Lost It All (Sequel To Lost I...

By RaisedByWuuves

1.5M 23.8K 9.1K

Sequel to Lost In Stereo! In this story, you follow Camryn, Brandon's thirteen year old daughter through life... More

Lost It All (Sequel To Lost In Stereo)
Chapter 2: Band Practice
Chapter 3: What Happened To You?
Chapter 4: Hunter and Annabelle
Chapter 5: You What?
Chapter 6: You Broke Your Father
Chapter 7: Talk To Me
Chapter 8: Attack
Chapter 9: Chris
Chapter 10: I Ruled The World
Chapter 11: With These Hands I Shook The Heavens To The Ground.
Chapter 12: I Laid The Gods To Rest
Chapter 13: I Don't Feel Good
Chapter 14: I Held The Key To The Kingdom
Chapter 15: Lions Guarding Castle Walls
Chapter 16: Camryn's Birthday
Chapter 17: He Did It First!
Chapter 18: Hail The King Of Death
Chapter 19: Then I Lost It All
Chapter 20: Just Do It
Chapter 21: Dead And Broken
Chapter 22: What Is This?
Chapter 23: Let's Tell Them
Chapter 24: What Are You Doing
Chapter 25: Danielle!
Chapter 26: I Want To Change
Chapter 27: Hannah
Chapter 28: Telling Chris
Chapter 29: Therapy
Chapter 30: Dinner
Chapter 31: First Session
Chapter 32: My Back's Against The Wall
Chapter 33: What Is Wrong With You?
Chapter 34: Why Are You Doing This?
Chapter 35: Two Choices
Chapter 36: Danielle's First Session
Chapter 37: Ethan
Chapter 38: Job Offer
Chapter 39: Texas
Chapter 40: Decision
Chapter 41: Blade
Chapter 42: Cut Me Open
Chapter 43: Three Months
Chapter 44: Telling The Boys
Chapter 45: Telling The Family
Chapter 46: I'm Just Trying To Breathe
Chapter 47: Yours To Hold
Chapter 48: The Baby Is Kicking
Chapter 49: Public Displays Of Affection
Chapter 50: First Look For The Boys
Chapter 51: Warped Tour
Chapter 52: First Day At Warped
Chapter 53: Oliver
Chapter 54: Jealous
Chapter 55: Sleepover Gone Wrong
Chapter 56: I've Got It
Chapter 57: Just Trying To Figure It Out
Chapter 58: Dakota Melissa Jones
Chapter 59: Because I Built These Walls To Watch Them Crumbling Down
Chapter 60: Taking It Easy
Chapter 61: Anniversary
Chapter 62: I Said, "Then I Lost It All."
Chapter 63: Harper
Chapter 64: Breathe
Chapter 65: And Who Can Save Me Now
Chapter 66: I Stood Above
Chapter 67: Another War
Chapter 68: Grounded
Chapter 69: Another Jewel Upon The Crown
Chapter 70: Secret Admirer
Chapter 71: I Was The Fear Of Men
Chapter 72: I Have A Boyfriend
Chapter 73: Cheating
Chapter 74: But I Was Blind
Chapter 75: I Couldn't See The World There Right In Front Of Me
Chapter 76: But Now I Can
Chapter 77: Cause I Lost It All
Chapter 78: Creeper
Chapter 79: I Believe That We All Fall Down Sometimes
Chapter 80: Skyler
Chapter 81: Just Friends
Chapter 82: Winter Formal
Chapter 83: Suggestions
Chapter 84: Shopping
Chapter 85: Blonde
Chapter 86: I'm My Own Person
Chapter 87: I'm Not Hungry
Chapter 88: Parties Are A Bad Idea
Chapter 89: Can't You See That We All Fall Down Sometimes
Chapter 90: Stupid Boy
Chapter 91: Back To School
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Bowling
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105: Italy
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112: Football
Chapter 113: Prom
Chapter 114: Graduation
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117: Moving
Chapter 118
Chapter 119: Baby Shower
Chapter 120: Colton Brice Longsworth
Chapter 121: Home
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129: Christmas
Chapter 130: Wedding Dress Shopping
Chapter 131: Wedding
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134: Funeral
Chapter 135: Sydney
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143: Heart Attack
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146: Dating?
Chapter 147: Andy's Date
Chapter 148
Chapter 149: Jessica
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158: Danielle's Wedding
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164: Names
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172: Erin Gabrielle Adams
Chapter 173: Caitlyn Audrey Longsworth
Chapter 174: Eli and Eddie's Graduation
Chapter 175: Popping The Question
Chapter 176: Off To College
Chapter 177: Andy's Wedding
Chapter 178: Elizabeth
Chapter 179: Eddie's Graduation
Chapter 180: Eli's Graduation
Chapter 181: Eli's Wedding
Chapter 182: Eddie's Wedding (END)

