The Cold Hearted Beauty & The...

By tessyoc

570K 27.2K 86.5K

Mikaela Shindo, the name on everyone's lips in the streets of Tokyo. Just twenty four, he is already a multi... More

Cold-Hearted Beauty
Little Beast
Beauty Meets the Beast
Beauty Vs Beast
The Beast Works for Beauty
Beauty Cares
Beast Looks After Beauty
The Jealous Little Beast
Beauty's Invite
Only Me
Beauty's Birthday
The Saotomes
Jealous Beauty
Couples Convention
Not Just A Kid
I Love Y-
An Old Flare
Beauty Loves His Little Beast
Miyu & Michiro
Yoichi's Birthday
Men 2
Father 2
Blow Jobs and Revenge
Becoming an Adult
The Other Shindo
Reunited Siblings
Broken Pasts
Frenemy 2
Kidnapped II: Threat
Break up
Break Up: Scholarship
Fairy Tale
Happily Ever After
Shingu and Michiro
100K reads
Mika's Birthday
Mother's Day
Popularity Contest


10.4K 505 2.3K
By tessyoc

"WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?" Yuu grieved.

"Why are you so down?" Sayuri asked while looking at a magazine. The front cover was the kiss Mikaela and Yuu shared during the convention. At first Yuu wasn't bothered about it, but it had been a week and the picture was still everywhere. Apparently people were interested in seeing the famous Mikaela with his woman, if only they knew the truth.

"This is all his fault." Yuu said. "I told him we should run away. Now I'm everywhere, it's a miracle that no one has noticed it's me yet."

Sayuri giggled. "You were really cute then Yuu." She smirked. "By the way, on the day of the convention, you and Mikaela were a bit late coming back home. Did you stop to have some fun? Did Mikaela play hide and seek under your skirt."

"NO!" Yuu yelled. "We didn't do anything, I swear we didn't-" Memories of that night came rushing into his mind. Mikaela's lips and tongue playing around on his body, he blushed, feeling shy about it.

"There it is." Sayuri pointed. "That blush confirms it, something was done."

"I swear, nothing was done." Yuu said.

"Really?" She asked. "Then why have you been avoiding Mikaela?"

"Avoiding?" Yuu laughed nervously. "What do you mean avoiding? I haven't been avoiding him."

"Ok." She smiled. "Good morning Mikaela."

"Morning." Mikaela said.

Yuu jumped and turned around to see Mikaela behind him, his face became red again as he stared at the man. Sayuri was right, Yuu had been avoiding Mikaela, ever since he told him he loved him. Yuu wasn't completely sure of what Mikaela meant but he was scared to find out and the situation had made him uncomfortable, especially when around Mikaela. So he avoided him.

" morning Mikaela." He managed to say. Before Mikaela could even respond, Yuu stood up. "Oops, look at the time, I'm almost late for school."

"Today's Saturday." Sayuri said.

"Yes, a stupid teacher fixed class today so..BYE." He quickly ran out of the room.

"You're right Mikaela, he really is avoiding you." Sayuri said as she looked at Mikaela. "So, what did you do?"

"What did I do?" Mikaela asked. "I'm innocent here." He sat down and placed his legs on the table. "I swear, the boy can be so annoying at times, doesn't he know it hurts me when he does things like this." He grounded. "Well I guess I'll have to punish him."

"If you're going to give your boyfriend punishment, at least tie him to the bed."

Mikaela and Sayuri turned to see Shingu sitting down beside them. Mikaela was frightened and taken aback that he fell from his chair. "Shingu, when did you get here?"

"That doesn't matter." Shingu said.

"BRAT!" Mikaela stood up. "Don't scare me like that, what are you even doing here? I thought you were grounded?"

"I escaped through the windows." Shingu said. "I left a note and told dad that I'll be back later."

"The point of you being grounded is you staying at home." Mikaela said.

"Let's not stray from the topic." Shingu said. "We're talking punishment, so I suggest you take notes from this." He brought out a book from his bag and gave it to Mikaela.

Mikaela's jaw dropped when he saw the book. "Fi-fi FIFTY SHADES OF GREY? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WITH THIS?"

