The Fallen and the Forgotten

By JessieBest

14.1K 503 17

Heaven and Hell are very real, Angels are Demons are no different. The world is in constant battle between th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not a chapter!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 19

326 16 0
By JessieBest


She was gone. Once again, his Chosen was gone.

He had no idea where she went, nor did he know what the bright light had been.

He had felt her, he had seen her reaction when she felt their connection. She had stared at him in awe and confusion, her eyes which had always been a warm, dark brown were now golden and surrounded by a ring of the the darkest black. Her hair was the same honey blonde, but it had a streak of black in it that added to her allure.

Instead of her normal, mundane clothing which kept her inconspicuous, Lane had worn a leather outfit consisting of a corset and leather pants with a pair of black boots. She had been covered in a black cloak.

It was his Laneene, but at the same time, he hadn't even known who she was.

Lane had changed so drastically, he could actually feel the darkness emanating from her body. She wasn't an angel any longer. No, she was now a demon. a very strong demon.

Nick turned to look at Remiel, who was staring at the place Lane had vanished. His sapphire blue eyes were shining with unshed tears. He looked defeated.

"She's a demon now, Nybbas. I had hoped.. that maybe I had been wrong. Maybe she was just being kept captive and was still the same, innocent Little Sister I had been protecting for decades." Nick was shocked to see the despair in Remiel's eyes when he looked at him. This Archangel was devastated, he looked as if he had lost his sister.

"She's not dead, Remiel. She's still alive. We can bring her back." Nick growled, not willing to give up on his Chosen yet.

He knew, somehow, that Lane was still there. She was being controlled by her darker emotions, but Nick knew there was no way that such a pure soul could have turned into such a vile monster.

Nick knew what it meant to be a demon, he had been one for thousands of years, and the evil that it took to be a demon was something that he knew the Little Sister Laneene was incapable of.

"She's a demon, and that's dead enough for me." Remiel said, his voice monotone.

Nick felt anger slam into his body and a sharp pain in the tips of his fingers caused him to look down in shock, surprising himself when he saw claws replacing his fingers.

He growled loudly at Remiel once more, his eyes focusing on the man who was born to kill Demons.

An Archangel was the leaders of the Angels, they were the right hand of their Father, and it was their job to protect the humans and to keep the world in order. Demons threatened the safety of the human world, so the Archangels, and the lower Angels, were continuously sent down to attack and kill any and all demons they found.

Nick could understand that to Remiel, Laneene being a demon meant that she was as good as dead, but it didn’t make his anger any less.

“You’re talking about your Little Sister, Remiel. She is my Chosen and I will not like you speak of her like that.”

Remiel’s eyes hardened, revealing his own anger which seemed to rival even Nick’s.

“Why do you keep acting as if I don’t care? She may be your Chosen, but she is my Little Sister. She is the most important thing in the world to me, the one being whom I was supposed to protect with my life and I failed." Remiel yelled at Nick, and the demon watched in shock as the Archangel's white wings opened with a snap, revealing the sheer size of them.

"I am Remiel the Archangel, and it is my duty to eliminate Laneene the Little Sister, who has become a Demon, one of Lucifer's own." The angel's eyes flashed pure white, which happened when the words of an Angel became a promise, a vow that could not be broken.

In a flash, Nybbas felt his bones snapping and shifting as a howl of pain was ripped from his throat. The feeling of his skin being replaced with thick fur was like knives, and his hands and feet were replaced with large paws that were twice the size of his normal hands. His mouth was replaced with a muzzle and his ears became that of a canine, allowing his sense of hearing to increase tenfold.

When the intense pain faded into only a dull ache, in the place of the demon now stood a massive red wolf, with eyes that were full of white. There was no iris in the wolf's eyes, only a vast amount of white that showed more understanding than a normal wolf should.

The wolf watched as Remiel sucked in a deep breath, shock flashing through his sapphire eyes. "You're  a lupine?"

The wolf didn't speak, it just cocked its head the side, it's knowing eyes never left the archangel's face.

"I am Nybbas, the Demon of Nightmares. You have threatened my Mate and that is unnacceptable. I vow to protect Laneene at all costs, I will kill any and all who threaten her. She. Is. Mine."

The voice was that of Nick's, but it was deeper and more animalistic. It was like a snarl through the Archangel's head, and it was a promise of danger.

The wolf growled, its ears flattening against its head as a large sword and armor appeared on the Angel. If it was a fight the Angel wanted, the wolf was more than willing to shed  blood.


When her vision cleared, Laneene realized she was standing in a dark place. She couldn't see anything, but the smell of mold and limestone filled the air. The sound of water steadily dripping somewhere nearby alerted her that she wasn't back in the apartment with her Mark and her brother.

Laneene growled softly, waiting for the person who took her to reveal themselves.

She would make them regret their decision. Whoever they were, they took her away from her vengeance, away from her task, and just like her Master, she had no mercy to give.

