16. He hits you (part 1)

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He hits you.

Niall: (His P.O.V) (Y/N) and I have been fighting a lot recently. It's not been good but lately I just haven't been able to control my anger and she wasn't helping. She was sitting on the sofa across from me staring at the pointless documentary that was currently on. I sighed and stood up to go make myself some tea and her head snapped towards me. "Where are you going?" her sharp voice mad me flinch and I watched her slowly rise to her feet to block my escape. "I'm going to the kitchen, didn't realise I had to inform you about it." She let out a dark chuckle and stood her ground. Before I knew she was thrown back against the wall by my hand. I don't know what happened but all I know is that I had hit the most important thing in the world to me. "Baby" I took a step towards her but she only stumbled backwards. The fear in her sad eyes were as clear as day and it broke me from the inside. I watched her slowly stumble to the hallway and out the door.

Louis: "Babe, I'm just going to the toilet." Louis shouted over the music of the house party you were currently at. You nodded and watched him disappear through the crowd of people leaving you to dance alone. You were only alone for a short time before two large, rough hands grabbed your hips, pulling your backend towards their crotch. Thinking it was Louis you returned the harsh grinds your partner was giving you. It was only when you were hauled out of their grip and into a strong chest you realized that who you had been dancing with was not Louis. The guy made a quick apology before making a swift exit leaving Louis to drag you outside. You swallowed the lump that was in your throat and looked at him. He was furious. He had always been taller but now it seemed as if he was towering over you looking at you with fearful eyes. "Lou I thought it was you-"You were cut off by his strong hand colliding with your cheek. Your hand found your bruised cheek as you watched Louis stalk off back to the party.

Zayn: The house was so quiet without Zayn. You knew he was out with the boys and he was having a good time but there was a horrible storm outside and thunder wasn't your best friend. You sat on the sofa waiting Zayn's return home when you felt your eye lids gradually become heavier. The sound of the door slamming jerked you from your sleep. Heavy footsteps found their way into the living room were you currently were and an extremely drunk Zayn stood before you. "Why are you still up?" You cursed in your mind at how angry is voice sounded and slowly raised from your comfortable position. "What happened to your face?" Cuts and bruises covered his normally perfect face, he had obviously been in a fight. "Nothing." His mumble was barely audible and without thinking about his current state you reached for his arm as he turned away and with one swift movement the back of his hand struck your left cheek. You stumbled back causing your feet to get tangled in the rug below you. You fell back against the sofa, still holding your cheek, you let a few tears slip. Zayn sobered up quicker than usual and was kneeling beside you in a heartbeat. "Baby, no. Shit, I'm so sorry beautiful." He tried to pull you into him but you only crawled further away and with the small amount of energy you had left you pulled yourself up and ran to the bathroom.

Liam: You and Liam rarely fought but when you did it was brutal. You really went for each other but it never really go that out of hand. Tonight it was about the various rumours of him cheating on you with his ex-girlfriend, Danielle. "I TOLD YOU WE ARE JUST FRIENDS." He screamed loud enough you were sure the neighbours heard it. "WHAT WITH BENEFITS?" You both stood in a dead silence as you continued to stare each other down. "Ah, so it's tr-" A sharp pain stung the side of your face as you hit the ground. He hit you. He had never touched you in such away before. You lay there for a moment before feeling a familiar hand stroking your back. In panic you crawled away quickly and propped yourself against the nearest wall. You looked back at Liam who was squatted down with his head in his hands.

Harry: Harry was never normally rough with you, even in the bedroom he was always gentle and never hurt you. But recently he had been pushing you around a bit. You knew there had been some rumours going around about you and some boy but Harry would never believe them, would he? You were currently out shopping with him, wandering through that paparazzi, smiling at the odd fan. You didn't notice his grip tightening until he pulled you sharply into his side. "Will you fucking keep up?" He growled closely into your ear causing you to shiver. "Excuse me?" You were shocked at his angry behaviour. He sighed and pushed you into a nearby bathroom. "Harry what the fuck?" His hand striking against your face imminently shut you up. "I'm sick and tired of you. Shut up and stay beside me and say nothing the rest of the day, Okay?" His normally sweet green eyes were filled with anger as he held onto your arm tightly. You gave a small nod and allowed him to drag you out of the bathroom.

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