The Choice I Regret

By shininggoldstar

151K 3.7K 483

Finn and Rachel are meant to be, but when Finn is married to someone else and Rachel is playing hard to get... More

The Choice I Regret
Rachel's Life
Familiar Faces
Life Without You
Letting The Feelings Go
Good Luck Eventually Wears Off
Everything Used To Be Perfect
All You Need Is A Push
Dinner With A Twist
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Pink Little Hearts
Sleep Tight
A Little Party Never kills Nobody
To Good To Be True
Trying Your Best
Starting Fresh
Just Friends?
Taking It Slow
My Hero
Nothing Lasts Forever
That's What Friends Are For
The Good and Bad News
It Will Never Be The Same
Holding onto Secrets
The Plan
Out in the open
To Find You
Midnight Train
Just Making Sure
If Only A Dream Was Reality
Trust Your Instincts
Wigs & Wine
Hello Gorgeous
Don't Let Go
Team Work
Don't Do This Again!
Dance To You Drop
Friendship & Tears
Flowers & Jelly
What Next?
Going Down
New Me
Love Hurts
Everybody Hurts
Starting Over?
Authors Note
Leap of Faith

Nice Try

4K 72 10
By shininggoldstar

Finn opened the door to the 5 star hotel that he and Quinn were staying. He made his way to the bathroom, a million thoughts floating around in his head. He was so excited about his little meeting with the coach of the New York giants, even saying it sounded too good to be true. He hops into the shower and he hears the front door swing open. Finn didn’t make anything of it and returned to his shower.

After his shower, Finn made his way to the little dining room, and that’s where he found his wife Quinn and to his surprise, also his brother Kurt. Finn was in shock, what part of him and Quinn’s 2 year anniversary didn’t Kurt understand? Finn didn’t know if he were to be angry or excited. If anyone, Kurt was the best person to show Quinn and himself the best spots in New York. He decided he was more happy than irritated.

“KURT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!!” Finn jumped on Kurt which caused a feminine scream from Kurt and a snort of laughter from Quinn.

“HEY BROTHER!!!!” Kurt jumped back on him, the two were laughing their heads off until they heard Quinn clear her throat expectantly

“When you two are done, I would like to know what the hell you’re doing here Kurt!” Finn knew that Quinn wouldn’t be as happy as he was about Kurt being here, but if he was being honest he really didn’t care at all.

“Well I can’t let my brother go to a Broadway show before me and plus, it’s New York my favourite place in the whole entire world, they won’t know what’s going to hit them. They may as well roll out a red carpet for me.” Kurt exclaimed with big hand gestures, and a smile as big as the Cheshire cat spread across his face.

Quinn couldn’t help but laugh. “I highly doubt that would ever happen.”

Kurt walked towards the mini fridge as he said “Oh and I forgot about the other reason as to why I’m here.” Kurt’s voice halt to a whisper, as if he were about to say something that he didn’t want Quinn to hear. Quinn had scurried off into the bedroom, probably re-touching her makeup, or trying to calm herself down. When Quinn was angry, she gets a constipated look and she hated people seeing her if she wasn’t 100% pretty. Sometimes her insecurity took over her.

“And what’s that?” Finn got up from the couch where he and Kurt were previously engaged in a mini wrestling match.

“I’m here to save you from the hulks daughter.” Kurt says slyly with a smirk on his face.

Finn tried not to laugh at his comment but he just couldn’t help himself. It was kind of true, and frankly Finn was grateful that he had someone there for him when Quinn did in fact turn into the hulks daughter. But he does love her. At least he thinks he does. He thinks the more times he says it, the more he will believe it. But there’s only so much talking yourself into things before the whole situation screws up. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t even realise that Quinn had returned from their bedroom, and she had that constipated look on her face, and she was directing a nasty look towards Kurt. They were right in the middle of an argument.

“You know what Fabray, take this!” Kurt said as he tapped his right bum cheek.

“Like anyone would want that!” snapped Quinn as she once again to the bedroom, isolating herself from Kurt and I.

Finn was just staring at the bedroom door which just got slammed hard, the wood slightly trembling after Quinn’s anger was taken out on it. Kurt once again took him out of his thoughts.

