? At least for your little girl. You really want her to grow up around her parents fighting like some fucking crack heads out on the streets? She's gonna grow up thinking it's okay for people to fight like that and then she's gonna have some nigga putting his hands on her. I know you don't want that."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Marlon," I mumbled, standing up but he pulled me back.

"Look, I'm talking right now and you probably don't give a shit but you're damn sure gonna listen," he said, sitting me back down in the chair.

I folded my arms and slightly laughed. "You're just as fucked up as your woman beating cousin," I told him.

"Nah I'm just trying to help y'all out. My Mama raised me not to put my hands on a female."

"His did too but you see ain't nothing change him, you're probably just the same," I replied.

"No, I've never put my hands on a female and I don't plan on it. No matter how mad I get at her I'm never gonna hit her, especially if I claim to love her. Shit, that ain't love and y'all know it," he said, standing up.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, look I'm about to leave."

"Alright but don't start any shit with him when you go upstairs."

"Sure," I mumbled, walking upstairs. As soon as I got up there, I heard stuff crashing and Effrin screaming. I sighed and walked up to his bed room door, slightly knocking on it. The crashing stopped as soon as I knocked.

"What?!" he yelled.

I sighed and opened up the door just enough so I could stick my head inside. "Hey baby," I said.

He looked at me and shook his head before sitting down on the edge of his bed. I pushed the door open and tried taking my focus off of the trashed room. The night stand was laying in pieces by the bathroom door and it looked like he dumped all of his clothes out of the drawers. The room just looked a mess.

I sighed and sat down on his lap, looking at how badly I busted his lip earlier today at the trap house. I ran my hand over the cut. "How's your lip?" I asked him.

He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "It's felt better," he mumbled.

"You know what would make it better?"


I leaned over and pecked his lips. "That feel better?" I asked, rubbing his arm.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Nah. I don't wanna do this shit right now Sincere."

He tried getting up but I continued sitting on his lap. "Can you just listen to me? Please," I replied.


"Look I'm sorry, alright? I didn't expect us to get to fighting like that, I just continued pushing you because I didn't want you doing anything stupid like going to that place. I'm sorry Effrin, I'm sorry baby. You know I hate fighting with you."

"Then why do you consistently insist on giving me hell then? You always starting some shit with me ma," he replied.

"I don't know Effrin," I mumbled.

I knew I only gave him a hard time because I learned from what Granny said. The one's you give a hard time, and stay, will always be there but the one's who flake out aren't worth anything. Effrin's the only person who takes my shit and never leaves me like everybody else does.

"You do know."

"Because you're the only person that takes my shit all of the time Effrin. You're the only person I can vent to without getting judged, you take it," I replied.

"Because I know you don't mean half the shit you say but when you start getting in my face, yelling and cussing at me, pushing me around, fucking spitting on me the shit just get's me upset Sin and you know how I get when I'm mad. I know it's something I need to work on but you know I can't control myself."

I sighed and wrapped my arm around his neck. "I know and I'm sorry. I know I keep doing this stupid shit but I'm sorry Effrin, you know it's just these pregnant mood swings of mine," I said, trying to calm the moment but he wasn't having it.

"Nah stop fucking playing around all the damn time and just be serious. You know I love you but the two of us can't keep doing this stupid shit, Sin."

"What are you trying to say? You trying to get rid of me when we got a little baby on the way? You can't leave me with this baby Effrin, you can't!" I said as tears threatened to pour out of my eyes but he grabbed my hand.

"No but the two of us can't be in a relationship, right now, well at least until the two of us can mature. You know I'll always be here for you bae, and the baby. We can't be together right now but you and the baby can keep living here 'cause I'm not going to let y'all out of my sight."

"But I love you Effrin," I mumbled.

"I know you do, shit you're my world and you know you are but just know that the two of us need to do some maturing before we can be together."

I sighed. "So, what does this leave us as? Just to go our separate ways?" I asked him.

"I don't know how long this maturing thing will last but I can't sit around waiting and I know you don't want to but I'll always be here for you."

I rolled my eyes. "But I need you Effrin."

"I need you too," he replied.

"Obviously not enough if you're leaving me."

"I'm not leaving you ma, we just can't keep seeing each other and doing this shit to each other. We cant bring a baby in the world continuously beating on each other and you know it but I'll always be here for you and that baby. I love you, so fucking much, I do but this is best for us."

"You know you're the only guy who pleases me baby," I mumbled.

He lifted my head up, slightly smiling. "You're always looking for a way to have sex, girl, but shit if you want to I don't mind still fucking around with you. You're the only girl who can please me, so I don't mind. I just don't want you catching anymore feelings gorgeous."

"I can't catch the feelings I already have Effrin," I replied.

"Well be like me and try putting them aside to better us and our family, alright?"

I sighed and looked down. "I don't know if I can do that Effrin."

He lifted my head up and looked me in my eyes. "Can you do it for Victoria? Please?"

I sighed, putting aside my pride and my feelings. "I'll try," I mumbled.