Chapter 1: First Day

20.7K 155 56
By RaisedByWuuves

Chapter 1: First Day


"Camryn, wake up. You've got school today, wake up." I groaned and sat up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched, looking up at my dad. "Once you're ready, come downstairs. Your mom is making breakfast." I nodded and he leaned down to kiss my forehead before leaving. I got out of my bed and walked over to my closet, searching through for an outfit.

I finally settled on one of my mom's old Black Veil Brides shirt she gave to me and some black skinny jeans. I turned on my flat iron and waited for it to heat up.

Yes, I am Camryn Biersack. Daughter of Brandon Biersack and grand daughter of Andy Biersack. I have long black hair and pale skin. I've been told that I look a lot like my mom, but I have blue eyes and I'm tall like both my dad and my grandfather.

I like pretty much all of the music that my parents, aunts and grandparents like. I get to go to Stormy Copper and Black Veil Brides concerts everytime they're in LA. I've never gone on tour though which is one thing I really want to do.

I hate going to school, and my parents know it. They think it's because of homework and waking up early. Truth is, I get bullied, alot. Only my sister, Hannah and Blake know it. If my parents ever found out, it'd just get a lot worse, especially if my dad found out.

He's given us all the talk about bullying. If we're getting bullied, we should tell them or another adult. We should talk to someone instead of taking it out on our skin. He's told us that so many times, I can recite his little speech by heart.

I know my dad is really sensitive about cutting and bullying, which is exactly why I'm not telling him about my bullying. He'll give me a big, long speech, check my arms and then go to my school to try to do something about it. I don't need the stress and he doesn't need the stress, so I've decided to keep this to myself, within reason.

I have a little sister named Danielle who is eleven and twin little brothers, Eli and Eddie, who are seven. I love them to death, but sometimes they can get on my nerves. I am the oldest, and am thirteen.

All of my cousins are amazing. Blake is twelve, Christian is ten and Lukas is eight. I'm the closest with Blake since he's only a year younger then me. My dad thinks it's cool that Blake and I are so close because him and my Aunt Blade were close when they were kids too.

Sometimes, I get jealous of Lukas, we all do. Before he started school, he went on every tour with his parents. Now that he's started school, he either stays with my grandparents, my uncle's parents, my Aunt Blade or us while his parents go on tour. But, when they go on Warped Tour, he goes along. I've been to Warped Tour before, but I haven't been on the tour like Lukas has.

But, then I think, and I'd rather my dad be a therapist then in a band. I mean, it's bad enough I have the last name Biersack. But, if my parents were in a band, it'd be worse because, if they get popular enough, you can't got anywhere without being noticed. 

I have one best friend that I've had since I was little. Her name is Hannah and she lives right next door. She had blonde hair and green eyes and likes all the same music as me. She's an only child so she considers me her sister and I consider her mine.

I finished flat ironing my hair and put on a thin layer of eyeliner before slipping on my black converse and heading down the stairs.

"Hey Camryn." My mom smiled.

"Hi." I said, sitting at the kitchen table next to my brothers who were already almost done with their breakfast.


