The Other Ranger [ Lord Of Th...

By Silmarilz1701

67.7K 4K 4.1K

#1 in Tolkien, #1 in Silmarillion, #1 in Lord of the Rings, #1 in Elrohir, #1 in Dunedain First in LotR serie... More

PART ONE - A Spirit of Fire
The Other Ranger
Well Met
Familiar Memories
In Need of Healing
Hall of Fire
The Council (Part One)
The Council (Part Two)
The Book
The Journey Begins
Journey Days
Tavern Time
Meeting with Halbarad
In the Inn
Into the High Pass
Grimbeorn's Hall
The Cairn
House of Beorn
On the Gladden
Vengeance Granted
A New Mission
Into the Woods
Very Helpful Indeed
Bug Squisher
Exploring the Mines
Into the Deep
Ill Tidings
Familial Comfort
Treating Wounds
A Doomed Bloodline
You Knew
In the Mirror
The Next Step
Parting Gifts
Treachery of the River
The Tenth Day
Tragedy of Rauros
Four Hunters
The Hunt Continues
The Riders
Unexpected Visitor
The Return
A Hope Unlooked For
Promises Kept
The Golden Hall
Helm's Deep
Dawn's Rising
Road to Orthanc
End of the Hunt
Beware the Voice
Riders in Grey
Old Friends
The Dead Keep It
The Battle Begins
The Second of Nine
Hands of a Healer
Conversation After Dark
Meeting of Commanders
No Regrets
Day Has Come Again
At the Fields of Cormallen
Crowning of King Elessar
The Trustworthy
The Elven Host
House of Fëanoriel
Joining of Houses
Last Goodbyes
PART TWO - By Doom Mastered
A New Tale
Finding Clues
Children of Imrahil
Begin Again
The Council of Gondor
Explaining the Plan
The Leaving
Meetings by Moonlight
Taking Responsibility
The Lord of Waters
The White Swan on a Field of Blue
Of Harad and Revenge
Shadow of Caranthir
Cannot or Will Not
Conversation at Emyn Arnen
Choosing Paths
Tower of Sorcery
Walking into Mordor
At The Crossroads
What Fire Leaves Behind
Approaching Thaurband
A Long Expected Announcement
On The Move Again
New Foes
Taking Action
A New Song
Epilogue: Part One
Epilogue: Part Two
Bonus Scene: 1
A Well Earned Thank You

Dol Amroth

439 25 13
By Silmarilz1701

They started off early the next morning. The sun rose in a pink and blue sky, casting rays of light across the plains. Shadows from the trees they had taken shelter near danced around their feet as they ate quickly and saddled their horses. Bruidal pawed impatiently at the ground, eager to be off. He could feel his rider's stress and anticipation.

"Should reach the harbors by mid to late afternoon," Elladan said as they mounted up.

Míril nodded. "Let's hope we find it still in good standing."

"Surely Prince Imrahil would have sent word if it was otherwise," Elrohir pointed out. "Or we would've gotten word some other way from visitors and travelers."

"Probably," Míril agreed with him to a certain extent. "But perhaps not."

They galloped off towards Dol Amroth. Across the green plains they flew on their horses. Míril was always one stride ahead of the Twins. Bruidal loved to run over the plains and was more than willing to outpace the horses of Elladan and Elrohir. The wind blew through her brown hair and her cloak billowed behind her.

Hours went by. They stopped for a small lunch and then continued on in silence. They were approaching the coast. Soon, white towers with blue and white flags appeared in view. They were nearing Dol Amroth. Soon enough they approached the city gate. Beneath their feet was white and grey cobblestones and their horses' hooves clip-clopped on the stones. They entered the city and people on the streets were quick to move out of their way upon seeing the royal circlets atop the newcomers' heads.

The wind was blowing around them, tossing the flags this way and that. The three messengers cantered through the streets until they came upon the Royal Houses. There, they dismounted and gave their horses to servants.

"Is Prince Imrahil in?" Míril asked a young boy servant who was waiting around for a job to do.

The boy nodded, his blonde, curly hair tossing with the movement. "Yes, lady. Come with me!"

The Twins and Míril followed behind the boy as he took them into the Main House. He told them to wait with the guards in the room while he fetched the Prince. They waited patiently. Míril looked around her at the tapestries that hung from the wall, most all of them in blues and whites.

