54. First Kiss

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First Kiss

Harry: Harry was said to "always kiss on the first date". That however was another rumor. Ever since you guys were spotted at the zoo the fandom went crazy. They didn't think that you were a thing because "he wasn't touchy feely" Harry was classy. He didn't need to overdo the PDA to be content with you. He knew how you guys felt, and he wanted to keep it personal. He walked you to your doorstep and kissed your cheek. He waited until you were inside until he went to his car. It was 2 weeks until Valentine's Day and he wanted your first kiss to be at midnight. Seeing as you always had movie nights the day before, it would be easy to plan. You guys ended up watching all romantic comedies. Though you made him watch it before your favorite "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days" was set to end at 11:59. Just as it was about to end Harry grabbed the roses he had sitting on the floor next to the couch. He pulled them in front of your face. You giggled and it tickled your nose then turned to face Harry. When you were turning his lips were on yours. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away. "Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)" "Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Harry"

Niall: You, Niall were hanging out the boys and their girlfriends. You and Niall snuggled up to each other on the floor ready to play a game. "Alright how about truth or dare, but we decide by spinning a bottle on whom we ask?" Harry said. Everyone nodded in agreement and settled on the floor. The bottle spun and it landed on you "Truth or Dare (Y/N)" Liam asked "Truth" "Hmm..Well" "I got one I got one" Eleanor said. You looked towards her "Since you are the first girl to date Niall we have no details on him. So is he a good kisser?" "Oh that's a great one" Perrie said looking to you egging you to answer. "Well I um..we haven't exactly kissed yet." Everyone's heads looked between you two "Why?" Louis said. You spun the bottle and it landed on Niall. "Kiss (Y/N)." Zayn said. Niall looked nervous, his cheeks turned red. You turned your head and pulled his head down, his lips meeting yours. Your friends were hooting and cheering you on. But you and Niall both pulled away blushing getting laughs from your friends.

Louis: It was said that Niall was "the best and unbeatable" at FIFA. Even though it was said the boys would always play it in addition to Mario in the off chance they won against him. Louis and Harry had already played about a dozen rounds of Mario when Niall arrived. Louis had been practicing like crazy. 2 years and he hadn't beaten him a single time, not once. So Louis plopped down on the couch after switching games. Niall was already wearing a smug look. Louis started the game and after about 10 minutes he had beat Niall. Everyone was shocked. You were on your way back on the room with tacos when Louis started screaming. The second he saw you he ran to you, immediately spinning you around in the air. Just when you thought he was going to put you down he kissed you!

Liam: You and the boys were playing "7 minutes in Heaven" when you got locked in a closet with Zayn. You guys did nothing but play battleship since you were both in relationships. Just as the halfway mark hit you heard Liam shout from the room "But you knew she was my girlfriend. I can't believe you didn't let us be in there together. Who knows what they're doing!" Perrie just started laughing and Liam glared at her "Liam Zayn is taken and so is she. Trust me she's crazy about you. Don't doubt that" Liam still wouldn't listen he had Harry and Niall sitting on him trying to stop him from going into the closet with you guys. Eventually he got free and he swung the door open. He grabbed your hand, spun you around and planted a kiss right on your lips and said "How's that for a first kiss?" It was pretty amazing.

Zayn: Ever since he and Perrie had ended everyone had either thought you wouldn't last because; either you were a rebound OR just another example of his bad taste in relationships. Zayn was weary and you had both decided to take it slow. It had been almost a month and you had yet to kiss. The boys, their girlfriends and you had headed to Nando's. You guys had lunch, and you guys had more conversation than food. So once you guys headed out all of the paparazzi were bombarding you guys with questions. Just as you were about to get in the car you heard one of them shout "She's so ugly and such a downgrade Zayn. Why would management make you date her? No other wash-ups available?" Zayn was ready to run and swing when you grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him "Just focus on me Zayn. I don't care what they say you and I know the truth"

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