
By DiaTheLit

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My works #12 //. Part One : All I've ever wanted was to be Accepted, rather by others close to me or even ju... More

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letter to Jue,

2) 6.

36.7K 2.2K 2K
By DiaTheLit

1.The whole reason why I stretched the time span of four years so it wouldn't be the cliche teenagers / young adults having casual sex  😭 peeps think that's grown but they actually grown now 24/25-26 :3

2. When I show pictures of characters, it doesn't  necessarily mean they're gonna be a continuous relevant character but more so you'll have a visual when they're mentioned.

I'll shut up now cause y'all probably don't care Lmao. 😭😭 enjoy!



Jue would squeeze my waist occasionally as I straddled his lap. He leaned up to my face, kissing me back as I held his driver seat. He rubbed my thighs through my pants, gliding his tongue against mine. I hummed against his mouth as my head adverted from side to side, gaining more acess to his lips as he did the same.

"You ready to go in?" He asked between the connects of our lips. I nodded and climbed back over to the passenger seat, honking the horn by accident since I was tall.

"Long legs." He chuckled, smacking my thigh. I put my hand against my temple as he looked at me.  "Come on." He added.

He unlock the doors and we stepped out into the cool air. He knocked on the door when we made it up to it. He looked at me with a smirk as he kept his hands in his pockets. He took out one hand, scratching his mustache with his thumb.

"You good?" He asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just think we're—" His lips interrupted my  statement by connecting with mine. He leaned down –but not far– and moved our lips in synch.  He rested his arms on my shoulders as his teeth tugged my bottom lip.

I saw the door open from the corner of my eye while the inside of the house lights shined. "Woah, what we have here." We pulled back and i wiped the corner of my mouth with my thumb while Jue cleared his throat and shook hands with Redd.

"What's up waitress?"

"Hey. It's Evi by the way, remember."

"Yeah I remember, I was just messing with you. Mines Redd too."

Jue pressed his hand to my lower back and let me go in first. I glanced around, nodding in approval. It was a nice place. Redd stood to the side and let us in then shut the door once we completely entered.

"Make yourself at home." He said and passed by us. Jue followed him so I followed Jue. We entered the foyer where the dining table was located along with Eddy, Doug and some other guy besides Redd.

They all greeted Jue except the unknown guy and Jue greeted back. Ed and Do looked my way, squinting as they studied my face. "Ayo, goodaz! I remember! Evi mon." Doug said loudly with one of his hands raised then nudged Eddy.

Eddy nodded, " long time no see brown ting. Nice to see you." He spoke.

"You guys too."

Evi huh?" Unknown guy inquired. I nodded slowly and looked down at him while he sat in his chair, fumbling with the cards.

"Yeah. Your name?"


"Okay." I said, stuffing it mentally in my memory. I leaned my hand against Jue's chair and propped my foot up to my side.

"Y'all want something to drink?"

"What you got Redd?" Jue asked, tapping against the table.

"Just sodas and water."

"You never have any alcohol man."

"Then bring some. You know my moms will trip if she found that when visiting. "

"It's your house Mon. You a grown ass Mon still needing mommy's consult." Eddy joked as he smacked Doug shoulder for emphasis while they all laughed.

"Ayo , what you do? I don't think I know you." Jue asked Benny while Redd sat a can of soda next to everyone. He handed me one and I thanked him, popping it open while looking at Benny awaiting his answer as well.

"I'an tryna talk cuh."

Jue furrowed his brows and brushed him off, turning to the rest of them. "Y'all ready to get y'all asses handled or no?"

They all begin to disagree, starting a small  argument. I continued to drink from my can as Benny would get a glimpse of me when I turned away. I kept my eyes on the table where the cards were being shuffled and ignored him.

Everyone had their hand of cards and was going through them, switching them up. Jue pulled me from behind his chair and onto his lap. I shuffled around, trying to get more comfortable as I still felt weird internally. "You tired of standing?" He asked more rhetorically.

"You guys an item, yeah?" Eddy asked, still looking through his cards.

"We is what we is, mind yours." Jue told, chuckling while saying it. I shook my head, leaning back against his chest with my arms folded. Benny scoffed.

"Ayo you ain't tryna talk so don't make sounds either." Jue spat which only made Benny mug him, scoffing again. Jue muttered inaudibly and directed his attention back to his hand.

"We putting some money on this or no?" Redd asked, digging in his back pocket.

"Starting with twenty."

"Cheap asses."

"Y'all not about to run me dry mon, I need gas and grocery money for next week." We sniggered.

"Alright then let's start." They all threw a twenty down and started the spades game. Cards started being shoved to the table as they went around, taking turns.

Every other person started piling up their books to the side. I sipped my soda, scanning over everyone's and counted their books mentally.

"Alright how many y'all got?" All the guys announced their number but I had known before hand Doug won.

"But you don't wanna get ran dry." Redd scoffed.

"Seriously." Jue chuckled as they all reached in their pockets again, throwing down fifties and started the next game.

I started to feel like I stuck out and was left out so I stood from Julian's lap. I threw my can in the recycling bin and trailed to the door for fresh air. I sat on the steps in front of the door and looked out at the open sky.

I inhaled the cool, clear air then exhaled softly while my eyes eased closed. I opened them back and I heard the guys in there yelling and chatting–I'm guessing someone won again. I took my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my pictures, leaning against my arm.

Wasn't much for me to do. I just settled in my thoughts as I viewed recent and older photos of myself and others. I got to one where I held the championship trophy with the rest of my teammates, a big grin worn on all of our faces.

I side smiled at it for a moment before scrolling to the next. The door creaked open and I looked up, seeing Jue. He looked down at me and took a seat next to me on the steps. He stayed quiet, letting me enjoy the peaceful atmosphere a little while longer.