In a calm and collected voice, Kurt broke the tension in the room. “You and I are going to go and see a Broadway show tomorrow night, and wait for it…..It’s Funny Girl! Trust me you’re going to love it!” Kurt was jumping for joy, and could hardly contain his excitement.

“You know what Kurt that would be great.” For once in the 2 years of being married to Quinn, Finn finally thought about himself. Finn was really excited to go to Broadway Show. He had heard such great things about Broadway, and it had secured a soft spot in his heart after hearing about how much it had meant to a certain brunette, with a large radiant smile that made Finn’s heart race.

Soon after, Kurt’s phone went off and he saw that he received a text and he sulked when he saw who it was from, it was from Quinn. Kurt’s face overcame a confused reaction, and it was strange because she was only room away from him. Whatever she had to say, she didn’t want Finn to hear. It had said:

‘Nice try I know what you’re doing Kurt. I saw Rachel today and I know she’s in the Broadway show you are taking Finn too. I’m telling you now, it’s not going to work. Finn loves me and he’s over Rachel Berry. He won’t fall for her again, mark my words.’


Rachel woke up bright and early the next day. She had to get ready for her opening night of the Broadway production ‘Funny Girl’. She lifted up her warm doona and made her way to her small yet retro styled kitchen, which she had always admired. She pulled out the kettle and made herself some camomile tea, and went to the shelf and grabbed the honey and placed it next to her mug. Camomile tea with honey was the best way to warm up her vocal cords and it had also warmed up her whole body, which got her ready for a brand new day.

Soon after, Rachel jumped in the shower and sung her usual playlist. She finished up the last high note in her favourite song, then jumped out and got dressed. Looking ahead, Rachel saw her reflection in the mirror, which was coated in steam from her shower. With the palm of her hand, she wiped it away, revealing her face. As she gazed into the mirror, she said to herself, “I am Rachel Berry, and I am fabulous. Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. I will be the best Fanny Brice New York has ever laid its eyes upon.” And with that, she grabbed her bag and took off, a busy day ahead of her.

This was it, she, Rachel Barbra Berry was finally going to play Fanny Brice. Rachel was a massive Barbra Streisand fan, in high school people thought she was crazy. Well everyone except one person, Finn. And of course his brother Kurt. Rachel never stayed in contact with Finn because they had a pretty bad break up, which Rachel didn’t want to think about, as if the bad memories would ruin her performance throughout the day. Nothing could stand in the way of Rachel and her dream. As if she was a mind reader, Spencer nudged Rachel out of her daydream and brought her back to reality.

“Rachel are you ok?” Spencer looked kind of scared, and she knew damn well that Rachel Berry does not mess around in rehearsal. So all this zoning out was really confusing her.

“Um yeah of course, now we better stop talking before Shrek over there hears us.” Rachel nodded over at Roxy who was scaring the living day lights out of a blonde girl, presumably the new understudy. She highly doubted that the poor girl was ever going to come back to look for work here ever again. What could she say, Roxy had that effect on people. Rachel laughed it off.

“Those nicknames will never get old” Spencer smirked.

Rachel worked her butt off, she knew that she had to make this perfect. Kurt and a mystery person will be attending the show, and she was really excited. Roxy finally called it a day and informed the cast to come early before the show, so we could run through the performance before show time.

Rachel walked outside the theatre and went to get into her car to drive home. Her phone rings and she pulls over to take the call.

“Hello, Rachel Berry speaking.”

“Hey Rach, its Kurt. I can’t wait to see you tonight! I got us front row seats.” Kurt answered gleefully.

“Kurt, Hey!!!  That’s great and just a question, who exactly is ‘us’?”

“Oh, just someone you know and have to admit one day that you love, because it’s pretty damn obvious.” Kurt said with a little cheekiness in his voice.

“Kurt...” Rachel warned him.

“I have to go now, but I’ll see you tonight sweetie! ….oh and good luck.” With that the line at the other end clicked off, Kurt had hung up.

Rachel stopped and thought for a moment. A strange feeling overcame her. Whatever Kurt had in stall, she had an unusual feeling and she didn’t know what to think. She did however know one thing for sure, and that was the boy was up to no good. 

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