
By Courtney_601

51.3K 811 201

Rydellington! Please Read! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29!
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Quick A/N.
So heres the deal...
Chapter 46
Heads Up!

Chapter 6!

1.3K 12 2
By Courtney_601

Rydel's POV

I stepped off the plane and sighed. Here I was... by myself in London, starting my own life! I switched my phone on and saw:

174 Missed Calls

7,895 Tweets

693 Texts

Wow... it's only been 7 Hours.

I grabbed my suitcase and got into my car that had been shipped oversea. I drove to the nearest hotel and booked a room.

I texted my mum and said.

"Hey Mum, You Are Probably Wondering What Happened... I Can't Tell You... As Much As I Want To Come Home And Be In Your Arms, I Can't. I Just Want To Let You Know Im Okay... I Love You All So Much!

Love DellyBear!

Before she could reply I went to sleep.

As soon as I got up I got dressed and went house hunting. I found the perfect one. I paid for it then moved my suitcase into it. I ordered furniture online and it was all delivered and set up for me. I was so happy that I had my own home. The only problem was... I miss my family!

I check my phone and see that my mum had text me back.

"Rydel, Honey? Please come back! Everybody misses you! It's not the same! Riker misses his baby sister, he is so depressed! Rocky,Ross & Ryland miss their older sister, Ratliff hasn't slept, eaten or spoke in 2 days! Your Father and I miss our baby girl! I'm sure whatever it is... we can sort it out... we love you Rydel!

Love Mummy!"

I cry at her text and send her a text back.

I'm starting to rethink this whole thing.

I fall asleep because I cried so much... Stupid Hormones!

------7 Months Pregnant------

My brothers and Ratliff was playing a concert in London tonight and I was going to it. I'm going to stay hidden so they don't see my huge bump!

They play the songs and just before they Finish the concert they say this.

"One Last Song Before We Finish! This Song Is In Honour Of Our Amazing & Beautiful Sister Rydel Lynch! We Still Haven't Found Her And We Miss Her Alot! So Here Goes..."

Tear drops in your hazel eyes

I can't believe I made you cry

It feels so long since we went wrong

But you're still on my mind

Never meant to break your heart

Sometimes things just fall apart

So heres one night to make it right

Before we say goodbye

So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

To make up, make up

I just need one last dance

Freshman year I saw your face

Now its graduation day

Said we'd be friends, till the end

Can we start again?

So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

To make up, make up

I just need one last dance

Na na na na oh-oh

Na na na na oh-oh

I heard you're heading east

So lets just make our peace

So when you think of me

You'll smile, and I'll smile

So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

To make up, make up

I just need one last dance

So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

Just one song, then I'll move on

Give me one last dance

I just need one last dance with you


I start crying and they head off stage. I go to the bathroom and I see them there. I think they see me to because Ratliff shouts "RYDEL?" and runs after me. I run as fast as I can for a pregnant lady and jump into my car, speeding down the road. I get into my house and lock the doors, hopefully they didn't see my stomach, my baby kicks me all night long so I couldn't sleep. I go on twitter and see my brothers have posted that they might of saw me. I think it's time to tell my mum.

I call her up.

"Hey Mum?"-Rydel

"Rydel? Is It Really You?"-Stormie

"Yeah... I need to tell you something, you have to promise not to tell anybody!"-Rydel

"The reason I left is because... I'm pregnant, and when I went to tell Ratliff I saw him making out with Kelly..."-Rydel

"Your Pregnant?"-Stormie

"Mum... where are you?"-Rydel

"I'm in London, why?"-Stormie

"Meet me at McDonald's?"-Rydel

"Your in London?"-Stormie

"Come on your own!"-Rydel

"Okay, see you in 10 minutes!"-Stormie

I got into my car and drove to McDonald's

I chose a booth and waited for my mum to come in. I heard the door open and I looked to see my mum standing there. I started crying and ran up to her, she saw me, started crying then we hugged. When she saw my bump she cried even more before rubbing it.

She sits in the booth with me and I tell her everything. About Ratliff not knowing and everything else.

"Rydel I have seriously missed you so much!"-Stormie

"Me Too Mum! I wish I could come home!"-Rydel

"Please Do!"-Stormie

We talk a little more and I take her to my house in my car. She said she is going to visit me and the baby, she also promised not to tell anyone.

I dropped her off back at the venue and saw Rocky standing there, I hugged my mum, and she left. I drove off with tears in my eyes before anybody could see me.

I was so glad I saw her, now she knows the secret it's even better!

Tomorrow she was helping me decorate the nursery for the baby and coming to the ultrasound with me.

I fall into a deep sleep.

When I wake up I have a text from my mum. I pick her up from the hotel, luckily nobody is near her. We go to my ultrasound and I lay on the bed. My mum holds my hand and cries when she sees the baby on the screen.

"Would you like to know what it is?"-Nurse

I nod.

"It's a boy! Congratulations!"- Nurse

My mum and I start crying and she hugs me. Next we drive to the mall and buy everything we need for the baby.

Mum and I start painting the walls a d putting the crib up. Once we finish decorating we sit down and talk, I give her a copy of the ultrasound, I tell her she also has one at home. She has to leave soon. She promises she will come back for the birth!

When she leaves I cry. I sit in the nursery and sing lullabies to my bump.

------9 Months Pregnant------

My mum is on her way to London as I am due tomorrow.... She told everybody she needs to go see auntie Linda. She comes to my house and we spend the day preparing and finishing my hospital bag. We fall asleep in my bed, I'm finally In my mums arms.

I wake up at 3AM and I feel wet in between my legs, I shake my mum up and she helps me to the car. She drives me to the hospital and after 6 Hours of labour I can finally push. She holds my hand the whole way through. I give one final push and my baby boy is born, my mum cuts the cord and takes pictures.

She stays with me for the first week and helps me out but eventually she had to leave.

I look down at my baby boy... Mark Ellington Ratliff

I sing to him and he falls asleep.

------ A Year Later------

Mark is now 1 years old and he looks so much like Ratliff. If you was to see him you'd know he was Ratliff's kid.

"Mummy, I Hungwy!"-Mark

"Okay Sweetie... Want Pancakes?"-Rydel

He nods and I laugh

I set him in his high chair and set pancakes infront of him. He eats them up and I eat mine. Today I have to take him to daycare while I go to work.

I drop him off and go to work. After working for 8 hours I pick him up and go home, when I pull up to the house, fire engines and police surround it.

"Excuse Me Ma'am, You Can't Go In There!"-Police

"It's my home..."-Rydel

"It's burned down. I'm sorry..."-Police

I get back into my car and drive off... there's not one place to go... Home!

I get to the airport and my car gets shipped, I get onto the plane with Mark and we start to fly. Soon enough we are in LA. I'm so nervous and I don't know how to explain this to everybody.

I drive to the house and pull up in the drive. My stomach churns and I unstrap Mark. I carry him on my hip and I knock on the door.

"Mummy... where are we?"-Mark

"We are at nanny's house!"-Rydel

"Yay! Nanny!"-Mark

I laugh and wait for somebody to answer the door.

The door opens and my mum stands there.

"Delly? What are you doing here? Come in!"-Stormie

I tell her what happened and she hugs me.

"Of course you can stay here!"-Stormie

"Where is everybody?"-Rydel

"The boys are at the hockey game with your father and Ratliff is visiting his mum!"-Stormie

Mark falls asleep in my arms so I lay him in Ross's bed.

I walk back into the living room and the door opens...

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