21. His girlfriend doesnt like you

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His girlfriend doesn't like you

Harry: You rushed through the door of the flat you and Harry shared. On your way home a horrible storm started and seeing as you hadn't passed your test you were left to walk home. Normally Harry would have come and picked you up but he didn't pick up his phone so you figured he would've been busy. You hung your jacket up and pealed your sweater from your shivering body and went into your bedroom. You quickly got yourself dried and pulled on some shorts and looked for a shirt. You sighed and grabbed one of Harry's from the wash basket. You heard the door open, signaling Harry was home so you stuck the oven on. "(Y/N)? You home?" He called through the flat and you wandered through. You expected to just see Harry but you were surprised when You saw Taylor there. "Oh hey, didn't know you were coming I would have bought more pizza." You gave her a small smile and she just rolled her eyes. You knew she didn't like you. She doesn't like the fact that you lived with Harry. You always tried to be nice but it never worked. "Pizza? Sounds alright" Harry smiled at you and made his way to the bedroom to change. Taylor looked you up and down with a unflattering facial expression. "Why are you wearing my boyfriends shirt?" She stared at the shirt that hung loosely on your small body. "Oh, I just grabbed it from the wash, he doesn't mind." She let out a small hum before pushing roughly past you and into Harry's room. You sighed and headed for your bedroom to find your laptop. You finished checking your emails and headed through to where Taylor and Harry were but it was only Taylor. "Hey (Y/N) when are you going to move out?" Taylor asked you as if she was asking you to pass the salt. You were about to answer but Harry beat you to it. "What? She isn't moving out why did you ask her?" Harry placed the fresh pizza down on the table and turned to Taylor. "Well Harry now we are together don't you think it's time to remove excess baggage?" The smirk in her voice was clear. "(Y/N) is NOT excess baggage, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be famous." That was half true as you were the one who convinced Harry to audition for the X-factor. Taylor stood up so she so she was facing Harry. You looked up at them, they were both equally taller than you but Harry just beat Taylor. "It's me or her Harry. Make your decision." You looked between them, both of their faces as serious as the other. Was this really happening? "I pick (Y/N) over you any day." And with that Taylor grabbed her stuff and left leaving you and Harry standing alone. "I'm sorry Harry, I know you really liked her." Harry let out a small sigh pulled you into his embrace. "Yea, but she didn't like me. She only like my title."

Niall: Niall had invited you to his house for a movie night. You thought it was just going to be you and the boys but when you went round Amy was there. "Oh. (Y/N) you're here." The disappointment was clear in her voice as you took a seat next to Zayn. She didn't like you everyone, except Niall, could see it. Amy knew you had a small crush on Niall, you had had it since you were younger, and she did what ever she could to make you jealous. During the movie every time you glanced over she was on top of Niall, kissing him and doing the unspeakable. Slightly annoyed you excused yourself to the bathroom where you were quickly followed by the small girl. "Stay away from Niall you ungrateful bitch." You looked at her confused. "W-what?" She gave a little smirk. "You heard" and then she turned to leave. Unfortunately for her, someone heard the whole thing when they got up for a beer. An angry Niall was standing in the door frame when Amy turned around. "Niall! What are you doing here baby?" She used that sweet little voice that made you cringe slightly. "Cut it Amy. Why did you say that to (Y/N)?" For once she was lost for words. She began to make up an excuse but Niall cut her off. "Just go home Amy, nobody speaks to my friend like that." She turned and gave you a quick glare before making a swift exit. "Niall, I'm sorry." You began but he shook his head. "No don't apologize. She has been acting like that too much lately, I'm fed up with her. Come on and watch the rest of the film." You gladly took his outstretched hand and allowed him to lead you to the living room.

Louis:You and Louis had been friends for as long as you could remember. And you had always like him more than a friend. You had been with him through everything and yet you felt as if you would be forever friendzoned. Louis was currently dating Eleanor and you admit she was lovely. She was really nice and sweet but you still felt slightly jealous of her. It was yours and Louis' best friend anniversary tonight and Louis had decided to take you out of tea at your favorite restaurant. When you arrived Louis was sitting at a corner table with the rest of the boys and Eleanor. You knew the boys were coming because you both decided it would be nice to take them out but Eleanor's appearance surprised you. "Hey (Y/N) happy best friend anniversary, how longs it been, 16 years?" You smiled at Louis and took a seat next to Harry. "Sure has Lou." You noticed Eleanor roll her eyes slightly causing you to frown. Was it something you said? You shrugged it off and looked at the menu. Once you had all ordered you tried talking to Louis a few times but Eleanor was constantly cutting you off and starting a new conversation with Louis. Harry obviously noticed too. "She's being rude, isn't she?" He whispered in your ear and you gave him a small nod. "Sometimes I wonder id she's just in it for the money." He let out a small sigh at the end of his sentence and leaned back against the chair. You looked at her and thought about what Harry had said. She caught you looking at you and snapped you out of your trance. "Is there a problem?" she snapped out causing all the boys to look at her. You thankfully where saved by the waiter with your food. He placed your spaghetti in front of you, it looked delicious. Eleanor was only having a salad, Niall had a burger, Liam had the same as you and Harry shared a pizza with Louis. "(Y/N) I thought you said you were watching your weight?" Eleanor's sweet little voice popped up and you looked at her confused. You never said that. "Um no, I didn't say that." You watched a small smirk appear on her face as she pushed a tomato around her plate. "Oh, well I think you should maybe start." You, along with the other boys looked at her with your mouths open apart from Louis, who looked furious. "Eleanor! That was rude why did you say that?" Eleanor gave Louis an award winning innocent look. "I was just saying maybe she might want to watch her weight if she is in any hope for a boyfriend." Louis' face wasn't any happier at that comment. "NO! You do not speak to (Y/N) like that! She is my friend and if you're going to be rude to her then you can just leave. Eleanor turned and gave you a frightening glare. "Fine. I don't need you." She grabbed her purse and pushed the chair back causing it to hit the wall. She stormed out of the restaurant leaving you all in silence. "I'm sorry (Y/N) you're beautiful don't listen to her." Louis let out a small sigh and took your hand in his giving you a warm smile.

