19. He leaves for tour

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He Leaves For Tour

"I hate this part," Harry says with a soft chuckle, flashing you a sad smile before lowering his eyes to the floor. You can hear fans screaming in the background, desperate for your boyfriend to give them something as simple as a passing glance, and you can't help but feel slightly envious of them. Even though you're the one he's saying "I love you" to every night, they're the ones who get to see him a hell of a lot more than you do over the course of the next eight months. You lift your hands and rest them on his flushed cheeks, forcing him to look at you and taking notice to the way he's fighting against the urge to cry, much like you. "I know, I do too," You say, rubbing underneath his eyes with your thumb, almost as if you're trying to memorize his face, "But I'll see you when I fly out in a few months, alright?" Harry presses his lips into a thin line and pulls you in close, burying his face into your shoulder. You don't think he's ever held you this tight, close enough to his heart that you can practically feel it breaking. As you wrap your arms around his neck, he finally releases his pent up emotions. "I love you," He whispers, the tears now flowing freely down both of your faces. You can barely even choke out the worlds 'I love you, too', and lucky for you, you don't have to. Harry just knows.

"And don't forget to take your medicine every night. I don't want a call at three o'clock in the morning telling me that you're in the hospital because I wasn't there to remind you," Liam yells, having to do so over the roar of the engine. You're walking him out to the private plane due to the fact that he insisted upon it, wanting to spend second possible with you before leaving for the next six months. As he hands one of his many bags off to a rather distinguished looking man, he whirls around and claps his hands together. "Oh, and also don't forget to-" He starts, but is cut off when you hold up a hand to silence his countless reminders. It's clear that he's just anxious about leaving you, and he's worried that something bad is going to happen while he's away, so he copes with that by listing off trivial things for you to keep in mind that don't really matter. He places his hands on either side of your face and leans his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "We can do this," He says, pulling you in for a warm embrace, one that's going to be absent from you for much too long. He rubs his hand up and down your back comfortingly, and you breathe in his scent, knowing just how much you're going to miss it, "We can do this."

You and Louis have already said your goodbyes at home, doing your best to get the emotional aspect of it out of the way. He prefers to keep his private life just that, private, and he doesn't want everyone to hear the words that are meant for your ears only. As you walk through the airport, you're rather quiet and Louis notices, immediately reaching out and draping his arm over your shoulder. He knows how hard this is on you, how much it hurts to not have him around or to hear him laughing at something on the television with your legs draped over his lap. He leans over and plants a kiss on your temple, which only causes your lip to quiver and the tears to sting in your eyes. You don't want him to leave, you hate being away from him more than anything in the world. "It's alright, babe, I'll be home soon, don't you worry," He says, keeping you close to him as well as shielding you from the flashing lights. You nestle into him, and try your hardest not to cry, telling yourself that you can make it these next few months. You're strong, and Louis will make sure that as soon as he gets some time off, he'll arrange to come see you.

"Well, that's the last of it," Niall says, half smiling at you as you bring out the last of his luggage. He takes both of the suitcases out of your hands and shoves them into the trunk of the car, grunting from the weight a bit. You say nothing as he shuts the door and sighs, turning to face you with such sadness in his eyes that it makes you want to crawl under a rock. As much as Niall loves traveling around the world with the boys, he's the type of person that would much rather kick it at home with his friends and family, which makes leaving for tour a bittersweet day for him. "Come here," He orders, motioning for you to place yourself in his open and waiting arms. You obey and completely melt, your whole body wanting nothing more for him to stay here with you. He kisses you softly, but with so much love and adoration packed into it that you can't help but cry. It's going to be a very long eight months.

"Maybe I just shouldn't go, I mean-" Zayn blurts out, shaking his head at you in the airport. He's about to leave for tour with the boys, and this is usually the point where he cracks and starts to come up with ideas that are very impractical and unrealistic. "Or maybe you can just come with us. There's room on the bus for you," His golden eyes are so hopeful that you'll say yes, that you'll get on the plane with him, and yet still he knows that it's impossible. You have work, and he has his fans; Both of you realizing in your hearts that this time away from each other will only make your relationship stronger. You stop his frantic spewing of nonsense with a simple touch, causing him to freeze and meet your gaze with sad eyes. "Zayn, you know I can't go, and you know you can't stay. Don't be silly. I love you, and I'll see you soon," You finalize, leaning in and planting a loving kiss on his plump and pouting lips. He smiles in spite of himself, the electric shock that flows through the both of you whenever you kiss giving him no other option. You hope that it's true what they say, that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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