48. Divorcing

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Harry: Harry was extremely sad, he had tears in his eyes all the time. He was still in shock that this was really happening, you were getting divorced. He couldn't believe this was what you wanted, not wanting to think that you would just give up on him, give up on your relationship that lasted years. He didn't want to let you go, but since you didn't seem to care anymore, he stopped caring too.

Liam: Your marriage with Liam hadn't work for a while now and both of you thought it was best to get a divorce. You loved him alot and he loved you, but you were always just good friends and getting married was kind of a spontanious thing to do, neither of you really didn't think of it. Liam was still a good friend for you and so you got a divorce just as quick as you had got married at the first place.

Zayn: "Please, Y/N, just give me a chance, give US a chance!" He yelled tears in his eyes, looking at you so sadly and desperatelly. He didn't want to divorce, he wasn't ready for it; to let you go, to be single, to be divorced. "Please baby girl, please. Just one chance, I promise it will get better." He begs you and making you feel guilty, knowing that marriage is a rollercoaster, you just have to hold on to it.

Louis: "I won't sign the papers Y/N, I won't do that." That was the only thing Louis had to say to you about the divorcing. You tried to tell him it didn't work anymore, you and Louis didn't work anymore. "We just grew apart, Louis. People make mistakes, we did one but it's okay we can undo it now. Please Lou, this is good for the both of us. One day you'll meet the one for you and you will tell me about it since I will stay as your closest friend, right?" You smile, convincing him this was the best for him and for you.

Niall: "No no no no no.. No! We are not doing this!" He cries, walking around the room, running his hands through his hair. Just as soon as you open your mouth, he turns around furiously, yelling at you: "You can't just give up on us like this! What about the vows we took, what about the fact that we promised, PROMISED, to stay beside each other!" His eyes are full of tears, he was a mess. He didn't want to let you go, not this easily.


I hate people who get divorced. I also don't like people who get married for fame and then divorce 72 days later. Yeah I'm talking about you Kim..


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