60. Warmth

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Zayn: It was snowing outside, and your heater wasn't working. "It's cold!" you whined. "I know Y/N, I'm starting the fire," Zayn said carrying a bundle of wood. You sat on the couch and watched Zayn organize the fireplace. You watched as his muscles worked at the wood. "So hot," you whispered almost inaudibly. Zayn turned around and gave you a smirk. "I haven't even started the fire yet," he said chuckling. "Pass me the lighter," Zayn asked. You watched as he lighted the wood. Smoke started forming and soon you were watching a nice, cozy fire. You felt the warmth slowly embrace you, and soon you were cuddling with a very warm boyfriend.

Louis: You watched the snow fall. It was absolutely stunning. "Let's go outside!" Louis suggested. You were up for making a snowman. As you changed, Louis went outside to start the base of the snowman. As soon as you stepped out, Louis hit you with a snowball. "Son of a-" you began to say but you were stopped when he hit you with another snowball. "Oh it's on Tomlinson!" you giggled. You ran after him, but you soon fell on the slippery ice. "Y/N!" Louis exclaimed. He helped you up. "No more snow for you Ms. Clumsy!" he laughed giving you a kiss on the forehead. The two of you went back inside. He prepared you a cup of hot cocoa. The warm drink trickled down your throat and warmed you all over. You and Louis spent the rest of the day drinking hot cocoa and cuddling.

Harry: You and Harry woke up to a very cold day. You watched the snow fall. "Harry!" you whispered nudging him awake. "Hmm?" he said opening one eye. "It's snowing!" you exclaimed, "Let's go outside!" As you started to get out of bed, you were soon reeled back in. "Don't leave me! You're warm!" Harry said in his extremely sexy morning voice. You couldn't resist partly because of how adorable he was and partly because of his grip. You climbed back into the bed with Harry and faced him. He pulled you closer to him. The warmth radiating from him made you sleepy and soon the two of you were snuggling and sleeping soundly.

Liam: Liam had finally made reservations to the restaurant you've been wanting to go to. Since Liam was recording, you two agreed to just meet at the restaurant. You wore a royal blue short, off the shoulder dress. You curled your hair and your makeup was a natural look. When you met Liam at the restaurant and he told you how stunning you looked. You and Liam had the greatest evening. The food was perfect and Liam was just perfect in general. When you both left the restaurant, the temperature dropped tremendously. Plus, paparazzi was crowding you making it hard to get into the car. "Y/N!" Liam exclaimed seeing you shiver. He tore off his jacket and placed it on your shoulders. "Next time bring a jacket silly!" he chuckled. You were so grateful to have such a sweet, caring boyfriend.

Niall: It felt like you waited an eternity as you waited to board the plane with Niall. "Gosh! How long do we have to wait!" you said shivering. The intercom came on, "We apologize for the delay. The wait will be about another five minutes." You heard everyone groan. "We're going to freeze by the end of five minutes!" you whined. "I feel quite warm," Niall chuckled. "Share some of your warmth," you muttered. You heard him unzip his jacket. "Come here," he said grabbing your hands. He placed your hands in his jacket. Soon he wrapped his arms around you. "Gosh Y/N! You should've brought heavier clothing! You're freezing!" Niall exclaimed. You and Niall stood there hugging until it was clear to board the plane.

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