"God damnit Danielle! Wake up!" My dad had been trying to wake me up for the last five minutes but I wasn't budging. "Danielle, I need you awake and ready to get on the bus so I can go to work. I have to go after the twins get picked up so come on!" I groaned as he pulled me to a sitting position.

"Danielle, I'm going to pour ice cold water on you if you don't wake up." I quickly stood up, eyes wide.

"That's my good girl." He smiled. "Now get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast. You have about an hour until the bus comes. I nodded as he left and closed the door. I pulled on a Stormy Copper T-Shirt and some black skinny jeans. Today was my first day of middle school, sixth grade to be exact. My sister, Camryn, said I would be able to find at least one friend with the same music taste as me so that's good.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I'm Danielle Biersack, daughter of Brandon and Alex Biersack, grand daughter of Andy and Harley Biersack. I have long black hair and brown eyes. I've been told that I look exactly like my mom, which I take as a compliment because my mom is gorgeous. I'm even short like her. I've also been told my attitude is like my dad's, stubborn but caring.

I have the same music taste as my family and love my siblings.

I also love my cousins, but I'm closest to Christian since he's only a year younger. I finished flat ironing my hair and walked downstairs to see my brother's getting their backpacks on.

"I'm going straight to work after the boys get on the bus." My dad said, kissing my forehead. "Love you Danielle, good luck." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks dad, love you too."

"Love you Camryn, good luck to you too."

"Oh I won't need luck, eighth grade is easy. It's sixth grade that's hard." Camryn smirked at me.

"Camryn, don't scare your sister. Don't worry Danielle, it's not that bad. Camryn, I want you to walk your sister to the bus stop." My dad said.

"Daaaad." We whined.

"Dad, I don't need a baby sitter." I protested, sitting down at the table.

"I just want to make sure you get to school safe Danielle. Also Camryn, I want you to show your sister around and help her out."

"Daaaad!" Camryn whined. "I'm in eighth grade, I can't have a little sixth grader tagging along." She sneered.

"Camryn, listen to your father." My mom sighed as she placed my breakfast in front of me.

"Camryn, it's one day of just at least telling her where her first class is! For God sakes Camryn, can't you just do this one thing for me? Wouldn't you of liked if someone did that for you?"

"Ugh fine." She groaned.

"Thank you." He smiled, going over and kissing her cheek. He walked over to our mom and kissed her lips, telling her he loved her before going to the door.

"ELI! EDDIE! LET'S GO!" I heard two pairs of feet on the stairs and saw my brothers appear at the door. "Go say goodbye to your sisters." They ran over to us and hugged me first.

"We're going to miss you sissy." They said.

"I'll miss you guys too." I said with a smile. They hugged Camryn before running back to my dad.

"See you guys later!" My dad called as I heard the door open and close.


I'm Eli Biersack and I'm seven. I have a twin brother named Eddie and we're best friends. Today is our first day of second grade and we're both excited. We share a room but we don't mind. We are identical twins so people get us mixed up a lot.

We have black hair and blue eyes. We've been told that we look exactly like our dad, which we don't mind. We're both really close to our cousin Lukas since he's a year older.

I really like Batman, along with my brother and my grandpa. My Grandpa Andy's the one who got us into it. We go over to his house all the time and watch all of his Batman movies with him. He even gave us some Batman toys that we like to play with a lot.


"CAMRYN!" I heard my best friend squeal from the entryway.

"HANNAH!" I yelled as I got up from the table and ran to her, hugging her tightly.

"Hey eighth grader." She smirked, causing me to smile.

"Hey eighth grader." I said back and we just laughed as we walked back to the table.

"Girls, your bus is almost here, you three should get out there." My mom called.

"Okay, love you mom." I said, hugging her.

"Love you Camryn, good luck." Danielle said goodbye to her before we ran out of the house. We walked to the bus stop, Danielle walking behind Hannah and I as we talked. We stopped at the corner where the bus picked us up and waited. The bus pulled up and Hannah got into the first seat, causing me to slide in next to her. Danielle sat in the seat across from us, putting her earbuds in.

I leaned over and tapped her shoulder once the bus started moving. She took out an ear bud and looked over at me.

