1D preferences

By narrysmafia

1.1M 10.4K 676

Most of them are mine and some are from tumblr! If you're reading this, please follow me or read my other boo... More

1. He's your brothers bestfriend, and you kiss him
2. Friday Nights...
3. He paints your nails
4. He talks to your tummy
5. Seeing your baby for the first time
6. He tweets after a breakup
7. One of the boys walk in on you having sex
8. Youre Drunk
9. Drugs
10. He pisses you off
11. He gets arrested
12. Id like it better off
13. PDA
14. Dirty Whispers
15. He wont let you get out of bed
16. He hits you (part 1)
16. He hits you (part 2)
17. He's Sick
18. Kisses
19. He leaves for tour
20. Cold Mornings
21. His girlfriend doesnt like you
22. What the fans think of you
23. How he looks while sleeping
24. You Hit Him
25. He's Your Older Brother
26. He Mentions your eating habits
27. Your child is seriously ill
28. Something weird he says during sex
29. He's late for a date
30. Taking care of the monsters
31. That little thing he loves about you
32. Sleepless nights
33. Childhood
34. I Want...
35. Seasonal Dates
36. How he looks at you
37. When you two make out
38. Insults from Interviewers
39. He drops your child off at school
40. You ring him in the middle of the night
41. He's A Badboy
43. Moving In Together
44. Your child asks where babies come from
45.He Stays with You During Major Surgery
46. How he likes your hair
47. Baby Series: Nursery
48. Divorcing
49. Newborn
50. He Comes Home From Tour Early
51. Marked Up
52. Babysitting Together
53. How the Fans React to You
54. First Kiss
55.You're best friends ( but he loves you) and you ask him a sex advice
55.You're best friends ( but he loves you) and you ask him a sex advice
56. Getting Lost
57. He can tell when it's been a bad day
58.How he is when he gets jealous
59. Hotel Rooms
60. Warmth
61. "Because I Love You"
62. Post Breakup Voicemail
63. His Family
64. He sneezes cutely
65. Does He Know?
66. Drunk Enough To...
67. You sing a duet with him at Jingle Ball
68. Walls
69. Disney Movies
70. You Have A Miscarriage
71. Cock Block
72. Wearing His Jacket
73. You Have A Panic Attack
74. You Fall Asleep On Him
75. Suit & Tie
76. Kids on a Road Trip
77. You're Just Friends But You Do Something That Turns Him On
78. He doesn't want the baby
79. He doesn't want the baby