"No, no Shingu-chan, you can't read that at this age." She said.

"I'm not reading it." He said. "I don't know what is even inside it, but I often overhear Goshi talking about getting hardcore punishment ideas from it, so I bought the book for you and big brother Yuu."

"An eleven year old is not supposed to have this." Mikaela said.

"No wonder the people in the book shop gave me weird looks." Shingu said.

"YOU BOUGHT IT YOURSELF!" Mikaela yelled.

"Never mind that." Shingu said. "I want you to practice whatever is inside there with b-"

"No way." Mikaela said. "I don't indulge in such sinful acts."

"For once in your life, will you not walk the path of your father?" Shingu asked.

"No thank you." Mikaela said.

"Why stop now?" Shingu asked. "After what you and big brother Yuu did in the car at the convention, I'm surprised you haven't gone to another level yet."

"Did?" Sayuri smirked.

"Shingu." Mikaela called his name in anger. "What are you talking about?"

Shingu brought out a phone and played the video, showing both Sayuri and Mikaela.

"Kyaaaaaaa!" Sayuri squealed.

"HOW DID YOU GET THIS?" Mikaela asked.

"I installed a hidden camera in your car." Shingu said. "You're welcome."


Yuu spent the day trying to avoid Mikaela, it wasn't easy since it was his home. Even in his room he wasn't safe because Mikaela had spare keys to his room. "The man, I wouldn't be surprised if he came in one night and tried something fishy on me." Yuu said. He looked around the place he was. "Where am I anyway?" He spotted an elevator at the end of the room and headed for it.

"Hey." He heard someone call as he turned around. The least person he wanted to see, Mikaela was standing a few steps away from behind him. They were alone on that floor, Yuu was scared. "What are you-" Yuu fled without hearing him out. "Hey!' Mikaela ran after him.

Yuu reached the elevator and opened it, he got it and hurriedly pressed the button repeatedly. "Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry." The door began to close but Mikaela was quick and got in just in time. Yuu was doomed.

"Damn you." Mikaela panted. "Why are you making me run?"

"Why are you following me?" Yuu asked.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." Mikaela said. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I was just taking a stroll." Yuu said. "You don't have to worry about me." Yuu's eyes looked up to see what floor they were on, there were 41 floors...what a house...he was trying to get to the bottom d they were still on the 27th. Mikaela noticed what he was looking at, he pressed the button of the top floor.

"Hey what are you doing? Where are y-" Mikaela silenced him with a kiss. He grabbed both his hands and pinned them over his head so he wouldn't try to escape. "Mikaela..l-let me go." Yuu said.

"Why?" Mikaela asked. "Give me one reason why I should."

"Y-you're sexually harassing an underage boy." Yuu said. "Let me go Mika."

"Do you really want that?" Mikaela asked. "Do you want me to leave you alone? Do you want me to stop holding you, touching you, kissing you? Do you really want that?"

Of course not. Yuu didn't want that at all, he loved Mikaela's kisses, loved how it felt having his hands touch him. He didn't want him to stop at all.

"If you tell me now." Mikaela continued. "That you want me to stop, I will, I promise I'll no longer do these things to you."

"No." Yuu said as he pulled away from Mikaela's grip and wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him down for a hug. "I don't want you to stop, please don't stop Mika."

Mikaela hugged him also leaving kisses along his neck. "Why do you keep avoiding me? Is it because of what I said that time?"

"I'm just..confused." Yuu said. "But it shouldn't matter, you only meant it platonically speaking right."

Mikaela placed one of his legs in between Yuu's and used his knees to stroke his thighs making Yuu moan. "Platonic friends don't do what we do. I want to ask you something again."

"What's that?" Yuu asked.

"Are you in love with me?" Mikaela asked.

Yuu blushed. "W-where is that coming from?"

"Just answer, yes or no." Mikaela said.

"I-" Yuu himself was confused, he didn't know. Yes he liked kissing Mikaela every chance he gets, he knows kissing wasn't someone friends do, still, he didn't know, was he truly in love with this man. Like a prayer answered, the elevator reached it's destination and opened up.


