43. Moving In Together

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Moving In Together

Liam - You grabbed a box full of your clothes as you watched Liam and the boys unload your car. Liam had ask you to move in last week and of course you accepted it. Once you had unloaded all your stuff the boys left you two to it. You both collapsed on the sofa contentedly in each others arms happy you could finally spend every moment with each other.

Louis - The both of you sat in the hallway, a cup of tea in hand resting slight.y on your knee. You sat opposite each other tired smiles plastered on both of your faces. You had moved in to your new house together today and you could confidently say it had tired the both of you out. As you sat in that hallway neither one of you talking, just enjoying a comfortable silence, you knew Louis was the one.

Zayn - You sat on the deep burgundy bed taking in the surroundings. Zayn's house was truly beautiful and now you lived in it permanently. Zayn walked into the room dropping back onto the bed and shutting his eyes. "I love this you know, spending all day with you" he mumbled, pulling you closer to him, "so do I Zayn" you whispered, "so do I."

Niall - You two had moved into your first house together together. You were putting the finishing touches on the bedroom by pushing the bed into place. Niall smirked at you as you got the bed into place, tackling you onto the bed and landing on top of you. "Maybe we should test this new bed out" he winked, before roughly pressing his lips to yours.

Harry - Your hair was up in a messy bun and wrapped round your head was one of Harry's many t-shirt bandanas. He had insisted on you wearing it because apparently it made you look "adorable" in Harry's words. You were up on the floor painting the walls White while Harry was on a step ladder painting the ceiling. He looked down at you and smirked flicking you with the red paintbrush he had used to paint the kitchen. You giggled and grabbed the pink paint brush and flicked it at him. Which resulted in an all out paint war and the living room having and unexpected splatter effect. Which looked quite good if you did say so yourself.

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