42.You're Semi-Famous and He's a Fanboy

15.2K 120 3
By narrysmafia

You're Semi-Famous and He's a Fanboy

Zayn: Went to the best concert ever last night... (Y/N) smashed it! Gonna have to make her give me lessons on how to reach a high note like that @(Y/T/N) :D
You read the tweet over and over again, your blush only intensifying the more you read it. Your fellow band mates had been teasing you about it all morning and you were still in shock. Your celebrity crush had just tweeted about you. He had gone to your show last night. Your band was only just making it big, selling out a few venues and going on brief, local tours. This was your first time traveling out of the country, with your first stop being London. What a lucky break that was. "I didn't even know he was a fan," you mumbled, biting at your lip. How were you going to respond? Did you have to respond? Of course you did, everyone was freaking out.
Thanks for coming to the show!! Would've been so great to meet you. Maybe we can have a high note battle someday (: @zaynmalik
"Holy shit, I just tweeted back," you shrieked, and off you guys went on another freak-out. Zayn had never tweeted back and your excitement faded slightly as the day wore on. Your next show was going to be in Glasgow and then you were off to Ireland and then Australia, and then back home. You had more to think about then a tweet and a surprising amount of fan responses. You were already at the venue and you were setting up when suddenly your manager strolled up to you, a strange smile on his face. "You have a few visitors. VIP buyers," he elaborated when he saw your confused face. Instantly, you brightened up; you loved meeting fans and hanging out with them before shows. It was nice to know that they loved your music enough to want to meet the person behind it, as well. "Send them in!" you encouraged, waving him off to go get them. You informed the rest of the group about it, and they all brightened up from their bored moods, all of them putting their phones and laptops away. "These are always so fun," your drummer babbled, and then the door opened and in stepped in five much unexpected guests. "Are you fucking serious," your guitarist murmured, and the boys burst into laughter. "So nice to meet you!" Louis piped up, running over to give all of you massive hugs. Your eyes were locked on Zayn's though, and you could feel how hot your face was. You saw the red tint in his cheeks, too, though, and took the risk to flash him a smile. He returned it instantly and after everyone had been introduced and had gotten to know each other a little better, you eased into separate conversations. "I meant what I said about your singing, you're incredible," Zayn told you, his smile only growing. "I mean, you have a really unique voice and you know how to use it. I'm surprised you guys aren't more popular." "We love our fans, though," you responded, a bright smile on your face. "To us, it's not really important how famous we are. As long as we can make music and people can enjoy it, that's all that matters." Zayn nodded in agreement and too soon, it was time for your show to start. "I'll have to catch you later," you told him, feigning an overdramatic pout. He mimicked it and laughed, giving you a good luck hug. "You'll do great! All of us will be cheering you on." A chorus of "yeahs" echoed throughout the dressing room, and you and your band all laughed and thanked them. "We'll have to take off right after the show," you told them, "We're on a tight schedule. But let's keep in touch, yeah?" Phone numbers were exchanged and Zayn gave you one last hug, a huge smile on his lips. "I'm fanboying so much right now, you don't even know," he whispered in your ear, and you giggled. "I'll call you later, so we can maybe plan a date?" "S-sure," you answered, tugging at a strand of your hair. "I'd love to." "See you later, love. You're going to do great!" Zayn reminded you and then you were bounding off to the stage, feeling more energized than ever before, and not just because of the roars that blared around you. "What's up, Glasgow?!"

Louis: It wasn't news that One Direction fanboyed over your group. Louis Tomlinson in particular seemed to have a little soft spot for you, saying you were awesome and hot and spunky. He always used the word "spunky" when he talked about you. It was flattering, but it also brought a lot of attention to your band. You just wanted to make music and sell out shows, you didn't really want a big name to promote you; it made you feel like you hadn't earned your success. Just yesterday, Louis had tweeted something about the show you were having tonight and how excited he was to go. It was already sold out but there was still a fuss going on about it. This was your kickoff show, and then you'd be touring around the UK for the first time, in actual venues. "Are you ready, (Y/N)?" a tech asked you, and you nodded, letting out a deep breath. Shows always made you nervous, but you were especially nervous because Louis was going to be there; he was going to be watching you. "Here you go, love," your singer whispered, strapping your guitar on for you. "Don't be nervous, you'll do great. You always do." You nodded in acknowledgment but tried to stay focused on your guitar. You loved it to bits and holding it always made you feel better. Playing it would make these stupid nerves go away completely. It did work, too. As soon as you ran onto the stage and played the first chords of the first song of the night, it was just you and your guitar. The show went by quickly and you were rewarded with not only screams and cries for an encore, but also with sore arms and sweat. You loved how accomplished you felt after a show. You still had to meet a few people, people that had gotten backstage passes, and then you were going to be whisked off to your next destination and play another show, free of distraction. "Look! It's (Y/N)! Hi, (Y/N)!" you heard a voice call. You put on your brightest smile and turned around, only to be face to face with Louis Tomlinson himself, an ever brighter smile on his face. "Mr. Tomlinson," you greeted him, a sly smile on his face. Any shyness you'd had about meeting him was gone; seeing him in the flesh was different, he was different. He was just a normal boy. A normal boy who liked your music and apparently you, too. He tackled you into a hug as if he'd known you all your life, which you didn't mind, and then a conversation happened just like that and even you were surprised at how easy it was to be around him. You'd never had problems talking to people before, but this was something else. You had never been more comfortable. "Your performance was amazing, by the way! You looked so into it and I can tell you really like being on stage," he rambled. "Thank you for coming," you told him honestly, giving him another squeeze. "You and the other guys are awesome and we're really glad you like our stuff." You turned to look at your fellow band members, all who were busy conversing with techs and fans who had managed to sneak in. Turning back to Louis, you reached for the phone in his hand and didn't hesitate to punch your number in, handing it back with a sly smile on your face. "Text me later, yeah? I can score you tickets to another show, if you'd like," you told him, absolutely gloating over the fact that Louis was bright red, something you took didn't happen often. "As long as you don't mind going on a date with me afterwards," he replied, shaking off the brief moment coyness. "Deal," you told him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before bouncing off to your tour bus with the rest of the gang, waving to your new friend. You snuck one more peek of him as your bus was rolling away and you could have sworn that, amidst the dark, Louis was doing a happy dance.

