The Choice I Regret

By shininggoldstar

151K 3.7K 483

Finn and Rachel are meant to be, but when Finn is married to someone else and Rachel is playing hard to get... More

The Choice I Regret
Rachel's Life
Nice Try
Familiar Faces
Life Without You
Good Luck Eventually Wears Off
Everything Used To Be Perfect
All You Need Is A Push
Dinner With A Twist
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Pink Little Hearts
Sleep Tight
A Little Party Never kills Nobody
To Good To Be True
Trying Your Best
Starting Fresh
Just Friends?
Taking It Slow
My Hero
Nothing Lasts Forever
That's What Friends Are For
The Good and Bad News
It Will Never Be The Same
Holding onto Secrets
The Plan
Out in the open
To Find You
Midnight Train
Just Making Sure
If Only A Dream Was Reality
Trust Your Instincts
Wigs & Wine
Hello Gorgeous
Don't Let Go
Team Work
Don't Do This Again!
Dance To You Drop
Friendship & Tears
Flowers & Jelly
What Next?
Going Down
New Me
Love Hurts
Everybody Hurts
Starting Over?
Authors Note
Leap of Faith

Letting The Feelings Go

3.7K 69 4
By shininggoldstar

Rachel’s POV

I am sitting in the hospital waiting room, no one knows what’s happening. I have no words, I am frozen and paralysed with fear, and my emotions are running wild. I look around to see how everyone is doing. I see Kurt with tears rolling down his cheeks and all I want to do is hug him tight, but I can’t. I haven’t cried at all, and now I don’t know what to do. I’m mad at him, but I want him to be okay and I want him to open his eyes. Doctor’s come and go throughout the waiting room and we all stand up hoping they have news about Finn, but our hopes are crushed when they always walk towards to another group of people. I have a sharp pain in my chest from trying to hold onto all my tears and not let anyone see my pain because they all think that I’m over Finn. Truth be told, I never actually was. I have always loved him from the beginning, when he bumped into me making me spill my coffee all over my top, and I was about to give him a piece of my mind but then I looked into his eyes and I couldn’t help but melt. From then on my heart only really belonged to one person and that one person is Finn. I then feel a hand on my knee and I look up to see Santana looking at me with soft red rimmed eyes. I give her one of my fake smiles and she takes my hand and drags me out of my seat that I have now sat in for 8 hours. In the corner of my eyes I see everyone staring at me because I’m finally moving. I see Noah wink at me and give me a smile and I feel like there are a lot of smiles going on in this room and most of them are fake, or their trying to make me feel better, but it’s not working. My thoughts are interrupted by Santana saying:

“Come on, let’s go out for some fresh air.” All I could do was nod, and I squeeze her hand and we make our way to the entrance of the hospital. We walk past the reception and I stop walking and once Santana feels a pull on her arm, she soon stops after me.

“Give me a minute.” I say and make my way to the front desk, Santana close behind me. At the desk was a snobby old lady and a young girl that had perfect curled hair which flowed flawlessly off her shoulders. I look back at Santana and she nods her head towards the young lady as if to tell me to ask her and not the old lady. I follow her orders and make my way towards the young lady and ask her:

“Hello, do you have any news on the patient Finn Hudson?” even saying his name makes me want to break down crying, but I hold myself together and stay strong as she checks her books. After what seems to be an eternity, she answers.

“No, I’m sorry Miss, the doctors are trying everything but he still hasn’t woken up.” I feel Santana put her hand on my shoulder and I put my hand over hers and we make our way outside. We find a wooden bench near the car park and sit down avoiding the chewing gum stuck underneath the seat. It was silent for a few seconds and then Santana broke the silence.

“This is not your fault, you know that right?” I didn’t know what to say. I feel the urge to cry once more but this time I can’t help myself and I break down crying. I feel Santana shift closer to me and wrap her arms around me, she pulls me close while I empty out 2 years’ worth of tears. I finally take a few deep breaths as I say:

“Isn’t it? Santana I was so mean to him and now look, I might not even talk to him again!” that’s when the tears come back and Santana tries to comfort me but she had to make me see sense.

“He was the jerk that got married, need I remind you he married Quinn Fabray? How can you be ok with this?” Santana cried

“I’M NOT OK WITH THIS, I LOVE HIM I ALWAYS HAVE AND NOW HE MIGHT NOT EVEN BE ALIVE, AND HE WILL NEVER KNOW HOW I FEEL.”I yell I see that Santana is a little taken back by my sudden outburst.

“Look I’m sorry I just, it kills me that he’s with Quinn. It’s like junior year all over again, the break up was the worst day of my life and I’ve cried every day since.” I see Santana’s eyes widen and she grabs my hands and utters:

“I never knew you cried every day, I would have helped you get over him.”

I shook my head and mumbled, “That’s not even possible. He’s the one.”

She stands up and holds her hand out for me to take and I do. We make our way back to the waiting room and see that Quinn is now there and is showing no emotion whatsoever. Santana squeezes my hand and I look at her with watery eyes and she takes me back to my spot in the little room.

Soon after another nurse comes in the waiting room and none of us stands up because we know it’s always for someone else’s family. But this time the nurse walks towards us and exclaims:

“Mr Hudson just woke up a few minutes ago. We already took tests so he’s ready for some visitors but only two people at a time.

We decide that Quinn and Kurt will go first then Santana and Noah go after them, everyone was waiting for me to say when I wanted to go, but I just sank further into my chair. I saw Puck try to come over and talk some sense into me, but Santana pulled him back and told him to leave me alone. Noah gave me a weird look but shrugged it off.

Once Santana and Noah came out of Finn’s room, the nurse comes out as well and tiredly says:

“I’m very sorry but visiting hours are over.” with that she returns back to the front desk.

After that we make our way to our own cars. I was about to get into my car when a thought came into my head. I still didn’t know how Finn was, so I once again stop Santana in her tracks and whisper:

“How’s Finn?”

“You’ll just have to find out tomorrow won’t you?” she said with a smirk.

But she was right. I had to see Finn or else I would never forgive myself.

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