(My Brothers Bestfriend) Look...

By bubblegum8

356K 5K 860

(Second installment to My Brothers Bestfriend) Alicia finds herself in the heat with things people her age ha... More

(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 1
(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 2
(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 3
(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 4
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(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 7
(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 8
(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 8 -Part 2
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(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 11
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(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 30
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(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 26

3.8K 87 7
By bubblegum8

Adison's POV

"I was thinking of moving out of mom and dad's," Kyle says as he watches our laced hands, playing with my fingers.

"What do you mean?" I shake my head. "That's crazy, where would you go?"

"I was considering my Aunty's, a couple of suburbs away," He looks up at me, his deep brown eyes secretive. "But I came up with an even better idea. Come, I have a surprise for you,"

I let him help me up from the ground and he drags me away from our tree and off of the park's premises. "Kyle," He ignores me and gets into the driver's side of his car. I huff and get in beside him. "Kyle!"

"Yes?" He finally replies when we're driving down the main road.

"Where exactly are we going? We can't be seen!"

"You don't have to worry about us being seen together in this area anymore," He grins happily at me, his eyes bright.

"Just because you turned eighteen a couple of days ago it doesn't mean everything's okay now," I frown and turn to look out the window.

"Yes it does," He growls. "I'll be damned if I let our parents keep us apart over something so ridiculous such as their car park feud!"

"Kyle," I sigh and reach over to squeeze his leg. "You know that will never happen, but I'm only seventeen still. And besides, our age has nothing to do with anything. They won't let us be together plain and simple,"

"My parents no longer have any control over me," He assures as he pulls up to the curb of an apartment block.

"What are we doing here?" I shake my head slowly in confusion as I take in the tall, extravagant building before us.

"I brought a flat," He says quickly and my eyes widen. He quickly raises his hand as though he's surrendering. "Don't freak out!"

"What do you mean you brought a flat? Kyle! I can't just come and live with you!"

"I'm not asking you to," He shrugs and jumps out of the car.

"Kyle, stop," He doesn't listen to me and continues to walk onwards and into the building, knowing I'll follow him. "This is ridiculous," I mutter to myself, entering the foyer.

I spot Kyle waiting impatiently by the elevators. When he sees me he ushers me over, and when I reach him he grabs my hand and raises his eyebrow. "How about smiling?"

I don't say anything as we enter the lift and he presses the button for the eighth floor. He swings his car keys around his finger, grinning in excitement. I feel my body involuntarily loosen due to his calm and carefree attitude and I sigh quietly. "This is crazy,"

"No," He disagrees as we exit and he goes to the door on the far left of the hallway. He opens the door with a new key that I haven't seen before and turns to me, smiling brightly and holding his arm out. "This is home,"

"Kyle," I whisper. The door opens up to a large living space with a kitchen behind it. The apartment has been fully furnished personally by Kyle, judging from the couch that use to sit in his lounge room at his parent's house. Further on there's a hallway that must lead to the bedroom and bathroom.

"Well it's my home, anyway," He shrugs, a shy look on his face now. "Hopefully only until you turn eighteen,"

"How did you manage this? What about your parents?" I ask as I fall onto the couch, it's softness enveloping me.

"I spoke to my Nan's lawyer and she sorted things out so that I could access one million," He bites his lip. "I know Nan would be proud of me for finally sticking up to them, I just hope they come around,"

"Oh, Kyle," I sigh and go over to him, cupping his cheek. "If they're worth being in your life then they'll realize their wrongs and learn to support you no matter what,"

He smiles slightly and rests his hands on my hips. "I know," He pecks me, his lips lingering slightly before he pulls me in for a tight hug. "I love you."

"I love you more," I whisper against his neck.


Ella's POV

I sprawl out besides Ryan, my breathing heavy. "It just gets better and better,"

He turns on his side and remains silent as he stares at me. His eyes are unfocused, his lips pulling down into a slight frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask quickly, my heartbeat increasing in fear. His face makes me feel as though I've done something wrong, or that maybe he didn't enjoy it. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's okay," He says uneasily before forcing a smile. He gently strokes my cheek with the back of his hand.

"Don't lie," I frown and sit up slightly. "Be honest with me, Ryan,"

He sighs and closes his eyes, withdrawing his hand. "This situation is just complicated for me,"

"Why?" I feel my face scrunch up. "Funny parents? Crazy ex? Religious beliefs?"

"No, Ella," He chuckles yet there's no humor in his laugh whatsoever.

