The Magician's Assistant || V...

By BreakMeSoftly

159K 8.4K 2.6K

Nothing can go awry, no one can slip up, everything has to go perfectly for this trick to succeed. But how ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Taggedy Tag Tag
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
1K Question requests
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Questions Answered
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Vkook Smut
2Seok smut

Chapter 25

2.7K 167 69
By BreakMeSoftly

"You know what would be awesome?" Yoongi says as he shoves another piece of kimbap into his mouth. Jungkook continues to stare at the boy with adoring eyes, and planted firmly against his cheek as his elbow rests on the table. 

"Hmm" Jungkook mumbles, not taking his eyes off the boy he's been waiting to be see for weeks now. He takes a sip of his drink, struggling to find the straw with his tongue.

"If Jimin and Taehyung work it out and get back together." Jungkook is thrown into a coughing fit as he spits out his kiwi soda and slams on his chest with his fist. Yoongi begins to slap the boy's back to get him to calm down and finally Jungkook takes a breath. 

"Definitely not the reaction I expected"

"They can't get back together" Jungkook says after catching his breath and relaxing himself. He didn't expect that reaction out of himself but inside he feels saddened by the thought.

"Why not?" He asks, staring at his boyfriend in dismay.

"You don't know what happened between them. I don't think they can come back from something like that. Not in a romantic way at least." Yoongi bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from reacting harshly.

"Jimin told me everything. I think that love can conquer anything, don't you?" Yoongi remarks. Jungkook shakes his head as he pops a piece of kimbap into his mouth.

"Love is powerful but something like that just..."

"Something like what Jungkook? Suicide? Love is the only thing that can overcome suicide. If Taehyung didn't love him he wouldn't have saved him, he wouldn't have risked his career and hurt himself just to save him. That kind of love can most definitely reunite two people." Yoongi never says cheesy things like this, he's normally very quiet and only shows his affections for Jungkook with small, simple gestures. Being so open about the topic in regards to someone else's relationship throws Jungkook off immensely.

"I just wish I could have loved him... the way I love you"

"He doesn't love him" Jungkook says suddenly. Yoongi scoffs at him.

"He doesn't love Jimin, Yoongi. I know you want the best for him but Taehyung just doesn't love him anymore." Jungkook pushes. Yoongi pushing his place away from him, suddenly feeling nauseous.

"How would you even know Jungkook? He can tell you whatever he wants but you can't understand what he feels inside."

"He told me Yoongs, he told me that he wished he could have loved him the way he..." Jungkook bites his tongue, his brain telling him to stop what he was about to say.

"What?" Yoongi''s question is hard, stern, painfully aggressive.

"The way he should." Jungkook saves himself.

"Well, he's an idiot for not seeing how amazing Jimin is" The words fall out easily, a yearning and almost melancholy tone fluttering between each syllable. Jungkook notices easily and gets upset. Unlike Yoongi, Jungkook can't hide his emotions.

The younger boy stands up, pushing his chair back against the linoleum with a screech and grabbing the plates in front of him, tossing out the left over kimbap into the trash bin. He proceeds to wash the dishes violently, scrubbing the plates as if the soy sauce is burnt onto it. Yoongi grabs the cups the boy missed and throws them into the sink, the kiwi soda splashing onto Jungkook's white tshirt and staining it a deep green. 

"What the fuck Yoongi!?" Jungkook shouts, shoving his hands hard against his chest. Yoongi glares at the immaturity of the boy's actions.

"What's gotten into you?" Yoongi scoffs. 

Jungkook bawls his hands into fists, unraveling them when Yoongi catches the reaction. An overwhelming need overcomes Jungkook. The need to feel something, to touch something, to do something besides stand there in front of the man he loves and argue. Hatred, anger, frustration; these are emotions that Jungkook never seems to handle well. Confusion, the one thing that bothers the boy more than anything else. He hates not having answers, he hates not knowing what he feels should be so damn obvious. It's yelling at him, screeching into his ear, begging him to find some sort of relief to what he can't explain. It's taking over every inch of his skin, flooding every bone in his body, enticing every nerve ending. 

