37. When you two make out

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When You Two Make Out

You're always laughing, enjoying being around one another. He loves surprising you by picking you up in the middle of a kiss, simply because he loves the way you giggle and squeal in delight. Goofing off with Harry is what makes this relationship so special, and it's one of the many reasons why you love him so much. Intimacy is more fun when you're with somebody who can be just as silly as you can.

It's very slow, and passionate. He packs all of his feelings for you into his kisses, letting you know that you're his one and only, the girl who fuels the fire behind the rhythm of his lips. You always find yourself melting into his arms, him making your knees go weak and turning you into putty. You never doubt him when he kisses you like this.

He's very rough with you, one hand always finding it's way to the back of your neck while the other pulls you in closer by the waist. He loves to explore your body, taking control and making damn sure that he's the only thing that you're focused on. All your worries and cares seem to float away when his lips are on yours.

He's always very playful, almost like he takes on a sort of animal-like characteristic. His hands are no longer clumsy the moment they're on you, grazing your sides and legs with the tips of his fingers. Niall knows exactly how to get you going, and he loves that you're so easy to crack.

It's very romantic; all you can see, feel, hear, taste and smell is Zayn. He seems to embody every part of you, hazing your mind and causing you to wish that you could stay in this moment forever. He's an amazing kisser, and he loves to bite your lip, smirking to himself because he knows how much you love it too.

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