Soon, Prince Imrahil himself arrived before them. He had on white and blue as were Dol Amroth's colors. When he saw them, he bowed his head in greeting.

"My friends!" He smiled. "What brings you here to the South?"

"A matter we should discuss in private," Miril said, glancing around.

Imrahil grew grave and nodded. "Follow me."

The Twins, Miril, and Imrahil made their way through the citadel and up a flight of stairs to the Prince's personal chambers. There he gestured for them to sit at his round table. He joined them once all were seated.

"Speak freely now, my friends. What news from the Tower of Guard do you bring hither?" Imrahil looked at them intently.

"Several days ago, a man dressed as one of your knights came to Minas Tirith," Miril began. "Tall, blonde, blue eyed. Very strong."

"He intruded upon us, taking us by surprise as we dined," Elrohir interjected.

Miril nodded and continued. "He was bloodied and beat, but as soon as he laid eyes on Aragorn, he drew his sword and his voice became unnatural. His eyes became black as night, even the whites."

"A Knight of Dol Amroth you say?" Imrahil leaned forward. "Blonde?"

"Indeed," Elladan affirmed the Prince. "You knew him?"

"Yes," Prince Imrahil nodded. "His name was Hareth. He never returned from where he was sent in Mordor to help finish off the Enemy after the destruction of the Ring. We all assumed he was dead."

"Well that would explain how he came in contact with the new Enemy who managed to possess his mind." Miril mused it over.

"Indeed," Imrahil nodded. "Where is he now?"

"Dead." Miril sadly replied, hanging her head. "He was killed by whoever and whatever controlled him."

"Hareth was a good man, an honorable soldier. He will be missed," said Prince Imrahil. "Now. What can I offer you here to help with this mysterious threat. Dol Amroth is at your service."

Miril nodded and spoke. "We need access to your archives. We have a lead on something that might help us out."

"By all means. Dol Amroth's archives are open to each of you." Imrahil stood up from the round, oaken table. "Come. I'll show them to you."

They all followed him out and down the stairs from the Prince's chambers. They passed the throne room and out into the large courtyard. Across the way was a building with many white columns outside. Imrahil made for that structure. As they passed through the white birch wood doors, the smell of old parchment and ink floated towards them. Great stairs led down in a large spiral, and some also led upwards above their heads.

"Berethon," Imrahil called over to a middle aged man. "Berethon. These three are to be given free reign and whatever help they require."

"Of course, my Lord," the man bowed to the Prince. "What can I do for you?"

Imrahil left the three travelers with the man in the library. Miril approached Berethon first.

"We need information on the White Mountains," she said. "Any information about elves, as well."

"Elves and the White Mountains, eh?" He nodded. "Well you are certainly going to need the recorded story of Nimrodel, Mithrellas, and Amroth, our namesake."

She was vaguely familiar with the tale. The man led then down the stairs to a room surrounded by books and scrolls. A large table was on one end and he sat the three half elves down there while he searched for material.

The more she looked around her while in Dol Amroth, the more she felt her prophecy coming to fulfillment. Something about the place had her on edge. But now that she had something to do, she threw herself into her work.

"Founded in the Third Age by Galador, son of Imrazor and Mithrellas of Lothlorien, Dol Amroth has been a hub of Southern Gondor for a long time. Most famous for its musicians and knights, the City of Swans is the largest fiefdom in Belfalas."

Interesting, but not very important. Not except the mention of Mithrellas of Lothlorien. Miril vaguely knew the name but could not place it. Mithrellas. What was an elf of Lothlorien doing in Dol Amroth? She dug through the various papers and scrolls and books for more information. That's when she fell upon the Lay of Nimrodel recorded on a piece of parchment.

The Lay of Nimrodel was a well known verse in the Silvan lands of Lothlorien and Mirkwood. It told of the voyage across the lands for Amroth, King of Lothlorien before Galadriel and Celeborn, and Nimrodel, his beloved elf of Silvan decent. They traveled together to the sea to leave Middle Earth but were separate in the White Mountains.

The next thing Miril searched for was mentions of Nimrodel. She found much, especially regarding one of her companions, Mithrellas. According to legend, Mithrellas and Nimrodel both were lost in the White Mountains, but while Nimrodel was never seen again in Middle Earth, Mithrellas found her way eventually to the Land of Southern Gondor where she met Imrazor, fell in love, and bore Galador, first Prince of Dol Amroth.

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