Mikaela turned to see four people, he quickly pulled away from Yuu. "What are you doing at the tower?"

"Forgive us sir, the view here is beautiful." One of them said. "Forgive our intrusion, we'll be going now." They turned to leave.

"Wait." Mikaela stopped them as he pulled Yuu out. "Go." They thanked him and walked into the elevator.

Yuu looked around the place, it was different from the other floors. The place was dark and the only source of light came from what seemed to be a door. "Mikaela, where are we?"

"Let me show you." Mikaela said as he walked over to the door. "Try not to scream." He walked out of the door with Yuu close behind him. It didn't take a second for Yuu to jump back in from fright. "W-W-" He panted hard. Mikaela laughed. "Mika, we're so high up, I'm going back."

"Don't be such a wuss." Mikaela said as he held on to Yuu. "Come on."

"I'm scared Mika. It's scary out there." Yuu said.

"I'm right here, I won't let anything happen to you. Promise." Mikaela said. Yuu hesitated at first but then gave in to Mikaela's words, slowly walking back out. The breeze up there was cold, they were so high up that the things on the ground looked like ants.

"What is this place?" Yuu asked.

"The tower." Mikaela looked up as did Yuu. It was a tower and there were even staira to climb to get to it. Yuu couldn't imagine who would dare climb those out there. They weren't much just maybe six, but these weren't easy stairs you use your feet to walk on, you climb then. It was terrifying. "Wanna go up?"

"NO!" Yuu yelled as Mikaela chuckled.

"Ok. Ok." Mikaela said as he leaned down and looked around. Yuu had to admit, the view really was beautiful.

"It's beautiful." He said.

"Yeah." Mikaela said. "I often come here to relax by myself."

Yuu smiled. "You really like to be alone don't you?"

"People tend to be nuisance at some point in time." Mikaela said. "But not you." He smiled. "I wouldn't mind you following me any where I went."

Yuu was touched, he couldn't help but blush at what he said. "Thanks Mika."

"Now then, are you going to answer the question I asked earlier?" Mikaela asked.

Yuu frowned. "I'm sorry Mika, but you know I'm just an idiot, I don't know much about love, besides I'm sure you won't want to date me even, I'm just a brat aren't I? They're better and more matured people out there than me."

"They don't interest me." Mikaela said. "I guess I'm more interested in brats."

"Yuu looked away from him, he felt like such an idiot, blushing at everything Mikaela said. He had to get a hold of himself. "Hey um..Mika."


"How come you never call me by my name?"

"What are you talking about?" Mikaela looked at him. "I call you by your name."

"Yes, you do, but only when." He blushed again. "Only when you're seconds away from kissing or touching me, you don't call my name any other time, you just call me brat." He pouted. "Sometimes I even wonder if you forget my name."

"I'm sorry." Mikaela smiled. "I'll try to remember to call your name, Yuu."

"Huh?" Yuu fell to his knees.

"Are you alright?" Mikaela asked as he helped him up. His face was completely red.

"It's so embarrassing." Yuu said. "Whenever you call me that, it always gets me so flustered and my heart begins to race. I'm sorry, maybe you should still call me brat."

Mikaela hugged him. "You really are cute."

"What about you Mikaela?" Yuu asked after they had a moment of silence. "Are you in love with me?"

"I'm just like you." He said. "I have no clue."

"You two are probably the biggest idiots I have ever seen." They heard a loud voice and suddenly the sound of a helicopter filled the air.

"What the hell?"

A helicopter was up in the air with Shingu sitting down by the entrance if the door holding a bullhorn. Yuu and Mikaela wondered what species Shingu was, he probably didn't dear death to be sitting down where he was.

"Do you want me to spell it out for you?" He said using the bull horn.

"How the hell did he find us?" Yuu asked.

"I put a device in Mikaela's pocket." Shingu said. "I heard everything you've been saying and doing for a while now."

Mikaela searched his pocket and found the device. "That boy isn't human, when did he put this on me?"

"Let's not ponder on that." Shingu said. "Let's ponder on how stupid you are, you don't know if you love each other? Why don't I help you find out, you care about each other, you kiss each other, you touch and caress each other, you're always on each other's mind, you're your happiest whenever you're around each other. Listen here twittle dumb and twittle dumber, you're love struck for each other, the sooner you realize that the better. Now take me away." The helicopter went away.