Laneene cracked her neck and put her katana away, feeling adrenaline kick into her system as she thought about what she was going to do to this unknown person. It definitely wouldn't be fun, for them at least.

A cruel smile had her lips tilting up, the darkness taking over her. She craved to inflict pain, the demon inside of her was begging for it, demanding it.

Who was she to deny her inner demon?

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." Lane sang, her eyes scanning the darkness for some sort of movement. She saw nothing, nor did she hear anything beside the occasional drip of water hitting the floor.

Well, she was assuming it was water hitting the floor. It could be anything, from water to blood for all she knew.

"Hello Laneene," A voice spoke through the darkness, it was a soft, feminine voice that held authority. As soon as the voice spoke, Lane was able to pinpoint where the person was, she could feel the pain inside the other woman's body, it called out to her like a Siren's voice.

The Demon of Pain rose up in Laneene, and she knew her eyes were now completely black. Power immediately overwhelmed her, and she lifted her hand as it erupted into flames that lit up everything surrounding her.

The fire didn't burn her, no fire could burn her. Being a demon had its benfits, and at that moment, she was definitely enjoying them.

A woman stood nearby, watching Laneene cautiously. She was tall and slim, around 5'9'', and her body was hidden beneath a large hoodie and a pair of jeans that were obviously too big on her. The girl, that's all she could be called, was filthy.

The girl could be no more than 17, with knotted red hair that fell down her back, and wide, green eyes that watched Laneene's every move. 

Lane chanced a look around the room, frowning when she found that they were in a large cavernous room that had a dirty mattress laying on the floor and a bucket flipped upset down next to it. What shocked her more, was that those were the only two things she could see.

She cocked her head to the side as she watched the girl curiously. She could sense the power from the other girl, and she had to admit it was close to rivalling her own.

Close, but not quite there.

"Who are you?" Lane didn't care what she sounded like, she barely heard the own anger and darkness to her voice.

The girl was brave, Lane noted. She didn't even flinch when the Demon of Pain unleashed her full power, causing a ripple in the air around them that was visible.

"My name is Riley. And I- I know what you are." The girl, Riley, stuttered.

Lane arched an eyebrown in amusement at the girl, the corners of her mouth tilting up. She fought the urge to rip this ignorant child's throat out, wanting to hear what she had to say.

"Is that so? Then please, enlighten me." Laneene leaned forward, knowing the fire was reflecting in her eyes, giving her a very demonic look. It was fitting, actually.

The girl swallowed, hey eyes widening even more as she clenched her fists. She was facing off against the Demon of Pain, and she had yet to break. For that, Laneene had to applaud her.

"You're one of them, a demon." Riley spat the last part, and the fire in her moss green eyes was evident.

"That I am, little girl, and you would do well to remember that. I can kill you where you stand if I want, and it would give me great pleasure to do so. Now, why am I here?"

Riley shook her head, "I couldn't let you do it."

"Do what, exactly?" Lane idly moved her hand, making the flames dancing along her skin. It was beautiful, and dangerous and that's why she loved it so much.

"I couldn't let you kill him, my Chosen." Riley's voice was little more than a whisper, but Lane's head snapped back to the girl's face in shock.

"Your Chosen? Oh child, please tell me you're not talking abou the Archangel Remiel? Actually, I would still feel bad for you if you were talking about Nybbas, the Demon of Nightmares."

The gril frowned, confusion etched into her features. "Nybbas? That demon is your Mate, not my Chosen. I'm speaking of Remiel, the Archangel."

Even as she spoke, a strong emotion filled Riley's voice when she spoke of Remiel, making Laneene's stomach churn. 

"Well, you're one very unlucky girl then, Riley. I'm going to kill your Chosen, and the man you call my Mate as well." She was nonchalant about it, but Laneene could feel the confusion at the emotions she could feel when she spoke of the demon.

It was causing her physical pain to think about much less talk about harming him, which annoyed her. She shouldn't be able to feel any kind of pain, she hadn't felt any sort of pain in over 10 years. Why would it begin now?

"You can't kill him while you're here, I won't let you." The girl stuck her chin out defiantly, stubbornly. 

Laneene chuckled, "And how exactly do you plan on stopping me?"

"You can't leave as long as i'm here. I have put a ward around this place, blocking you in and others out. You're not the only one with powers, Demon." 

"You would lock yourself in with the Demon of Pain? Do you realize what you've done to yourself, Mutt?"

Riley's face paled, letting Laneene know that she got it right.

A mutt was the term used to describe the child of a demon and an angel. That child would never belong, they were actually hunted down and murdered because they were abominations. They were also strong, surprisingly so. Not only that, but they had no tie to either world. 

"You can't kill me." Riley looked stubborn, which the Demon in Laneene took as a challenge.

Laneene smiled, feeling her teeth shapen into fangs. In less than a second, she moved so that she was standing right behind Riley. She grabbed a fistful of the girl's hair and yanked her head back, leaning down to whisper in the mutt's ear.

"I don't have to kill you, I just want to make you scream." 

And scream she did.

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