Harry: You and your band had met One Direction before after you'd signed on with their company. You were still in the process of preparing for your first tour and you hadn't really had time to pay attention to your social media, only tweeting a fan every once and a while and making sure to follow however many you could. It came as a surprise to you, then, that Harry himself was almost always spazzing about your album and all of his favorite songs on it, which seemed to be all of them. Tweeting lyrics and telling everyone to go buy it seemed to have an effect, because your already high sales were blasting off. You appreciated it, but it was still a little overwhelming. You were even more surprised when Harry tweeted specifically about you, and then went as far as DMing you privately. Do you still have tickets to your show in Los Angeles tonight? the message read, and you inwardly squealed about the fact that he wanted to come. You quickly typed back that you could definitely put him on the guest list and that was that. The venue was already crowded and you had to basically run inside, instantly spotting a lanky figure by the dressing rooms. "Harry!" you called out, and he turned to you, a cheeky smile on his face. "Hi!" he shouted, almost tripping over his feet to get to you. He engulfed you in an awkward hug, instantly going about wishing you luck and knowing you'll do great. "I hope you and your sister have a good time," you told him very sincerely, to which he scoffed. "You're the best drummer out there, just don't tell ours," he whispered, making you giggle. "Let's get a party going at our hotel room after you're all done, yeah?" With a blush, you agreed, and then off you went to drum your heart out at your show, which was ultimately packed. Of course, Harry tweeted about it afterward and you had to reply while he was right across from you on the tour bus. Conversation was light but you didn't feel uncomfortable. Harry just seemed to enjoy fanboying over the internet about you while you were right there. His sister loved talking to you, though; the both of you had a lot in common and you found yourself really immersed in a great topic. "Harry!" she screamed when she checked her phone, a smile on her face. "You're such a donut." She turned the phone so you could see the screen, and on it was a picture of you and Gemma in the middle of your conversation with a caption by Harry reading, "Pals." You blushed and kicked his freakishly long leg. "Thanks for warning us, Styles." "Anytime," was his cheeky reply. The rest of the night was just like that, with pictures being taken without warning and an abundance of sarcastic remarks; by the end of the night, you and Harry had formed a rather odd friendship that made you get butterflies in your tummy. "I'll see you soon, (Y/N)!" Harry told you, a dimpled smile forming on his face. You blushed and nodded, giving him a quick hug before heading off to your hotel room for the night. "I'll be looking forward to it." And by the look on his face, you were certain that you could be more than friends.