"Wow, he is one kid." Yuu said.

"I know. I feel so bad for Guren and Shinya." Mikaela said as he turned to look at Yuu. Shingu was right about all those things he had said, especially about the being happy part. He was always his happiest around Yuu, no one else could make him smile the way Yuu did. Maybe they were just being dumb or ignorant about the whole thing, maybe they were truly in love with each other.

"Where did you get a helicopter from?" Tomoe asked Shingu. It had taken them a while before they convinced the boy to let the copter land. Everyone knew that he was no normal kid, after all, no normal kid demanded ¥7,000 before he agreed to land a helicopter.

"I know a guy." Came his only response, he was busy drawing acting like nothing bad had happened at all. Tomoe frowned, she thought that there was something called the joys of parent hood, even without being the parent of Shingu, she saw no joy in having him around, just pain and headaches.

"Guren called. He sounded really angry." Tomoe said. "He says he's going to break every single bone in your body."

"I don't mind." Shingu said. "In the end, it's still his money he'll use to pay the hospital fees and if I died, he's the one who will weep and mourn forever and of course the fun part will be my ghost coming to haunt him for the rest of his miserable life."

This child had no soul.

"W-W-WHAT SORT OF BOOK IS THIS?" Yuu yelled as he held the fifty shades of gray book, he had just spent his time reading only to get to the smut and he could read no more. "More so, why did Mikaela give me this? That blood thirsty pervert, so these are the kinds of things he's into. Bondage. As if I'd be tied up in bed." He threw the book aside and fell back to the bed. "I'm so tired." He thought back to his moment with Mikaela on the tower, he couldn't help but smile. He closed his eyes and drifted into sleep with a big smile on his face.

"Kyaaaaa!" Came Yuu's screams before a slap sound. "W-w-w-w-" Yuu was surprised, he had woken up only to find Shingu on top of him. Shingu was currently on the ground, holding the cheek Yuu had slapped.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He asked. "I wanted to give this to you." He gave Yuu the rolled up paper in his hand. Yuu opened it and blushed, it was an amazing and well detailed drawing of himself and Mikaela, on the tower.

"Shingu, it's beautiful." Yuu smiled.

"That's what everyone sees." Shingu said. "Two people who are perfect for each other."

"Shingu, stop." Yuu said. "I'm sure no one thinks that, besides, I'm no good, they're better people out there for Mika."

"Idiot." Shingu said as he used a book and hit Yuu's head.

"OUCH!" Yuu held his head in pain. "What was that for?"

"Inflicting pain is the best medicine for stupidity." Shingu said. "Anyway, I should get going now, I have somewhere to be, by the way, big brother Mikaela says you should meet him by the tower by seven in the night."

"He did?" Yuu asked.

"Yes." Shingu said. "Well bye I'm going to see her."

"Her? Who's her?"

"Some girl I like." Shingu said. "I haven't had time, I've been busy spying you and your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Your daddy then." Shingu said.

Yuu wanted to say something but decided not to, there was no point arguing with him. "Wait, you like someone?"

"Yes I do." He said. "Well, it's not the same way you like big brother Mikaela. Aunty Krul said I should talk to her and tell her how I feel, and I'm going to do just that. And if you were wise,  you'd do the same to big brother Mikaela. Bye." He left the room and closed the door behind him.

By seven, Yuu went to see Mikaela, he was there but it turns out that Shingu told him that it was Yuu who wanted to see him. The boy had played them like a guitar. Well, they didn't waste the moment and had a good time, talking and not surprisingly, making out.

Night came and Yuu was enthralled by the sky, it was even more beautiful than morning. They stayed in each other's arms looking up to the sky until they both unknowingly fell asleep.

"Wake up." Someone called. "Hey wake up, Cinderella and Prince charming, The prince and the frog, Beauty and the beast, Edward and Bella, Romeo and Ju-no no no tragedies. MIKAELA AND YUICHIRO WAKE UP!"

