The Beast Works for Beauty

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"TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP!" A loud voice echoed throughout the mansion.

"Huh?" Krul looked up from what she was doing. "Son?" She smiled. "I wonder what games he and his little pet are playing this time around."

"WHAT EXACTLY WERE YOU THINKING?" Mikaela yelled as he pointed to all the cars at the car park, they were all now pink in color.

"You're supposed to thank me." Yuu smirked. "Pink will really suit you, Mikaela."


"I know a guy." Yuu said as Mikaela growled at him. "Don't get mad, you brought this on yourself, after that unwanted wash you gave me a week ago, I vowed to play along in your little game."

"Kids like you shouldn't be playing with the big boys." Mikaela said.

"I like playing with big boys." Yuu smirked.

"Ok then fine." Mikaela said. "We'll play, I see you're already dressed for school right?"

"Yup." Yuu nodded. "And this time, I'm not accepting any ride from you." He laughed. "Although, I'm sure even you wouldn't want to enter in those disgrace." He pointed at the cars, still laughing. Mikaela smirked, Yuu felt a shudder. "Why are you smirking?"

Yuu his his face as everyone in school stared at the pink car that had just parked in. Students were already murmuring to themselves, wondering who on earth would drive a pink car.

"You can't do this to me." Yuu said. "You can't drop me off here Mikaela, please have mercy, please."

"You should have thought twice before spray painting it." Mikaela said. "Now get out, I have an important meeting to go to."

"Please Mikaela, this is embarrassing please." Yuu said. "I'll do whatever you want, but please, please, just get me out of here, don't make me come down in this car, I'll be a laughing stalk, please, I promise, I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Mikaela asked.

Maybe Yuu should think his through, does he really want to do something for this creatures from the depths. He looked out the windows, the students were still staring. His answer was yes, yes, he'd do anything for him, as long as he doesn't come down from the car.

"Yes anything." Yuu said.

Mikaela smiled. "I'll get back to you on what you have to do for me." He started the car and drove off. "I'll drop you somewhere there aren't much people, I'm sure you can walk back here."

"Thank you." Yuu said.

"Oh don't mention it." Mikaela shot him an evil grin, Yuu could feel his heart beat increase. This man was scary, dead scary.

"Yuu-kun." Yoichi waved as he saw Yuu walking into the large gates of the school, he ran over to him. "Good morning, Yuu-kun."

"Morning." Yuu said with a smile.

"Did you see it?"

"See what?"

"That pink car." Yoichi giggled. "Everyone was talking about it, no doubt it was a stuck up daddy's little princess inside that kind of car."

Yuu laughed along, he was really glad that he didn't come down from that embarrassment.

"Anyway, I've been meaning to ask." Yoichi talked as they walked further into the school. "How's it been in the mansion? It's been almost two weeks since you guys moved in."

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