5. Seeing your baby for the first time

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Seeing his newborn for the first time
(My opinions)

Liam: I feel like Liam would look at every little detail from his little son/daughter and try to figure who's eyes he's got or whose nose he has or if he has brown eyes like him or whatever color eye you have (even though its said that all babies have blue eyes when they're first born) and he can't even think straight.

Harry: I think Harry would have the video camera in his hand while walking to the nursery in the hospital to see his child for the first time (although you wouldn't be able to see much of it since he was shaking the whole time) but he would think he/she would be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life (except for you and his mum of course)

Niall: I feel like Niall would call his whole family and tell them the news and freak out and refusing to hold him/her only because he doesn't want to drop her or slip on a banana peel and freak out or walk down the stairs and throw her in the air- much less let any of the boys carry her- the only one who's allowed to carry his precious and fragile child is you- his loving wife.

Louis: I believe that Louis would be the calmest of all the boys (and that's saying a lot) since he has four baby sisters he's been there at the hospital a lot of times- he's wait those 12-13 hours patiently and then when he finally sees his beautiful child it finally all sinks in that he's now a father and a dad and has to learn how to be responsible (even though he always has different pranks played out in his mind over the course of his child's years to pull on you)

Zayn: Zayn to me would be the most nervous- he'd be pacing back and forth and when the time finally came to hold his child and to actually look at him/her he would see that he's a spitting image of his mom- he/she has your eyes, your beautiful smile and your gorgeous cheek bones (even though you told Zayn that they were most definitely from him)

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