"Why you out here?" He asked, turning his face towards mine. I shrugged.

"Just needed fresh air."

" You don't feel let out, do you?" I chuckled, looking up.

"Maybe a little but it's guys night so I want you guys to have your fun. I don't want to intrude." He looked over my face and nodded, leaning back on his hands.

"You could always get in the next round. Gotta put some money down."

"No thanks. I'm with Doug on that one, I need gas money for the week."

He leaned his head back with a grin, holding a laugh. "So what you thinking 'bout?"

I rubbed over my arms, shrugging my shoulders. I looked at him as he kept looking up into the sky. Finally, he turned towards me awaiting my answer.

"Don't you think we're moving too fast?" He licked over his bottom lip.

"Is that what you think?"

"I mean, yeah. We see each other after four years and have sex on the first night of reconnecting. Now we're prancing around town with each other with nothing but a friendship as a title." I explained.

He stood to his feet so I did as well. He leaned against the house and looked at me. He stared for a while before gapping his mouth to talk.

" I mean that's how you feel. I'm trying to find a woman to settle down with cause one I'm not getting any younger and two I'm just ready for that. If you're not ready for that then let me know cause I'm not about to waste my time." His words hit me like a freight train from the straight forwardness.

I scrunched my eyebrows thinking of words to muster up as he stood in the same position, waiting. "So am I wasting my time or not Evi?" He rose his voice.

"Aye no need to get loud Jue. Jeez, can I think."

"I thought that was you was doing while out here." He irritably chucked a sharp laugh. "Answer me."

"I'm not saying you're wasting your time, I'm just saying slow down. We need time to think about if we even want to move things further between us. Yeah, we should've did this before intercourse but things just got too far."

"You get where I'm coming from?" I added, shoving my hands in my back pockets. He kept his arms folded, giving me an unamused expression.

"You want time to think, fine. It's settled." He pushed himself of the wall, grabbing the handle to the door.

"You should too." I said then the door closed right after as he went back in. I entered back in myself and saw him sitting back in his seat.

I plopped on the couch, watching them unpause the game and start back. I didn't want to cause a scene so i went to Jue's contact and shot him a text saying can you take me home?

I saw him look at his phone and unlocked it, starting to type. He sat it back down just as mine vibrated.

Yeah when I'm finished.

I leaned back against the couch and couldn't help but feel some tension between us now. I mean we had just reconnected, he couldn't be that interested in me. Maybe we lead each other on but it's been two days for the love of Pete. I always said I didn't want to live with regrets and I'm sticking to that.

I pulled my legs up on the couch, getting more comfortable after about thirty minutes. They were still throwing cards down, more into it than ever. Meanwhile, my eyes were growing both heavy and droopy as I became sleepy.

I felt myself slightly dosing off against one of the couch's plush pillows. I fluffed it a bit and laid down on it, shutting my eyes completely.

I shot my eyes back open, being startled by yelling. I furrowed my brows and looked towards the foyer, seeing Jue and Benny in each other's face yelling.

"I'm calling you out! You cheated cuh!"

"Man nigga get the fuck out. What I need to cheat for?"

"Oh wait." Jue stepped back, lifting his balled fist to his mouth as he grinned. "You that bitch nigga that tried to pull up on me with Niko years ago. You not so tough now since ya ring leader locked up huh?"

Doug, Eddy and Redd tried to calm them down–standing next to them and patting their chest roughly as they were back into each other's face when my eyes widened, seeing what Benny was about to pull.

"And you not too tough without your big brother and daddy huh?" Benny spat, pressing a nine millimetre glock to Jue's jaw. I sat up from the couch.

"Woah, what the hell nigga? You brought that shit in my house?" Redd spat, furrowing his brows.

"With his bitch ass! Why he dead now. Make you my step son nigga, buss yo momma wi—" Julian fist connected with Benny's face repeatedly before he continue his trash talk. The gun fell from his hands and slid across the floor as they was in a full brawl.

Redd, Doug and Eddy tried to break up the fight but it seemed to be a difficult task. I heard glass break, not being able to keep up with the fight with my eyes I didn't know from where. They crashed into the table while punches still flew.

After awhile of fighting, the other guys finally got them broken apart. They held them back as they still sent vicious words at each other.

"I'll fuck yo momma and that bitch!" Benny snarled, pointing towards me. I looked around and behind me, searching for that bitch.

Jue chest heaved up and down as he pushed Doug hand down from his chest. "You ain't nothing but talk bitch ass nigga. Pull up and I'll fuck you up again, no weapons with yo weak ass!" Jue spat as he walked away.

He walked away, grabbing all his stuff as he did. "Come on." He mumbled, passing me. He pushed through the door angrily and exited. I looked at them all as they looked at me, Eddy and Redd still keeping Benny back.

"Goodnight." I said, really to Redd, Doug and Eddy before exiting, following Jue. He was already in his truck with it crunk, leaning his elbow against the side as he his hand was on his chin.

He looked at me, probably wishing I would hurry up. I walked faster and climbed into the passenger seat. I barely closed my door when he put it in reverse and started backing out, soon down the road.

He didn't say anything as he drove. I would glance over at him every few moments but the same intimidating expression was on his face. I saw blood leaking from the corner of his lip and nose.

I would've got it for him as it dripped but I didn't want to provoke anymore anger especially towards me. It was still dead silent for the longest thirty minutes of my life that it took to get to my house. I saw everyone was still home as he stopped along the curb.

"Thanks," I said softly. He continued to face forward so I unbuckled myself and stepped out. I shut the door after me, still facing the truck. As soon as the door shut, however, he sped off.

I sighed, hoping he would be okay as I turned to go inside.

aw :c

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