79. He doesn't want the baby

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He doesn't want the baby (PART 2)

Harry: Days went by as you stayed at a nearby hotel waiting for Harry to cool off after that insane argument. "Why would he be so angry with me? Was it a bad day? If he loved me he would've supported me, right?" You thought. Constant thoughts ran through your head...blaming yourself, blaming Harry and back to blaming yourself. Should you stay with Harry and get rid of the baby...or end up being a single mother. And in that moment, your phone ran. You answered "H-Hello?" "(Y/N)...it's Harry." You felt nervous and started to shake worried about what he was going to say. "...I'm sorry. For everything." He exhaled. "I have never yelled at you like that and I never will again, I promise you. I love you so much, baby, please forgive me. I don't think I could live without you." A tear streamed down your face and you took in a deep breath and said what needed to be said "Harry-" "Yes?" He interrupted desperately wanting your forgiveness. "That's not all I wanted to hear..." "What?" "Harry. If you loved me you wouldn't have came at me like that when I told you I was pregnant. And I w-" "I know and I apologize but-" "Harry. Don't fucking interrupt me!" You yelled. All that time away from Harry made you think...he was stepping all over you like he owned you. You were tired of being treated like crap and being nice, it was time to get the respect from him that you deserved. "You've always been taking me for granted and I'm sick of it! Listen, we are going to have this baby whether you like it or not. If you love me, you would support me with this child- YOUR CHILD! Stop acting childish and grow the hell up and help me raise our kid." You stopped and took a breath, you would've said more but you felt like you said enough. "Okay." Was what he said. "You're right. (Y/N) you are absolutely right. We need to start over and we are going to keep the baby." "It's fine." Relief had spread through your body, you stopped shaking...and made your way back home.

Niall: It's been 3 days since you heard anything about Niall. You went over Liam's house, going to him for comfort. "I just don't get it. Did I do something wrong? This isn't my fault is it?" "No, no (Y/N) it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm sure Niall just needed some time to let everything sink in. I mean it had to have been a huge surprise to him." 'Where is he Liam? We need to talk." I promised him I wouldn't say, but he's been staying at Zayn's." Your chest felt empty, like Niall ripped your heart out and took it with him. The tears slowly rolled down your cheek. Liam pulled you in for a hug. Crying into is shoulder, you heard the door open. "Niall, is that you?" You quickly rushed over to see who it was, wiping the tears away. Standing in front of you was Niall, who looked terrible. "Niall, what happened to you?" You ran over to give him a hug, but he didn't hug back. He gently pushed you away. "Look (Y/N), I've been doing a lot of thinking. You're right. I do go out too much and get wasted almost every night and you can't bring a baby into a home like that. But I'm also young, and it's not going to be easy changing my lifestyle. Honestly I don't want to change it at all. Maybe we could talk about our options. We can get rid of this problem before anyone knows about it." "You're crazy! I can't believe you would even consider getting rid of our first child. I don't even know who you are anymore." You were hurt. The thought of getting rid of the little baby that shared your stomach made you sick. "Look, babe I'm just saying that right now we can't have a kid. I've got too much going on and I couldn't leave my pregnant girlfriend alone. It would just be better if we got rid of this problem." "Do you think this is going to be easy for me? I have to carry the damn thing for 9 months. It's not fair for me either but I'm going to push through because this baby deserves a chance. If you don't want to be here for me I don't care. I don't need you to raise this baby." You tried pushing past him to get to the door but he stopped you, pulling you tight against his chest. You tired pushing away but he was too strong. You broke down, letting everything come out as you pounded against his chest trying to break away. You couldn't wake up from this nightmare.
You tugged away from Niall, escaping his grip. "(Y/N), we can talk about this, really. Lets just sit down and talk okay? We can work everything out." You nodded as Niall wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you towards the couch. He sat down, dragging you onto his lap. "Princess, you know I would love to start a family with you one day, but now's just not time. I want us to work this out together. Of course I'll respect any choice you make." You looked at him, then down to your belly. He was right. It just wasn't a good time to bring a child into your life. "What about adoption?" you blurted out." Niall seemed surprised. "Babe, are you sure that's what you want?" "Niall, you're right. With everything going on, a baby would only get in the way," tears rolled down your cheek. "I love you, (Y/N). I don't want you to feel bad about this okay? Mistakes happen all the time and we're going to make a family somewhere extremely happy. Someone who can take care of him or her." "I'm just scared. I'll still have to go through the whole pregnancy." "I'll be by your side the whole time, I promise. Tomorrow we can set up a meeting with an adoption agency. Everything will be fine." "What about management? Won't everyone get mad that i'm giving it up, let alone the pregnancy in general?" Niall pulled you in for a hug, stroking your hair softly, "We'll fight this battle together, princess." You laid your head gently against his chest, falling asleep. When you woke up were were wrapped up in your bed. You heard Niall on the phone and decided to eavesdrop. "Yeah, she's nervous about it, I am too but I've got to stay strong for her. We're making the right decision, Thank you for all your help. We'll meet with you later today. Have a nice day, bye." Niall must have been on the phone with the adoption agency. "Babe, come here for a second." You hoped out of bed and walked downstairs to where Niall had been. "What's up?" "I just wanted to let you know that I set up an appointment with someone to help us with the adoption." Your chest hurt a little thinking about the idea. "I guess I'll go get ready then." You turned away fast so Niall wouldn't see the tears. You took and extra long shower, hoping all your troubles would wash away, but nothing worked. This was happening. You finished up in the shower and got dressed. Niall took your hand and led you to the car to which would take you to the adoption agency. The drive was quiet. Neither of you could find the words to say. Pulling up to the building, Niall came to help you out of the car. You both stood, hand in hand, in front of the dark building. "Remember, we fight this battle together." Niall kissed you cheek, holding the door open for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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