Liam: You had joined Liam and the boys for their America leg of the the tour. You were really excited until you found out Danielle was going to be there too. You had to admit you were disappointed that you knew you wouldn't get to spend as much time with Liam as you wanted too but you still had the other boys. You met Liam at the airport in New York and he showed you round the bus and the stadium and everything. Danielle was coming on the bus in a few days so you had a some time with Liam alone. When you woke up the next morning you were more than surprised to see Danielle sitting in Liam's lap, showering him with kisses. You took a seat next to an annoyed looking Niall. You knew he didn't really like her that much. "She came early to surprise him." Niall whispered and let out a small sigh before pulling out his laptop. You glanced over at Danielle who was looking at you with a smirk and you just turned your focus onto Niall's laptop. You guys watched a few videos before he left to go do a sound check leaving you with is laptop. You watched a few more videos before Danielle came through. "What are you doing here?" She sneered obviously not happy that Liam invited you. "Liam invited me." She let out a small laugh. "Like he would invite you." You rolled your eyes and ignored her. "Hey, don't ignore me you cow." She grabbed Niall's laptop and pulled it away, not noticing how slippy the table was. It crashed onto the ground and completely snapped in half. Your mouth fell open as you jumped up off the seat to examine the damage. Just then all the boys came through and looked at you with Niall's laptop in your hands. "(Y/N) I can not believe you just broke Niall's laptop!" Danielle would have won an Oscar for that performance and you glared at her. "I didn't break it, it was you!" You raised your voice making Liam step in front of her. "Don't accuse her of your mistake (Y/N)." You looked at Liam as he pulled Danielle out of the room and felt tears spring into your eyes. The boys all left the scene leaving you and Niall. "Niall, I'm sorry I'll buy you a new one, but I promise I didn't do it." He let out a small sigh before taking the broken laptop from you. "I believe you, don't worry about it." He gave you a quick hug before joining the boys. You took a seat and looked out the window when you heard the door open. "As if Liam is going to believe you, you stupid bitch." Danielle laughed lightly but it was cut off by an angry voice. "Danielle! Don't call her that!" Liam stormed in and looked at her. "Liam? I didn't know you were there!" She smiled at him but he shook his head. "Don't play innocent. You broke Niall's laptop didn't you?" She paused for a moment before giving a small nod. "And you blamed (Y/N)? That's not nice, just leave and never talk to her again." Liam took a seat beside you and Danielle left. "I'm sorry love, I shouldn't have shouted at you for something you didn't even do." His arm wrapped around your shoulder and he pressed a small kiss on the side of your head.

Zayn: You had been having a rough time recently and all you wanted was to spent time with Zayn, your best friend. But you knew his girlfriend, Perrie, hated your guts. You didn't know why but she did and you had to accept it. You and Zayn used to have a really close relationship before Perrie and at times like this you missed it. You finally gave in and picked up your phone, dialing his number. "Hello?" A familiar voice rung through the speaker causing your heart to flutter. You hated to admit it but you had always had feelings for Zayn, since you were about 15. "Hey Zayn I was wondering if I could come round and talk? Or something?" You let out a sigh and heard him chuckle at the other end of the line. "Of course love, just come over. See you soon." The line went dead. You smiled and grabbed your keys and phone before heading over to his. Zayn answered the door with a smile but you didn't return it. "Hey tulip. what's up?" Tulip was a nickname that stuck to you when Zayn dared you to eat a flower so you picked the tulip. It was a stupid dare but it got a you a cute nickname so you were happy. "(Y/N) you ok?" Zayn took your hand pulling you inside. "Yea, just a little down I guess" You tried to fake a smile but Zayn had known you too long for that and gave you the look. "Zayn, I've missed you." You broke down in tears before you could properly finish your sentence. His strong arms pulled you to his chest and you clung on to him as if he would disappear. "Baby girl I haven't gone anywhere." He held you for a little while longer before he led you to the kitchen for some tea. You guys talked for a while before a familiar blonde haired girl entered. "Oh, what are you doing here?" it was clear in her voice she was annoyed that you were in her house. "I invited her, don't be rude Perrie." She shot a quick glare at you before fluttering her eyelashes at Zayn. "I'm not being rude I just think you should inform me when you're bringing in unwanted guests from the street." Did she just refer to you as a stray cat? "PERRIE! I told you not to be rude. (Y/N) is a wanted guest and right now, you are not wanted. Now get out before you call my best friend other names." Perrie rolled her eyes and picked up her purse. "Zayn you know this is over now. Oh and I've been cheating on you for a week now." She gave a little smile and left. Zayn let out a small sigh and leaned against the kitchen counter. "Zayn." You started but he shook his head. "I knew she was cheating. It's fine I wanted to end it and confront her but I didn't know how. She shouldn't have been so rude to you. I'm sorry." He wrapped an arm around your waist and sipped his tea.
NOTE: I honestly don't think Perrie would be like this at all and won't ever cheat. She's too good of a person <3



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