9. Drugs

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Louis: "I'm going to go take a shower" Louis announces getting up from the couch and entering the bathroom. Now you could check his pockets. When you first met Louis he was into marijuana and you asked him to stop which he said he would. Lately, though, he would come home and you would catch a small whiff of pot. You meant to confront him about it but you wanted evidence first. You walk over to his jacket where he keeps his things. You check them but only find his phone, his keys, and his wallet. You begin to give up when you accidentally drop his wallet and a small bag of weed falls out. Fucking Louis. You take the small bag and replace all of his belonging back into his jacket. Louis enters the living room with just a towel around his waist. You stand there holding up the bag of pot. He freezes once he sees what you are holding. His expression turns from guilty to angry. "You searched through my stuff" he jaw tenses in anger. "No, it fucking fell out" you halfway lie. Louis snatches the small bag out of your hands and starts to walk away. "You told me you quit!" you yell after him but he just ignores you closing the bedroom door. You want to chase after him but you know that will just end badly so you impatiently wait on the couch. Louis returns fully clothed a couple minutes later. He heads to the front door. "Are we not going to talk about this?!" you yell at him. He snaps around suddenly narrowing his eyes at you "You are not my fucking mother (Y/N). So stop fucking nagging me." His words leave you in hurt as he opens the front door and walks out of the apartment.

Niall: Niall was already drunk off his ass. Harry and Louis decided they wanted to throw a small party at their flat. You were all pretty drunk but Niall was obviously wasted. Zayn had brought his pipe and you, Louis, and he were passing it around each taking a hit from it. You put your finger on the small hole and light the lighter above the bowl heating up the illegal substance. You inhaled the smoke holding it in your lungs before releasing into the already smoky air. You love the way you feel after you smoke weed. You don't have a care in the world. All your worries are lifted from you. You look to your right toward Niall. An idea suddenly pops in your head. You hold my hand out to Zayn for the pipe and he gives it back to you. You take in the smoke and lean into Niall kissing him and blowing it into his mouth. You feel the corners of Niall's mouth tug up as you release the kiss. Niall blows the smoke out of his mouth and smiles at you. "You are amazing" he tells you with heavy eyes. The mixture of being high and drunk has really made him sleepy. "Thanks babe" you lightly peck him on the lips. A couple minutes later Niall began to have a serious case of the munchies and couldn't find any crisps so he decided he would make a late night food run. "Okay goodbye guys. We are leaving. I need some crisps."

Harry: You place the square on my tongue as you watch Harry do the same. You shut your eyes as you let the drug melt into your system. You open your eyes and everything is so vivid. Harry pink lips seem redder now and his green eyes look brighter. You smile at your best friend of four years. When he was fifteen and you were fourteen you both met at a party and ended up doing LSD together and now it's become like a ritual. Ever since he became famous you never really get to see him and you are glad he is back. Harry is not the same skinny little sixteen year-old that went to your school. Now he is tan and buff and his hair has just gotten greater by the years. Suddenly the room felt like it was getting really hot. You instinctively take off your shirt not really caring if Harry was there. "It's hot" you explain to him as he stares at you. You sit on the edge of the bed and fall backwards to where you are facing the ceiling. Harry soon follows and lies back next to you on the bed. You close your eyes as you feel the drug make you feel like you're floating. You suddenly feel a soft pair of lips on yours. Did Harry just kiss you? You open your eyes slowly to find Harry smiling at you waiting for a reaction. You can't help but to smile too. You kiss him as you roll over on top of him to where you are straddling his waist. It feels like electricity is running through your bodies. Harry starts to take off his shirt as he tells you about how he has always loved you, ever since you were both in school. You both get your pants off and Harry reaches over into his bedside table. "I-I'm a virgin" you stutter as you look into his beautiful green eyes. "Well I guess we will have to fix that" He says as he flips you both over and that was how you lost your virginity to your best friend.

Liam: Beep. Beep. Beep. You open your eyes to find an unwelcoming white room with a TV in the corner and a few chairs on the wall. You look down and see you are in a hospital bed with an IV hooked in your arm. One of the chairs on the wall is occupied by your sleeping boyfriend, Liam. "Liam?" you call his name confused on why you are in the hospital. You can't remember much. Liam stirs in his seat and then finally opens his eyes. "(Y/N)? Oh my god! Thank God you are awake!" He jumps out of seat and hugs you tightly. "Why am I in here?" You ask Liam cautiously. You see him wipe away a couple tears "You...um...had a drug overdose." He starts to full on cry "I found you unconscious in the bathroom when I came home from practice." He says in between sobs. You feel so bad for making him suffer like this. "In the ambulance they said you were dead but the shocked you and you came back to life." He starts to try to catch his breath. You feel the tears rise in your eyes. You put him through a lot of pain. "I'm so sorry, Liam" You hold on to him. "No, I'm sorry. I should have been there for you." He tries to blame it on himself. You had recently started doing drugs but Liam had no idea. How was he supposed to help you if he had no idea? He holds on tightly to you as if when you lets go you will vanish. "I'm here, Liam. I'm alive. I'm okay."

Zayn: You have been really stressed from work lately. You have been spending sixteen hours of your day at work. So when you finally get home you just want to go to sleep and you feel bad because you never have time for Zayn anymore. Today is Friday, though so you will have all weekend with him. "Hey babe" Zayn greets you at the door. You smile and kiss him lightly. He is the only thing you have to look forward to. You aren't feeling as tired as you usually are so you decide you want to watch a movie with Zayn. As soon as the movie ends Zayn kisses you goodnight and goes out on to the balcony to smoke. You follow him out there this time. "Hey (Y/N)" He pats the seat next to him and puts the blunt up to his mouth. You quickly snatch it away from him. He expects you to put it out but you take a drag instead. His eyebrows rise in amusement as you release the smoke from your lungs, almost instantly feeling more relaxed. You hand the joint back to him and lay your head back against the chair as you feel the stress leave your body. "Wow (Y/N) I didn't know you smoked" he smiles at you. You smirk at him "I don't."

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