73. You Have A Panic Attack

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You have a panic attack

Liam- You were sitting in your house, it was dark, the snow was piling up and you felt as if the room was closing in. You had things to do, places to go but the roads weren’t cleared and because of the state of emergency leaving wasn’t an option. You felt as if your breaths were getting shorter and your heart was racing faster, you knew this feeling a panic attack was coming on. You turned away from the window focusing on the TV, only the weather forecast wasn’t helping. You shut the TV and shut your eyes when you felt tears roll down your cheek. “Hey, sweetheart? Are you okay?” You heard Liam ask as he entered the room. You opened your eyes and ran into his arms, his strong arms holding your body tight against his. “It’s okay, what’s wrong?” He asked as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. “Just a panic attack, feeling trapped just kinda freaked me out.” You said wiping your tears on your sleeves. “You’re not trapped, I would do anything to get us out of here if we needed to. But hey, we are here together we can cuddle and watch movies and do whatever we want.” He said and kissed the top of your head calming you down.

Louis- You were walking through a crowd from the car, security all around you making sure nothing got too out of hand. Louis held your hand tightly as you neared the door, his head down avoiding the flashes and screams from the paparazzi. As you walked and they shouted your names you felt your heartbeat increase dramatically and you felt as if you were going to faint. You got into the building and immediately sat into the chair, your head between your knees trying to calm down. “Panic attack honey?” Louis asked quietly making sure nobody heard, you didn’t want any tabloid stories about this. You nodded your head as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. “It’s okay, calm down we are inside now.” He said, you soon regained your strength and slowly stood up, Louis taking your hand again. “You’re very brave, I am sorry my job causes this sometimes.” He mumbled as he kissed your temple. “No, its okay and having you with me always makes me feel better.” You said as you made your way to the dining room.

Niall- Lately school has been stressing you out and you just started experiencing panic attacks. You weren’t exactly sure of how to handle these all the time. You were in class and you suddenly felt like your breaths were increasing as your teacher lectured about test dates and upcoming projects and assignments. You quickly and quietly stepped out of class and went into the hall where you leaned against the wall and lowered yourself to the ground. You got your phone and made a quick call to Niall who answered on the second ring. “Baby, are you okay?” He immediately asked concern in his voice. “I am just having another panic attack and needed to hear your voice.” You said when you noticed your breaths slowing down. “Just remember, you are going to be okay, I am here for you, just calm down sweetie.” He said slowly, his soothing voice making you calm down and ready to head back to class.

Harry- You have experienced anxiety and panic attacks since you were little and most of the time you knew how to control it on your own but sometimes you would like some reassurance from the people around you. You were studying in the room outside the recording booth, while Harry was recording inside. As you were sithttp://www.wattpad.com/mystories?compose=true&id=new&add_to_group=7096860ting there unexpectedly you felt a panic attack coming on. Instead of making a scene or pulling Harry out you stepped outside and paced back and forth trying to slow down your breaths and calm down as you fiddled with your necklace. You kept pacing when you walked right into Harry, he held his arms out steadying you. “Are you okay? It looked like something was wrong?” He said and you took a deep breath. “I am okay, just needed to calm down, I was having a panic attack not sure why but I am okay now.” You said and he pulled you in for a tight hug as he stroked your hair. “I am glad, you’re so strong.” He said and kissed your temple.

Zayn- You woke up from a scary dream breathing heavy and sitting up. “Hey babe you okay?” Zayn asked rubbing his eyes. “No, I am not.” You said suddenly feeling dizzy and your heart beating fast. “Calm down, it was just a dream.” Zayn said holding your hand. “No, I think it’s a panic attack.” You said placing your head between your knees as Zayn stroked your hair. “Calm down, it’s okay I am here.” Zayn said and you started to feel better. You slowly sat up and crawled under the covers into Zayn’s chest. “Don’t worry, you handled that great. I am always here for you. You will be safe in my arms.” Zayn said and kissed the top of your head as you fell asleep.

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