"Let me see your schedule." I said. She pulled out the white piece of paper from her binder and handed it to me. I looked it over and handed it back to her. "I'll walk you to your first class, alright?" She nodded and put her earbud back in as I turned to talk to Hannah again. We made it to the school and Hannah and I were the first ones off the bus, Danielle following right behind us. I walked in with her and she just stood there, staring down at her schedule.

"Problem?" I asked, walking up to her.

"I-I don't know where my locker is." She said, biting her lip with a nervous look on her face.

"Follow me." I said, taking a glance at her schedule and leading her to her locker.

"Where are we going?" Hannah asked.

"I have to help my sister find her locker." I said and she nodded, both of them following me. "Here you are, I'll meet you here when the bell rings so I can show you to your first class, alright?" She nodded. "Do you need help opening it?" She nodded again. "Right, left, right." I told her. She walked up to the locker and put her hand on the combination lock. She turned it to the first number, then to the second and finally to the third. She tried pulling it open but it didn't budge.

"Try again." I told her and she did. Nothing. "Here, let me try." I said, pushing her aside and putting in her combination, getting the locker open on the first try.

"God, I feel stupid." She whispered.

"Don't, I've had two years of practice. Here, try again." I said, stepping out of the way. She nodded and tried again, still nothing. "Keep trying." After about five more tries, she finally got it right. I made her try a few more times and she got it each time. "There you go! Now Hannah and I are going to go find our lockers, see ya." I said as we walked off. We did what we needed to do at our lockers before going back to my sister. We made it to her locker just as the first bell rang.

"Alright, let's go." I said and she nodded. I got her to her first class, said goodbye to her and headed off to my first class, which I had with Hannah. On the way, I got pushed into a locker and growled as my stuff got thrown to the ground. And it begins.


"Hey!" A girl exclaimed as she sat in front of me.

"Umm hi." I said, flicking the hair out of my eyes.

"I'm Ember." She said, holding out her hand. She had long black hair and green eyes.

"I'm Danielle." I said, shaking her hand.

"I like the name. And I like the shirt." She smiled. I looked down at my Stormy Copper shirt.

"Thanks, you like this band?"

"They're my favorite! Where did you get that shirt though? Onyx isn't on it." I looked down again and saw that it was Sam instead of Onyx.

"My aunt gave it to me. She had an extra and so she just gave it to me." I shrugged.

"Awesome! You're aunt must be a big fan!"

"Actually-" I was cut off by the bell ringing and the teacher beginning to talk.


"Danielle, what were you saying before?" Ember asked as we walked out of the classroom.

"Oh, I was saying that my aunt is in Stormy Copper."

"What! No way!" She exclaimed.

"Yup, Bailey Smith is my aunt." I said with a proud smile.

"Can't be. What's your last name?" She asked in disbelief.

"Biersack." I smirked.

"Danielle Biersack? Yeah right." She laughed.

"I'm serious, I can give you proof."

"Alright, show me." I pulled her into the bathroom and pulled out my phone, showing her a picture of my Aunt Bailey and I. "Some people are very good at photoshop."

"Come on Ember, believe me!" I begged with a small smile.

"What, next you're going to tell me Andy Biersack is your dad? Brother?"

"Actually, grandpa." I giggled.

"Sureeeee." She said, placing her hands on her hips and smirking at me.

"How about you come home with me after school today." I challenged.

"Alright." She agreed.


"Come on Ember!" I called, standing at the doors to my bus. She ran and followed me up the steps, sliding into the front seat, causing me to slide in next to her. Just as the bus doors were about to close, Camryn and Hannah ran in.

"You girls got lucky." The bus driver said, closing the doors and starting up the bus.

"Danielle! I was going to meet you by your locker! We went over this!" Camryn yelled at me, sitting in the seat across the aisle from me.

"Calm down Camryn, I made it here fine, didn't I?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Dad is going to fucking kill me! God damnit, Danielle Marie Biersack! Why can't you ever fucking listen to me?"

