39. He drops your child off at school

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He drops your child off at school

Niall: Both of them still kind of half asleep, but that might have something to do with Niall sleeping through the alarm while you're away on a girl's weekend. Amelia is groggy as she unbuckles her seatbelt and shifts forward in the booster seat, leaning forward to kiss Niall's cheek goodbye. "Bye, Daddy!" she chirps, grabbing her schoolbag, and he blows her kisses as she scrambles from the car, "See you at three, squirt."

Harry: "Bye, Dad!" "See ya this afternoon!" "Remember to pick us up!" Harry rolls his eyes as the three kids scramble to grab rucksacks and school projects and hats from the backseat of the car, "Of course I'll remember, I'll be right here at three thirty." Each child dutifully kisses him goodbye, and he waves them out with a call of, "Have a good day!" If he notices the appreciate look from the lollipop lady as she watches the way his black t-shirt stretches over his toned chest, he doesn't register it, much more excited to get back to you, his wife waiting back at home.

Liam: Francesca is a wreck as she grabs her schoolbag, still mumbling problems to herself and working out the answer. "Frankie, you're gonna ace this test, don't worry about it, please." She sighs, rubbing her eye, and peering out the window worriedly, "I haven't studied enough, oh my god, I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail." Liam smiles at her, leaning over the dash to kiss the top of her head. "Sweetheart, even if you do, it's not a big deal, we'll work it out, I promise. But you're not gonna fail, no way, not with a brain like yours." She still looks vaguely ill, but grins at him, "Thanks Dad. I love you." He beams at her, not used to the outpouring affection from his sixteen year old daughter, "I love you, too, Frankie. You're gonna smash it."

Louis: Louis glances in the rearview mirror as he slows to a stop outside the school, Nate looks like he's asleep against the window, and Haley is reapplying lip-gloss hurriedly. "Guys, come on, let's move it." Nate comes to it with a groan, and grabs his bag from his feet, "Bye Dad, see you later." "See ya, kiddo, have a good day!" His fourteen year old son manages a smile before leaving the car, but sixteen year old Haley stays in the car just long enough to press a kiss to his cheek, "Bye, love you." She's out of the car before he can reply, but he waves at her anyway, proud of his children that are growing up so fast, but still, he kinda misses the time when they would cover him with kisses before leaving.

Zayn: Pia's hand is little and innocent in Zayn's much bigger one as they make their way down the street, her fairy rucksack slung over one of his shoulders. "So, what are you gonna do today at school?" She beams up at him, "Miss Marie says we're gonna make our own edible gardens!" "Oh wow, maybe we can do something like that at home as well?" Pia has to jump up and down, unable to keep her excitement inside, "Oh, yes, yes, yes!" They reach the gates, and Zayn crouches down to kiss her goodbye and hand over her bag, hugging her tightly one last time before she rushes away with a squeal of, "See you later, Daddy!"

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