Yoongi's lips suddenly became the most attractive thing he's ever seen but the second he blinks he can see Taehyung's lips overshadow them. The only thing Jungkook can do is shake his head and focus on the man in front of him, the man he fell for, the man he committed his life to the second he whispered honestly in his ear "I love you". His hands instinctively reach for Yoongi's shoulders, feeling electricity ignite a flame that tickles his finger tips. He shoves him against the wall and forces his lips against his.

Yoongi doesn't resist. He's been waiting for this moment for too long to resist because of the current tension between them. He hasn't felt this boy in so long. His hand glides down Jungkook's back and puts pressure on the small of his back, forcing his hips to crash into his own. The boys move their lips together, each able to feel every crevice, every chap in the skin, every muscle working overtime. There's a desperation to the kiss, their lips press so hard against each other it's like they'll fuse together to become one. The need to be closer to each other drowns out the pain.

A yelp is heard through the moans as Yoongi takes Jungkook's lower lip between his teeth and pulls hard. The separation leaves Jungkook gasping for air as Yoongi's lips travel across his jawline achingly slow. He rests at his soft spot, the crease between Kookie's jaw and neck, directly below his earlobe. He sucks at it hard, Jungkook's breath hitching suddenly and it shoots a tingle from the spot to the rest of his body. 

Jungkook moans deeply as Yoongi's tongue glides along  his neck. The fabric of his strained tshirt is stretched beyond repair as Yoongi tries desperately to gain access to his sharp collarbone. He sucks as hard as he can, marking the boy as his. Jungkook shakes himself out of his daze and grabs the collar of Yoongi's shirt, pulling him off the wall and dragging him into the bedroom.

"Wha-" Jungkook shoves the boy onto the bed, a twist from their usual scenario. Yoongi's crosses his arms when Jungkook tries to pull off his shirt, preventing him from removing it completely. 

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asks. Jungkook ignores him as he rips the boy's arms away from his chest and pulls the shirt off.

"Tell me you need me." Jungkook begs.

"What do you mean?"

"Just say it" Jungkook demands.

"I need you"

Jungkook slams his lips against Yoongi's and climbs on top of him, straddling his hips and grinding down onto them. He can feel his boyfriend's erection grow and strain against his jeans, Yoongi becomes light headed as he feel's the effects of being dominated. Jungkook releases his lips and attack's his neck instead.

"Why do you need me?" He asks between bites.

"I love you" Jungkook bites down hard at the response.

"Wrong answer"

"Why me Taehyung, why take an interest in me?" 

Jungkook moves down to Yoongi's chest, taking one of his buds into his mouth.

"I can't be alone" Jungkook's eyes begin to water but he continues thrashing the boy's sensitive spots between his tongue, grazing his teeth over them harshly when he isn't please with the answr.

"Is is because I'm attractive? Is it because I look easy? What exactly is it about me that makes you need me?"

"You're so hot Jungkook" Yoongi begins to find pleasure in the teasing, in the torment. He can't see or feel just how serious Jungkook is being.

"Answer me and I won't leave."

"Jungkook please" Yoongi moans.

"Jungkook please"

Jungkook's hands reach down to the cold button of Yoongi's jeans and undoes them, slipping the zipper down slowly.

"Answer me" Jungkook demands aloud.

"Because I don't think I can live without you anymore! " Taehyung's voice echoes in his mind and Jungkook freezes, just as he did in that moment. The scar on Jungkook's stomach stings as he remembers that night. Jungkook's face collapses on Yoongi's chest as he begins to sob uncontrollably.

He doesn't know what to think, what to do. He's here, about to have sex with his boyfriend and all he can think of was the moment he fell in love with Kim Taehyung. The answer that shook him to the core, that made him forget about Yoongi, even if for only a split second.

"Baby don't cry, I know it's been awhile. We don't have to do anything tonight" this just makes Jungkook feel ten times more guilty than he did before. Yoongi is sweet, accommodating, respectful. How can Jungkook betray him?

"Why do you need me?" Jungkook whispers one last time.

"Because living without you sucks" Yoongi says, a slight giggle in his voice.

"Close enough"

*A/N* Woah, almost had a smut there didn't I. Um... yeah. Btw those scenes in italics are from chapter 9 if any of you wanna go back and experience that *cough* feels *cough*. Anyways, if you weren't already frustrated, Ima leave this here to help you out.

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