Niall: Another sold out show, another text from Niall begging you to get him tickets. You were the bassist for an up and coming band that Niall was basically obsessed with, and you two had hit it off rather quickly. You were best buds and you loved watching him freak out about you and your band. Mostly you, though, which made you think differently about your friendship. A lot of attention from Niall resulted in a lot of attention from Niall's fans, which resulted in a lot more sold out shows and a lot more requests for more tour dates. Your manager was loving it, to say the least. So were you, though. It wasn't about the popularity to you, it was about peopling liking your music. So, even if it had to come from someone like Niall, you were glad people were taking the chance to listen to you. You decided to call your mate to tell him there was nothing you could do, all the tickets were out already. "(Y/N), please tell me some good news," he pleaded with you, and you couldn't help but smile at his persistence. "No, Ni, I couldn't do anything. It's literally all sold out. And all our personal tickets were given away," you explained. "Who did you give your tickets to?!" Niall asked, hurt evident in his voice. "My mom and brother are coming to visit," you told him, and then he stayed quiet. "Well, I want to be there," he whined. "You've been to tons of our shows, they're literally the same thing every time," you told him with a laugh to your tone. "But I love them," he persisted. "Can you at least keep your phone on during the concert? Keep me on the line. Please, (Y/N)?" "Oh my god, fine," you sighed, giving up. You wondered why Niall was so hyped up about your concerts; it was flattering but it was also just kind of weird. Was he always like this when it came to his favorite bands? "Good luck listening," you mumbled before you were ushered to the stage, placing your phone at your feet as you started to play. The show went well and during your break, you picked up your phone to see that Niall had hung up, probably having given up on listening. To your amusement, though, he was tweeting nonstop about the concert, asking everyone who was attending to send him photos and videos because he couldn't make it to the show. He was especially interested in photos of you, from what he was retweeting. Your mom and brother were with you, telling you how much fun it was being backstage. But you were preoccupied with Niall and his near obsession with having to watch you play at your shows. You sent him a quick text, asking him what the hell he was doing. I want to date you someday so I have to support what you do was his reply. It caught you off guard but at the same time, you knew it was bound to happen. Everyone told you that you and Niall would date, and you sort of believed it. At least now you'd know what it was like to date a sort of crazed fan. Once the break was over, you asked your singer to let you borrow the mic for a few moments, a bright smile on your face. "Thanks for sending Niall pictures, guys! He's such a baby whenever he can't make it to our gigs. My little fanboy."

Liam: The girl group you were in was really hitting it off. Tour after tour after tour and album after album; it was really exhausting but so completely worth it. You loved singing with your two other best friends and you loved meeting the people who looked up to you. It was your two year anniversary today and you were celebrating it by playing at Madison Square Garden for the second time. You were excited and nervous and scared all at the same time. Especially because a lot of other big names were going to be there. One Direction, especially, to be exact. It was no big secret that you both were big fans of each other but never got the chance to meet. And this was the perfect opportunity to freak out with one another about being in each other's presence. There was going to be a big after party sort of thing, too, and it was all just a fun day overall. The show went by smoothly and it was honesty one of the best you'd ever done, and everyone else agreed. It was so fun and moving that so many people had made it and that it had sold out so fast. But now you were meeting up with your idols, and they alike were meeting with theirs. You dressed up in your best outfit after showering off all the sweat and makeup and hairspray, then stepped into the event room at your hotel, your eyes locking in on Liam's. He was basically your biggest fan, and he was always retweeting manips of you guys and it was cute altogether. He was personally your favorite as well, you were just a little more discreet about it. You didn't think you'd be able to hide your excitement now, though, since he was coming over to you at the speed of light. "(Y/N)!" he greeted you, engulfing you in a bear hug. "I can't believe I'm actually meeting you, I'm such a big fan!" "Hey, hey, hey!" Niall cut in, pulling him off to give you a hug as well. "(Y/N)'s mine!" You'd almost forgotten about the playful battle between these two. They were always talking about how much better they were than the other one, Liam usually winning with his intense feelings for you. "Back up, mate," Liam laughed, and then Niall was off to find the other two again, rambling to his body guard about how excited he was and that it was his dream to meet you guys. "Your show was incredible," Liam told you, a huge smile adorning his features. "You absolutely killed it! Couldn't take my eyes off of you. Am I allowed to say that you were the prettiest one?" "I don't know if it's okay with others, but it's okay with me," you told him, smiling brightly. "Glad you liked the show, though." "(Y/N)!" your manager shouted over from across the room. You could see there were a few executives and you instantly knew there was going to be talk about what you were going to do for the next album, judging from the look on your manager's face. Which was always tired, but happy. "I'll have to see you later, dear," you told Liam, and he understood and went to leave, but not before stealing your phone to give you his number and take yours. "Definitely seeing you later," he whispered in your ear, and you could barely pay attention to your manager and techs and execs for the rest of the night, especially after reading Liam's text to you: Meet me at the café down the block in a few hours. We'll have a date. (:

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