The Magician's Assistant || V...

By BreakMeSoftly

159K 8.4K 2.6K

Nothing can go awry, no one can slip up, everything has to go perfectly for this trick to succeed. But how ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Taggedy Tag Tag
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
1K Question requests
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Questions Answered
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Vkook Smut
2Seok smut

Chapter 5

4.4K 232 26
By BreakMeSoftly

Jungkook sits crisscross on his bunk and sucks away at a packet of yanggaeng. He's already been scolded by Namjoon twice to cut back on the junk food and to exercise more since he's now Taehyung's assistant and he needs to stay slim. At the moment all he wants to do is eat and talk to his boyfriend. Is that too much to ask?

Jungkook sighs and takes the packet of the bean paste jelly out of his mouth. He sets it on one of the bus seats and gets down from the bunk, still able to see his boyfriend from the laptop camera.

"Yoongi-ah I need to exercise" Jungkook grabs the corner of the bunk guard and begins doing pull ups, his head bobbing up and down causing Yoongi to giggle.

"Why do you need to exercise. You're already fit and gorgeous." Yoongi comments sweetly, watching a small amount of sweat accumulate on the young boy's forehead.

"Yeah I know, I just need to stay this way. If I don't exercise more I won't be able to eat , and I love to eat" As Yoongi watches the raven haired boy he begins to feel an ache in his heart. He exercises all the time, wanting to keep his abs because Yoongi likes running his fingers along them as he sleeps or kissing each individual ab causing the boy to giggle. The more abs the more kisses right? But he knew, he always knew that if he wanted to stop or if he wanted to let himself go that Yoongi would except him. Right now, he was exercising to keep a job, to keep a lifestyle, to please people he didn't even know, to fit into small spaces that are normally build and meant for small women.

"Jungkook, I need to speak with you" Yoongi hears through the computer.

"Bye baby, be safe" Yoongi says quickly before Jungkook slams the computer shut in his face.

An emptiness overcomes him as he looks around to find the apartment to be completely isolated, his body being the only thing there because his mind and his soul are with Jungkook. Not even Jimin's voice, his boisterous laugh or his simple smile are there to keep him company.

"Hey I left my walle- Yoongi!" Jimin barges in and rushes over to the emotioned boy. It isn't a hysterical fit of tears or a mess of sobs and sniffles but rather, a single tear rolling down his left cheek as he stares at the seat that his Jungkook first sat in the day he said I love you.

"Min Yoongi give it back!" Jungkook shouted half-heartedly, knowing that his boyfriend would give up the peperro stick eventually. Yoongi knew never to take food from the young boy but he was feeling daring that day.

"Get up and get it" Yoongi teased. Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat tight, refusing to leave his spot. Yoongi placed the peperro in his mouth, a majority of it sticking straight out. He pressed his back against the wall and gave the boy a seductive look. Jungkook stood his ground.


One piece of peperro made its way to the back of Yoongi's throat with a hard swallow. Jungkook's eyes widened as he got up from the chair and ran to the then red haired boy. He pinned him to the wall from his shoulders and took a bite out of one end of the peperro, biting more and more until their lips met. The older boy took control and pushed Jungkook down into the same seat he was in before, not separating the kiss. The instigator, surprisingly, was the one to separate.

"I love you" Jungkook whispered, nestling his head into the crouching male's neck.

"I need him, so much more than I want to." Yoongi says, his voice stoic despite the emotion-packed statement. For a moment, it sounds like a question.

"Want me to stay the night, just so you're not alone. I'll stay on the couch. Only if you want" Jimin places his hand gently on Yoongi's shoulder and gives it a comforting squeeze.

"Will you?" Yoongi asks, his face finally expressing the emotions he was feeling prior.

"Of course."


"What's up Joonie?" Jungkook asks, wiping away the sweat on his forehead and taking a seat on the bottom bunk.

The magician's assistant has been staying on the bus since the very first day of the tour, using the alone time to talk to his wonderful boyfriend and exercise. Not to mention it was quiet and he could sing himself to sleep like he normally did for both himself and for Yoongi. If he slept in the hotel he'd have to triple up with 2Seok or double up with Namjoon or Taehyung. With him alone in the bus, only two rooms for the boys were necessary and two other rooms for the four female performers. He knows that odd numbers don't sit well with the enlightened manager so he worked it out on his own. Even during his break before a performance, like now, he will come here.

