55.You're best friends ( but he loves you) and you ask him a sex advice

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After the advice to You're best friends(but he loves you) and you ask him a sex advice)
Part 2

Liam: "Hi," you smiled shyly, trying to get your blushing cheeks to control. You were standing on Liam's doorway, three days after your movie night together. He was only on his pajamas, what were pretty much blue boxers and white t-shirt, making you blush even more when butterflies filled your stomach. "Hiya Y/N," he smirked, brown eyes scanning you amazed. His heart was bouncing heavily when he looked your blushed cheeks. Every time he saw you his palms got sweaty, what didn't exactly made him feel more confident around you. You smiled, stepping in to his apartment, waiting him to guide you to his living room. "What brings you here?" he asked, trying to hide the happiness of his voice. He was happy that you decided to visit him instead of your boyfriend. You smiled shrugging, sitting to his couch before patting the spot next to you so he would sit there. He smiled, brown eyes beaming when he sat next to you, looking straight to you, tattooed arms leaned to his knees. "I..um, I broke up with him...He didn't want to wait and I wanted to, so I broke it off...And besides I've had this huge crush on someone else and I realized that I had fell in love with that guy, so...," you shrugged, feeling how your hands shook with nervousness. This was it. Now or never. Liam could feel his heart sink when he looked at you. Someone else, falling in love...it wasn't something he wanted to hear. He wanted you. He wanted all of you, not just the friend part. "Really, babe? Who's the lucky dude?" he said with joking voice when he tried to smirk, failing a little. You hesitated, feeling how your heart skipped beats when you opened your mouth three times before forcing the words out, "You." Liam could feel his heart stop. He stared at you, brown eyes scanning you, afraid that he was dreaming or you were just joking. "Liam?" you asked voice shaking, seeing how he looked at you frozen. A huge grin broke to his face when he stared at you, heart swelling. You loved him. YOU loved him. He couldn't believe it. He was afraid that he was pranked, but he saw the truth in your eyes. Finally he could touch you and kiss you. He blinked, trying to calm his racing heart. "I love you too Y/N."

Louis: You smiled, sipping your drink, trying to calm your nerves. Louis had mumbled something before drinking his tea, making you confused. "Louis?" you asked a bit unsure how to handle your hopefulness. You loved him and wanted him to be jealous if it meant he loved you, but Louis wasn't a guy who was easy to read, "Why are you so mean to Y/Boyfriend/N?" Louis coughed a bit, looking up from his tea. His blue eyes weren't mischievous and playful like usually. They were full of fear and something you couldn't figure. "It's actually quite simple," he said cockily, feeling how his own heart beat as fast as in X-factors finale. He wanted to tell you. He had wanted a few weeks already, but he didn't want to scare you. "Yeah?" you asked annoyed, tilting your head to look at his blue eyes. He was chewing his pink lip, long fingers scratching his stubbly chin. "Lou, tell me," you whispered, looking at his nervousness. He wasn't himself and it was scaring you. You had never seen him like that. He let out a fake laugh, making you raise your eyebrows. You could see his chest tattoo through his shirt, when he leaned closer to you, blue eyes scanning you nervously. "Lou what are you-, "you couldn't finish your nervous stutter before his eyes were so close you could count his eyelashes. His soft lips were on yours, breath lingering your lips when he kissed you. You smiled to your kiss, feeling how warmth spread to you from head to toes. Never wanting to let go, you grabbed his neck, sliding your fingers to his brown, silky hair, tugging a little. He smirked pulling away, looking at you with proud, cocky smile. "Did that answer to your question, love?" he asked smirking, making you giggle before you nodded, pulling him closer so your lips could touch again. "So you'll be my lady?" he asked sassily, making you roll your eyes before kissing him softly. "Did that answer to your question, Tomlinson? Of course I will."

Harry: You looked at him, not blinking at all. Tears rolled down to your cheeks when you refused to take your eyes off of him, adoring his soft skin, sparkly eyes and plump lips. "You think I should leave my boyfriend? Harry that's insane! He's the only one who has ever loved me! What if there is no one else who will love me, I don't want to be alone rest of my life!" you cried, biting your lip so the sobs wouldn't escape so easily. Harry was staring at you, green eyes shocked when he reached to take your hand on his big one, squeezing it tightly. "You're wrong," he said strongly, voice low and hoarse when his eyes got watery and pink. He was trying to stop his heart for breaking but he couldn't. He felt like he had failed. His job was to make you feel loved but he failed miserably. "I love you. Y/N," he said lowly, looking straight at you, feeling how his own chin trembled, letting his big tears fall. You chocked, rising to look at him shocked. "You what?" you whispered, looking how he shifted and looked down sobbing. "I..um, I love you," he mumbled, biting his lip when he raised his eyes to look at your teary ones. You could feel your heart fasten when he looked at you with pleading eyes. "I love you too," you said, tears scratching your throat when you looked at the curly haired boy next to you. For a moment you were staring at each other, not saying a word. Both of your tears dried to your cheeks when his hand rested on yours, big warming the smaller. He felt like home and comfort. "I will never hurt you," he whispered quietly, eyes not leaving yours, "And you'll always be good enough for me." A small smile covered your face when you giggled, nodding. "I know that Haz," you whispered back, raising your hand to stroke his salty cheek, "I just never dreamed I'd get anything as good as you." He chuckled, shaking his curly head before cupping your cheeks, bringing your lips together for a soft kiss. "I never thought I'd get anything as amazing as you either," he hummed between two soft kisses that made your toes curl, "And it feels so good to finally say that I love you."