"Good," he mumbled, laying me back on the bed. "Now how about one more time for old time's sake before I have to go back to the trap house to handle some business?"

I nodded my head as he started pulling off the pants I had on. "Don't think I'm fat," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He laughed and pecked my lips. "I'm the one who got you pregnant. I don't even care," he said, pulling off my panties.


"It's yours, I'm all yours, this is yours, oh Effrin!"

I quickly looked up at Marlon as he walked into the kitchen, mocking me from earlier when Effrin and I slept together. I rolled my eyes. "You'd be saying the same thing if you w--"

He cut me off. "But I'm not, so don't even go there Sincere," he said, peering over my shoulders at the pizza menu.

"Should I get three pizzas?" I asked, tapping my fingers against the table.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, it's only going to be the two of us since Effrin's gonna be gone for the night but I know how y'all pregnant females can be sometimes."

I rolled my eyes and handed him the menu. "Well since you know how us pregnant women can be then you order dinner," I replied.

He laughed and sat down at the table across from me as he pulled out his phone. "A'ight fine.. I want bread sticks."

"Then get them," I said.

"Who's paying? 'Cause I'm not buying all this food."

"Effrin left money for us to get food."

He raised his eyebrow. "How much?"

"None of your business, just get us three pizza's, two pops, some chicken wings, bread sticks and a salad so I could watch my waist line."

He laughed. "Shit, with all of that food you're about to inhale you won't have a waist line. If we're gonna eat all of this then we're gonna have to hit the gym in the morning," he replied.

"Fine with me."

He nodded his head and dialed the number. "Hey what's up, you sound like you fine...nah how old are you?...Me? I'm I sound like a virgin, I'm experienced. I just hope you can keep up with me beautiful. What's your number?" I rolled my eyes as he continued flirting with who ever this was answering the phone. He grabbed the menu and wrote down a number. "Your name's Kimberly, I like that...I'm Marlon," he smiled.

"Order the damn food Marlon," I whispered.

He shooed me off and continued talking to the girl. "A'ight I'll call you when you get off beautiful but let me order real quick..."

Marlon eventually drifted off telling the girl the order and when he was done, I just starred at him. "You trying to get freaky with a girl who works at a pizza place?" I asked him.

He smiled and shook his head. "For your information she's the manager and she sounded fine as hell but shit ain't nothing wrong with that. It beats the jobs the two of us have."

"What jobs?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly, it beats not having a job but this is the life. Not having to do shit but take care of this house and fuck bitches is the life. Know what I mean?"


"Your mans told me about what y'all plan on doing in the future," he said, trying to keep the conversation going but I honestly didn't want to talk about that.

"Can we not go there right now Marlon? Just drop it."

He reached out and grabbed my hand. "What about us?"

"There will never be an 'us' Marlon and I made that clear when I first met you. I'm in love with your cousin and I know I've done some fucked up shit in the past but I'd never do some disrespectful shit like get with his cousin."

"If I wasn't his cousin then would you?"

I shook my head, no. "You're cute but you're too young for me. I'm not trying to catch a case," I replied.

He laughed. "You can't catch a case, I'm 20. I'm legal."

"Not until you're 21," I corrected him.

He shook his head. "Whatever you say but I still get bitches and you know I do."

"So and I get niggas."

"Nah you get a nigga, my cousin," he corrected me.

"Why are you so concerned about our relationship? You know I'm in love with your cousin and you've got a cousin that you can help take care of on the way too, just worry about being a good big cousin to the baby," I replied.

"I'll try."

"Promise me you will. I want you to be her God father, if you promise me you won't act a damn fool."

He smiled. "I guess I won't."

"And no more hitting on me or I'll tell Effrin and you know he'll beat your ass if he finds out," I replied.

"A'ight I'll stop but it's not like y'all are together, so why should he care?"

"For respect."

"Don't go preaching this I'm every woman, respect shit Sincere."

I sarcastically laughed and shook my head. "You know, you sound just like your cousin. He says the exact same shit to me when he's upset."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Because it's the truth."

"No, because you're a bastard just like him," I said, getting up from the table but he pulled me back down.

"I'm a bastard. He's a bastard. It runs in the family you know that Sincere. Just chill ma."

About a half an hour later the pizza was here and I was starving and definitely ready to stop sitting in silence with Marlon. The two of us got up to get everything and when I made it to the door, I was shocked. There Russel was delivering pizza at 12 AM on a Friday night. The biggest grin formed on my face when I saw him in his little uniform. Marlon grabbed the pizza's out of his hands.

"Hey Russel," I said, taking the bag with the rest of the things, "nice uniform."

"Just shut the fuck up. Watch your back 'cause we will be back for you and that damn nigga you probably been laying up in bed with all day. By the time that damn baby comes just know none of y'all gonna be around for a long time," he said, looking me up and down in disgust.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, have fun delivering the rest of the pizzas, pizza boy," I said, closing the door in his face. I locked it and turned to Marlon, who was so confused. "He's my crazy ex that shot Effrin," I said, walking back to the kitchen.

"Apparently," he mumbled, opening up the boxes of pizza.


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