"Then what?" I throw my pillow into his face. "Spit it out, man,"

"I find it... Somewhat difficult... To deal with the fact that you don't want a relationship..." He finally says very awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck and not meeting my eyes. "I mean, if you really feel no connection other than physically, I guess I'll deal with it, but..."

"Ryan," I sigh and fall back down on the bed, looking up at his ceiling while I struggle to find the right words. "It's not that I don't like you, or like your personality, because I do,"

"Right..." From the corner of my eye I see him gesture for me to continue on. "But?"

"I don't know I mean," My cheeks heat up to what feels like an unattractive bright red glow as I stutter. "I've never really been in a relationship..."

"What?" His eyes widen in shock and he bites his lip to try and keep the threatening smile off his face. "Are you serious?"

"Shut up!" I whack him with the pillow again. "I've just never been interested in anyone until now. I don't really know how to be a girlfriend to be honest,"

"What do you mean 'don't know how'? It's not a job, El," He chuckles, and this time I can tell it's real.

"Still," I whisper and shrug. "I just wouldn't be a good girlfriend."

"If you like somebody, you commit yourself to them. You give them your time," He pulls me closer to him. "You give them your trust," He gently kisses my neck. "You vow to be faithful to only them," His eyes suddenly meet mine, an excited spark in them. "And most importantly, you learn to love them unconditionally,"

I bite my lip teasingly. "It sounds easy enough..."

"Well," He leans down and brushes his lips against my own. "How about we try it?"

"Mm," The noise comes from somewhere in the back of my throat as I push my lips up against his, letting them linger there.

"Be my girlfriend?" He whispers, tracing his finger across my cheek.

"I'll try," I finally agree before tugging his face closer and meeting his lips again.

Breanna's POV

"I can't believe you acted that way when Andrew first arrived on our door step," Mom randomly says, not taking her eyes off the road. "He's such a lovely boy,"

"I know," I turn my head and look out my window to hide my smirk. If only she knew. "I should have just given him a chance,"

"He's also very handsome," She murmurs quietly and I wait impatiently for her to turn right, extremely curious as the where the conversation is leading. "What are his religious views?"

"He's Christian," I blurt out quickly, the lie not even registering in my mind. I close my eyes and breathe deeply. "His uncle was deeply religious and he influenced Andrew's involvement. Andy is committed now,"

"That's good," Mom smiles firmly. "Much better than the last Christian boy,"

I frown indignantly. "He was nice,"

"He was a troubled Christian boy who had no indication what he wanted to do with his life," Her face is unimpressed, disdain in her voice. "At least Andrew is motivated. He told me he wants to be a lawyer,"

"Wow, mother," I laugh slightly. "I've never known you to be so open with new people,"

"He's not new," She protests. "Besides, I can tell a good character. I really like him,"

The car pulls to a stop in our driveway and I bite my lip. "Mom..."

"Yes, sweetie?" She turns to look at me, her face slightly curious. Times like these my mom feels normal, she feels like a friend rather than the crazy woman I know she can become.

"I think I like him too," I whisper, scared of his reaction.

"I know," She frowns before sighing slightly. She reaches for my hand and squeezes it slightly. "I can see it in your eyes when you look at him."

"Mom," I breathe deeply. "He told me he likes me too. But I didn't want to peruse anything because I know how you feel about me being in relationships, especially with him living in our home,"

"There are a lot of things I believe in, Breanna," She closes her eyes. "I don't believe in divorce, but look at your father and I,"

"Mom," I feel anger overcoming me at the thought of my father. "That man did not deserve to be in my life, let alone yours, you were and always will be too good for him,"

"Thanks, Bre," She smiles, tears in her eyes. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though I have my beliefs, sometimes some things are inevitable,"

I feel nervous butterflies settle in my stomach and excitement washes over me.

"Breanna I'd much rather know you and Andrew are persuing a relationship together rather than having you do it behind my back," A guilty feeling replaces my excitement. "I give you permission to date him,"

A huge grin slips onto my face. "Really, mom?"

"Really," She confirms and her face mirrors mine. Tears gather in my eyes. I never thought I'd see the day where she'd willingly let me date, let alone at this age.

"Thank you," I pull her into a right hug and she squeezes me tightly.

"You know the rules though, especially living in the same household," She whispers, trying to sound strict through her emotions. "Virgin until marriage, darling,"

"I know, mom," I burst out in laughter. "Trust me, that's a rule of my own, too,"

"I love you Breanna,"

I smile. "I love you too, mommy,"

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