Zayn: You sighed, drying your tears away when you stood next to Zayn's door. It was late, almost two at night when you came back to your best friend's flat. You had seen him earlier when you had asked him a sex advice, but now you were back. You opened the door with your key, sneaking in, leaving your suitcases to the guest room's doorway. You knew Zayn was already sleeping when you poked your head in to his room to see his sleeping figure tangled to bed sheets. "Zaynie?" you whispered, feeling bad that you had to wake him up second time that day. His bare skin was warm under your cold hand when he lied on his boxers, brown eyes peacefully close. "Zaynie?" his eyes flickered open when he looked at you frantically. His heart was beating quickly when his eyes looked between you and the clock, seeing your tears, second time of the day. "Y/N, what's wrong, boo?" he asked panicked, sitting up waking up quicker than ever. You left a small sniffle, making his heart break when he made a room for you in the bed, making you cuddle against him in the warm bed. "He hit me when I said that he doesn't appreciate me," you mumbled against his chest, making him froze. "He what?" he asked furious, sitting up so quickly he almost knocked you off his lap. "He touched you? He fucking touched you?" he yelled, making you sigh again when you looked at his furious brown eyes. He was always extremely peaceful and kind, but if someone touched you, he could feel something inside him broking. "Zayn, Zayn! It's okay! I left him!" you yelled, looking how he eyed you worried, trying to find the spot you were hurt. "No it's not Y/N! He hurt you! It's not okay if that fucking bastard hurts the only people I love!" he yelled, his heart stopping when he realized what he had said. "What?" you asked, stopping to stare at him, hope filling your heart. He looked at you, unsure what to say when you closed his mouth by kissing him passionately. Your hand traveled from his inked torso to his black hair when he kissed you, keeping you on his arms. "I'll promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, and I won't fall asleep when your eyes are not closed," he murmured, making you smile against his neck, "I love you Zaynie, Always have, always will."

Niall: You shook your head, changing channel again when you waited Niall come out from his bedroom. He said he'd get his socks between two football games but he had been gone forever, leaving you to look at sweaty footballers running around kicking the ball. Not exactly your favorite show, but you wanted to be with Niall. "Niall, C'mon!" you yelled, but he didn't answer, making your roll your eyes. You stood up, jogging to his bedroom, worried that something had happened. His bedroom was empty, but the bathroom's door was closed, making you eye it suspiciously. "Oh god," Niall's voice grunted, making you jump. He grunted again, moaning, making it very clear what he was doing on the other side of the door. You shook your head when you thought Niall wanking, thinking probably about the hot cheerleader he was eyeing on telly. When you turned to walk away you heard your name, "Oh shit, Y/N, fucking shit." You froze, looking at the closed door, heart bouncing. He was thinking about you? "Niall?" you hollered, making something fall in the bathroom, making you giggle. "You okay there?" you asked again, imagining his blushed cheeks. "Yeh, I'm fine Y/N, I'll be out there in sec," he yelled back, voice hoarser than usually. You giggled again, sitting in his bed when he came out, red as a tomato, adjusting his grey college pants. "What's up Y/N?" he asked innocently, making you blush. He could feel his own dick twitching when he saw you. He had to do something. He had been hard all day because of you and your damn dress. He had hard time to think that your boyfriend couldn't do that even when it was needed. You bite your lip, making his belly twitch when you walked closer. "I love you," you giggled, looking at him, suddenly getting confident and sure that he felt that way too. You could feel your cheeks redden too when you stared at him, both of your lips twitching to smile, "I love you too." You giggled, pressing your lips on his chapped, pink ones making him moan. "It's time for you to get a real man, huh?" he laughed hoarsely when you felt his hard dick growing under you. You laughed kissing his nose, making him scrunch it happily when his heart swelled. You were his, he was yours. He was the happiest man on the planet. "Yes, I think it is," you teased, palming him gently, making him drop his head back and moan, making you feel more beautiful than ever before.

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