13. PDA

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Harry: He was constantly pulling your waist towards him and kissing your lips. He loved grabbing any part of your body in general and next to your legs, your waist was his favourite. He would always be putting his hands under your shirt and running them along your sides.

Zayn: He had his hands on your very small of your back. Often (subconsciously) his hands would slide to your bum and he would give it a light squeeze every time he kissed your cheek

Niall: He loves to lace his fingers with yours and swing your hands back and forth. He also loves wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. It's almost like he needs to have you touching him at all times and he feels more secure when you are.

Liam: His hands are always around your waist and he's always kissing your neck and lips. Some might say it's a little much, but he honestly can't help it. You're just so fit! He also enjoy putting his hands on your bum every once in awhile as well.

Louis: Bum. That's all that can be said. Although he's such a gentleman in public (opening doors, polite cheek snogs, etc.), he can't help but set it flat on your bum every once in awhile. Your cheeks are literally the cutest thing ever and he can't help but kiss them and wrap his hands around your bum.

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