Inked Perfection

By Gypsy4evamore

140K 3.9K 349

Malia Romero, she's a happy go lucky girl with walls of fun and happiness surrounding her delicate heart. She... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 (For those who can't see)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
False Alarm
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 - The Last Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 2

8.2K 217 17
By Gypsy4evamore

After changing into a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey off shouldered t-shirt. I went downstairs to find Cole. Poor Zayn, take care of yourself. 

The minute I reach the bottom of the stairs a pair of hands wrap themselves around my legs and an adorable voice screams out, "Lee - Lee!" Yes, it was my little sister Arina or Ari, as she likes everyone to call her. She's a bossy little thing who puts on a face and stomps her foot when things don't go her way and that, is too adorable to ignore so, she gets her way in the end.

"Hey Ari. Wow, don't you look pretty today?" I say as kneel down and look at her turquoise and white dress accessorized with a bowed white hairband. She is the most adorable little sister.

"Yesh, and you know wa Jesse said? He call me his weetle princess!" She exclaimed with joy as she jumped up and down clapping her hands

"Aww, you're my princess too."

"No," she said as she scrunched her nose. "You are a girl. So I'm not your princess"

To be rejected by my own sister. Sigh. Feigning a sad face, I get up and walk towards the kitchen counter. Just as a pair of hands grab my legs again. "Are you angry? I love you."

I crouch down again and look into her deep blue eyes and say, "Only if you give me a kiss." She holds my face in her pudgy little hand and kisses my cheek. "I love you too Ari."

Then I get up, carry her and head to the kitchen counter, where I slowly take my time in pouring syrup on the pancakes. I love downing my pancakes in maple sauce, it tastes way better that way.

"Come on squirt, we're leaving now!"

"I didn't even start eating, don't mess with my food!" Stupid annoying Cole, how can he come in between me and my food?

"Well then, walk." He shrugs, as he takes the car keys off the key stand and walk towards the door.

Oh jeepers! I can't possibly walk to school, I'm already late. Maybe I'll skip first hour, I mean education isn't as important as my food. But then walking is so tiring and it's 10 whole minutes in the blazing hot sun where I might even faint and this time of the day no one would be around and I'll be lying on the footpath until a tricycle goes over me, and then I'll die and my corpse would be lying on the pavement until goodness knows when. Might as well avoid such situations. "Wait! I'm coming. Farewell pancakes I'm sorry." That's when the world's most amazing plan pops into my head. I'm a genius!

I slam the door of Cole's car shut, as I carefully place my bag near my feet, taking extreme care to not spill the maple syrup on his car. He starts to drive. Hmm, I wonder why he hasn't commented on the food. I shrug it off and take a bite of heavenly bliss. That's when it happens, where everything goes wrong.

Jerk. A drop of syrup falls on my pants.

"Stop driving so recklessly! I've got maple syrup on my pants now!"

"Maple - what?" He says as he turns his head to look at me. Brainless creature, how could he have not noticed that I was eating for the past 2 minutes?

"Syrup." I say slowly, trying to make him understand. "S-Y-R-U-P. Syrup" I drag out, just like how I do with Ari while teaching her.

"How did you sneak it out of the house, why didn't mom say anything, why are you in my car with it, why didn't I say anything, why didn't I notice it, where were you hiding it all this while?" He says, all in one breath.

"Too many questions, I don't remember any. Now, drive carefully while I eat." I say in between mouthful of food.

He continues to drive in silence. Then he stops the car at my school and walks around to my side to open the door for me. Oh don't think he's chivalrous, he just doesn't want to get the maple syrup from my hand on his car. I turn around and take my bag place the plate on the seat and start walking towards school.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" I roll my eyes at his words, isn't it obvious?

"School." I say in a time indicating he must be stupid to ask such a question. Which he is.

He opens the car takes out the plate and puts it in my hand saying, "You brought it, you take care of it." With that he drives away.

What am I gonna do with an icky sticky plate in my hand? Well I shrug it off and walk towards school. Looks like class already started, might as well skip the first period. I head to the bleachers and sit down taking out an apple from my bag. Just as I was about to take a bite a voice stops me, a really deep, sexy voice. "Care to share?"

I look up at the owner of the voice and see a guy who I do not recognize, that's saying something cause I know almost everyone in school. No, I was not popular, I was just really friendly. "Do I know you?" I ask as, I continue to eat my apple.

"Unless you're psychic, nope. You see, I just joined and I was late, yeah I had an excuse being the new student and all but I thought, might as well use it for my good."

"Late on the first day? You must be one of those bad boys who wear leather jacket and ride motorcycles. And no."

"Stereotype much? I don't do any of those things, except the motorcycle part. No what?"

"Uh, okay. And no I don't 'care to share'." I say making air quotes.

"Why not? I'm hungry and I didn't have breakfast." He says pouting and making his eyes look bigger. I pretend to think, might as well take advantage of the eye candy in front of me. I couldn't really notice him without making it obvious. He had a nice tanned lean body, his dark brown hair slightly ruffled, a strong jawline, I'm a huge admirer of strong jawlines. Sigh. With chocolate brown eyes that remind me of dark chocolates. Now I want chocolate.

"Sure, but not my apple." Opening my bag I take out a packet of m'n'ms and hand it to him.

"Thanks" he says as he smiles at me.

That's when we hear the faint sound of the bell. "Oh shoot, I'll catch you later? Or not, anyway bye." And run in the direction of the school without waiting to hear his reply.

I settle myself down at my desk and try to regain my normal breathing pace. Well two good things came out of missing the first hour, I missed Math and I met the new guy.


Hey guys! Thanks for the support. And I'm aiming for 25 reads this time so,
Vote <3

Anyone else loves drowning their pancakes in maple syrup? I absolutely love it!

Skittles and love <3
P.S. If you don't like Skittles you're weird, actually you're inhuman! XD

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