65. Does He Know?

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Does He Know? (Song pref-3/5)

Liam:He knows about you in every way.He's memorized every part of your face. Liam absolutely hated your new boyfriend.He was definitely in competition but he knew things that he'd never know.One night at the club you and your friends have fun and you even bump into Liam unexpectedly. This is his perfect move to get you back. All he has to say is '"come back to me"

Zayn:Tonight, you're mine, baby. Zayn wraps an arm around your waist as you get a drink at the bar.To your surprise you actually did miss him once you saw him again. You nod your head forgetting about your current boyfriend. Even though you know it's wrong. You decide to just dump him in the morning because there's not turning down Zayn Malik.

Niall:Your secret tattoo, the way you change moods.The songs that you sing when you're all alone. Niall only knew your secret tattoos from the steamy nights in bed when his fingers would trace over them as you both catch your breathe. And the songs you'd sing in the shower the next morning while you thought he was asleep. You wondered just how much Niall actually knew about you. Things you didn't even know.

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