Yuu and Mikaela finally got up, from hearing the noise. "W-we slept here?" Yuu asked as he found himself under a bedsheets with Mikaela. "H-how did this get here?"

"I told someone to bring it to you." They heard Shingu's voice and it was then they heard the helicopter, Shingu was sitting by the door with a bull horn.


"Over there." Shingu pointed as Yuu and Mikaela turned to see a camera. "I had that installed yesterday."

"BRAT, DON'T GO MAKING ARRANGEMENTS IN MY HOUSE." Mikaela yelled. "BY THE WAY, WHY ARE YOU STILL ON A HELICOPTER, IT'S DAN-" Before Mikaela could finish, a younger looking boy peeoped out from the helicopter. "Who is that?"

"Oh him." Shingu carried the boy on his lap. "This is Michiro, say hello Michiro." Shingu lowered the bull horn to the boys mouth.

"Hello, I'm Michiro, I'm seven years old. It's nice to meet you." He said.

"Aww what a cutie." Yuu said.

"It's another brat." Mikaela said as Yuu frowned at him.

"Is he a friend of yours?" Yuu asked.

"Him? No, he's not my friend, he's my boy friend and we're going to get marred when we grow older."


"How cute." Sayuri and Tonoe couldn't get enough of Michiro, pinching hugging and kissing him. "Where did you find such an adorable little man?" Sayuri asked.

"That's not the point." Mikaela said. "Shingu, you have to send this boy back to where you brought him from, his parents must be worried sick."

"I'm just taking my lover out, no big deal." Shingu said.

"SHUT UP. HE'S ONLY EIGHT!" Mikaela screamed.

"Hi!" Krul waved as she walked into the room. "I just got back from work, anything happen while I was g-" her eyes caught on to Michiro. "W-who is that cute little boy who strangely looks like a love child of my son and Yuu."

"Love child?" Yuu blushed. "Mrs. Krul." He pouted.

"Ah! Now you mention it, I see it." Shingu said. "No wonder he looked so familiar, you do look like big bother Yuu and Mika's love kid."

"Shut up." Mikaela stood. "Anyway, I have important things to attend to, Tomoe, walk with me."

"Yes sir." Tomoe said as she left with him.

"Shingu, who is this cutie anyway?" Krul asked as she carried Michiro.

"This is my fiance and groom to be in the next thirteen years." Shingu said. "Michiru."

"Eh? Fiance?" Krul asked.

Michiro nodded. "He even proposed." Michiro showed Keul a diamond ring on his hand.



"I still like her." Shingu said. "And I do not mind a threesome, when one sees someone as beautiful as Michiro, who is actually her younger brother, one does not simply let him go. I will marry him and no one will stop me."

"Smart mouth for an eleven year old."

"I want to marry big brother Shingu too." Michiro said.

While Sayuri and Krul argued with Shingu, Yuu was thinking. He couldn't stop thinking about last night, after what he went through with Mikaela, he couldn't hold it in anymore, he finally had a perfect answer to the question at hand.

"Shingu, I support you and Michiro." Krul said. "Honestly I do, BUT YOU DO NOT GIVE A DIAMOND RING TO AN EIGHT YEAR OLD!"

"You do when you're in love with him." Shingu said as he hugged Michiro. "And I'm in love with my Michiro, I cannot wait for him to answer Michiro Ichinose."

"Guren will skin you alive." Sayuri said.

"Then I'd have to remind him again that he is married to his fellow man." Shingu said. Krul and Sayuri both opened their mouths to object again. "You don't need to argue, it's all done, the deal has been sealed, Michiro is mine and what God and brought together, no man can put asunder."

"I don't thing God will approve an eleven year old proposing to an eight year old." Sayuri said.

"Then you are a simple minded fool big sister Sayuri." Shingu said.


"Um..guys." Yuu finally decided to speak up before Sayuri had the chance to break Shingu's head. He was blushing and acting a bit nervous. "Speaking about love, there's something I have to tell's my answer to the question of if I'm in love with Mika." He was silent for a while before he looked at all of them and smiled with tears in his eyes. "My answer is yes...I'm head over heels in love with him."

Finally...he says it 👏

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