"Calm the fuck down Camryn Jenna Biersack." I smirked and stuck my tongue out at her. "I made it to the bus fine, I'm not hurt, I didn't die. You helped me this morning and that's all dad wanted you to do!"

"Ugh, sometimes you're so fucking difficult Danielle." She groaned.

"Whatever." I sighed, going back to talking to Ember. We made it to our stop and the four of us got off.

"Why is she following us?" Camryn asked.

"She's my friend and she is coming over." I said.

"Did you tell mom or dad?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"They won't mind." I shrugged.

"Not my fault if you get in trouble!" She sang.

"She can be a pain in the ass." I whispered to Ember, causing her to laugh.

"I heard that!" Camryn exclaimed, facing forward.

"Good!" She groaned and continued walking. She said goodbye to Hannah before the three of us climbed our driveway.

"WE'RE HOME!" Camryn called.

"SISSIES!" The boys yelled, running to us.

"Hey guys." I smiled, hugging them. "Ember, these are my twin brothers, Eli and Eddie."

"They're adorable." She smiled.

"Who's that?" Eli asked.

"It's my friend." They nodded and ran back to the living room. 

"Hey gir-woah, who's this?" My mom asked.

"This is my new friend, Ember." I smiled. Ember held out her hand to my mom to shake.

"Hi Ember, I'm Mrs. Biersack. Umm. Danielle, did you at least call your dad?" I shook my head. "You really should've called one of us." She said, absent mindedly shaking Ember's hand.

"I didn't think it mattered." I shrugged.

"Well today, it does. We have to go to your aunt's band practice. Your Aunt Blade and your grandparents are going to be there so we have to go."

"Don't we have to wait for dad to get home though?"

"We're leaving now. You're father's going to meet us there."

"Can Ember come?"

"Fine, but only because you brought her home." She sighed before walking to the stairs. "Camryn! Let's go!" She called.

"Where?" She asked, appearing at the top of the stairs.

"Aunt Bailey's band practice, come on. Your grandparents and your Aunt Blade are going to be there."

"Can I bring Hannah?"

"No, Blake is going to be there. You'll be just fine."

"Fine." She groaned, walking down the stairs.

"Boys! Let's go!" My mom called into the living room.

"But we wanna watch Batman!" They whined from the couch. My mom sighed.

"Elliot. Edward. Come here right now." She said, placing her hands on her hips and stomping her foot.

"No!" They protested.

"What did you say to me?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, tapping her foot and crossing her arms over her chest.

"We're not coming." They continued.

"Elliot James Biersack and Edward Jakob Biersack. You better be right here in the next three seconds or no Batman for a week. One." They quickly got off the couch and stopped at her feet. "It's at Grandpa Andy's, I'm sure he's got Batman over there." She said, leaning down to look at them.

"Okay." They said.

"Did you turn off the TV?" They shook their heads. "Camryn, Danielle, can you get your brothers in the car?" She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Fine." We sighed, Camryn opening the door and letting us walk out. 

"I call shotgun!" Camryn exclaimed as she took the keys from our mom and unlocked the car. I opened the door to the backseat of the van and let them climb in to their Batman car seats. I buckled both of them in while Camryn started the car and sat in the passenger seat. Ember and I got into the two captain chairs, closing the doors. My mom came out shortly and got into her seat, pulling out of the driveway.

"So, how was your first day of middle school Danielle?" My mom asked, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

"Great." I smiled.

"What about you Camryn? Eighth grade?" My mom asked, looking over at her for a split second before turning back to the road.

"It's was fine." She shrugged. I knew she got bullied, but our parents didn't know. I haven't really gotten bullied yet, except for the occasional, harmless teasing in elementary school. I knew that it was coming though, I just happened to say out of the way today.


There we go! First chapter! What do you guys think of the characters so far? Do you have a favorite yet? 

Okay, so this story is focusing on Camryn. I know, it was mostly Danielle here, but most of the story is going to be from Camryn's POV.

Danielle ------------->

Book trailer ------> Tell me in the comments how you like it?

Ember is one of tb1259's characters.

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