"Don't call me that" Namjoon says as he sits beside Jungkook and analyses the papers in his hand. Jungkook places his hand on his cheek and displays a moment of aegyo.

"Ok RapMonster" Namjoon's eyes widen and he drops the papers on the ground.

"Taehyung told you about that?!"

"Of course he did. He tells me everything. He also told me that he isn't actually the biggest player in the group. There's another guy. Um... I forgot his name." Jungkook began picking up the pieces of paper and neatly tapping them on his knee to get them all aligned. Handing them to Namjoon he crosses his legs and props his head on his hand using his knee and elbow.

"He shouldn't be focusing on the past, he needs to focus on the future, what the universe has in store for him. Every rock in the pond of opportunity needs to be in his sights for when he-"

"So what did you come to tell me" Jungkook interrupts, not wanting to hear another one of his manager's philosophical rants.

"Oh yeah, you're not in a relationship are you?" Jungkook blinks twice and offers a confused look.

"I mean, its ok if you are but you need to disclose that with everyone. Relationships are a distraction and with you needing to rehearse and learn so many tricks it's important for you to be focused."

"Say focus one more time Namjoon" Jungkook rubs his temple frustratingly.

"Look, I've got everything under control. I can handle this. Taehyung trusts me to do this and I won't let him down, the last thing I want to do is disappoint him. His approval means everything for my career. Stop worrying hyung" to reassure the man in charge he beams a smile.

Namjoon simply nods his head and stands up, walking out of the tour bus and towards the hotel. Finally at the room he was sharing with Taehyung he pulls out his key card and slips it into its rightful place, turning the thick handle once the red light turns green.

"Hey isn't it amazing that symbols can be universal? Green means go and red means stop, even when you're not driving..."

"Yeah yeah symbols, so, the tiger is ready for tonight right?"


V the Victorious makes his entrance, passing the exotically dressed dancers and the break dancing lovers Hoseok and Seokjin. A cage is present in the center of the stage and behind it is a young boy trying to calm his nerves. The audience can't see him as he strokes the neck of a male Bengal tiger, trying to soothe him and get him used to his scent.

"And now-" Jungkook hears his cue, moving from behind the cage to the front, taking his place next to V.

"I will turn my lovely assistant into the most beautiful, breathtakingly exotic cats in the jungle, not that he isn't already breathtaking am I right folks!" The crowd goes wild and Jungkook tries to battle the butterflies trying to burst out of his stomach. V takes his hand and leads him into the cage, shutting the iron barred door and locking it, tossing the key into the audience for the fans to fight over.

Now that Jungkook is in the cage he begins to perform, getting down in all fours and acting as if he's being taken over and transforming into a tiger. The cage is then covered by a curtain and Jungkook stops, suddenly becoming quick and nimble. It's all about timing. This trick can be very dangeorus. If he doesn't do everything perfectly he will end up in the cage at the same time as the tiger.

Outside of the cage V is raising his hands, using his magic to levitate the cage into the air. He pretends to struggle, a cage is heavy of course. The dancers have stopped dancing and are now staring in awe as the cage begins to levitate. Of course, flashing lights and pyrotechnics are distracting everyone from the very obvious cables pulling the cage up but no, the levitation isn't the trick. Jungkook's transformation is.

Jungkook presses his hand against the fake wall, painted to look like the back of the cage. He opens a secret compartment at the base of the cage and slips into it, cramming himself into the small space. While inside the young boy pulls a cord that drops the false wall and releases the tiger. Everything is timed perfectly because by the time this is done and V waves his hands to signal Hoseok and Seokjin to move away the curtains, Jungkook is gone and the majestic tiger has taken his place. Everyone gasps in awe and Jungkook smiles, proud that he's able to make his hyung a better magician.


I keep doing a thing, when Taehyung is on stage in magician mode I call him V. I hope that wasn't confusing anyone. Whenever he's being referred to as the magician, not the wonderful amazing perfect human being that he is, he is V.

Oh and I got tagged to do a thing. It's currently 2am so I'm probably gonna do it the morning or on Wednesday. I have a paper due on Sunday so I kinda wanna prioritize that... kind of.

Anyways, I love comments guys! Even if they're criticisms I love them. I love reading your reactions and your emotions and your thoughts. It really makes my day. Love you all!

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